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101 Completely Mental Facts!
101 Completely Mental Facts!
101 Completely Mental Facts!
Ebook113 pages41 minutes

101 Completely Mental Facts!

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About this ebook

This book contains 101 of the world's most completely mental facts... some funny, some sad, some scary, some gross... But be warned... this book is not for children or the faint of heart!

Release dateSep 22, 2020
101 Completely Mental Facts!

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    101 Completely Mental Facts! - Alan Fueriss

    My intension in writing this short book is simply to highlight a few of the unnerving facts about the world today... I apologize in advance for any distress caused by it’s content and advise caution before continuing..... Once a thing is learned it cannot be unlearned!


    To my beautiful son, the arrival of which suddenly opened my eyes to a world in which terrors lurk around every corner, just out of sight... pray they stay that way.

    FACT 1:

    The human head stays conscious for 15 - 20 seconds after decapitation... now, although this can’t really be proved, the very idea is truly hideous. Imagine it, you’ve just been guillotined to death and you find yourself in a basket, staring up at your open neck as your life’s blood pours into the basket after you... and to make matters

    worse you can’t even wipe your eyes clean.

    FACT 2:

    On average, the life expectancy of left-handed people is nine years shorter than that of their right-handed counterparts... it is also a little worrying for the lefties population that 2,500 of their number are somehow killed every year whilst attempting to use products designed for the righties.

    FACT 3:

    The electric chair was invented by a dentist... In 1881 Dr Alfred Southwick witnessed an intoxicated man touch a live generator. Given that the man died instantly he deduced that he could apply this method to the unpleasant art of execution. To make things worse he created it in the image of his usual torture method... The dentist’s chair.


    FACT 4:

    Hannibal is at the gate... It is estimated that there are, as we speak, 35 - 50 active serial killers in the United States alone, so there could literally be one in almost every state!... What’s more scary is that America is by no means the most violent or lawless place in the world. Many other countries, one’s who keep no such statistics public, are far worse. Not that a country’s criminal stats are an indication of it’s potential mass-murderers. One prediction of my own country, the UK, states that there may be up to 30 serial killers active today... now there’s a fact that scares the shit out of me!

    FACT 5:

    People breed like rabbits...

    -In the year 1804 the world human population reached 1 billion.

    -In the year 1927

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