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Get Rid Of Your Small Addictions
Get Rid Of Your Small Addictions
Get Rid Of Your Small Addictions
Ebook137 pages2 hours

Get Rid Of Your Small Addictions

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About this ebook

Do you know the feeling when you're practically glued to your screen and your brain is screaming "One more episode!" even though it's 3 a. m.?

Are you someone who can't start their day without a cup of coffee or end it without a glass of wine?

Have you ever noticed that you go shopping whenever you feel sad or lonely – not when you actually need new things? 

Many addictions appear innocent at first. What's so bad about spending a few hours scrolling Facebook and reading random arguments between people you don't even know? And why not watch porn every evening when it's so much easier than cultivating a sexual relationship?

But every addiction is dangerous. It robs you of money, time, and health. It robs you of your freedom to do what is best for you. By bombarding you with supernormal stimuli, it literally rewires your brain and turns you into an obedient slave.

Take action and regain your freedom now!

This insightful and practical book will help you become aware of your addictions and overcome them with step-by-step techniques approved by therapists, dietitians, and motivation coaches.

Break the evil spell of addiction and reclaim your happiness!

Release dateSep 25, 2020
Get Rid Of Your Small Addictions

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    Get Rid Of Your Small Addictions - Andreas Wagner

    Get Rid Of Your Small Addictions

    How To Feel More Fulfilled And Live Happily Ever After

    Andreas Wagner

    The Author

    Andreas Wagner is a journalist, writer and interpreter, currently based in London. At the age of 18, he was already writing for WELT, one of Germany’s top newspapers. He also worked as an interpreter for famous football players and managers (José Mourinho, Pep Guardiola, Jürgen Klopp), travelling the world and meeting many interesting people.

    However, one day he realised that the high life he was living wasn’t giving him what he really needed. He was enjoying success after success (even playing in the World Series of Poker Main Event in Las Vegas!), but something was missing in his life.

    This revelation led Andreas on a journey of self-discovery that helped him realise what really mattered to him – and, surprisingly, the things he had been craving turned out to be valueless and even counterproductive to his happiness.

    He wrote this book to empower readers to become more aware of their true needs and break free from the addictions that create a deceitful illusion of happiness.

    For the unmotivated, the uninspired,

    the unsettled, and the unhappy

    ISBN: 9798649074940

    Imprint: Independently published

    Copyright © by Andreas Wagner

    Cover & Layout: Daiana Marchiesi

    Editor: Sarah Rowe

    Author Image: Lisa Saveli

    Cover Image: Lucy Taylor

    This book is designed to provide information and motivation to the reader. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. The reader should consult a medical professional in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require medical attention. The author does not give any guarantees or promises of outcomes and he is not liable for any psychological, physical, financial or other damages that might occur. The reader is responsible for his/her own actions and decisions.

    Visit my website at


    The Author

    Note to the Reader

    Note to Female Readers



    John and Michael

    Survival Instincts


    Part 1 - Sexual Starvation

    Part 2 - Food Starvation

    Part 3 - Taming All Other Addictions

    Part 4 - Some Remedies to These Addictions


    Stag in a Suit

    Greg S Reid

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    Note to the Reader

    First of all, thank you very much for buying and reading this book. I know that there are a lot of books out there that claim to bring you happiness, so I am very thankful that you have chosen to read mine. I will not let you down.

    This book has been written with the very best intent to make people’s lives happier. It contains a lot of personal experiences, those of not only myself as the author, but of the wider population too. I have done my best to find scientific studies to prove some of the theses described in this book, but this was not always possible. At times, I had to keep things a bit on the speculative side, but I decided to include those elements into the book anyway, due to having personally experienced the resulting benefits and having found them to be useful, despite the fact that they are not currently scientifically backed.

    Please also note that I am not a healthcare professional. As such I cannot give medical advice and it is not my intention to do so. My aim with this book is to help people make some changes for the better in their lives. If you consider yourself to have a medical problem, please seek advice from professionals who are qualified within that field as they are best placed to do so. This book serves as a guide only.

