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How to Make a Fortune Working From Home: Turn Your Home Into a Virtual Enterprise
How to Make a Fortune Working From Home: Turn Your Home Into a Virtual Enterprise
How to Make a Fortune Working From Home: Turn Your Home Into a Virtual Enterprise
Ebook231 pages2 hours

How to Make a Fortune Working From Home: Turn Your Home Into a Virtual Enterprise

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About this ebook

This book is the most reliable companion and trusted practical guide for anyone seeking to use the internet in generating a steady stream of income, in a realistic and straightforward manner. The book clearly presents a wide variety of simple, practical and lucrative ways for generating a generous amount of income online, on an ongoing and ever-expanding manner. With the right level of focus and commitment, you can transform yourself into a highly productive and prosperous digital entrepreneur, with newfound and far-reaching financial freedom. All you need is a computer, an internet connection, your dynamic fingers, committed effort, and this reliable guide.


The book is designed to serve three groups of people. The first group of people to enjoy the benefits of this book includes all those seeking to generate fulltime income online. The second category of people to substantially benefit from this book comprises all those keen to meaningfully supplement their income, by means of viable online income-generating opportunities. The third group of people to enjoy the benefits of this book comprises all those driven by a strong urge to significantly multiply their money, by means of a wealthy variety of high-yielding online investment opportunities. With the reliable and practical help of this book, you can quickly achieve long-term financial security and peace of mind, for yourself and your family. Gone are the days when you had no choice than to travel to work every morning, through hectic traffic, crowded trains and meandering buses. Nowadays, your home can serve as a sanctuary of convenience, while also playing the role of a lucrative virtual enterprise, where you can generate a generous amount of income.


The book has been organized and structured in a way that ensures clarity, coherence and ease of reading. The book is divided into ten chapters. Each chapter represents a clearly-defined and specific online income-generating category. All sub-groups of that particular income-generating category then appear under that chapter; for example, there is a chapter on writing as a means of generating an income online. All sub-groups of writing then appear under the chapter on writing; for instance, sub-groups in this category include: e-book writing, academic writing, article writing, ghostwriting, scriptwriting etc. This arrangement ensures that information is presented in an organized, structured and coherent manner, making reading and understanding smooth and effortless.


The ten chapters presented in the book comprise the following: chapter one explores various online writing opportunities, which can help you generate a significant amount of income online. Chapter two unveils interesting ways through which you can generate a healthy amount of income, by selling your own products online. Chapter three delivers uncommon insights on how you can generate an income, by releasing videos on the YouTube video sharing platform. Chapter four brings to light various online income-generating tasks that you can conveniently perform at home. Chapter five reveals the secrets of making money online by selling other people's products. Chapter six delves into how you can generate a healthy chunk of income online, by implementing a wide variety of advertisement schemes on your website, blog or social media platforms. Chapter seven reveals ways in which you can generate a large amount of income online, through a variety of online teaching opportunities. Chapter eight examines the manner in which you can use your social media accounts to generate an income. Chapter nine brings to light ways in which you can wisely tap into cryptocurrency trading, to generate revenue online. Chapter ten reveals the diverse range of profitable online investment opportunities available for your exploration. The book ends with a concise and reflective conclusion.


Release dateSep 28, 2020
How to Make a Fortune Working From Home: Turn Your Home Into a Virtual Enterprise

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    Book preview

    How to Make a Fortune Working From Home - Charles Harris


    This book is the most reliable companion and trusted practical guide for anyone seeking to use the internet in generating a steady stream of income, in a realistic and straightforward manner. The book clearly presents a wide variety of simple, practical and lucrative ways for generating a generous amount of income online, on an ongoing and ever-expanding manner. With the right level of focus and commitment, you can transform yourself into a highly productive and prosperous digital entrepreneur, with newfound and far-reaching financial freedom. All you need is a computer, an internet connection, your dynamic fingers, committed effort, and this reliable guide.

    The book is designed to serve three groups of people. The first group of people to enjoy the benefits of this book includes all those seeking to generate fulltime income online. The second category of people to substantially benefit from this book comprises all those keen to meaningfully supplement their income, by means of viable online income-generating opportunities. The third group of people to enjoy the benefits of this book comprises all those driven by a strong urge to significantly multiply their money, by means of a wealthy variety of high-yielding online investment opportunities. With the reliable and practical help of this book, you can quickly achieve long-term financial security and peace of mind, for yourself and your family. Gone are the days when you had no choice than to travel to work every morning, through hectic traffic, crowded trains and meandering buses. Nowadays, your home can serve as a sanctuary of convenience, while also playing the role of a lucrative virtual enterprise, where you can generate a generous amount of income.  

    The book has been organized and structured in a way that ensures clarity, coherence and ease of reading. The book is divided into ten chapters. Each chapter represents a clearly-defined and specific online income-generating category. All sub-groups of that particular income-generating category then appear under that chapter; for example, there is a chapter on writing as a means of generating an income online. All sub-groups of writing then appear under the chapter on writing; for instance, sub-groups in this category include: e-book writing, academic writing, article writing, ghostwriting, scriptwriting etc. This arrangement ensures that information is presented in an organized, structured and coherent manner, making reading and understanding smooth and effortless.

