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The King and His Duchess
The King and His Duchess
The King and His Duchess
Ebook415 pages5 hours

The King and His Duchess

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Viona Andrist is the girl you hope to greet you in the morning at school, kind, feminine, intelligent and the best in everything. Literally. Everyone knows her by the nickname "The Duchess" since her family was one of the richest, and for her attitude. Her whole future was planned by her. And despite always showing the perfect image, only those who knew her knew how she really was.
Everything fell apart when his parents diverted his destiny. Do arranged marriages still exist? Apparently they do. Being absent parents, Viona was not surprised, but very angry.
Eros Wild was one of the most outstanding in the whole city, with a reputation as dominant, tycoon and handsome, but also lonely. His nickname was the highest, "The King".
Everything changes when he marries little Viona, and to make sure he covers the arrangement, their marriage looks happy on camera. But not behind them.
Both had different plans during their stay together, Eros went for what he wanted, proving to be the one who commanded and the one who imposed the rules. While Viona, little by little, she brought out her essence, the one she hid from everyone, and the one that would be the downfall of him.
Eros would be another of Viona's victories, because she always won.

PublisherG.J. Robbins
Release dateSep 25, 2020
The King and His Duchess

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    Book preview

    The King and His Duchess - G.J. Robbins

    Chapter I

    I rest my hands on my knees as I look around me, my forehead already itching with sweat.

    I start to run as the ball passes me, my foot hits it and I move forward. I spin on my axis, when the opposing team tries to stop me.

    I get closer to the goal, while accelerating my speed, I dodge another person again and hit the ball hard.

    I smile and jump a little when I score.

    I smile at several colleagues who are complimenting me. When the teacher's whistle goes off, I walk over to Rachel, look at her phone as she fixes her lipstick.

    Hey, you scored. He smiles at me, pretends to pat my shoulder but notices the sweat. Smile more - Good for you!

    I shake my head, still smiling.

    - How lucky you are, Rachel. You never sweat. "We started walking towards the showers

    He's a talent. He shrugs.

    Bribe the teacher to always approve and not move a hair. Yes, it is truly a talent.

    Can you believe that next week is our graduation? He shakes his head. Bruce already invited the whole school to his farewell party on Saturday. She looks at me excitedly, I keep my gaze forward.

    - I have to organize things here, I doubt I have time for that.

    You will have it if you love me. I look at her seriously. Come on, Vi. Bruce has friends from other places, older. Seniors, Vi. She convinced most of them because she told her that the Duchess would be there. "She pushes my shoulder slightly, I sigh.

    - Rachel, why are you so excited about attending parties where they always do the same thing? - We went in, he said to my locker

    - What if I tell you that this party is different? - He leans against the locker next to me, I untie my hair while I remove my slippers

    - Will a clown go? - I pretend excitement

    No. He rolls his eyes and then leans in more. Bruce has friends who can get all the kind of drugs we want. I frown.

    His lipstick rose to his brain.

    - You're not going to that party.

    I open the locker and take my uniform.

    - Don't be dramatic, I'll just have a little fun. Also, if you are, you can take care of me. "I sigh, as I close the locker.

    - You are coming to my house on Saturday night and we will have a sleepover. No partying. "I speak, while I stare at her, she lowers her head a little

    I walk to the showers and get into one, start to take off my clothes.

    - Damn it, Vi. Before you attended all the parties, what happened to you?

    We can go to a bar if you want. I turn on the shower, making the water fall towards me.

    - I'm tired of that. Come on, please, join me in this one and I swear it is the last time I ask you for anything. "I rinse quickly and turn off the water.

    He will not stop insisting.

    I roll the towel around my body and go out, he looks at me with a pout.

    - If I get bored, I'll go.

    He smiles and hugs me, I sigh.

    I will regret this.

    - My father will take me to Brazil on vacation. - He looks away from his phone and looks at me smiling - Are you coming?

    - You know I love spending vacations with you, Rach. But I have the summer course.— I grimace and look at her for a few seconds, I look at the blackboard again

    - Oh god, it's true. Princeton, right? I nod, I hear her sigh, I still haven't made up my mind.

