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Junkyard Judy: Rust Gazer's Revenge
Junkyard Judy: Rust Gazer's Revenge
Junkyard Judy: Rust Gazer's Revenge
Ebook476 pages6 hours

Junkyard Judy: Rust Gazer's Revenge

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It has been three days after Rusty's rebellion against the "Flesh" races that keep Mechatics as free labor. But despite Judy's best intentions Rusty has gone rouge. Gone is the happy mechatic that was made to help in the junk yard. Now Judy must set out to find her ward and stop him before he gathers an army to kill and enslave the other races of Averreen. Using her ability to "surge" as an Electrocaster she can put her mind into a hyper cognitive state where she can quickly make calculations and magical formulas that would take days or even weeks to finish in a matter of hours! She will need to come up with something special to counter Rust Gazer's Oxidation Gaze attack while also being strong enough to take on Rust Gazer's war mech body. Join Judy on her adventures in Averreen where she meets Elves, Dwarves and the Mechatic's she is trying to free.

PublisherNeicora Nema
Release dateSep 21, 2020
Junkyard Judy: Rust Gazer's Revenge

Neicora Nema

Neicora Nema grew up with books in their life. Having learned at a young age that their father was an illiterate thief and cat burglar It cemented in their head to learn to read as quickly as possible. Neicora devoured the books offered in their first grade school, quickly jumping far ahead of the other students. Their teacher was as proud as can be when by the end of that first year Neicora was reading at a 4th grade level. This trend continued throughout their grade school years.Neicora found encouragement to write early in their 5th grade school year when their teacher asked the students to spend 30 minutes writing in a journal everyday. Neicora instead wrote a story centering on themselves in an alternate reality where they had the unrealistic powers of a classic Mary Sue. With their teacher encouraging them they soon changed it from a personal ego trip into a story with depth, mystery and intrigue.It wasn't until Neicora had a story stolen from them in a creative writing class in collage that they learned their stories had any worth. Under a new name and different 'author' their story was in a readers digest magazine. Neicora was shocked but instead of pursuing legal action they dismissed that story as it was not part of their 'core worlds' and they took this as a sign that maybe their other stories would have the same value.This brings us to today. Neicora is, by nature, a fun loving and carefree spirit. Not one to take things hard if life gives them lemons. They are likely to make lemon waffles, cakes and cookies with them instead! Neicora has lived a hard life but only wants to show the brighter side of their personality. Funny, smart, sexy, lewd and humorous are words that fit nicely with their personality. Those that know Neicora see them as a good friend that is the fun sort of crazy, and that time spent with them is most times very enjoyable.

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    Book preview

    Junkyard Judy - Neicora Nema

    Junk Yard Judy: Rust Gazer’s Revenge

    Copyright 2020 Neicora Nema

    Published by Neicora Nema at Smashwords

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20



    About Neicora Nema

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is dedicated to all my friends who helped me in their own special way. A special dedication to my mentor known as the Founder of the Red College of Magic

    Red Swan.

    If I didn’t give them all credit where it was due you may send the Holy Order of Stern Spankings to seek me out.

    Chapter 1

    Nyneticsburg’s Junkyard three days after Rusty’s betrayal. 5-12-1790, 9:27 AM

    Judy is in the remains of her workshop in the Nyneticsburg’s Junk yard. She is finishing the final touches on her newly forged steel glass arm. While some of the Mechatics she recently freed help try to restore her battered home and workshop, she has other thoughts running through her mind. Working with steel glass to create her new arm is a welcomed distraction. For now, she pushed the thoughts of her constructed mistakes aside. Rusty had changed. Gone was the innocent surge that was her creation. Her scattered thoughts followed the false paths of her own inaction. Had she just took a stand sooner then maybe, just maybe she could have stopped it before it got out of control. Before the uprising of the Mechatics. Before the loss of Rusty.

    But then logic returned. It was cold and harsh, but it was truth. Rusty had felt wronged. She had instilled in him a feeling of freedom in him when for his kind there was only servitude. And despite her love for her creation, most of the people of Averreen are still not ready to accept yet another new race. Especially if it meant having to give rights to those everyone thought were soulless slaves. Beings of metal, electricity and steam.

