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An Assassin's Heart
An Assassin's Heart
An Assassin's Heart
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An Assassin's Heart

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Love. Sex. Passion. This was what Damien endured after a heartbreak a long time ago. First falling in love with Quisha meant to learn to love and be faithful. The relationship was troublesome when things fell apart when Candy came into the picture. Will Damien ever make a choice of a lifetime to choose either Quisha or Candy? 

PublisherLaToya McCray
Release dateSep 28, 2020
An Assassin's Heart

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    An Assassin's Heart - LaToya McCray

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    Chapter 1

    It All Started

    16 Years Ago

    Addai was a muscular, black male in his forties. He was good at telling me how to be a hired gunman at fourteen. I always wanted to be one. He was my father's friend who used to come over and visit my family. Addai's name meant the ornament of God in Africa once he told me at my parent's house. Once my father killed my precious mother, I always wanted revenge. But, I was scared to get into trouble. Being an assassin became a skill in my life. I used to live in Downtown Flushing of Queens, New York. I always remembered when I first held a gun.

    Now said you wanted to be a assassin. Why are you scared of this gun? All assassins know how to use a gun. Addai stated. I stared at the gun in his hand with fear. As I looked at the gun, the fear in me changed my life. I had to get it over with, so I can continue my journey. I grabbed the gun and stared at the caliber.

    Now we are going to a field and do some target practice. Addai said. I followed him to his car and he drove to an empty field that included a target.

    We are going to practice on keeping a shot straight at the target. Now pull the trigger. Addai said.

    I shot straight to the target, but I didn't hit the bulls eye. From my first shot, I felt the gun's force and it's power of the shot that I made. I couldn't hold it straight when I shot the second time because it was so hard to handle a gun.

    Keep it straight. Think of the bull's eye as if it's your father. The father that killed your mother. My friend that did wrong to you. Addai said.

    I shot the third time while I mashed my lips together. The way I shot the gun was finally straight.

    Very good. Always shoot your opponent straight. Always shoot before your opponent gets away. Be bold and brave on your opponent. Never let up! Addai shouted.

    Addai backed away when I aimed the gun at the target. I shot again straight this time when I put a bullet hole in the bull's eye.

    Outstanding! Right in the head! Addai said excitedly.

    Thanks. I said. It was hard work, but I had the hang of shooting a gun at fourteen. I was very young, but I knew what I wanted. I worked towards dealing with my fears and continue my journey to be an assassin. I take my fears and just shove it away. That's how I learned as I hustled every day. Addai would always pay me after a job is done. Soon I was good at what I wanted to be.

    Present Day

    I had woken up from my daydreaming when I was a teenager. I was different from all other teenagers. I never had friends. I always had enemies. In order to survive, I fought back. I learned a lot of things when I was a assassin. The first body that I killed gave me so much fear inside of me. When I had blood in my hands, I knew I was going to get into trouble. The death was reported in newspapers, social media, and the news. The police never could find me. I had to get out of town. Addai knew all the hideouts and safe houses. He took me under his wing. Right now I wasn't the same person when I was a teenager. I had grown to be experienced as I risked my life as an assassin. Every time I had to kill someone that person reminded of my father. My father was the main target. I always wanted revenge that burned inside of my soul. So, I continued to kill just to satisfy myself. I didn't have no regrets to killing the enemy.  My cell phone had rung. I felt my hands sore from a fight I had a few minutes ago. I stared at my cell phone. I didn't know who would call me around midnight in my safe house in California. I cautiously picked up my cell phone.

    Hello? I asked.

    Yo, Damien! You may be the talk of the streets as you shooting, breaking necks, dodging bullets, starting shoot outs, and being the head of the game. All that shit don't faze me! You are still that young punk that just entered into the gang sixteen years ago! Nothing never changed. You that same scared punk at the shooting range. I just want to tell you. Your life is about to end. So get prepared cuz I'm coming. Peace, fool! Checking the fuck out!

