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Graham's Rescue
Graham's Rescue
Graham's Rescue
Ebook294 pages5 hours

Graham's Rescue

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You’re pregnant, Graham.”

Wow. Life has tossed Graham a lot of curveballs, but he never expected to hear those words. Then, just as Graham and his fated mate, Hyden, are getting used to that amazing news, someone from Graham’s past returns and kidnaps him, threatening the very future they want to build. Turns out Graham is an Oletti, a bloodline of wolf shifters that seems to be part of an ancient prophecy, one that speaks of a hidden magical spring of water that can restore the earth and all that is in it. A power some would kill to possess. Except, in the wrong hands, it can also turn humans and shifters totally away from what, and who, they truly love, tearing families and even fated mates apart.

Unfortunately, Hyden has been forced to drink this water so no one is coming to rescue Graham. It’s now up to him to not only save himself, his unborn child and his fated mate, but very possibly the world as they know it. But superhero capes are hard to come by and he never liked himself much in tights. Still, with the help of his Oletti powers, this should be something he can do, right? Oh, Great Wolf, let this be something I can do...

PublisherHurri Cosmo
Release dateSep 28, 2020
Graham's Rescue

Hurri Cosmo

Hurri Cosmo lives in Minnesota where she holds tight to the idea that there, where it’s cold a good part of the year, she won’t age as fast. Yep, she avoids the truth as much as she avoids mirrors. But one of the reasons she loves writing is reality doesn’t always offer up a “happily ever after” and being able to take control of that is a powerful lure. Being a happy ending junkie, writing just makes them easier to find. Oh, she doesn’t mind “real life” and she does try to at least keep it in mind when she writes her stories, but she truly loves creating a wonderful couple, knowing they will fall in love and have their HEA. Every - single - time. And, of course, that is exactly the reason she loves reading this genre, too. Give her a glass of red wine, some dark chocolate, and her computer, whether she is reading or writing, and she will entertain herself for hours. The fact she actually gets paid to do it is Snickers bars on the frosting on the cake.

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    Graham's Rescue - Hurri Cosmo


    Six months ago

    How… how is that possible? Had Graham heard the man correctly? He was—good God—pregnant?

    The doctor smiled and clapped Hyden on the back. I think there’s only one answer to that question.

    Hyden, appearing stunned as well, nodded. Yes. One answer. I had an idea but… He turned to Graham, who was sitting beside him, stood, and pulled him up and into his arms. "Oh, thank you, little one. You are making us parents. I can’t believe it. It’s a dream I thought would remain exactly that. A dream."

    Graham loved being in these arms. And after learning for the first time just yesterday that he belonged to a massive pack and that his lover was the Supreme Alpha, well, it was just a little overwhelming. And now this?

    A baby.

    He was pregnant!

    I’m an Oletti? he whispered. Was he really just like Myrk?

    Hyden pulled him back to gaze at him with shiny eyes. Oh God, those were tears. Yes, my sweet. I can’t believe it either, but yes, you must be from the Oletti clan.

    And you suspected?

    Hyden grinned after wiping his eyes. Well, the mood swings, weight gain, strange cravings in the middle of the night. Pretty classic.

    You mean last night? First of all, it wasn’t the middle of the night, it was well before eleven.

    "It was five to, and when I usually get up at four, eleven is the middle of the night."

    Graham grunted. Okay, fine, I’ll give you that. But M&Ms are not a strange craving.

    On pizza?

    What’s strange about that?

    With ketchup?

    It was a frozen pizza that you had no idea how long had been in the freezer and you know they never have enough sauce.

    Ketchup is not pizza sauce.

    Did we have pizza sauce?


    I rest my case. Not strange. Just… creative.

    Hyden sighed and mumbled something.

    And you didn’t even try it.

    Hyden chuckled. No. You’re right. I didn’t.

    But… I do have a question.

    What’s that, my love?

    Does this mean… I mean, am I… is Myrk somehow… like my brother or something? Myrk should not be someone Graham thought about at all, much less in this intimate moment, but the very thought they were even remotely related was making him a little nauseous. Or maybe it was the pregnancy doing that. Nonetheless, he wanted to know.

    Hyden’s adoring expression morphed into confusion. I don’t know. He turned to the doctor. Jack?