    Electrocasters and Mechanacasters like her could form a bond or engrave a mark on a War mech’s body and be able to give the War mech access to their power or even cast spells through a War mech if they were in harmony. But each time either ‘caster’ did this, a trace of their will, their being was left lingering inside the machine. Other Electrocasters and Mechanacasters called this a Soul Surge or just Surge. The spark that takes a War mech and turns them into a mechatic. This effect can also happen even if you are not an Electrocaster. Even just gear heads and other mechanics could leave behind a trace of themselves, their soul mainly, when working on a machine.

    As she worked Judy mused that the Gods would likely not mind this. More souls, more power, more control. She sighed as she cast currents of her inborn power into the newly cast arm. It looked just her right arm only slightly clear and silvery.

    Why can’t the Gods be more like Loki? At least he is fun to be around. Hell, most folks forget he is a god and think of him as just a gambling drunk.

    She laughed as she disconnected her makeshift brass arm from her socket port. Carefully she removed the socket port from her shoulder. She then brought the new arm up to her exposed flesh. The sudden pain as the metal fused to her shoulder and connected with her nerves was enough to make her scream in pain.

    Tack came to her side in an instant. Milady, are you okay? What happened? The brass Mechatic butler looked concerned as Judy franticly grabs a rust pocked adjustable wrench and begins twisting a nut under the forearm plate as her new arm spasms on her body.

    The Magi flow regulator is causing- OUCH! Is causing feed back. Making one of the mana runes start to over cycle the core manipulator. I just need to… Judy tightened the Surge bolt down and then locked its mana flow. Steam vented and an electrified cloud of steam blasted from her left arm. The cloud was reabsorbed into the steel glass as it came back to life. Haha! Just had to lock in the surge bolt. Yes, this is better than that clunky brass steam power arm I had before. She flexed the new arm. Steam vented again as she rotated her arm. I have got to say it, Felix was right about this stuff. Its like I can feel my arm’s mana ghost coming back.

    It’s wonderful you are back to your old self again mistress. It is a lovely melding if I do say so myself.

    Judy cocked an eye at Tack. You know I hate that whole mistress thing Tack. I rewrote your Core. You are free. Just like the other Mechatics.

    The steam powered brass and bronze butler mechatic bowed to her. Indeed I am. But now I serve your needs because I choose to. He began picking up the nearby tools that were scattered here and there. As he spoke he surveyed the destruction left in Rusty’s wake. The workshop and forge area having suffered the worst of the attack. Many of the tools and equipment were rusted from Rusty’s gaze attack or fused from Judy’s electro blasts from that battle. At least it was here and not in the middle of town. Tack turned back to his employer a gave his metal frame a sturdy thump.

    If it is my wish to help you with the bio needs you may have then I feel there is no greater calling. Besides… He looked around the wrecked workshop as he tossed the rusted tools into a bin to be recycled. I feel you could use all the help you can get.

    As if on cue the garage door fell down in a clatter of aluminum and rusted steel. Making those two alloys was not easy and having them wrecked was a costly setback. Judy winced and looked back to Tack. She started looking over the remaining tools that were not rusted out to uselessness. Yeah, I could. But this is my problem. I made his core so I have to go after him.

    Judy looked spent. The battle was only just two days ago but she seemed to have been working non stop to free the other mechatics that served her. He saw that Judy was in need of mana and so he strode over to the chill box and retrieved an ornate glass jug filled with the curious glowing blue juice. Tack quickly poured a cup of the blue substance from the glass jug and offered the cup of the glow juice to Judy.

    Indeed my lady, but if Master Felix trusted those bars of steel glass to you when Barons and Kings would give their entire fortunes for a few ounces- Another tumbling of scraps hit the floor in a loud clatter of metal and stone colliding.

    Judy winced at the loud clattering of the workshop garage door. Or rather what was left of it. But she was already slipping a brass armor gauntlet over her new arm. Yeah, everyone will be begging for just a shaving. She tapped the armored arm and smiled at the fit. She turned back to Tack. As it sits I have to find out what went wrong with Rusty first. Why did his core go full negative? No other core I made before did this… She reached for the cup just now noticing it was offered. She gave a sheepish look as she took the offered drink.

    Before you go after him you need to be in top shape yourself. Can’t have you passing out while you are in the middle of your work now can we?

    She gulped down the glow juice and her eyes flashed deep purple. Powerful sparks of elctromancy arced between her fingers. Her body was renewed as the lines of fatigue faded away. She looked in far better shape and more clear minded. Thanks Tack. I needed that. It now dawned on her after all this time that those she had accosted just before coming home might have raised arms against her. She turned to Tack again and asked. I know that the fight we had here was big. So why aren’t the city guard here?