    - I'm sure you can enter the one you want.

    I say this with clear reference to the amount of money his parents have.

    - You too, Vi.— I look at her— I still don't understand why you are doing this course.

    I sigh, it's like he's always asking me the same thing but with different words.

    I respect that way of entering a university. I smile slightly, showing her that I don't judge her. But I like the traditional way. I shrug.

    He sighs and nods.

    I wish I had that desire. He laughed slightly

    - You can still.

    Shh. He runs a finger across my face, I roll my eyes, I said, I wish I had that desire.

    I push his finger away.

    Yeah, do your homework. He smiles and ignores me, takes his phone

    I'd be happy to help her, but she doesn't want my help there. Even so, I respect and accompany her in the decisions she makes. Despite acting superficial and being superficial in some respects, she always acted sincere with me. That is why she is my only friend.

    I shake my hands and walk out of the bathroom, startled when I feel hands on my waist. They pull me up and pin me to the wall, I look up at Daniel.

    - Stop, you can see us.

    Together our lips, while holding my waist, I kiss him back but then I pull away.

    I told you to stop. I look everywhere. I don't want them to think we came back.

    I still don't understand that. He rests his forearm above my head, while he smiles at me. You and I were perfect, baby.

    - Perfect for your photos, Dan. - I cross my arms, look away still smiling - The relationship was boring.

    - Then why do you still want to sleep with me? - He tilts his head towards me, I copy it

    Because it seems that you're good at that. I whisper. Bite your lip

    - Your house? - He whispers back

    Message. I just say, I caress his chin and walk away, shaking my hips and knowing that he will look

    I smile sideways as I continue walking, I transform her into a friendly one as soon as a companion passes me.

    Put the blindfold on my eyes.

    - Remember, without the help of the mirror and to take out your reflections.

    I sigh and tip my feet up as I start to move. I slowly raise one leg, as well as my arm, when I think I am in the correct position, I wait for the teacher.

    - All right, cloth off.

    I remove the cloth with my other hand and look at the mirror, evaluating my position, while the teacher looks at each one.

    I think I did well, mostly maintaining posture.

    Perfect as always, Vi. She stops at me, I smile at him gratefully and walks away, under my leg

    I sigh and walk over to my bag, looking for my phone. I smile when I see Daniel's message, I confirm the time he can come and turn it off, returning to class.

    So... I turn when someone approaches me, I smile kindly at Margaret, one of my companions - little Duchess, I heard you are going to Bruce's party. - I sigh and go to the mirror

    - I'll go.

    I place my leg on the railing and begin to stretch it out.

    - That's great, will you go for the same reason as everyone? - I look at her, frowning slightly - The substances.

    Why does everyone seem to be a fan of it now?

    - Technically. I have to make sure my friend doesn't consume them. "She smiles and gathers her eyebrows

    - Come on, don't be boring. Everyone is consuming them now. She shrugs, I stand in front of her. We all need a moment of happiness.

    You don't need the defensive. I smile at him. I kindly advise you not to consume something just for fashion. But it seems that we live in a time when certain unnecessary things are our only needs. "He blinks for a few seconds, lowered his leg and looked at the clock, noting the time

    I lower my hand to my bag and take it, I smile again.

    - Good day.

    I turn and erase my smile, while sighing.

    I can't wait to start college and get away from these people. I hope to get in, I have to push myself in that course.

    I smile as he kisses my neck, at the same time lowering my jacket.

    It always starts with that move, but I'm getting used to it. I caress his chest, digging into his shirt a bit. She stops my hand when she feels it go down.

    - Anxious? - He smiled, when I think he would give another movement, he kisses me again


    Maybe I should find someone else.

    I pull away quickly, hearing the sound of the door. We looked at each other at the same time.

    You said your parents came back at night.

    - I know. I don't know why they're here. "I walk away and get out of bed.

    They're never here this early, maybe it's a sign.

    Go out the window. I look at him while I fix myself, he frowns. Do you want to go out the front door and say hello to them? Get out of here. I point the window at him, he sighs heavily

    - All right. Then we talk. "He quickly kisses my cheek and runs to the window

    I wait for him to come out, I turn my head towards the door when I hear footsteps. I run quickly to the bed and pretend to be on the phone.