    Myrk Varwag? I honestly couldn’t tell you. We would have to conduct a DNA test for that. Admittedly, I don’t know much about the Oletti clan. The only real information there seems to be is that the male has reproductive organs. Since that does not occur in any other species, the only conclusion I can come to, is that you are Oletti. Since Myrk is Oletti as well, there is a possibility you could be related.

    Graham had met Myrk, one of Hyden’s pack members, just last night, and it had not gone well. Coming home to the beautiful Omega shamelessly trying to seduce Hyden while standing in his own kitchen had set Graham’s canines on edge. Hyden had left the kitchen immediately and come to Graham’s side to hug him and ask about his day. But it didn’t change the fact that Myrk made it obvious he thought Graham was far beneath him, a fact Graham unfortunately had trouble denying.

    Wow, the irritating Myrk had said. I actually have the privilege of meeting the man who finally captured the great Hyden Solfang. And before the big commitment ceremony too. Graham remembered the man had walked toward them with a flirty, sauntering gait. Oh, Hyden! He is adorable, isn’t he?

    Careful, Myrk, Hyden had warned.

    Myrk had then reached up to flick a lock of hair from Graham’s forehead, causing Graham to flinch back as if the man had cooties. He probably did.

    Simply delightful! Myrk had chuckled, as if he had said something funny. He totally didn’t.

    Graham remembered growling. But that didn’t stop the snarky little man.

    I have to say, as impressed as I am such a man was even in existence, I am a bit perplexed.

    Hyden was finally getting upset, too, because he growled as well. Perplexed, Myrk? he had said. What in hell are you perplexed about? The problem was, Hyden was stiff beside Graham, as if he were concerned Mr. Varwag was going to say something Graham was not supposed to hear. Graham couldn’t help thinking, then why the hell encourage the stupid man to keep talking?

    Well, two things, really, Myrk unwisely continued. First, what kind of shifter name is Taylor? I know I’ve never heard it?

    Graham was raised by human parents. That’s all that needs to be said about the matter. Hyden did not sound pleased.

    Human? Really? I wonder. Myrk had stepped back as he gave Graham a long up-and-down inspection, which made Graham even madder. Are you sure he’s even a shifter, Hyden? Maybe he’s given you a human-made potion that muddles the brain and you only think he’s your mate. I have certainly heard of that happening.

    Myrk! Hyden had shouted, startling Graham who stood right beside him. That’s enough. Yes, Graham’s an Omega wolf shifter, and yes, he is my fated life-long and only mate. What’s your other perplexity?

    Graham had watched in awe the exchange between the two. He remembered almost feeling sorry for Myrk. Almost.

    Myrk’s face had become dark, though, at that moment, which worried Graham just a little. My other perplexity? Myrk had basically huffed as he lifted that beautiful face and looked down his perfect nose at Graham. That the gods would see fit to pair our supreme leader with someone so… so… oh, what’s a good word? Common.

    Yeah. That’s what he said.

    It was little wonder Graham had trouble acting the gracious host. His demeanor did not improve even after Hyden had finally kicked Myrk out because it was then Graham learned Hyden and Myrk had been lovers.

    Okay, not lovers, according to Hyden. But the two of them had been to bed together and maybe even in Hyden’s playroom plenty of times and that just ate at Graham. Myrk indeed was perfect. A flawless body, a gorgeous face, and probably a closet full of runway clothes. All things Graham would never have. Which of course made him doubt that Hyden would have even been attracted to him without the fated mate thing.

    Still, he reached out to touch his man for comfort.

    I learned in my shifter class, Graham offered, one theory was that there may have been some sort of lineage to adhere to. Only certain genes were to be passed down or highlighted. Something only the Y chromosome could carry, and it had to stay strong and unmutated. I admit I got a little lost in the explanation, but it had something to do with preventing genetic drift and how the earth reacted to that.

    The doctor nodded. Interesting. I had not heard that. But in thinking about genetic drift, it does make some sense. Some traits that are attached to the Y chromosome can actually harm the genes in a female fetus. So, in other words, Mother Nature was showing off. Making a show. He chuckled. I don’t know if that’s correct or not, but she is still very much in control no matter what us shifters think. The doctor shook his head. Or those idiot humans who believe… well, never mind that. Needless to say, I will have to study up.

