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Erotica: Long Hard Night: 8 Erotic Stories Collection
Erotica: Long Hard Night: 8 Erotic Stories Collection
Erotica: Long Hard Night: 8 Erotic Stories Collection
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Erotica: Long Hard Night: 8 Erotic Stories Collection

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A strong urge to make love to him was all she could feel.
All she wanted was time alone with her without any interference.
She took his hand and led him away from the stage.
It was quieter up there and they could finally have some privacy.
When they were alone with the door safely closed behind them, she pushed him onto the mattress.

8 Erotic Stories Collection.

1. Getting Close To Best Friend’s Daddy
2. Going Home with A Lonely Teacher
3. A Birthday Proposal
4. Fun in the Office
5. Lonely Wife Needs Something
6. Maid for More
7. Romantic Massage
8. Secret Love Affair

Mature Audiences Only (18+)

PublisherSapna Patel
Release dateOct 1, 2020
Erotica: Long Hard Night: 8 Erotic Stories Collection

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    Erotica - Isa Adam

    Getting Close To Best Friend’s Daddy

    How could you do this to us? Sadie asked harshly. 

    I'm sorry, I said almost to myself as I watched my best friend fall apart. It wasn't the first time I had apologized, and I knew it couldn't be the last because I could never apologize enough to her. I'd never seen her like that. In all my life, I'd always known Sadie to be the fun loving and cool girl.

    I thought you were my best friend. You were a sister to me. If you'd told me about what you were going through, I could have helped you, Sadie said as more tears fell down her face.

    I didn't think it through. I'm so sorry, I apologized again knowing that my words did her no good at all. I had broken the trust of the only friend I had ever known, and I didn't think I was ever going to get it back.

    Of course you didn't think it through Laura. It's just like you to be this stupid, she said looking away from me. Somehow that hurt me more than anything else she had said to me. I guess it was because she was right. I could have always asked for help, but I chose a worse path. I went behind her back and broke her family apart.

    I'm sorry Sadie. It will never happen again, I promised her tears running down my cheeks.

    Of course it won't because I don't ever want to see you again. I'll have to ask you to leave, Sadie said and with my last ounce of strength, I picked myself up and left the room. I was still in her father's shirt and was desperately clutching at my clothes when I left. The temptation to go and find him was strong but I stopped myself. That wouldn't go so well with Sadie who had sworn to make me pay if she ever saw me talk to her father again. Knowing Sadie, those words were not to be taken lightly. Besides, it wasn't like Harold would want anything to do with me after what I had just done. Even I felt despicable.

    I headed outside avoiding the gaze of the workers as I walked past them. We had known each other for most of my life so I had a vague idea what they were feeling. Shock, anger, disgust. I felt all these emotions and even more. To say I regretted my actions would be an understatement because I had never done anything so vile in my life before. Sure I'd never been the best person to be around. I would cross anyone as soon as I saw an opportunity. Sadie knew this about me but that never thought I was capable of doing it to them. At first, I hadn't even thought I was capable. I felt horrible because in doing what I'd done and made an enemy out of my best friend and made a rift between me and the man that I had come to love so dearly. The loss felt terrible and it tore my heart in pieces.

    I found my car parked outside just where I'd left it. Only this time, someone had smashed the window. I stood my ground as I watched the pieces of glass all over the ground. I had a feeling it was Harold. He did things like this when he was upset even though he rarely got angry. My eyes wandered about me hoping I would spot him, but I was glad when I didn't. What would I have said to him anyway. I was too ashamed to face him after the pain I had just caused him and his daughter. They were the only two people that had had my back ever since I could remember and yet and I had gone and pulled this off.

    Feeling the guilt overwhelm me, I suddenly had a strong urge to drive away from the mansion as fast as I could. I couldn't stay here much longer knowing how I'd hurt the people inside. I got inside my car carefully avoiding the glass around me and drove away with the speed of a mad man all the way to my house.

    Once I was there, I ran to my room and started to cry. How could they have known? The only other person who had known my secret was Jamie and he wouldn't have told anyone. Unless…

    I sat up quickly considering the possibility that Jamie had sold me out. The man would have sold out his own mother if he thought it would pay him well. Why would this be any different for me?  I was barely anyone t him having know him when we were kids. I should have known better than to let him into my life. I shot out of bed went to find my phone and dialed his number.

    Hello, a voice said lazily from the other side. I could hear a woman moaning faintly from the other side of the line. He was with another woman. For some reason. The realization neither shocked nor hurt me. Though Jamie and I had been intimate, I had always known that there was really nothing between us.

    Did you tell anyone? I asked harshly.

    Relax babe, he said lazily, What are you talking about?

    Don't call me that and I think you know exactly what you're talking about, I replied.

    I only told them because I thought it would be fast money. I was doing it for us, he explained. It was just the kind of thing that I thought Jamie would say.

    You never do anything for us Jamie. It's always about you, I said before quickly hanging up. I couldn't stand to hear the sound of his voice anymore because I knew that everything Jamie ever said was a

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