    When I listened it was a familiar voice I heard for so many years when I was drug dealer. I was first a drug dealer when I was fourteen before I became an assassin. I knew the caller wanted to have beef with me because my name was spreading around because everyone knew that I was a ruthless guy. I was the guy that didn't take any shit. I was serious about time and money. I always knew how to get the job done. Addai knew I was talented and always focused. That person who called was in the same gang that I was in. This gang was called Kings of Queens of Queens, New York. We dominated Queens. We had so much exposure that other gangs wanted to fight us. The guy that called me was named Charles. We called him Killa-C. He was always my right hand man to overcome all the enemies. I knew that voice over the phone was so familiar. I thought he was my friend. Now he was jealous of me and he's out for blood. It was my blood. I wasn't scared and at the same time I was ready for war. I wanted to call my right hand woman Quisha. She was known as the Queen Shooter. She also worked for Addai. We always talked about killing my father. But, I never get around to do it. That was my only fear I had for now. I loved my father and he's my boss' friend. I worried if I hurt my father, then Addai would kill me as well. I didn't want that to happen. Addai was ruthless too. I was scared for him to go after me as I knew him all of my life. I was ready for war with Killa-C. Killa-C was nothing but a chump. He had the nerve to call me a punk. I had to grow up first in a gang. He knew my strengths and weaknesses when I was in the Kings of Queens gang. So, I called Quisha. I let my cell phone dialing for a few seconds until Quisha had picked up.

    Hello? Quisha asked with a sleepy and groggy voice.

    Hey, girl. Guess what happened to me. Out of nowhere I get call from an old friend I knew back then when I was a drug dealer. Remember I told you I was a drug dealer back in the day. I stated matter of fact.

    Yeah. I remember. Quisha said.

    He had the audacity to threaten me on the phone. He wouldn't do it cuz I know that he's a punk. He tryna get me down, but he's a fool. I'm good at what I do. Why would I be scared? Yeah. You are very experienced at what you do. He should be scared. Well thanks for telling me. If you need any help, then I'll be down there in the morning.

    Yeah. You are right. Be down here in the morning cuz I need back up.

    Okay. I will do just that. I'm going to catch a flight right now.

    Thanks. I appreciate it.

    No problem. I see you.


    See ya.

    As we hung up, I thought of Quisha all night. I known her for about four years. We were a good team. But, I knew it would be nice to see her again. I was so attracted to her even though we had a business relationship. We never had quality time together either. She always had that pretty, chocolate, brown, skin and long, dark hair. I don't know she was mixed with something since I known her in all these years.

    In the next morning, I had heard a knock on the door and opened the door my safe house.

    Hello Damien. It's been months. Quisha said.

    Yeah. It has been a long time. I said as I grab her luggage, and I put the luggage in one of the six bedrooms. Addai had expected more assassins to be here. But, I never did heard from them.

    Have you heard from the others?

    Nope. I never did get a call.

    Can you call them? I have to call Addai about what's going on.

    I'll be right on it.

    I left her in her bedroom while she was on her cell phone. I called Addai in the living room.

    Hello? Addai asked.

    What's up. We got a situation. I warned.

    What is it? Did you finished the job?

    Yes I did. It's not about that.

    What is it?

    I just gotten a threatening phone call from a drug dealer that I had known when I was a teenager. He is after my life.  I think it's a jealousy thang because people have been talking about me. And this brotha want to test me! I shouted.

    Where is he located?

    Flushing, New York. I have to meet him head on before I get killed. I don't know he will meet me here.

    Just lay low for a while. Then, we will think about going to New York.

    Okay. I will call back up.

    But the others are on assignments at Puerto Rico, Buenos Aires, and Paris.

    Damn. When will they be back?

    They'll be back next week on Monday. They are almost finished with their assignments.

    I'm grateful about that. I might be a gang that might takes place. So, I want the whole crew to be down here in California.

    I understand that.

    Okay. I talk to you later if something pops up.

    Okay. See ya.


    Quisha came in the living room. She had on sunglasses, zip-up black shirt, and tight leggings to match her black, combat boots. She always had her hair down along her back.

    I just called the others. They said that they are busy. They are free next week.

    I heard that from Addai. I feel bad that they can't come right now.

    I'm here.

    I know. I'm glad you are here. But we need our crew.

    You are right. We have to be prepared.

    I'm just wondering that gang would find me here. By then, I got my gack ready.

    Mine is too. It will be nice to just work together again.

    Most definitely. We make a great team.

    Yep. How was your day yesterday?

    Last night was tough. I had an assignment to do and then I was in a bar fight. I was just minding my own business and this guy just ran up on me. I didn't know he heard about me all the way from here. It was like...whoa!

    Wow! Your name spreads.

    Yeah. I have to be careful and lay low.

    I had an assignment like three months ago. I had to go after an Italian. He was a popular assassin. The police had never caught him. I finally killed his ass. He called me all sorts of names before I shot him in Italy. It was hard, but it was well worth it. I earned $100,000 for that job.