    The ten chapters presented in the book comprise the following: chapter one explores various online writing opportunities, which can help you generate a significant amount of income online. Chapter two unveils interesting ways through which you can generate a healthy amount of income, by selling your own products online. Chapter three delivers uncommon insights on how you can generate an income, by releasing videos on the YouTube video sharing platform. Chapter four brings to light various online income-generating tasks that you can conveniently perform at home. Chapter five reveals the secrets of making money online by selling other people’s products.

    Chapter six delves into how you can generate a healthy chunk of income online, by implementing a wide variety of advertisement schemes on your website, blog or social media platforms. Chapter seven reveals ways in which you can generate a large amount of income online, through a variety of online teaching opportunities. Chapter eight examines the manner in which you can use your social media accounts to generate an income. Chapter nine brings to light ways in which you can wisely tap into cryptocurrency trading, to generate revenue online. Chapter ten reveals the diverse range of profitable online investment opportunities available for your exploration. The book ends with a concise and reflective conclusion.


    Whether you are seeking to generate additional passive revenue to supplement your standard income, or you are a dedicated highly motivated internet entrepreneur, you would discover an online income-generating opportunity in this book, which would perfectly fulfill your unique needs. Depending on your level of commitment, it is perfectly possible for you to generate hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars every month, by means of a variety of profitable online opportunities. The online platform helps you generate income twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, throughout the year. With the internet, you continue earning a substantial amount of income, even while you are enjoying blissful dreams on your cozy bed.

    Right now, the richest people in the world are those who operate flourishing online businesses. Internet-based giants such as amazon, google, facebook and others, have understood that the internet is an ocean of self-perpetuating wealth. With the internet, one million people from around the world might be purchasing a particular product from at the same time, without the need to stand on a queue. Therefore, the internet is incredibly efficient, fast, flexible, convenient and exceptionally profitable.

    However, putting in place an effective strategy is crucial in helping you harness your own share of the treasures offered by this prolific digital ocean. The internet is one of the most benevolent technological revolutions of the 21th century, which has brought about unprecedented transformation on the international business landscape. The internet has enabled millions of businesses to enhance their performance and expand their profit margins, through timeless worldwide online exposure, web-based marketing, and a highly streamlined process of exchange between businesses and their clients.

    The internet provides endless possibilities and opportunities for ordinary people from every corner of the globe, to generate a significant amount of income, with very little investment, and without the hassle of going to work every day. Millions of people from around the world, have discovered new ways of making large sums of money in the comfort of their own homes. There are numerous enterprising individuals who actually left their routine daily jobs, because the income-generating opportunity they were exploring on the internet, produced a high degree of fruitfulness, beyond their wildest expectations. Ordinary individuals have been transformed into self-made online millionaires, due to the viability of the internet. I cordially invite you to take control of your financial destiny, by leveraging the immense power of the internet. To this effect, this book is your faithful practical companion.

    One more compelling reason to consider exploring online income-generating opportunities is that, the world is going through a period of unprecedented socio-economic upheavals, due to the current ongoing worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, this global health crisis has dealt a vicious blow to the global economy, with far-reaching adverse consequences. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO), a thick cloud of economic gloom hangs over the global economy, with hundreds of millions of job losses and sharp business decline.

    The ILO further stated that the sectors most affected by the current pandemic comprise the following: food and accommodation (144 million workers), retail and wholesale (482 million workers); business services and administration (157 million workers); and manufacturing (463 million workers). According to World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), over 100 million job losses would afflict the global travel and tourism sector, due to the ongoing pandemic. Thus, with the current global economic uncertainty and unpredictable future, it is strongly advisable to explore alternative sources of income. In this regard, online methods of income-generation can become your financial Good Samaritan.  

    Chapter 1

    Make money with lucrative online writing jobs

    Write and publish e-books online

    Gone are the days when talented writers were at the mercy of evasive traditional publishers, trying to persuade them to publish their work. One of the most revolutionary characteristics of the internet is that it has democratized the publishing industry, whereby writers have a choice as to where and how they wish to publish their work. The internet has broken all traditional publishing protocols, putting at the disposal of passionate writers, various online platforms through which they can publish their work. A large number of e-book publishing services have now surfaced, making it relatively easy for authors to share their interests and knowledge with the public. Over the years, e-book publishing has picked up considerable momentum, with the sector attracting more authors than traditional publishing. Many authors are now generating a significant amount of income, through their books that have been published online. The following are some of the most popular digital platforms, where writers can publish and sell their e-books:

    Kindle direct publishing

    Kindle direct publishing is the e-book publishing arm of Amazon digital stores. The platform is very easy to access. Authors freely sign up for an account in a few easy steps. Once the account is approved, authors can start publishing their work immediately. Authors decide the price of their book, based on the acceptable price range that has been ordained by Amazon. Authors have a dashboard where they can verify various matters regarding their book, such as, the number of copies purchased, the regions of the world where these books were purchased, loyalties earned, pending payment and many more.

