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How to Write a Non-Fiction Book - New 2020 Edition
How to Write a Non-Fiction Book - New 2020 Edition
How to Write a Non-Fiction Book - New 2020 Edition
Ebook170 pages1 hour

How to Write a Non-Fiction Book - New 2020 Edition

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About this ebook

Do you want to write a non-fiction book or a work of fiction and publish it?
How to Write a Non-fiction Book will show you the way to write, edit, and publish your nonfiction book.
You will learn how to take an idea and flesh it out, expand it into a solid topic for a nonfiction book.
New chapters on how to develop your writing, stay motivated, and how to ensure that you start and finish your book are included.
Motivation on how to overcome doubts and fears that plague most other writers.
Why writing a non-fiction book is a profitable way to create your freelance lifestyle - and how to do it.

How to structure your book
How to brainstorm book ideas
Development of the book idea
Overcoming writer's block
How to make your writing engaging and smooth reading for your readers
Sales description with a chapter on how to use copywriting to ensure your book description speaks to the buyer

Special sections on article writing, blog post writing, and copywriting as a support when you market your book

Release dateSep 28, 2020
How to Write a Non-Fiction Book - New 2020 Edition

Sean Patrick Durham

Sean Patrick Durham loves to write fiction, Non-Fiction, short stories and novel length works. Stories reflect human life. Our experiences and lives may appear different on the outside, we follow different paths, but everybody's experience of life can be found somewhere written by an author who is thoughtful and observant about the world around him or her. An author observes, thinks and does his best to put that observation down in words so it will, in reflection of reading, mean something to the reader. In other words, we all learn about life by reading fictional lives.

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    Book preview

    How to Write a Non-Fiction Book - New 2020 Edition - Sean Patrick Durham


    Congratulations on purchasing How to Write an eBook Quickly. It will put you on the path to successful ePublishing and hopefully help you to create an income from your writing.

    The intention behind this book is to show you how easy it can be to write and compile an eBook in a short period of time. I say 18 days, you could write your first eBook in less that time and publish the book in one day. I don’t know how much time you have or don’t have, but I do know that even a very busy person who has to find time to do things by prioritising their activities can write an eBook that will sell.

    I have been writing for many years and know the ins and outs about what good writing is and isn’t. I know that the practice of writing will make you a better and faster writer. eBook writing isn’t rocket science but it does need guidance if you have never written or published before. Some people start to write an eBook and never finish or they want to write a book but never get started at all. I want you to accomplish both writing and publishing your eBook and to see how to do it properly so that you end up with a profitable eBook product.

    Writing is the first task, it requires focus and organisation if you want to finish the book. The second part of the whole is to market your eBook and make sure it sells well. This book will help you accomplish both of those and put you in the position to be able to write new eBooks and sell them for profit. Who knows? You may discover that you are a natural and create a new form of income for yourself.

    The eBook market is a thriving market for quality work. People need information on how to do things or how to solve a problem. They will always need this information and now, 2016. is a great time to be involved in writing eBooks. The traditional world of publishing is being left behind as the world of author controlled publishing takes over and the author decides his or her own fate.

    I’ll show you how to find your niche market and then we’ll move on to quick and efficient ways of organising your material. Next you’ll learn how to structure the outline and prepare it for writing the complete book until it is finished.

    I’ve included chapters on designing the cover and making sure that your book will be found on the Amazon pages. Questions about how to check for page ranks and how to make your book rise up the ranks to become a daily seller are included.

    Enjoy reading and learning from this eBook and please let me know what you think about it by writing a review on the Amazon page where you found this book.



    Finding out where to Begin your eBooks

    Find a Specific Solution to a specific Problem

    A Look at the Amazon Ranking System

    How to use the Rank to Estimate the Number of Sales

    Ideas for Hunting down your Subject

    Creating your eBook with an Outline

    Getting the Outline down on Paper

    Researching your List for an Outline

    When you need personal information, interview a Person about it

    How do you find a candidate for interview purposes?

    How to interview


    Ordering your Thoughts before you Begin to Write

    How long should your eBook be?

    Writing the Body of Your Book

    How Fast can you Write?

    Count your Words and Feel the Progress

    Getting into the Rhythm of your Writing

    The Resilience and Determination You have in Life

    What’s comin’ will come and we’ll meet it when it does. J. K. Rowling

    She showed determination and resilience.