    Maybe I should go there one day. But, we could always depend on you girl. You got those street smarts.

    Thank you.

    Yeah. No problem. Addai had picked the right person for the job.

    Thanks. It was a tough job. It was easy to find Maderno.

    Really? That's gangsta.

    Since he was talked about a lot.

    Yeah. With my assignment last night, it was tough. I almost lost the fight. This person was after Addai. He talked about him so badly about my old man. Addai is more of a father figure than my own father.

    I didn't know that. head is hurting and my hand is sore from everything.

    I can do something with that.  I got some Icy Hot.


    Quisha grabbed some Icy Hot from her luggage and rubbed Icy Hot on my hands. Then, she gave me some water and Aspirin.

    Thank you. I appreciate it.

    My hands fluctuated through the heat and the cooling from the Icy Hot.

    It feels good.

    Yeah. I'm glad I had some of this.

    We stared at each other deeply into each other's eyes. She had the most prettiest eyes. I don't know she was attracted to me. I wonder why she stared at me this time. Then, she looked away after five minutes.

    While we are here now together we never have time to be together like dating or whatever. We would always have some time for business only.

    Really? Dating? Wow. I never thought about that.

    Yeah. Dating. I sat on the couch next to her. I stared at her beautiful eyes in silence.

    I just want you know....that I...

    I couldn't let my words out this time because now I was so nervous to tell her.

    Just spill it out.

    I just want you to know...that....I really like you. You are very beautiful. I like your smile, your spirit, and personality. It's terrible to be in a war when you are alone all the time.

    Really? You like me? I didn't know that.

    Yes. It was a secret of mine. I didn't want to startle you or anything. Or come across as too direct.

    It's okay to be truthful about your feelings. I'm glad you told me. We can get to know each other more while we wait for another war.

    That will be nice.

    Yeah. You are a really nice guy. I never had problems out of you. We can date if you want to.

    I really want to. I had been thinking about you all last night when I called you.

    " sweet."

    Thank you.

    You're welcome.

    I slid over to her as I stared deeply into her eyes. We were in silence again. I held her hand, then I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. She giggled and I had came up with a little chuckle.

    Wow! You kissed me.

    What do you think about this?

    Well...I like this. But, we need to keep it professional.

    "Awwwww....c'mon girl. It's time to just let your hair down and have fun while we are waiting for that nigga to come." I said as I nudged her shoulder.

    Yeah. That sounds nice. Okay....I will have fun with you while we wait. But, just remember we are working partners. When there is time to work it's time to work. Are we clear?

    Yes we are clear sweetheart.

    Okay. So, what do you want to do? Quisha blushed.

    Wow. Look at you blushing. That's a beautiful smile. Right now....I want us to drink.

    I got some champagne in my bag.

    I want to go out. How about that?

    Quisha had to think at a pause.



    I drove Quisha in my white, 2015 Cadillac to a bar. I hoped that I didn't run into trouble while I'm having fun with Quisha. It was time to let our hair down and take a break on waiting for Killa-C to barge into my world. Quisha and I were in the Hollywood area over at Sunset Boulevard. It is where the fun starts. We went to the lounge called The Well. I was afraid that Quisha might put me down for going a date with her. But, I liked when she said that she liked me. I was scared to tell her that I wanted a life with her. I was so nervous to tell her. As we walked in the lounge, there were a few people at the bar. Some people had ordered burritos. We had ordered only drinks. I really wanted to spend time with Quisha. I knew this was my only chance. I ordered a Brown Sugar Original drink. It included whiskey, brown sugar, cherry juice, orange juice, and bitters. Quisha had ordered a rum punch. It had included flavored rums with pineapple, orange, and cranberry juice.

    When you kissed me, I didn't know you were a loving type. I thought you were mysterious, shy, and a quiet type. And the one who doesn't talk about your feelings. Quisha said.

    No that's not me. I am really cool and laid back if you get to know me.

    Okay. That's cool.

    How old are you?

    I'm 32. You?

    I'm 30. I'm getting old girl.

    We both had laughed. Our drinks came in around ten minutes later. As we happily drunk some of our drinks, we stared at each other in the eyes. Then, we smiled at each other.

    I can now be comfortable around you. Quisha stated.

    I like that. We can be friends now and hang out. I want you to be my buddy.

    That will be nice.