    Nook Press

    This is the e-book facet of Barnes and Nobles, a popular book distribution platform. The service enables writes to publish their e-book for free on the Nook e-reader platform of Barnes and Nobles; and also on the company’s website at: Writers decide the price of their book.

    iBooks Authors

    Authors with a Mac computer can download the e-book publishing application offered by iBooks. Authors can make use of a vast range of free templates offered by Apple. Once the book formatting process is complete, authors can then publish their book and make it available for purchase in the iBook digital store.

    Google Play

    Google Play Partner Center enables writes to publish e-books for sale in google stores and android devices. Authors are also at liberty to decide the price of their published book. 


    Lulu is another well-utilized online book publishing platform. Lulu enables writers to design and create their e-book for sale on a variety of online book sales platforms. For writers who are not able to design their work, Lulu can create the book, format and proofread it for a symbolic fee. The e-book is published on Lulu’s site for purchase. The book can also be converted to an e-reader format for availability on various e-reader devices.


    Smashwords is another publishing platform for digital books. Smashwords makes the published book available on a variety of formats and sales platforms, including Smashwords store, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Scribd.

    Kobo Writing Life

    Kobo is a relatively easy avenue for e-book publishing. Once the manuscript is uploaded, it is automatically converted to an epub format, which is then available for sale in Kobo e-book stores.

    In addition to the above-stated e-book publishing platforms, there is a significant number of other e-book publishing options, through which authors can publish and make their e-book available to the global e-book market. For more online book publishing options, please consult the following link:

    Be hired to write e-books for others

    There are numerous individuals who are interested in writing a book, but cannot possibly write the book themselves, due to certain hindering circumstances. Therefore, such individuals are usually looking for writers they can hire to write the book for them. A writer who is hired to write a book for another person is called a ghostwriter. The ghostwriter gets paid for writing the book, but his or her name does not appear on the book as the author. The book is exclusively owned by the person who commissioned and paid for the writing of the book. Examples of online platforms where writers can find ghostwriting jobs include the following:


    Upwork is a popular platform that supplies a variety of online jobs. Ghostwriting jobs are constantly being advertised on Upwork. At the time of writing this book, this author verified the number of ghostwriting jobs that were listed on this platform. There were 2065 ghostwriting jobs listed on this particular day. So, if you register with Upwork, there is a high probability that you would find ghostwriting work. To become a registered ghostwriter on upwork, please visit:

    Freelance writing:

    This platform offers a rich array of online writing jobs, including ghostwriting. If you are interested in signing up on this platform, please visit:

    Some ghostwriters have reported landing high-paying ghostwriting jobs on this platform.

    Fund for writers:

    Fund for writers focuses on how writers can generate revenue for their craft. Here, it is possible to land various writing jobs. Most providers of ghostwriting jobs would require the writer to produce a proposal related to the topic they are interested in writing about. Apart from offering ghostwriting jobs, Fund for writers also enables writers to benefit from the following schemes: competitions, crowd funding, awards and grants. The platform also connects writers to publishers and agents.  To register with Funds for writers, please visit the following website:

    Start an interesting blog and monetize it

    A blog, also referred to as a weblog, is a frequently updated website containing regularly published information about a particular subject or topic. Information on a blog is often displayed in a chronological order, so that the most recently published article appears at the top. The act of starting and running a blog is known as blogging. Articles can be published on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. An article that is published on a blog is known as a post. An interesting and regularly updated blog can attract a decent amount of visitors, making it possible for you to translate your blog into an income-generating platform, by monetizing it. Even if you do not own a blog, it is possible to be hired to write blog posts for individuals and organizations. The following are credible platforms, where you can quickly obtain an online blogging job:


    Problogger is one of the most interesting and lucrative platforms to find blogging opportunities. Dynamic and committed writers can quickly find high-paying and impressive blogging jobs. Problogger is known by individuals and organizations for attracting competent and committed writers. Therefore, one can readily obtain a long-term blogging job at probloggers. Blogging jobs pitched and advertised via problogger are among the highest paying blogging jobs that one can find. To obtain blogging jobs on problogger, please visit:

    Freelance Writing Jobs:

    This platform regularly runs a substantial daily listing of various categories of writing jobs, including freelance copywriting jobs, blogging jobs, content writing jobs, journalism jobs, editing and proofreading jobs, paid internships, and many more. The list of current jobs is updated every day, from Monday to Friday. To find blogging jobs on Freelance Writing Jobs, please visit the following website:

    Blogging Pro:

    Blogging Pro provides a list of high-quality and high-paying blogging jobs on their website. Interested individuals can directly apply for these jobs on Blogging Pro. Companies in search of competent content writers can post jobs online, which can then be accessed by bloggers. To apply for blogging jobs on Blogging Pro, please visit:

    Start a useful website and monetize it

    There are a number of legitimate reasons why anyone would contemplate starting and running a website. Indeed, a website is a powerful tool that can help

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