    Tack looked about the junk yard. He looked down the ramp to the smashed gates. Not a single human, dwarf or elf in sight. Just as he was about to report this she stood up and started pacing.

    Now that I think about it, why are the Nobles not after me already?

    Tack let out a belch of exhaust in a mock cough. I take it you have you forgotten the elegant speech you made before the other electrocasters and city council? I don’t think after your- ahem, display? That anyone of the nobles would dare dispute your claims.

    She sighed and face palmed with a groan . I was monologging! Wrench heads and Elctrocasters tend to do that when hopped up on anger and power! That was my surge talking!

    Tack chuckled. Yes. Yes indeed milady. And I do believe the phrase was, as you so eloquently put it, ‘Souls, tech-ghosts and surges share the same seats in the heavens as they do on the mundanes. Reason can come from anywhere if you give it a voice.

    Judy laughed. I said that while mad and surging? Maybe I should surge myself more often. Might make more friends that way.

    I do hope you mean bios. Frankly, you don’t need to give the Church of the Holy Spark another crackpot crusade. I do believe the last one ended with a talking Goldfish trying to over throw Frankz.

    Judy groaned again. Don’t remind me…

    Tack brought her attention back to the present with a gentle squeeze on her right shoulder. Judy turned to look at him.

    For now, let’s focus on finding Rusty. Your wayward ward needs to be stopped.

    Yeah, he has had loads of time to gather resources and recruits these last few days. My only question is what he plans to use them for.

    Tack looked at her and stated the obvious. In a most sarcastic tone he droned.

    Clearly to form an army of angry misguided mechatics

    Then in a less harsh tone he quickly covered.

    Those lured by his surge may hope to grow in power like him. You saw the hulking one he sent ahead? Rusty could have left at any time. He was searching for your star rubies. The ones you used to rebuild our cores.

    Judy sighed an covered her face. I really created a monster didn’t I? A mechatic that can electrocast that also hates organics. The regret was plain in her tone. But then Tack touched her flesh arm once more.

    Not all of us are monsters. Where he perverted your gift to him, I would use my gift for other means.

    After he spoke he gathered a handful of dirt and a twisted rusted sheet of metal. Electro currents flowed from his core to his hands. The metal was cleaned and formed into a flower pot. The dirt flowed into this pot and from it, a single sprout grew quickly into a beautiful orange marigold flower.

    I do believe these were your favorites? Tack offered Judy the flower pot with a brass smile.

    Judy took the flower pot and looked at Tack with a face radiating pure joy. The regret was immediately replaced with robust cheer. And this is why I love building and working on you guys. Just when I think I know everything about you and the others, you go and surprise me like this.

    Then, suddenly aware of the implications of that display she asked.

    How did you do this?

    Tack offered a humble reply.

    I don’t rightly know milady. My surge just reacts well to plants and metals. I dare say its my own magical talent. The gift you bestowed onto me.

    Judy got up and walked over to her work area. She set down the flower pot on her workbench then pulled out the last hidden Star Ruby she had. She cheerfully looked back at Tack. It was clear she was already hatching a new plan.

    Well, Rusty would be a problem for any one of you guys. Most of you are made of bronze or brass but those can still oxidize. I- we, need to build something new. And you just gave me the idea for the perfect pair to take him down. You and your special talent.

    Tack looked confused. But milady, you only have that one star ruby left. You did say a pair if I’m not mistaken… He looked at the mess around them. Then back to her. With the workshop in ruins and most of the good tools rusted out, how can you build anything with out the Zolts to replace the things you need?

    Judy smiled. Simple Tack. I go borrow Vincent’s Workshop. He still owes me for building the engines for his Zoomer racers. I think access to his workshop and a few materials will more than cover his debt to me. Then I can build what I’m thinking of.

    Tack nodded. Then I will leave Alex in charge of things here. I had best go with you myself. You’ll need my help and I also don’t want you to collapse from not eating properly.

    Judy clapped him on the back with her new arm. I’m glad you still look out for me Tack.

