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Live. Die. Repeat.

Fated to be together, but cursed to watch my mate die over and over again, my heart couldn't handle another life of loving Sidney and not being able to save her. She was my perfect. My constant. And I was the reason she'd die young in every one of her future lives.
I needed a miracle to break the curse. And this time, I was willing to do anything to save her. Even piss off the devil himself.

Fated to lose my mate over and over again? ✔
A demon killer ready to burn down the world to break a curse?✔
Cute animals, a sassy veterinarian, second chances and a chance of redemption? ✔

PublisherMidas Jinx
Release dateSep 20, 2020

Ruby Banks

Ruby Banks is a British author who's married with kids - furless and not. She spends her waking hours dreaming up epic romances full of action adventure and nekkid people, all whilst inhaling coffee. It's a tough life.

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    Sanctuary - Ruby Banks


    EBook Edition

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book, please purchase an additional copy for each person. No part of this book may be copied or shared, unless a small excerpt or blurb is needed for review or marketing purposes. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, then please return to the vendor and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author. This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organisations is coincidental.

    Originally published by Xandra James and LA Fox

    Copyright © 2016 Ruby Banks and Midas Jinx

    All rights reserved.

    About Sanctuary

    Live. Die. Repeat.

    Fated to be together, but cursed to watch my mate die over and over again, my heart couldn't handle another life of loving Sidney and not being able to save her. She was my perfect. My constant. And I was the reason she'd die young in every one of her future lives.

    I needed a miracle to break the curse. And this time, I was willing to do anything to save her. Even piss off the devil himself.

    Fated to lose my mate over and over again? Checkmark with solid fill

    A demon killer ready to burn down the world to break a curse? Checkmark with solid fill

    Cute animals, a sassy veterinarian, second chances and a chance of redemption? Checkmark with solid fill




    About Sanctuary

    Prologue – Year: around 1758

    Chapter One – Saturday, 4:15AM

    Chapter Two – Saturday, 6:25AM

    Chapter Three – Saturday, 9:45AM

    Chapter Four – Saturday, 10:10AM

    Chapter Five – Saturday, 12:15PM

    Chapter Six – Saturday, 6:00PM

    Chapter Seven – Saturday, 6:38PM

    Chapter Eight – Sunday, 5:45AM

    Chapter Nine – Sunday, 7:16AM

    Chapter Ten – Sunday, 7:56AM

    Chapter Eleven – Sunday, 5:46PM

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    Prologue – Year: around 1758

    The four princes of Hell stood over me as I sat chained in front of the great altar in the High Courts of Hell.

    The air was thick with heat, smoke and something that smelled strangely like apples. I had been here awaiting trial for seven days. Now I finally had my chance to share my side of the story. Except, I didn't have a chance to talk at all during the five minute session in front of dozens and dozens of demons of all types.

    You have been found guilty of deceit, unlawful execution, and adultery, Alexei. A small but very skinny demon stood in front of my bowed head and read from a document. For deceit and unlawful execution, you will be banished from the Kingdom of Hell for the period of two hundred years.

    I sighed in relief, that was going to be the worst of the punishments. And even that wasn't too bad. The fact that I was already one hundred and three in human years meant that I was still a youngster in the eyes of many. I could do this sentence standing on my head. I could live with that punishment.

    For the charge of adultery with a sister of a judiciary of zone three, you'll be put under the charge of Balan, third prince of Hell. You will work for him and him alone. Another bonus. Whatever treatment he gives you shall be ruled lawful in the eyes of the High Court.

    The crowd of onlookers ooed and ahhed, but I wasn't interested in them. All I needed to do was keep my head down, do what Balan told me, and I'd be home free.

    Taking another document from a small pouch at his hip, the skinny talker carried on delivering the verdict.

    Finally, Alexei—son of Mecronesia—there will be a future punishment for discovering you are a half-blood.

    My head shot up, the chain holding me down rattled. Wait, what? I didn't know I wasn't a pure blood. There must be some mistake. The talker carried on with only a brief look toward me.

    Being that it is a sin in the eye of the Dark Lord to be illegitimate and stand on sacred ground, the punishment for this will be given in the form of a family curse. An unusual punishment, but one requested by our Lord himself. Your mother lived with this knowledge until the day she took her own life because of her choice of mate. It's only fitting that you do this, too.

    What? No! I wriggled in my chains, attempting to free myself. This is all wrong. Mecronesia was pure blood and so was my father. Maybe. I didn't know the first thing about that bastard except he'd left when I was born.

    Your mother was cursed to walk both realms alone after losing her love, and so will you. You will fall in love with a human mate, and she will never live past her thirtieth birthday. Alexei, you will be cursed to watch her die in your arms until this curse is broken. This means you will live a long life, under the rule of the princes of Hell.

    Fuck, I'm cursed? I'd never heard of

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