    - Daughter? - My mother opens the door - How are you, darling?

    Good. I press my lips together

    Your father and I have to talk to you, come down. Close the door, sigh

    Now what? They haven't shared more than five words with me for months.

    I get up and leave the room, down the stairs while I see them on the sofa, I frown slightly.

    They are already worrying me.

    I finish going down and sit on the sofa in front, put my hands in my lap and raise my eyebrows at them.

    I'm listening. I mutter, they share a look and then my father leans towards me.

    You know that a few months ago our business was somewhat wrong. I nod slightly.

    At the beginning of July, but when the month ended we were back to normal.

    - All right. It was all because Mr. Wild helped us. I frown. You remember Mr. Wild, right? "I look away.

    It sounds familiar to me.

    I stare at the ground for a few seconds and then raise my eyebrows, remembering.

    - Oh yeah. The one with dinner.

    That day I was a little out of my mind. My parents wanted to use me as an object, like many times. I was already tired, for some reason, they stopped doing it from there.

    - Yes. - Sigh - Well, he left us at a price. And that price is a contract, in which you see yourself involved.— I frown

    - Why would I be involved? - I blink

    My mother rubs her neck, while looking away. I stir uncomfortable, for a demon.

    - Mr. Wild has a famous reputation, maybe he wants to change it, maybe it has to do with the business, I don't know. But he wants to marry. "My jaw drops

    But what the fuck?

    - Excuse me? - I get up slowly from the sofa, they copy me

    His father knew me, he is doing us a great favor. Rio seco

    - A favor? You're making a trade with your daughter.

    - Viona.— My mother speaks— Don't do so much drama, it's not so bad. There will be no wedding, you just have to sign, stay at their house for the media to see and that's it.

    It's easy to say when you're dry with empathy! She opens her eyes wide What's this!? Nigeria!? I'm not going to marry someone I hardly know. I'm barely eighteen.

    - It is the fair and legal age. Why are you upset, Viona? You will be in a bigger house than this, you will have your luxuries, what is bothering you?

    I rub my face and start to walk from side to side.

    - I had plans.— I look at them— Money saved, next month I start the damn summer course. I will not delay all that on a whim.

    You're acting like a capricious. I stop at my father. And what summer course? You know you don't need it.

    - You're wrong, I need it. Passing that summer course is my ticket to disconnect from you. - I grunt the last, they blink - And don't act like they know me, because they don't. They don't even know which college I want to go to.

    They share a look again, my father sighs and opens his jacket, takes out a paper from it.

    - You will sign this. You will help the family business, because that is the most important thing.— He places it on the table, I look at it for a few seconds and then at them

    I won't sign anything. I say slowly. I'm not interested if they take my money, I'm not interested if they kick me out. I won't sign that. "I shake my head.

    My mother looks at my father, as always, waiting for him to speak. While he just watches me.

    - You will do it. If you want to continue with your studies.— I frown— We are your legal guardians, we can write you off from that course like we can cancel your admission to any university you want.— He looks at me seriously. I look at my mother, but she immediately looks away

    I snort and sit on the chair as I feel my legs shake, I place my forehead in my hand.

    - Just sign it, Viona. It's the easiest. "I press my lips together, feeling the tears

    He brings the papers closer to me, at the same time he hands me a pen. I snatch it from him and give him a bad look.

    I look at the man's signature for a few seconds, I look at it with rancor as if I could look at him.

    With my heart in my throat, I sign shakily to the side. I gasp when I'm done.

    Very good, daughter. He backs up the papers, he slowly put the pen aside. You will see that everything will end well.

    I get up from the chair and look at them both for a few seconds, while I do something that I should have done a long time ago, ignore them.

    - When it's all over. They will never see me in their lives.— My mother looks at me when she says that, while my father blinks

    I back up and turn, walking toward the exit, at the same time as my breath hitches.

    I leave the house and start to run, calming down a bit as I feel the fresh air. I keep doing it until I finish on the street, I walk with fast steps and I feel when I feel my legs shaking again.