    A Mess of Worry and Doubt

    Belief in Self

    Which Skills should a Writer Learn — Apart from Writing?

    Successful fiction and article writing require a universal mind. Over the years I’ve developed multi interests in what’s going on in the World.

    Study materials and Objectivity

    Fiction is just a Reflection of Real Life

    Don’t be Afraid of the Wolves

    Think Deeply about everything you Look at

    Life beyond the Front Porch

    Movers and Shakers on the Hop

    It’s all about Humans in the End

    How to Write a Great Blog Post

    Blogging is all about writing. Writing is all about thinking.

    Choose a Topic that You Love — and the rest of the world, too

    Lifestyle Topics

    Don’t Do This

    The Craft of Blogging

    Take Your Time, Check Your Work

    You can present your idea with a simple proposition, and then build on it with statements that contradict or deepen the idea. This creates tension for the reader.

    Reward Yourself with Great Work

    Go for the Original way of expressing Yourself, stay clear of the quick Cliche

    What Floats Your Boat?

    Stay Alert, Don’t Believe everything You read

    If You want to become a Good Blog Writer — then do this

    Reading about Writing

    Study the Words, avoid lists of Rules for Blog Writing

    Find Out and Teach Yourself

    Walk the Walk, but take it a Step at a Time

    Bloggers spend much more time writing their posts than ever before. About 3 hours is average, today.

    Putting the hours into the topic is part and parcel of writing about things.

    How to Turn Yourself into a Great Copywriter

    Copywriting is commercial writing. All writing has something in common with each type of writing.

    How Story Telling and Copywriting intertwine


    Call to Action — is a call to Life

    Exciting and Engaging Ideas lead to Action

    The Heart of Writing Good Copy

    Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them. Sometimes it’s an ad. — Howard Gossage

    Joseph Sugarman — The Book you Need

    The reader must gasp a little at what you’ve written. That’s when they will want to read on. A fiction writer would love this response, a copywriter too.

    A copywriter will help the reader straighten out their thoughts on a subject and make a firm decision to buy.

    The Heart of Copywriting

    This is where the power of fiction writing technique steps into the mix.

    Copywriters Don’t Drive Traffic, Marketers Do.

    Close the sale, Call the Reader into Action

    Gains and Losses

    What happens when you are not Writing?

    Revising and Polishing your eBook

    Polishing your eBook

    Too much Editing

    Formatting your eBook

    The Introduction Page and How to use it to your Advantage

    Your Author Page

    Building the Habit of Writing Everyday

    How to write a great Landing Page Description

    Finding out where to Begin your eBooks

    Let’s begin with the idea that you want to create an eBook that will result in sales for you. For that to happen you must understand a simple idea about how the Amazon marketplace works.


    You want to choose a subject that motivates you as a writer and has potential for high sales in the Amazon marketplace. Choosing your subject based only on how you feel about it will not guarantee high sales. You want a subject that people look for everyday when they browse through Amazon books.

    If you know how to do something that other people would like to do but can’t, then you already have a subject to write about. Good sales people sell products which they know are being searched for in the market place. You must do the same to give yourself the chance of success with your new eBook.

    Writing an eBook to sell on Amazon should be based on what works and continues to work for other people. A big hurdle to get over is the feeling that there is work to do and you don’t know if it will be worth it financially. We can’t predict the future therefore the answer to success in any field is hard to predict, but it is easy to observe other peoples’ efforts and emulate their strategies that took them to success.

    Your first task is to explore the best-seller models and to observe which books are selling well. Then thinking about your subject and how you can present the idea as a niche product. By the way, sometimes it’s enough to choose a market that sells well and then realise that the way you present the idea, in your own unique way, turns it into a niche. Your style of writing about the subject and talking about solutions to a problem can set you apart from the competition.

    People are often prone to procrastination. They hate to begin a new project without first knowing what the outcome will be. Using the methods of finding a topic and researching its potential will give you enough motivation to want to start immediately.

    Find a Specific Solution to a specific Problem

    Once you find an idea that you want to write about you will want to nail it down to become specific in its offered solution. You can’t please everybody and so you can’t write a book that speaks to everybody about all of their problems. Be specific and use you own style to present the solution to a common problem.

    If your book offers a solution to a problem that thousands of people have but doesn’t address the person and why they experience the problem, it will end up being wishy-washy and nothing more than a general idea of why we have the problem and different ways in which some people have solved the problem.

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