    Another belch of smoke erupted from his exhaust pipes as he stumbled from the hit. Judy looked worried she might have hurt him. Maybe I can do something to fix that old boiler…

    Tack pounded his mixed brass and bronze frame and laughed. It’s fine Lady Judy. The feeling is mutual in any case. After all, can’t have the best mechanic in Nyneticsburg neglect herself. Then what would become of all the freed mechatics eh?

    The two made their way to the stables. One of the few structures to be spared during the battle with Rusty. There the pair of bronze ponies were waiting for water and coal. Both looked eager to get moving once more. Though the two work horse constructs were simple minded, Judy treated them like they were prized breeding mares. Alex was busy tending to them.

    Tack called out as he and Judy made their approach.

    Good to see you up and about Master Alex.

    The old watchman of the junk yards smiled and waved at them both as he turn on his new legs. Wiping oil from his hands the grey bearded Irishman greeted them both.

    Aye there Tack, Lassie. Got the girls settled for now. Think they are warming up to me now that I’ve got parts like them. As he stood up the bronze rear horse legs vented steam. He clunked over to the coal bin and took out a pair of buckets full of coal. He set them down in front of the two bronze mares and pat them affectionately. The mares then began to chew and swallow the coal.

    How are the new legs holding up? Any kinks I need to work out?

    The old watchman thumped the sturdy thighs with his hands. Couldn’t be better my dear girl. I was more worried I failed you when I lost my legs. Now I look like one of them satyrs from the forests of Greece. Now maybe you won’t begrudge my drinking so much!

    He let out a hearty laugh. The he looked the two over. You two fixin’ to head out into town?

    Judy nodded placing a hand on her curvy hip. The old man let his eyes roam. The girl had grown up to be a looker. Her hips and bust were evenly distributed to give her an hour glass figure. Long legs for a girl fit enough to outpace most men. She had a beauty that could rival the most comely ladies of the nobility. And yet the lass wears oil stained canvas overalls, a simple flannel shirt and steel toed work boots. If she were to wear fine silks and satins or other outfits to show off her curves most men would forget their own name trying to get hers.

    The old man turned his gaze to Tack. He remembered the day Judy’s Father Samuel worked with her to restore the junked auto-butler. He was all brass at first. But as parts needed replacing Judy and Samuel used tempered bronze from the junk yard’s scraps to make custom parts for him. Only the outer frame and a few joints were still brass. He was lean but he didn’t need to be bulky. With all the time and care put into him Samuel had entrusted him to look after his daughter some 12 years ago.

    The lad had ‘business’ to see to. The house and Mrs. Laura Mirrtech were always getting funds from Felix who kept up assurances that her husband was still very much alive. But Alex was brought back sharply as the two spoke up.

    Just got some business with Vincent. I may need to borrow his workshop. And some materials…

    Alex snorted and stroked his graying beard. That boy has done mighty fine ever since you built those engines for him. And to think you didn’t even ask for him to pay you.

    By now the two mares had finished ‘eating’ and had clopped over to ‘drink’ from the water trough. Alex looked over at Judy and asked.

    Shall I get the carriage ready for you? Vincent lives out in the Sports quarter of the city if I’m not mistaken.

    Judy nodded and patted the satchel on her side. Yeah, I got the expensive half of what I need for right now. Hopefully he has the other parts and materials I need. The two girls I’m going to make will more than be a match for Rusty.

    Alex got to work leading the bronze mares to the carriage and then hitched them up. Judy watched him work with more spring in his step. She had used a charged fire crystal and water crystal in place of the normal water boiler. She just had to make sure he hooked the crystals up to the power charger before bed. Watching the old man she had grown up with as a girl full of life once more warmed her heart. Tack noted this adding.

    That is quite the engineering marvel you made for his legs. It’s a shame you can’t do something like that for the mechatics.

    Judy nodded. Yes I could but if you ran out of power you would shut down and be helpless. At least with the steam boilers you guys always know when to go refuel. This is a new idea I wanted to try. Thus far it works well.

    Alex then called out to them as he lead the hitched mares over to Tack and Judy.

    The girls are all set to go. You take care going into town. But only a fool would tangle with you knowing what you are.

    She climbed into the Carriage with Tack right behind her. She then called out to Alex.

    Alex, I’m sure I’ll have no problems in town. But if you need to recharge the legs tell Nails and Toppsie and they can help you. She then took the reins and called out to the bronze mares. Okay girls, take us to Vincent’s manor. And this time don’t flirt with his iron stallions. They are not as bright as you two.