    I lean against the wall, while I try to regulate my breathing.

    I endured all my adolescence, and a little of my childhood, I endured being a key that he used to have contacts. That he will only talk to me so that I seduce the son of some contact or even someone older, all with the excuse of starting the business.

    And when I finally dare to refuse, they threaten me.

    I don't want to, I'm one step away from my freedom, I don't want to.

    And worst of all, I'm alone.

    Chapter II

    I blink slowly, as I fight violently to pay attention, but my gaze keeps drifting away.

    This shit is stressing me out, and stress is distracting me.

    Viona. I look at Rachel. What's wrong? You look like a dead woman.

    I didn't sleep well.

    I notice that. She murmurs back, turns to take her bag and raises her hand, the teacher points to it. I sigh heavily - We need to go to the bathroom.

    He doesn't wait for me to answer and raises my arm, I let him drag me away without protest.

    - Both? - He frowns at us

    Yes. Rachel smiles at him falsely, crosses the entire corridor until she ends up in the bathroom, which luckily is empty. God, thank goodness I always bring makeup.

    I don't want makeup, Rachel. I mumble back, Let's just go back to class.

    Come on, you know you can tell me. He takes my hand, I look at it. Despite her sincere concern, my mouth remains shut. Fine, then you won't argue and put on makeup.

    I sigh as she pulls out her bag, keeping my gaze on the ground.

    - By the way, I'll tell you about that boy I followed on Tinder .. - He starts talking, as he approaches

    Raise my head and this time I keep my gaze on the ceiling.

    I still have the situation in my chest, my throat closed and the tears that I missed. Each paronoia crosses my mind, more than anything, memories. I thought I would always endure, but I am weaker than I thought.

    And it is too much, happen situations in which I shut up, but this I can not shut up.

    I'm getting married. He murmured, stopping talking at the same time that he stopped his hands. I sigh and look at her, she looks at me as she opens her eyes wide

    - What? - he whispers, frowning slightly

    My father made me sign an arranged marriage. I murmur, straining so that my voice doesn't shake

    He keeps his mouth ajar and blinks, turns and stands next to me.

    Possibly she is assimilating it, she remains silent for a few seconds.

    And, um... I hear her gulp. With whom?

    - Mr. Wild, I don't even remember his name.

    - Mr. Wild? - I look at her - The King? - I frown

    - Than?

    Eros Wild, they call him the King. He murmurs, he looks forward again

    The King? I never heard of him, now more than ever I am not interested. Not when I saw it for the first time.

    Maybe, I was looking for a queen. I dryly laughed and rubbed my forehead.

    - I don't want to be his fucking queen.

    The worst part, the media will go crazy, because if he is famous, I inevitably will be if I pose next to him. By God, it would be hell.

    No. I look at her when she takes my chin, she looks at me seriously. You are not. She shakes her head slightly and lets go of me, takes her phone.

    I frown somewhat curiously.

    - Do you remember when I broke up with my ex? I was stuck to the bed for about a week. You accompanied me every day.— He looks at me for a few seconds— You motivated me with phrases that you got from who knows where. And I didn't show it, but they helped me a lot. "He lifts his head

    I smile slightly when I see her determined, somewhat angry, possibly for seeing me like this.

    - All right. - Stop typing - When I was with the snot out and crying because I thought I did not deserve it, you told me, A confident woman is the greatest insecurity of a man - He raises an eyebrow at me - He helped me in many situations, Also, He always keeps going, even with tears, well that helped me when my father didn't want to give me money. But you know what, I didn't run to my room like I always did, and I got the money.

    He chuckled slightly and lowered his head.

    Do you also remember when you didn't come out top of class in fifth grade? I knit my eyebrows and keep looking.

    - Rachel, that was...

    - Shh. I shut up I remember the situation perfectly, you looked at your note angrily, despite having gone through three points, you were not the best. And you got even angrier when I tried to comfort you, you told me, I may fall, but I won't stay on the ground. At that moment I wanted to hit you in the face, but every year you showed me how serious you were.

    He puts down his phone and changes his gesture, to a sadder one.