    Note to Female Readers

    When I was writing this book, I told many of my female friends about this project and the usual response was a very enthusiastic and encouraging one. Most of these women said that it was a fantastic idea and that they couldn’t wait for the book to get published. Then I usually said that I wrote it mainly for men and my female friends seemed genuinely disappointed and looked at me as if I thought women didn’t deserve happiness. They then asked if they couldn’t benefit from reading the book. An excellent question. I went through my entire book and tried to read it through the eyes of a woman to better understand whether it applies to women as well as men. My findings are as follows: With the exception of the parts about porn and semen retention and some bits about the hormone testosterone in later chapters, everything applies to women as well as men. The entire section on food, as well as all the potential solutions and remedies towards the end of the book, are equally beneficial for both genders. The paragraph about porn and its effects is targeted towards men because we are much more visual than women and therefore porn does more damage to us than to women. Or does it? More on that later.

    What I am sure of is, if you are a woman and you have decided to read this book, you will still take a lot from it.


    Happiness. It comes in different shapes and forms and it may mean something else for each and every one of us. But whether we are in the United States of America, in Europe, in China, in a village in the Amazon forest or even the Sahara Desert, we all have this one thing in common: we seek to be happy in life. Yet, many people never achieve that happiness, and do you know why? Because of the perceived obstacles in the way and because they give up way too easily.

    As a keynote speaker, filmmaker, successful entrepreneur and an author of over 60 books about self-development including 28 best sellers published in 45 languages, I have had my fair share of setbacks and I have seen many people give up when they faced the smallest of obstacles. It is so easy to allow ourselves to be talked out of our dreams, to lose motivation and consequently, be miserable. All it takes is just one little challenge, where we don’t have the willpower to work through it. The challenges will always be there. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when they arise. And it is how we deal with these adversities which is of most importance. As the choices that we make during these times are what shape our character.

    The theoretical physicist John Schwarz, who is one of the founders of string theory, once said: "The difference between someone who is successful and someone who is not, is that successful people seek counsel and ignorant people seek opinions. You have made the decision to change something in your life by picking up this book. This means that you have chosen to seek counsel. Well done! This is the first step towards a better future. And I can tell you that you are in the right hands. The author of this book has faced many obstacles himself, once living a life without much purpose and motivation. After an external shock presented itself, he reached out for counsel himself and started researching the revolutionary ideas he is presenting in this book. You too can make this transformation, you too can conquer your small addictions that have sneaked into your life and you too can understand the impact of excessive dopamine secretion in your brain’s reward center.

    I am sure that the ideas Andreas is presenting in this book will help you to understand where the obstructions in your life are and what you have to do to break out of the monotone life to reach your full potential and become happier. The right mindset is crucial when it comes to tackling addictions, be it food, pornography, gambling, alcohol, cigarettes, video games or anything else you can think of. This book serves as a great inspiration to attain that mindset. Even when the obstacles and setbacks appear out of nowhere, with the right mindset, you can achieve the happiness that you so much desire and which you fully deserve. When you know in your heart that you are doing the right thing, don’t let other people talk you out of your dream. Always seek counsel and never throw in the towel. Never stop trying, never stop believing, never give up. Be happy.

    Greg S Reid,

    Keynote speaker, filmmaker, entrepreneur and #1 best-selling author

    San Diego, California, 2020


    When you read this book, your first impression might be that I want you to live a life that is not worth living. You might think that I want you to avoid everything that is fun in life. And you might therefore discard all the tools that I am presenting. You might say that we live in the 21st century rather than 100,000 BC. If that happens, it would sadden me as that is definitely not my intention. I therefore ask that you keep an open mind and read through this book in its entirety to absorb all the ideas, be them big or small. And let me take this opportunity to confirm to you with certainty that the goal of this book is the exact opposite of making your life miserable. I truly believe that following some of these ideas will make your life much better than it is now. You will feel benefits on all sorts of mental and physical levels. In some cases, it is possible that you will have to give something up in order to gain some of the bigger benefits. But from personal experience I can tell you that once you get to that stage, it will not feel as though you are giving something up. The benefits that you will get can be somewhat extraordinary, so much so that you would never consider

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