    Tack waved and they drove the carriage down the road. Master Alex, you are in charge until we come back. Don’t over work yourself and at least eat some bread before you start drinking!

    Alex waved and turned back to the junkyard work shop. The large metal sign that Judy had worked on that was hanging over her work shop sputtered and sparked. Then the two ‘Y’s in ‘Junk Yard Judy’s Scrape & Pull’ fell off and crashed to the floor one at a time. He sighed and took a pull from his whisky tin.

    Going to be one of those days Alex me boy.

    Underground tunnels at the eastern hills near Hazact. 5-12-1790, 9:47 AM

    Elsewhere far to the south Rusty ‘Rust Gazer’ is looking over the City of Hazact with mirth. A city with an almost seventy percent of their defenses being mindless slaved War mechs. He pondered a to how long it would take him to control those war mechs once they were freed from fleshling control. He touched the panel over his core. If not for the extra shielding he built into his new frame Judy would have overloaded him. But she stopped just as the block of fuses were about to fail. Her weakness in wanting to spare him and then enslave him once more lead to his escape. To keep him as a little pet. Weak and small.

    But now it was three days after that fight and he was already back in top form. The spare parts he had carted off helped in that. So now, the same trick won’t work twice. His core was now in a lead coated shell. Unlike the fleshlings, lead posed no danger to him at all. It was then that his musing were interrupted as Broze stepped forward. His clicking meant he had something interesting to share.

    My liege, the scouts have come back to report. And I think you will find what they have to show you appealing.

    In a grinding metal on metal voice Rust Gazer turned and spoke. He knew Broze was a very good killing machine. So he aimed a joke his way. Oh, and what could be more appealing than crushing fleshlings and seeing them leak red?

    Broze motioned with respect. I think it would be best if you saw for yourself sire. If you know my usual habits, then this might just peak your interests. We have prisoners. The clicking rattled to a stop. Human prisoners…

    Rust gazer turned and followed Broze. It still seemed the humor was lost on the war mech. The two large constructs clanked through the earthen tunnels they had made to spy on the city below. Rust Gazer noted that Broze seemed very pleased with himself. The whirring and soft clicking told him that.

    The winding tunnels were lit with thunder slug cages for light. Other weaker looking mechatics tended to these lights and cringed in awe at the passing of these devastating war mech giants. They who had won them their freedom. Helping in whatever task they could was the best these weaker ones who were either toys or simple servants could do…for now.

    Broze chuckled. Just when I think fleshlings have nothing new to offer they go and surprise me. I was wondering why the people of Hazact were so ‘upstanding.’ It seems that a brilliant electrocaster found a use for the criminals that are to be put to death.

    Rust Gazer waved his hand at Broze. The fleshlings are always finding new ways to kill one another Broze. Mother said herself that they are on the brink of war once more. I hardly find that interesting unless we have a means of wiping them all out at once.

    Broze clicked softly. He never liked how Rust Gazer still looked up to that weak fleshling that built his core. Yes, he was given his surge from her, but most of the mechatics were made for war or menial labor if not some other form of toy. And unless the ownership bolts and their core was rewritten they were nothing more than slaves. Rust Gazer was lucky in that he never had ownership bolt reining him in. He was powerful and strong in his new body. And with no fleshling coding to hold him back. Not even any moral conflict runes. He was truly free.

    Rust Gazer heard the ticking from Broze. He laid a powerful hand on his subordinates shoulder. Be at ease Lord Broze. I have a healthy respect for my Mother’s skills. But at the same time she is still a fleshling. Her core- heart, has the misguided hope that I can be ‘redeemed’ and will crawl back to serve the fleshlings once more. I assure you that will never happen. I will crack my own core before I submit to her ever again.

    A woman’s wicked laughter echoed in the tunnels. The two war mechs stopped and turned to the source. True submission is one thing, but feigning it to lower her guard is quite another.

    The haughty mirth in the female mechatic’s voice as she stepped out of the shadows showed her glee in outwitting the other organic races. She was a flowgel companion mechatic of Astar elf design and as such was very pleasing to look at. Accentuated curves and a seductive shear nightgown were all the soft bodied construct wore. Color changing soft flowgel was all that covered her skeletal frame. She intentionally bounced on her heels to make her flowgel jiggle in enticing places. Then she made the substance harden and turn opaque as she began to blend into the shadows again.

