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Second Chance Magic: Whirled Discovery
Second Chance Magic: Whirled Discovery
Second Chance Magic: Whirled Discovery
Ebook83 pages56 minutes

Second Chance Magic: Whirled Discovery

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Sometimes a flying boxcar just isn’t enough—but maybe a magic carpet will do. Three temporary wishes may be hovering nearby in the space between atoms and the expanse of vast prime numbers. The Queen of Neptune is missing as the summer unfolds and somewhere between fax and fantasy (a few leagues give or take) perhaps the golden scale of a maybe-dragon can be your passport to a new and more exciting life.
Join Swallowtail as he retraces the steps of a long-forgotten winged hero in a circuitous journey of whirled discovery. End product may also contain: Spirit horses, broken leases, magic carpets (repossessed), sorcerers of unconfirmed alignment (now retired), herbalist healers, multiple pocket watches (offered as-is) and quite a bit of tea (technically, infusions). Secret to St. Elmo’s Fire not available in all areas.

Release dateSep 20, 2020
Second Chance Magic: Whirled Discovery

Brian S. Parrish

Author Brian Parrish is an awed believer in the power of story and a regular patron of the dreaming. However, he's best known as a virtual stunt pilot, human cannonball coach, Indianapolis slot car racer and tender tiger tamer—in a parallel universe, that is, where his Elkhart Blue 1967 Chevrolet Camaro RS has been impounded for extraordinary parking fee accumulation. In this one, he scribbles the odd story and subscribes to the International Psychic Cat Network. He lives in the rolling red hills of Virginia with an ambling caravan of family, friends and familiars.

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    Second Chance Magic - Brian S. Parrish

    Second Chance Magic

    Whirled Discovery

    Brian S. Parrish

    Copyright 2020 by Brian Scott Parrish. All Rights Reserved.

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    for Tree

    At terminal velocity, even a minimal reduction in speed is cause for celebration.

    Like retirement, there are some things better planned early.


    Prelude in Red & Gold


    Second Chance Ch1 Phoenix


    Second Chance Ch2 Pathfinder


    Second Chance Ch3 Sojourner

    Closest Approach

    Second Chance Ch4 Curiosity

    On a boat with one red sail

    Second Chance Ch5 Opportunity

    Summer on Neptune

    Second Chance Ch6 Insight

    Sacred geometry of dawn

    Addendum in Pink

    Crick Crost


    About the Author

    Other Books by Brian Parrish

    Prelude in Red & Gold

    The man with white hair combed his grey beard waiting for the office to open, then lifted the receiver and made an appointment with the Ministère de Termini.

    On the appointed day, he took a tram to the imposing stone building, climbed the stairs to the eleventh floor and opened the glass door to suite 119-C.

    Please be seated, a pleasantly deep voice began, speaking through the voice intercom, the only object on a plain steel desk.

    The supplicant dutifully answered all the questions in their proper order, but noted a subtle surge in power near the end when the lights dimmed faintly on backup generation. He waited patiently in silence for the interview to continue, but even after the power resumed, no further instructions were forthcoming. He took another tram home, unsure if he would need to return.

    He received printed confirmation within the week and was eventually assigned a month-long deep patrol aboard a nuclear research submarine prowling near the Bering Strait. He found his duties unremarkable.

    For his next mission, he was sent to the German highlands, providing reconnaissance from a repurposed Fairchild C-119. He found it unremarkable.

    For his final assignment, he was ordered to serve prime rib to the Welsh-Russian Ambassador.

    He stared incredulously at the intercom. But I don’t know the first thing about—

    You will not be responsible for the preparation of the prime rib, only the serving of the prime rib. You will be fully briefed during flight, dinner will be served local time 6:11.

    He found that everything was unfolding precisely as detailed by the department attaché. Of his three missions, he found this last most intriguing, down to the red and gold livery he was garbed in, stockings to boot. He was fed quickly beforehand with the rest of the house staff, but passed on the main course.

    He served the meal without incident, that being the rib, along with generous portions of glazed baby carrots and buttered petit pois, but as he politely reached down to reclaim the Ambassador’s empty plate, the dignitary signaled him to step forward, and as he bent down, whispered something briefly in his ear.

    The man returned to the kitchen where the chef regarded him stonily.

    What did he say, inquired the chef.

    He said the beef was superb.

    What exactly did he say?

    He said, tell the chef the beef was superb.

    He said superb, just like that?

    Superb, yes.

    Su-perb or su-Perb?

    The man rewound the brief exchange in his head, his mouth subvocalizing a perfect impression, which the chef duly noted.


    The chef nodded smartly, pulled something small and sleek from his waist pocket and pointed it loosely at my midsection.

    I never cared for prime rib.


    fissures in the sky

    leafless trees like cracked lenses

    sunset backlighting

    Second Chance

    Ch1 Phoenix

    Harsh whispers followed the stranger through town like a pack of hungry dogs snapping at his heels.

    Coils of fabric wound themselves tightly about his head, and they glittered dangerously like snakes, like serpents in the bright morning sun. Townsfolk evaporated from street corners all around as his cart careened wildly towards the center of the tiny village.

    Stretching high into the sky, a column of rolled carpets lurched and loomed like a thing possessed. With every turn the stranger made, it threatened to topple and bury the square, along with every

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