    About Mother Nature?

    History has recorded aggressive behavior from her before. Who knows?

    Like now, you mean?

    She does seem angry.

    Hyden huffed. I agree. The tremors last night were strong.

    "They were. There was what we thought was a gas line break near the hospital downtown because of it. Turned out it was a gas leak, but more along the lines of volcanic gas."

    Yes. We responded to that. There were several around the city. Hyden shook his head.

    Unfortunately, there were burn admissions to the hospitals. Thankfully none were life-threatening. But, scary stuff. I did hear you sent your people to help. Thank you for all the support your Betas offered. Have you heard anything?

    You mean if Mount Genesis will erupt? There are those who say it’s inevitable.

    I’ve heard that, too, but they’re talking about a huge earthquake as well.

    Like the one nearly thirty years ago. I know. They’re also talking about evacuation.

    Graham chimed in. My professor’s one of those who is preaching for everyone to get out. He says he’s leaving at the end of the week because this whole area will be destroyed.

    Hyden huffed. Well, volcanos and earthquakes can go together. But it’s not good to panic. All we can do right now is be aware. Stay informed.

    Agreed. The doctor put a hand on Graham’s shoulder. Enough about that. Do you have any other questions, Graham?

    Actually, I do. How will this work? I mean, I don’t exactly have the anatomy for giving birth.

    Don’t worry. We’ll deliver by cesarean, I suspect. Even though I have never experienced a male being pregnant, I do know a thing or two about birthing babies. We will watch you as time moves forward. For now, get plenty of rest, schedule a visit with my nutritionist. There are standard vitamins and such. Then, I want to see you again in a month.

    Thank you, Doctor. Hyden smiled. Thank you very much. He shook the doctor’s hand and turned Graham toward the door. Come, my love. Next, we meet my pack. I’ve asked them to gather at the house. They should be there by the time we get home.

    Excuse me? Your pack? How are you going to get that many shifters in our house?

    Hyden laughed as they walked out of the office and to the elevator. "No, not the entire pack. That would be insane. Just some of the Alphas, maybe the Gammas, they would be important today, and any of my Betas who are not on assignment or helping with the cleanup. It will take a while for you to meet everyone. Honestly, I haven’t even met everyone."


    Leaders of the packs that are now governed by me.

    Oh. So, how many shifters?

    Twenty. Maybe thirty. Depends.

    Well, I’m glad the house is at least clean. Except the bedroom. Damn. He forgot to close the door. What would they think? Not that it mattered. They already had to know, right? Um… so, we’re not going to get there before them?

    I don’t think so. Why?

    I… just…. was thinking…

    And as if the man could read his mind, Oh. You mean the bedrooms. No worries, pup. None of the pack are allowed past the living room and they know that.

    Really? Oh. Okay. Still, I’m… a little nervous. I mean, even twenty shifters… I’ve never…

    Hyden sighed as he squeezed Graham’s hand. I know. Lean on me. I won’t leave your side. I simply want to introduce you as my fated mate and give them this wonderful news we just learned. Actually, I want to shout all of it from the rooftops. They’ll never believe it. I’m having trouble myself.

    Was Myrk invited?

    Hyden growled. No. But he might be there. His father is Alpha to the Varwag pack. Originally a Delta, hunters for the pack. Back in the day, they were tasked to find new territory, new hunting grounds, keep the pack fed. That role has evolved over the decades into more of a business-related hunt. Geared toward acquiring land in the sense of owning it. Housing, office structures, rental units, that type of thing. Due to the fact Farn, Myrk’s father, was evidently successful, he rose in the ranks to become Alpha for his pack. A top shifter. He renamed it the Varwag pack. So, he would have been invited.

    "Wow. He became Alpha as opposed to being an Alpha?"

    I’ve been told it happens. Bloods are mixed all the time and evidently on occasion an Alpha’s blood rises to the top. Apparently even in a Delta. Hyden shook his head. I’m not so sure in this case though. However, somehow he was charismatic and persuasive enough to convince an entire pack.

    Oh. So… Myrk’s family is well respected?

