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Battle: The Power of Magic
Battle: The Power of Magic
Battle: The Power of Magic
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Battle: The Power of Magic

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The resistance to evil must begin.

After their lusty reunion, Owen and Manu part as Owen returns to Boresham to tell the villagers what has happened. Yet, the Collectors are waiting, looking for their escaped slave. With his husband in the hands of his enemies, Manu must call on all his resources and his link with the spirits to face those who want to rip him away from all he has fought back to.

Magic must face magic to challenge the sadistic status quo: the fight must begin.

Release dateSep 29, 2020
Battle: The Power of Magic

Ariana Lovelle

Ariana Lovelle is a sobriquet of British author Sophie Duncan, for writing erotic stories to entertain those who enjoy the risqué side of genre literature.She concentrates on paranormal and fantasy erotic romance, so you can expect magical sex, supernatural creatures and immortal love.

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    Book preview

    Battle - Ariana Lovelle


    The Power of Magic

    The Fight for Magic Book 02

    Sexy Stories 26

    Ariana Lovelle

    Battle Copyright © 2020 by Ariana Lovelle aka Sophie Duncan. All Rights Reserved.

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

    Cover designed by Natasha Duncan-Drake

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Ariana Lovelle

    Visit me at website

    First Edition: August 2020

    Wittegen Eros – Imprint of Wittegen Press

    ISBN-13 978-1-912583-46-1

    For all those with just a little naughtiness in their soul.



    Accompanying Podcast

    About the Author

    About the Narrator

    About The Series – The Fight for Magic



    Owen balanced on one leg and began to pull on his trousers. After so long not being able to rely on his limbs, it felt a little strange, but it was mainly the presence of his very naked husband standing in the water behind him that was making it difficult to concentrate on clothes. From the buzzing still running through his body and the way odd lights he shouldn’t be seeing danced away from the edge of his vision in the evening-time forest, Owen knew he was still under the influence of Manu’s magic. However, it wasn’t just sorcery pulling him back towards the pool. 

    Stop staring at my arse, he almost begged, because he could feel Manu’s eyes dragging up and down his body without turning.

    The deep, burred chuckle behind him didn’t help, but, as he closed the ties on his fly, Owen felt safe enough to turn around. Manu, tall, confident and displaying another substantial erection meant Owen ground his teeth and tried to stop his own pants from tenting. He didn’t dare even to paddle in the shallows where their friends, the water spirits, would be even more temptation to strip again and continue their love-making all through the night.

    I really have to go, he told himself as well as Manu, who just cocked his head to one side and grinned, not offering any help to Owen’s resolve. Granny has kept everyone away from us till now, but the sun is going down, and if I don’t go back and tell the elders what is happening, they’ll come looking.

    Manu crossed his arms: they’d had this conversation, and it appeared to Owen that, since his husband had returned to the forest that day, that Manu had had less willpower than the small amount he had possessed before. 

    I will be back as soon as I can.

    I could come with you.

    They’d discussed that too: it was just too unknown, both how Manu would react away from the pool now he was joined with the spirits and who might be out looking for him. Owen pursed his lips and yanked his shirt over his head, trying to be the responsible one. Manu’s brow creased into an unsure frown then, something Owen had seen only briefly over the hours they had been reunited. It spoke to him of the shadows of Manu’s recent, as yet, untold past, and Owen’s protective instincts broke all of his resolve. He splashed into the water and up to his husband, He reached up and gently cupped either side of Manu’s face with his palms. 

    It hurt Owen that he had no magic that could wipe away the ghosts in those dark eyes, and his stomach knotted at the idea that neither would he be a distraction for the little time they had to be apart. He could only leave Manu with one thing.

    Nu, I love you.

    There was a tell-tale rippling around his feet as his emotions spilled over to their friends, but Owen concentrated on Manu. He let his husband see his own anxiety at leaving after finding each other again so recently, and he was tempted in that moment to let the villagers come. Yet, the sensible part of his brain had already decided that time would be needed, both for Manu and the village to settle into this new way of things. It wasn’t just Manu’s willpower that had changed: the long sensuous hours in his husband’s arms had shown Owen that there was a new, wild side to Manu that had come with the increase in his magic. Owen had happily surrendered to it, but he wasn’t so sure how some of the more staid members of their community would react, and, indeed, how Manu would react to them. Coupled with the physical changes in his husband, the glittering, every moving patterns that ran over Manu’s skin, that Owen had swiftly fallen even more in love with, it was not

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