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10 Traditional Prosperity Oils for Wealth Attraction Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils: Healing & Manifesting Meditations
10 Traditional Prosperity Oils for Wealth Attraction Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils: Healing & Manifesting Meditations
10 Traditional Prosperity Oils for Wealth Attraction Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils: Healing & Manifesting Meditations
Ebook103 pages1 hour

10 Traditional Prosperity Oils for Wealth Attraction Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils: Healing & Manifesting Meditations

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About this ebook

Find out what ancient civilizations knew about using plant aromatics for wealth attraction to enhance your prosperity consciousness. The traditional use of aromatic plants to attract prosperity into one's life has been practiced for thousands of years by some of the world's most renowned cultures. Ancient texts speak of 'magical' substances that could enhance one's personal attractiveness and cite the use of scents to promise happiness.


What you will learn

  • Traditional Use of Essential Oils for Wealth Attraction
  • Find out about: Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, Plant Distillation and How Aromatherapy Works
  • Scents Powerful Ability to Attract 
  • Scent Research
  • Aphrodisiacs - Scents of Desire
  • The 10 Key Prosperity Oils used traditionally in plant aromatics for thousands of years to enhance wealth attraction.
  • How you can use Prosperity Oils alone or in a synergy blend to enhance your prosperity consciousness for wealth attraction
  • 5 'Modern day' wealth attraction oils that have only more recently been introduced into the world of plant aromatics
  • How to select your oils with the correct botanical species to use for each wealth attraction oil
  • Information about how each prosperity oil and how they enhance your abundance factor
  • Additional helpful information about the variety of other related wealth attraction benefits for each essential oil
  • Research on each essential oil that show their effectiveness
  • Any safety cautions for each prosperity oil
  • 3 Consciousness of Abundance and Wealth attraction formulas for love, money and prosperity consciousness
  • Step-by-step instructions for implementing a program using your oils that will help you stay consistently aligned with the consciousness of abundance 
  • 25 'Consciousness of Abundance' money affirmations to start you on your path to experiencing increased abundance right away!
  • Supercharge Your Attractor Factor - Additional Instruction

"I can think of no one better to teach aromatherapy than KG Stiles. Her 30 years of experience combined with her passion to assist the personal growth and wellness of all is unsurpassed!" - Eldon Taylor, Ph.D., FAPA, New York Times Best-selling Author Choices and Illusions

"I highly recommend KG's books and course to all who are interested in holistic curing and the way that aromatherapy can be applied as an effective Mind Body technique." - John L. Turner, MD, Neurosurgeon, Author Medicine, Miracles and Manifestations

"It has been a pleasure working with KG Stiles. She has been a key resource in creating a hospital-based Aromatherapy program and educating the staff about the therapeutic principals and applications of essential oils." - Linda McGwire, RN, BSN, HNC-B

I've known KG Stiles for many years and she's always shown especial care for the safe and best practices when using essential oils. – Sylla Sheppard-Hanger, Registered Aromatherapist, Founder Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy

Release dateSep 22, 2020
10 Traditional Prosperity Oils for Wealth Attraction Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils: Healing & Manifesting Meditations


ABOUT KG STILES KG Stiles is a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and founding director of PurePlant Essentials aromatherapy company. KG began her professional healing arts practice in 1980. She has formulated aromatherapy products for a variety of wellness and beauty related treatments for the global marketplace, as well custom formulas for clients in her consulting practice. Her clients have included entrepreneurs and top executives, and her advice and services have been used by internationally famous celebrities and athletes, as well as individuals, small business owners and hospitals. She is the best-selling author of, "The Essential Oils Complete Reference Guide," which won a Living Now Gold Medal and Nautilus and Indie Next Generation book awards. Her newest book is, "The Best Natural Cures Using Essential Oils." She is the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) Oregon (South) Director and a NAHA approved continuing education provider.

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    Book preview

    10 Traditional Prosperity Oils for Wealth Attraction Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils - KG STILES

    What you will learn

    Traditional Use of Essential Oils for Wealth Attraction

    Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, Plant Distillation and How Aromatherapy Works

    Scents Powerful Ability to Attract and Scent Research

    Aphrodisiacs - Scents of Desire

    The Key Prosperity Oils used in plant aromatics for thousands of years. You can use Prosperity Oils alone or in a synergy blend to enhance your prosperity consciousness for wealth attraction

    ‘Modern day’ wealth attraction oils that have only more recently been introduced into the world of plant aromatics

    How to select your oils with the correct botanical species to use for each wealth attraction oil

    Information about how each prosperity oil and how they enhance your abundance factor

    Additional helpful information about the variety of other related wealth attraction benefits for each essential oil

    Research on essential oils that show their effectiveness

    Any safety cautions for each prosperity oil

    3 Consciousness of Abundance and Wealth attraction formulas for love, money and prosperity consciousness

    Step-by-step instructions for implementing a program using your oils that will help you stay consistently aligned with the consciousness of abundance

    25 ‘Consciousness of Abundance’ money affirmations to start you on your path to experiencing increased abundance right away!

    Supercharge Your Attractor Factor - Additional Instruction

    Traditional Use of Wealth Attraction Oils

    The traditional use of aromatic plants to attract prosperity into one's life has been practiced for thousands of years by some of the world's most renowned cultures.

    In fact, the use of aromatic plants has been around since Neolithic times. It is thought that smudging was the earliest form of aromatic treatment and it is very likely that shamans and priests were the first aromatherapists and perfumers. Medicinal plants have been found inside graves dating back eighty thousand years ago.

    Ancient texts speak of 'magical' substances that could enhance one’s personal attractiveness. Numerous reports cite the use of scents to promise happiness.

    Indian civilization used plant extracts starting as far back as 5000 years ago.  However, the use of pure essential oils, as we know them today, has only been available since the creation of distillation. The earliest devices for distilling oils were found in the ancient Indus Valley dating back to 3000 BC where terra cotta distillation devices and perfume containers were discovered.

    Since that time plant aromatics have been used in every aspect of Indian culture, including beauty treatments, perfuming, medicinal practices, cleansing and ritual bathing, and religious ceremonies. Traditionally, Indian tantric practices have been used to anoint the body with oils to seduce and arouse the passions.

    The Vedas, the most ancient sacred texts known, contained formulas for plant aromatics. The Rig Veda contained instructions for how to use over 700 aromatic plants, including spikenard, myrrh, sandalwood, ginger and cinnamon.

    In ancient times, humans were seen as part of nature and the preparation of plant medicinal treatments were considered a sacred art and practice. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the oldest forms of medicine practiced continuously since ancient times.

    Plant aromatics for wealth attraction have often been inherited through one's family lineage. Secret practices for passing on a wealthy family's prosperity consciousness were used to ensure the family's continued attraction of riches.

    Many of the Prosperity Oils I am sharing with you are considered holy oils and have been used traditionally in sacred healing rituals, as well as ceremonial rites of passage and for purification and wealth attraction.

    The Prosperity Oils are mood enhancers and aphrodisiacs which promote your having good feelings and an aura of attraction around you. As you know when you feel good things naturally seem to go your way in life. Like a magnet the Prosperity Oils work to help you attract wealth and abundance into all areas of your life.

    Many of the Prosperity Oils are Spice Oils known for their strong curative properties. Throughout history health has been considered the most valuable commodity one could have. So, any means to ensure continued good health was always highly valued and vigorously sought out.

    Additionally, for centuries many oils like Cinnamon and Frankincense from the orient were traded as valuable commodities on the world market and considered more valuable than gold.

    The etheric, vaporous and volatile quality of essential oils

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