    I wouldn’t go that far. Feared maybe. Recently, it was brought to my attention that he may have done some things—unethically. And in my name. There’s hard evidence of it as well and I do need to talk with him. That status just might be stripped. Zamro, one of my Betas, is the one who discovered it. He glanced at Graham. No one knows that so keep it quiet. Zamro’s on a big assignment right now so that’s why the investigation is on hold. He needs to be here for the interrogation and eventual trial. So, at the moment, Farn Varwag’s position in the pack remains intact. If he shows, I believe he will bring Myrk with him.

    Graham sighed. Even though you ordered Myrk to never enter your house.

    "Our house. And it’s complicated. As our house, I would force him to comply. Unfortunately, in this moment, it’s not our house, but Solfang House. The pack house. He would have to leave the pack in order to not be able to enter when I have called for the pack to come."

    Can you change that?

    What do you mean?

    Have Solfang House somewhere else? Like one of your office buildings?

    Hyden nodded his head consideringly as they made their way to the parking lot. I could. That’s a good suggestion. I’ve never had the need to change things up like that. I do have to admit lately it gets quite crowded. He gazed down at Graham. Plus, now I owe my mate a home. A real home. I will look into moving Solfang House either later today or tomorrow.

    Good. Thank you. That doesn’t help for right now though. I still don’t like the idea Myrk may be there. If he is, you know he will cause trouble.

    Yes, regrettably, I do. But…


    "There was a time when I truly wished Myrk was my fated mate. I don’t love him, Graham. Please don’t misunderstand this. I have never loved him. But I wanted a family. My sister’s mating ceremony is coming up soon, and she’s pregnant with twins. That’s another thing. I can’t wait for you to meet her and her Beta fiancé. You’re going to love them both. She’s maybe not going to be too happy with me wanting to steal the limelight by mating with you so soon, but she’s happy and so excited about having a family. Kids. He chuckled. I’ve wanted that for me too."

    Really? You wished Myrk was your fated mate?

    Hey. Hyden stopped as they reached his truck. Maybe I shouldn’t have told you that, but I promised to hold nothing back. Before I met you and when I learned a male could actually give birth, I admit, I daydreamed about it. Not living with Myrk, exactly, but having a child of my own. Knowing it was a possibility. And now, not only am I given the amazing gift of my true fated mate, but you’re an Oletti as well. And pregnant with my pup. Or—pups. He opened the passenger door and helped Graham climb in.

    Pups? As in more than one? Graham’s heart thrilled with that thought. But… Myrk. Damn it. It’s still hard to hear. I really hate that man.

    Hyden squeezed Graham’s knee. Buckle up. And know this. I’m not happy with him either. He was out of line last night. But he’ll come around. It wasn’t like he was in love with me either. He’s more set on being mated with a head Alpha. He’s full-on Omega, so will not inherit the title nor does he want it. It’s a rank thing with him. That and the fact I have money. He shut the door and came around to the driver side. After he was in the truck and buckled, he started the large vehicle. Unfortunately, I allowed for there to be an on-and-off again thing between us. But the last time we were together was a good month before I met you. That was when I made it clear we were never going to be mated to one another. He got mad and left. And that was it. He started going out with other shifters. It was over.

    But clearly it wasn’t. He was probably trying to make you jealous.

    Hyden glanced at Graham as he maneuvered the truck out of the parking lot. Yeah, maybe. He didn’t.

    Good. I still don’t like that you thought of him at all as your mate.

    Hyden huffed. Honestly? I’m not proud of that either. Neither one of us should have ever even thought to simply settle for something that wasn’t real. Those times when I dreamed about having a child of my own, I thought Myrk was my only hope for that. When I wasn’t with him, for that reason, it became easier to think it was possible to mate with him. But of course, the second we were together, I knew that would never happen. Not to mention, I would never be able to make him pregnant anyway.

    Because an Oletti male can only become pregnant by their fated mate?

    "Yes. Their fated male mate. Certainly a female would never be able to provide the necessary component to make that happen."

    Good point. Which further supports we’re fated mates.

    Hyden reached out a hand and grabbed Graham’s. Yes, again. I have never doubted that since the moment you stood at my door, dripping wet and sneezing. The fact I had finally met you hit me like a lightning bolt.

