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His Forbidden Passion
His Forbidden Passion
His Forbidden Passion
Ebook153 pages2 hours

His Forbidden Passion

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Take an adventure to a faraway desert land, where the passion burns as hot as the desert sun. Lose yourself in the story of Farah, a western woman and Mahir, an eastern man as they navigate their way through difficult terrain of love...
The strict code of conduct that has been ingrained into Mahir since he was a child has become a way of life. He knows his job well, and his place within the palace walls. Distance and neutrality has been his life, and the only way he can serve his king and country effectively.
However, the newest member of the royal family has arrived, and having been raised in the west, Farah is as bold and confident as she is beautiful. And Mahir has caught her eye. She does her utmost to fray every last strand of his self-control, but she is not his to love.
Determined to ignore the intense passion Mahir feels for Farah might be harder than he at first believes, and before he knows it, the all-consuming power of their attraction will test Mahir’s iron-clad control more than he could have imagined. As the desert sun rises in the east, so does the forbidden heat that burns between them, threatening everything...

Release dateSep 21, 2020
His Forbidden Passion

Jennifer Jansen

In her past life Jennifer was a teacher which she found extremely rewarding. She speaks three languages and is now learning a fourth so you could say words are in her blood.Jennifer is an avid reader and has lived and worked in exotic places, travelling to every continent. Her romance books are based on the first-hand knowledge she has on the destinations and therefore the characters and settings are authentic.Jenifer hopes you enjoy reading her stories as much as she enjoys writing them.Read her travel blogs and find her romance books on her website above.

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    Book preview

    His Forbidden Passion - Jennifer Jansen

    His Forbidden Passion

    Desert Desires Book III

    Jennifer Jansen

    Copyright 2020

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold, given away, or reproduced in any way without the author’s consent. All characters and settings are fictional and any resemblance to any person or place is purely coincidental. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Chapter 1

    He was beneath her in every way. Mahir had common blood and was merely an employee within the palace despite being raised within its walls and being the king’s right hand man.

    He knew his place. He had been raised by a father who was the closest advisor to the former king. She was in another class altogether. Royal blood flowed through her veins.

    He had no business admiring her.

    He watched from afar as the newest member of the royal family, Farah Wilson, spoke with the king, his close friend, Nabil. Her beautiful, golden hair flowed around her shoulders, her dark blue eyes shone with a vivacity that made his body come alive whenever she looked his way.

    He watched as she spoke to Nabil about something he couldn’t quite hear, but she was so different to the women who usually surrounded him. Her entire being was animated as she spoke. She was indeed a vibrant young thing and didn’t hide her passion behind the guise of modesty.

    Suddenly, she turned and their eyes locked. She had noticed him watching her. Every muscle in Mahir’s body tensed immediately, knowing she was the sister of the king, he should never have allowed himself to be caught staring at her. But instead of a scowl, Farah smiled up at him, a broad and gentle smile, genuine in nature. His brain stalled for a moment and he was unable to look away from that perfect, heart-shaped face. Then he composed himself and bowed to her.

    Mahir, King Nabil’s voice called to him. Come over here, he said.

    They were standing in the downstairs living area with the large ceiling to floor windows all around looking out onto the beach. Mahir walked over and bowed to his king.

    Nabil put a hand on Mahir’s shoulder. This guy, he said and laughed jovially, we grew up together, bonding over our love of video games as children, yet he insists on bowing to me now.

    Mahir hoped his embarrassment wouldn’t show in front of the newest royal who was now standing next to him. You are now king, ya Sayeed, and my role has changed dramatically since we were children.

    I’ve never been comfortable with you calling me my lord. Your role has never changed, nor will it, Mahir, Nabil replied his face now serious. You are my best friend first and foremost and my closest advisor second.

    Mahir nodded. Nabil was indeed his best friend but since his ascension to the throne it didn’t feel right to speak to him in such familiar terms as he did when they were younger.

    Nabil turned to his sister. Mahir knows about you, about our family situation, he said to her. There is nothing you can’t discuss in front of him. Then he smiled at Mahir and said to sister, He is family. He turned to Mahir. Mahir, thank you for coming so quickly to my meet with us this morning. You remember my sister, Farah?

    She smiled up at him again, her eye contact quite bold and direct for this region. Mahir was instantly lost in her shining blue eyes. That was the first thing he had noticed about her when he had initially seen her as she had arrived a few months ago. He bowed deeply but as he came up he saw she was holding out her hand for him to shake.

    He reached out and took her hand. It was small and soft, delicate, which he expected, but what he didn’t expect was the bolt of electricity that rushed through his body at the warmth and sensation of her hand in his. And if he wasn’t mistaken she seemed to sense it too for her face instantly changed, her eyes grew wide and she stared up at him for a moment too long without speaking.

    You can’t afford these types of feelings. You have an important job to do.

    Mahir released her hand and turned to Nabil. Clearing his throat which had unexpectedly gone dry, he asked, You called on me, Sire? Is there anything I can assist you with this morning?

    Nabil chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. As you know, Farah is very new to royal life. I need someone to teach her the ins and outs, different protocols for certain situations. And I thought, what better person to do this than you? You know everything there is to know and I trust you more than anyone else.

    He knew the circumstances of Farah’s arrival to the palace. Once Nabil found out he had a half-sister from his father’s affair, he had set out to find her. She had been living in London with her mother and it was not easy to convince her to come to Zashar.