    - Always detect every moment in which you were wrong, those days I acted more unbearable because I wanted to make you laugh, and it worked. I knew you did not want a hand of pity and I also knew that you would come out ahead but this time, I will put my hand and you will not stop me.

    I press my lips to see her heartbroken, disappointed even.

    You are not anyone's queen, Vi. He approaches, turns me gently towards the mirror, lifts my chin. You are the Duchess. - Sigh - And you didn't earn that name because of your money, or your clothes, but because of your essence. You always show yourself to be a powerless, strong and a bit mysterious woman. And you attract even the gayest with that. He smiled slightly. You inspire many people. And do you know why I know? - I look at her - Because you inspire me. You showed me that obstacles are only set by oneself, that no one would lower me without my permission, and as you said in fifth grade, even if I fall, I don't stay on the ground.

    I turn my head towards her, she is making me smile, placing emotion in my chest. Because even though he can't understand me, he's supporting me, giving me strength, and I'll let him do it.

    He holds my head in his hands.

    - Everyone here knows that you are always in control, and I know better than anyone that Maqueavelica mind. Your greatest talent is that, being able to act as you really are and surprise anyone. And I saw, since I can remember you always win in everything. And not just in sports. Now what is stopping you from winning at this?

    I don't know how.

    Excuse me? He frowns. Did you just say you don't know? When in your fucking life haven't you known something? Come on Vi, don't let them see someone vulnerable. Get up and fight, damn it. "I shake my head somewhat angrily

    Are they really achieving that? Breaking me?

    - You are going to put that mind to work, and in the end, you will be the one that benefits. I know, I believe in you. He smiled. And meanwhile.

    She breaks away and lifts her makeup.

    - You will smile as you always do and you will cajole whoever looks at you. Because, girl, your best weapon is that. - Look at my body

    I look at her for a few more seconds, remembering everything I achieved, not only by making the correct gestures and showing my body, but with the words and plans that my mind created, all improving with each year.

    And she is right, what brought me forward was self-confidence, and not having it now is sinking me.

    Thanks, Rachel. I murmur, she saved me.

    I will benefit, it is a fact. I'll do the summer course, I'll make life hell for that man.

    And when it's all over, I'll make sure to leave my parents behind. And in the end, they will be the last to benefit.

    - Pass me the mascara.

    - The gym is ideal for prom, Principal. - I walk around the place - We can put the word in giant, gold balloons. —I point to the wall where I imagine everything— I was thinking of colors that stand out. And I also got a photographer at a good price. I look at him, he nods. A small black stage, the chairs in front, maybe a phrase on each one to take home as a souvenir.

    I stop and turn to him.

    - I am relieved by the organization you put into it, Vi. I leave everything in your hands, I know you will do well. "I smile and nod.

    He looks at me for a few more seconds, I raise an eyebrow when I notice something doubtful.

    Can I ask you something? I nod. Maybe it's just a rumor, but, I heard that it is related to the great businessman Wild.

    How the hell..?

    I sigh and relax my smile.

    Wow, how does the news spread? I raise my eyebrows

    Then it's true.

    No, it is not.

    Yes, it is. I speak softly. It was all very intimate, but I see that this is over.

    - I'm sorry if it bothers you, it's that it was something I had to confirm. - I nod - It surprises me a bit, you're still very young.

    I know. I know, damn it.

    I just nod.

    Is he coming to graduation? It would be a great show. He smiles, he wants to have cameras pointing at his school. And I don't want that, I don't want to be targeted

    - He is someone very busy, I doubt that he will come. - I politely deny - I will comment anyway. - Nope. I will not do it.

    Well, if it's important to you, I'm sure it will come.

    Yes, well. I clear my throat. I have to help the decorators. I'll let you know when I get all the things done, and we'll begin. "He nods

    - You are a very compromising woman, Vi. Together with him they will be a powerful couple.— I smile at him more, he passes by me and I erase my smile, making a face


    I keep my gaze on the window, sigh.

    - You don't have to worry, really Vi. Also, he always travels, he will never be at home.

    Or maybe he wants to take me with him.

    I don't care where it is, nothing will distract me from my studies.