    You can be comfortable around me. Remember I always got your back. If you need to talk, then I'm here for you.

    " are sweet. You have this sweet side about you. I never experienced that."

    I don't know why you are surprised. You never asked for my sweet side baby.

    Why do I have to when we're at work? At work we don't need to show that side.

    We should show that side because when our friends are in trouble.

    Yeah. You are right.

    I appreciate you for having my back all these many years.

    Thank you. I appreciate that.

    No problem baby.

    As we sipped our drinks, we sipped in silence.

    What are you going to do with that father situation? Quisha asked.

    I can't believe you asked me that. Can we talk about something else? I asked.

    I mean it's been bothering you and I can tell. I always seen the anger when you talk about family.

    I don't know what to do. I shrugged my shoulders and frowned.

    You know what you should do is talk to him.

    I'm not going to jail to see him after what he did. He can die in there all I care.

    I know deep down you still love him.

    No I don't. Not anymore. Let's just talk about something else.


    After we finished our drinks, Quisha stared into my eyes again.

    What? I asked.

    How is your love life? I bet a lot of women are all over you. Quisha giggled.

    I don't go out that much and I don't date that much. I'm not around a lot of women. I don't see anything like you, ya know. I want somebody that is special, loving, and sexy. That's what I want.

    And you will get it someday.

    Yeah. Hopefully. Do you want to get out of here?

    Yeah. I'm ready.

    Okay. I paid both of our bills, held her hand, and we walked out.

    Next week came around slowly while I watched out the window like it felt like it was a million of times.  Quisha and I were getting impatient. We wanted something to happen. We didn't see anything yet. We expected Killa-C and his crew to barge in. I was worried about being without our crew and what if danger occurs. I heard a knock on the door around lunch time. I opened the door and our fellow assassins walked through the front door.

    What's up guys! I said as I gave all the guys dabs. Four men walked into the living room.

    I haven't seen you in months. We were all busy working and doing our thang. Keith said.

    I heard that fam! I blurted out.

    Nice pad. Crazy C said as he looked around. Crazy C was also known as Caleb. Crazy C is light skin and he was athletic build. He was a good fighter and a sharp dresser. He would always have on the most expensive jewelry on his fingers and around his neck. Rubies were his favorite and he would always have a hoop earring in his right ear. He never do anything without them. Crazy C told me his earring was lucky. I didn't know the background story behind it. But, he got his name from how he fights. He fights with other enemies without any remorse. He shows another side when it comes to work. On a daily he shows this high maintenance type of personality. When it comes to business Crazy C is ruthless. He always made sure his work was complete. He would have on suits for the evening, but today he had a nice buttoned up with some slacks and brown, dress shoes. I try to dress like that. But, there is no need to.  I always take notes once in a while. Crazy C was a great friend of mine too. Keith was dark skin. He was a quiet type and mysterious. He was the opposite from me. He always starts off with a short conversation. He doesn't talk about his past that much. Sammie was known as Sledgehammer. Once he got his name was when he won all of his fights with his enemies in a different way. His punches sound like he would knock a sledgehammer on wood. He was impressive and inspiring to me. He makes me to be a better assassin or maybe just be a better fighter. Raymond who is also called Ray-Ray. He was the most of the youngest of our men in the group. He is 24. He would always wear urban gear. He never wants to be classy like Keith or Crazy C. He would always have street smarts. Ray-Ray reminded of myself when I was young. He replayed my childhood. Ray-Ray goes through training with Addai all the time. The situation with Killa-C would be his first mission. I was so excited for him and willing to see how he does on this mission. I wanted him to be bold and gain the experience.

    How are you doing when you just hanging around here? Keith asked.

    I'm holding out pretty fine. Nothing has happen yet. Being without y'all would be a disaster.

    Cool. We here for you.

    I appreciate it man. Man, Killa-C was testing me because he heard about me in New York. Ya know some people can never stop talking about me.

    That's the life of an assassin. Everybody trying to better than the other person.

    He's right. Crazy C said.

    Man where he at? I want to bust on that fool, yo! Ray-Ray interjected.

    I like your drive. But, we have to focus and lay low. I don't know what's going to happen. I insisted.

    Calm down, Ray-Ray. You would get your chance. Crazy C grinned.

    I don't know if Killa-C is coming here or whether or not we should meet him at New York. I stated.

    We should meet him in New York, so we could be more prepared. Keith said.

    I was thinking the same thing. I agreed.

    "We should go to New

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