    Mahir nodded his ascent but something deep inside him made him very unsettled.

    Farah must also learn about our history, culture and of course, language, Nabil looked at him seriously. Will you do me this honour, my friend?

    Mahir stood still. He would do anything for his friend, his king. But all this time he would have to spend with the new royal…could he do it? She elicited in him things he didn’t want to feel. Emotions he would rather not have to think about.

    But he would have to do it. He was no stranger to self-discipline. And he was well aware and dedicated to the influential position he held. He nod-bowed to his king. It would be my honour, ya Sayeed.

    Thank you, dear friend, Nabil said. Then turning to his sister. You couldn’t be in better hands.

    Farah turned still smiling, and her eyes flashed with something he couldn’t quite decipher. Happiness? Was she happy about this? She seemed very happy indeed. Or was it something else entirely? But the expression came and went so quickly that he couldn’t be sure of what he was seeing.

    Mahir, she said, her voice had a slight husk to it and something stirred deep within him at hearing his name on her lips. Thank you for offering to be my guide and teacher. As you can imagine, my life has changed dramatically to what it was just a few months ago.

    Yes, he knew. He remembered how much Nabil had struggled with the news that she existed.

    I understand it has been a very different life for you thus far, my lady, he answered.

    Her face scrunched slightly, almost into a scowl, as he uttered those last words and he stalled hoping he hadn’t offended her.

    Did I say something inappropriate, my lady? he asked wanting clarification.

    She then looked down, and he found himself missing those big, blue eyes.

    I…well…you can understand, she began, looking back up at him, that I’m not used to this. I don’t have any official royal title yet. You don’t need to call me ‘my lady.’ In fact, I would prefer it if you didn’t, she said. Please, call me Farah.

    Mahir looked over at his king and friend. Nabil shrugged his shoulders. Whatever my sister wants, he said.

    Referring to the newest royal by her first name was something Mahir wasn’t comfortable with in the slightest. She was royalty after all, at least on one side of her family tree. And he was not.

    That’s not the only reason why.

    But he would do as he was asked. He bowed his ascent nonetheless.

    Then he turned and bowed to Farah. As you wish, he said. Perhaps I could give you a complete tour of the palace as a first step. I know you have confined yourself to only certain parts so far but there is so much more to see and learn. Then we will delve into Zashar’s history and of course, I will organise language lessons… He could hear himself using his official tone of voice – staid, robotic.

    That would be great, she said, not seeming to mind his seriousness, her enthusiasm surprisingly annoying to him.

    Why is that?

    But you won’t be teaching me the language yourself? she asked.

    The language is too important to leave it to someone who is not a teacher. You will need someone who knows what they are doing in that area. Rest assured, I will get you the finest language tutor in Zashar, he explained.

    He couldn’t be sure but he thought he saw a flash of disappointment cross her face.

    I shall leave you to it, Nabil said then kissed Farah on the cheek and left to take care of the nation building business.

    Farah just stood waiting for him to do something. Mahir stood still for a moment, thoughts running through his mind. Thoughts he didn’t want, didn’t like. Thoughts he had no right to think.

    Farah spoke up. Why don’t you show me where you and Nabil played as children? she suggested.

    Yes, good. That is a safe place to start.

    He bowed then caught the glint in her eye as he brought his head back up. He couldn’t decipher what it was though.

    You don’t need to bow to me, Mahir, she said softly. It’s really not necessary. Her eyes were sincere, she was serious about this.

    If I may…Miss Farah, he said almost stumbling over her name, the familiarity of it not sitting well with him. I am in a very difficult position. Please understand, I am not of royal blood, I am an employee -

    You’re hardly just an employee from what I understand, she cut in. My brother has nothing but the utmost admiration and respect for you.

    Her words warmed his heart but everything he had told her was correct. "Be that as it may, my la – Miss Farah, you hold a certain position, as do I.’

    She regarded him for a moment, then exhaled and he couldn’t help but watch as her chest rose and fell. He couldn’t help but notice her ample cleavage despite the fact she was well covered in a long dress. Stop it!

    Well then, Mahir, she said placing her hands on her hips, I ask you not to bow to me again unless it is absolutely necessary for some official occasion. Although I doubt I’d ever have to attend one of those. How’s that? she asked, the challenge in her eyes evident.

    He had to hold back a smile. She was feisty, intense, and clear on what she wanted.

    And that’s a dangerous combination for you.

    Mahir stood still for a moment, the order she had just given him was one he would never have expected. But she wasn’t what he expected either. He would have thought that she might be a bit easier to deal with considering this was all new to her.

    Instead of arguing though he nodded and extended his hand towards the door. Let’s begin then, he said.

    Leading Farah along the large corridors out of Nabil’s office towards their old stomping grounds as children, Mahir was acutely aware of her next to him. The subtle scent of her floral perfume wafted through the air to his nostrils, her hair was shining like the sun as the light fell on it through the large windows, reminding him of the desert sun. All of her filling his senses. Something unfamiliar - and unwanted, shifted deep inside him.

    Self-control. Self-discipline. That’s the way we must live our lives.

    So, when you and Nabil were younger you loved video games, eh? Farah asked looking up at him.

    He didn’t look her way, kept walking through the corridors. Yes, we did.

    He heard her chuckle a little next to him.

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