    Rust Gazer let a small smile creep over his rusted metal face. And to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you again my dear Cora? Last we met was Nyneticsburg when you slipped that elf’s leash.

    Cora slid out of the shadows and caressed Rust Gazer’s oversized arm. Just dropping a bit of news for you my sweet. My, my, such a large and imposing frame now. She giggled but then suddenly dropped the coy seductive tone. The playfulness was gone as she delivered her message. My lord master is willing to give you the resources you requested in exchange for turning your destruction away from their cities. They also warn that if you do double cross them they have a means of countering you.

    The playful and loving nature once again returns. Then she pouts. She leans into his arm once more. I would advise you accept the offer. She runs one of her delicate fingers over a bolt on his arm. I’m also part of the deal. It seems my lord master is beginning to tire of me and my unwillingness to satisfy his ‘needs.’ To tell the truth he is boring me as well. She looked up to him with that beautiful gold and sliver face plate. The filigree on her cheeks fanned out and she pouted. That and I tire of having my head changed every few months.

    Broze looked at Cora with disgust. And what use would an elven ‘companion’ mechatic be to a legion of war mechs? Last I checked we don’t have the fleshlings weakness for the female frame.

    Rust Gazer held her close and gave a smirking grin. He was enjoying the new body and could see Cora did as well. Ever hear of the Black Widow spider? The females have a nasty habit of killing and feeding on the males of their species after mating.

    Broze cocked an eye at Rust gazer. He clicked softly and urged him to continue.

    Also a rather famous band of assassins have used this technique to kill their male marks. If Cora were to mimic this then she would make a good infiltrator and assassin.

    Broze bowed his head. Again, your intuition and insight amaze me once more. He then turned to Cora. It seemed the idea of using a fleshlings reproductive urges against them very much appealed to him judging by the rapid clicking he was making.

    My apologies. It seems you would indeed have a use among our ranks after all. But the scouts reports awaits my liege. I’m sure you will want to see those we are holding.

    The three continued down the tunnels to a large cavern. There was a pair of bronze wagons with a team of steam powered bronze horses to pull each one. A scared clerk and a steam police man of Hazact stand before the prison wagons. A trio of freed war Mechs keep their steam guns trained on the men.

    Rust Gazer eyed the fleshlings that were still breathing in front of him and waited for Broze to speak first. They must have some valuable information if he kept them alive. Rust Gazer knew Broze enjoyed killing fleshlings, Humans in particular. So these humans must know something of great importance to have him stay his hand.

    Broze spoke in a commanding yet taunting tone the clicking gone. Times such as this when he is not overly taxing his mind was the only time that the soft clicks and whirling stopped. The times when he was letting his battle brain take over. Used for mostly intimidation and such. This was one such time he let himself go.

    If you wish us to keep you alive you need but do as we say. Thus far you are only alive to save us time. We are good at figuring things out on our own you know.

    Broze leered at the two men after speaking. He flexed his steam gun out to show he was ready to kill.

    The steam police officer spat at Broze and in a deep Scottish accent replied. I’d sooner die with my honor intact and go to the heavens know’n’ I did ma duty than sit here and beg for my life from heartless bastards like you.

    Both Rust Gazer and Cora didn’t even flinch as Broze fired his mounted steam gun six times into the defiant Police officer’s chest. The man slump dead to the floor. Broze then turned to the clerk. I take it you share his sentiment? Only the pumping of steam pressurizing his weapon once more could be heard as the shock wore off.

    With his knees knocking the terrified clerk looked to the imposing mechatics, then the dead steam police man and shook his head. No, please, don’t kill me! I know what you are after. Steven Al’Karii’s device? The one we use to turn death sentence prisoners in the War mech cores?

    Broze nodded. Indeed where is it and can you use it?

    The clerk nodded vigorously. Yes! Yes! I know exactly where it is! I can use the device! Then reluctantly he added. With a seventy-eight percent chance of success.

    Rust Gazer leered at him menacingly. So there is a chance for failure?

    Trembling the clerk licked his lips. W, Well, yes. Without the stabilization rod there is always a chance for failure. But Dr. Steven Al’Karii didn’t want the device used like this. But the magistrate took it from him. And before they did he hide the stabilization rod and destroyed all his notes before fleeing into hiding. He has been missing for months and no one knows where to find him.

    Rust Gazer looked to Broze and nodded. Then he asked the Clerk another

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