    I do not answer.

    Daughter, you know that if we had another option we would use it. I frown and press my lips.

    Always with the role of the victim.

    He parks, I look up and sigh when I see the big house.

    My dream is to one day have my own apartment, with a large window and that I am alone.

    We told you it was giant. I open the door and hurry out, but my arm stops. I roll my eyes and look at her— Daughter ..— I pay more attention to see her afflicted face. Open your mouth but close it, blink — remember to be nice. And also remember, that we love you.

    I don't know how someone can hold back from saying and doing things, just for one person.

    I look at her for a few more seconds and then she lets go.

    I genuinely wish that one day you have your own love, mother. I murmur, I go out slowly and open the back door, taking out the suitcase.

    I hurry to close the door and walk toward the house.

    I feel my phone vibrate on my phone, I take it and place it in my ear.

    - Rachel.

    - Are you already there?

    - Yes. I'm finding. I approach while I notice how big the garden is. It's huge.

    Of course he's huge, he's one of the richest men in the country. I sigh and make a face. But remember, don't be intimidated by that. I smile slightly.

    - That man is the last of my problems, Rach. Also, I have a humble plan to get rid of him.

    A man never made me stressed, always justify their actions for a reason, they are men.

    Even those of my father, he is the clear definition of someone ambitious, liar, cowardly and macho. And all the men with whom I relate in life are equal to him. There I understood the phrase, all men are equal.

    - I don't doubt that. Now, good luck.

    Thanks, I'll see you at school. I hang up and keep walking

    When I get to the door I lift my head, this door is very long, I don't even get to the bell. I sigh and hit her several times.

    I look for a few seconds at the large white tiles behind me, until they open the door, my smile appears when I see a lady.

    Oh, you must be Miss Andrist. Smile just as kindly, I nod once

    - That's right, ma'am.

    - Come in, come in. - He makes a move, I go inside and look everywhere

    What a rich smell, I'm sure soon to hate it.

    It is a beautiful and well cared for white, two large thresholds on each side and a large front staircase.

    - Allow me.— He approaches and gently takes my suitcase— The man informed me that he will come in two or three days, he will attend to her as soon as he comes.

    If you want to attend to me, never come.

    At least I will have a peaceful solitude during your absence, I hope.

    I'll take this to your room. He goes to the stairs, I turn around even looking alone. Oh, miss. I look at her. Excuse me, but what's her name?

    - Viona.

    - Oh, what a beautiful name. Do you mind if I say Mrs. Viona? - I erase my smile a little

    I'm not even two decades old.

    - Only Viona.— I answer— But if you want an affectionate nickname, you can call me Duchess. So my friends tell me.— Raise your eyebrows and smile more

    A thousand times that nickname that Reina.

    - How sweet.

    - And you? - I tilt my head

    - My name is Christina, I'm the housekeeper. I nod. I'll see her later. "He smiled at her one last time and turned, going up the stairs.

    I turn and start to walk, I enter a threshold, this is the dining room. A great dining room.

    I look everywhere, it is full of paintings and decorations, no photos.

    I put my hands on the table.

    Although it costs me, I will not give much importance to this. I do not know the intentions of that man and the truth does not interest me, I can control them.

    In the meantime, I'll try to act unbearably.

    For my family and my looks, a part of him will see me as a rich girl.

    Nobody can stand a rich girl, so I'll act like one. Until I just can't stand it. Also I was investigating him a bit, he shows a serious man, so it will be easier to exasperate him.

    I don't know why he brought me here, but I will make you regret it.

    Chapter III

    I was thinking of hanging them on this wall, the pink silver pictures here, the normal silver ones there, and the gold ones there. I point to each wall, they nod and approach each one

    I approach the list and put a check mark, I look everywhere. I smile slightly, if in my imagination it looks good, it will look good.

    - Viona.

    I turn my head back, watching Dan approach me.

    - Hello .. - I frown, when he takes my arm - What are you doing?

    He drags me over, I throw the list onto the table and make sure no one sees us. He locks me in the cleaning room and glares at me.

    - What is this shit that you're getting married?

    I sigh and look away for a

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