    They arrived at Solfang House but couldn’t get into the garage where Hyden’s Jeep was and where he normally parked the truck. They couldn’t even get in the driveway. There were too many cars parked everywhere, including the street.

    Damn. I need a parking lot. You are absolutely right about moving Solfang House. Hyden parked the truck on the street a half block away. Looks like we have a ton of company. We’ll have to walk from here.

    Oh God, company? No! Graham gasped. An image of Jake, the asshole Alpha Graham had lived with before he stumbled into Solfang House, slammed into his brain. It seemed ages ago, but it had only been months. Jake, who lived in Tenway Park, had a habit of inviting his friends and offering Graham up to them like he was a thick piece of filet mignon. Graham had trouble not remembering the leers on those Alpha faces, the vulgar comments they made, the chuckling as they advanced on him…

    What’s wrong? Hyden shouted. Are you okay?

    Sorry! I… I was just thinking. We’re here… Graham put a hand on his heart. He had had no defenses back then. Jake was his Alpha. The man he was supposed to be able to trust. And the man would keep Graham naked and force him to lube himself just so he was nice and ready when his company arrived. The big shifter would sit on the couch with a fucking beer and watch Graham do it, too, making Graham kneel on the floor in front of him, bent over, his ass in the air…

    Talk to me. What’s going on in that head?

    Graham gazed into Hyden’s eyes. I… it’s just that I remember… I don’t like company.

    Oh, Graham. Hyden grabbed him and pulled him into a hug across the seat. You do not need to fear company ever again. I swear it. I will kill any shifter or human who even suggests I share you. I will not. Trust me.

    He did. But the tears came anyway. Hyden just held him.

    And Myrk? Hyden whispered gently. Please don’t worry about him either. I’ll be with you. I can’t imagine he’ll dare do or say anything anyway. Not in front of the pack. I hope he wouldn’t embarrass his father like that, especially with the trouble his father might be in. But even so, I won’t leave your side. I’ll protect you. Hyden pulled back and kissed Graham lightly on his wet lips. I promise. Okay? He wiped the tears from his face.

    Graham nodded as he took a deep breath. Okay. He sniffed. Or this time, I get to rip his face off, right?

    Hyden laughed. Yes. And believe me, there are plenty of shifters in that house right now who would cheer you on. He kissed him again. You okay?

    Yeah. Graham nodded and pulled out of Hyden’s arms.

    All right. Careful getting out on that side. It’s still pretty muddy.

    The rains that had been plaguing the entire metro area of Tenway off and on for months, including its southern suburb of Davenshire, had at last stopped. However, sewer systems were still overwhelmed and much of the lower lying regions remained flooded, forcing people from their homes. Even here, in the upper neighborhoods, standing water was an issue. Added to those challenges, the strong earth tremors off to the north and east near the mountains overnight, sparked more anxiety. Even though they only caused very minor damage, the pop-up fires triggered by broken gas lines had city resources, and city dwellers nerves, at the breaking point.

    And now Graham had learned it wasn’t necessarily natural gas lines, but volcanic gas spewing from the earth. Was Mount Genesis about to blow?

    Unfortunately, humans were starting to believe it was the beginning of the end of the world and blamed it on shifters. It had been all over the news. They preached shifters were an abomination and it was divine intervention ridding the planet of an unnatural being. Others whispered it was a government conspiracy also involving getting rid of shifters. This kind of thinking only added to the unrest on both sides.

    For those very reasons, the twenty or so top shifters, which Hyden had told Graham would be in attendance, ended up being over fifty, including the Alphas Hyden had claimed would be there and the Betas. But there were also Thetas, Kappas, and yes, Gammas, the elders, who had somehow filed into the house. Everyone was scared and wanted answers, thinking Hyden could provide them.

    Hyden and Graham made their way across the entry and into the kitchen, Hyden saying he would make an announcement once Dreven got there. Dreven was an Epsilon, or spiritual leader, Hyden explained quietly to Graham. He would bless their union first before the official announcement.

    Hyden got the two of them in front of the large island in the kitchen while a number of men crowded around him. One of the shifters reported all the fires in the metro were out and cleanup was underway. Another wearily told Hyden the gang wars in Tenway had claimed four more shifters and several humans although that number was uncertain. Still another Beta, very obviously exhausted as well, handed Hyden files while despairingly telling

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