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A Preppers View Of Societal Collapse
A Preppers View Of Societal Collapse
A Preppers View Of Societal Collapse
Ebook55 pages50 minutes

A Preppers View Of Societal Collapse

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About this ebook

Set in a post apocalyptic America just after a solar storm destroyed the grid and most technology finds the hero David, of the original book Preppers Road March, trying to create a sustainable life at his bug out location. I was contacted by a number of readers who wanted to inquire about what had happened to their favorite characters who first appeared in the Prepper Trilogies. I undertook the task of answering this, as a thank you to my dedicated readers, by beginning a series of Prepper Novelettes so that the characters could give voice to their own experiences from their differing personal perspectives. These are short little updating features that give my readers 'the rest of the story' that popular demand has requested. This is the third book in the series. David and his fellow refugees who bugged out to the lake continue the struggle for everyday existence as they must range farther abroad on their "borrowing" trips for supplies. Boudreaux and Bernie have gotten the Trading Post up and running and are finding innovative ways to keep it stocked as well as guarded against a populace growing more desperate everyday. The novelettes are written utilizing southern style language and grammar.

PublisherRon Foster
Release dateNov 11, 2013
A Preppers View Of Societal Collapse

Ron Foster

I am going through what most would call a career change. My background competencies include being a Gemologist (Diamond and colored stone appraiser) series 7 and 63 license (Investment banker) Army soldier and Air Force Airman, corporate administrator and entrepreneur to name a few.I received a Bachelor of Science Degree from Empire State College in Human Services with a specialty in Emergency Management Administration and Planning at age 50. I have a Masters of Administrative Science (MAS) from Fairleigh Dickinson University with 7 graduate certificates.Certifications include: Alabama Emergency Managers Association (Certified Emergency Manager), National Association Of Safety Professionals (Certified Emergency Management Specialist), FEMA Professional Development Certificate Series awarded, and has Graduate Certificates in: Administrative Science, Emergency Management Administration, Global Security and Terrorism Studies Certificate, Displaced Persons Certificate, School Security & Safety Administration Certificate, Law and Public Safety Administration, and Non Profit Organization and Management.

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    A Preppers View Of Societal Collapse - Ron Foster


    Ron Foster

    © 2011 by Ron Foster

    All rights reserved.





    Printed in the United States of America.


    Cheryl Chamlies


    Our End of The Lake Revisited

    David shrugged off his pack and waited for Sherry to catch up. They had both been out on one of their almost daily borrowing trips and the distance they had to go to find a vacant house that might have some supplies in it that someone else had not snatched was getting further and further away. It seemed everyone’s primary job these days was to gather up whatever usable stuff they could before somebody else snatched up what little their was left.

    Security was at an all time high now to, which just made matters more difficult. If you left your stuff at home unguarded, it was a pretty much a reasonable assumption that you would get cleaned out before you got back. David’s clan had enough people to allow some of them to guard and some to foray out on scavenging missions, but that practice in itself was dangerous. You never knew if a dedicated group would attack your homestead while you were undermanned, let alone someone might be lurking about somewhere to waylay a passer by for the meager possessions they had.

    Today’s haul wasn’t too bad, just heavier than hell. Try throwing 20 cans of food and some other essentials in a pack and having to walk a few miles under the Alabama late summer sun.

    Hell David muttered to himself. I was getting old and out of shape before this solar storm hit.

    David was much leaner and harder now that a considerable amount of exercise went into just going about living life everyday and doing small tasks, but the current sun up to well past sundown routine of being ever vigilant was stressing him out.

    How are you doing Sherry? David said as he watched her catch up carrying her share of the days searching and pilfering through abandoned houses.

    I am fine, just hot. That and trying to keep up with those long legs of yours is wearing me down a bit. Sherry said dropping her own pack and reaching for the canteen David offered.

    We don’t have too much farther to go. We are lucky that on this end of the lake to have so few people still around on our side. Boudreaux and his bunch are starting to go out past 10 miles scavenging the countryside

    I suppose it will get worse before it gets better. When do you figure that people will stop bugging out of the towns around here? It was pretty quiet for several weeks and then it seemed everyone started coming towards the lake in mass, as I guess all their food ran out Sherry said scanning their back trail.

    I wish the danged fools would quit shooting at anything that moves. They got the game around here so spooked I got wonder if the animals haven’t migrated back into the swamps or something David said mopping his brow with a big green bandana.

    We been lucky to have so few come up on us at home, but that don’t mean we are in the clear. I over heard that damned Elroy down at the trading post talking about trying to figure out where our end of the lake was, because we brought in so many barter items David said.

    I wish someone would just shoot him and be done with it. Everyone knows he probably is robbing folks for the stuff he carries in. Nobody leaves jewelry around like he supposedly just finds." Sherry said like she wouldn’t mind an excuse to throw some lead his way.

    "Well Bernie said that we are going to try and start a constable force of some type in order to deal with Elroy’s sort. I know he won’t go on Boudreaux’s turf though, they already had some words over that and Boudreaux told him flat out if he smelled him anywhere near his house or the Point he

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