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Madam, General Revives Again: Volume 3
Madam, General Revives Again: Volume 3
Madam, General Revives Again: Volume 3
Ebook507 pages7 hours

Madam, General Revives Again: Volume 3

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The female doctor, Yi Qing, had transmigrated to become an exiled Shu girl, had brought along an unknown father as a burden, and had been forced into marriage by her mother, how could this be a tragic word?

When Yi Qing heard that the revered 'Hades' General Xiao Jinghan had sacrificed his life for his country, he immediately fished out a life-saving straw, "I am Xiao Jinghan's widow. My son is Xiao Jinghan's."

Raising the steamed buns and hooking up with the pretty boy, she was like a fox that was faking its tiger's might as she massacred in every direction. Unexpectedly, the maidservant came back to report in panic, "Madam, the general is alive again!"

Xiao Jinghan said sinisterly: "Madam? "Son?"

Yi Qing said, "General, spare me!"

Release dateOct 8, 2020
Madam, General Revives Again: Volume 3

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    Madam, General Revives Again - Bai Yan



    For a moment, Sima Shi didn't even know if what Yi Qing said was true or false.

    Can you really let me see Hong'er? she asked Yi Qing suspiciously.

    Yi Qing put down his tea cup and stood up to leave, Since you don't believe me, I won't force you. Let's not waste any more time. I have to go to the next house. There are so many people who have committed crimes, I don't have the time to waste with you.

    Wait. Sima Shi said, I have to get to the bottom of this, a thousand silver is not a small amount.

    Right now, she was heartbroken as she took out the ten thousand taels of silver she needed to lend.

    With such an incident, even if Qing San wasn't a swindler, he would've fled long ago after hearing the news. Her ten thousand taels of silver must've gone down the drain.

    This was simply cutting apart her flesh!

    Yi Qing said impatiently, A thousand taels is not a small sum, your son's life is not worth much?

    A thousand silver, can you save my life? Sima Shi's eyes gleamed with hope.

    If she could really save her son, she could pay a thousand silver.

    Yi Qing narrowed his eyes and looked at her, taunting her, You want to buy a life with a thousand taels of silver? Your son's life is too cheap.

    You! Sima Shi's face flushed red, getting angry from embarrassment.

    Yi Qing sneered, Price is clearly stated, you and I are willing, and if you fail to buy or sell, you will still have justice and justice. A thousand silver taels for one meeting. Should he go or not? I advise you to consider carefully. Your son's mouth is open, and there is no way to cover your mouth. If you say something that you shouldn't have said, even the deities will not be able to save her.

    Si Ma's expression immediately became ugly.

    Xiao Qinghong was so used to her that how could he have any common sense? If there had been, he wouldn't have said so much about his departure and personal matters.

    Yi Qing's words were on her mind. The reason she was in such a hurry to go see Xiao Jinghong was because she wanted to tell him not to speak nonsense.

    And you must know, Yi Qing added on, The Emperor originally disliked your House of Zhi-An because of Xiao Jinghan. When Xiao Jinghan died, the Emperor felt even more pity for him. If you were smart, then you should have stayed in Jinling, but you refused. You still had to use the empress dowager's methods to make things difficult for the Emperor. Look, now that we have sent the evidence to the emperor, what do you think the emperor would do?"

    I promise you! Si Ma immediately became afraid. You can go and make the arrangements now. As long as you can arrange for me to meet Hong'er, a thousand taels of silver will be paid immediately.

    Alright, that's right. The first time we worked together, I'll collect the money afterwards. If you still don't agree to it, then you'll be a fool.

    Yi Qing went out and got into the carriage. He raised his eyebrows at Xiao Hui who was waiting for her in the carriage, The fish has caught the bait.

    Looking at her deliberately made up face, Xiao Fei thought that if it was her, even if her face was covered in wrinkles, he would still be unable to shift his gaze away.

    Yi Qing misunderstood, he touched his face and said, Isn't it very ugly? I'll unload it when I get home, don't look at it."

    Not bad. Yi Qing, I owe you a wedding.

    Yi Qing, ...

    What and what?

    Xiao Bao replied sternly: I've changed my mind. After a while, we'll officially get married.

    He wanted to make it clear to the world that Yi Qing was his.

    Yi Qing vaguely said, Let's talk about it in the future.

    She didn't want to get married because she had her own selfish considerations. She didn't want Steamed Bun to be pointed out.

    However, she could vaguely sense the seriousness and feelings behind Xiao Fen's words, so she did not directly reject him.

    Xiao Bao was also thinking about his own matters. When and how would his identity be mentioned to Yi Qing?

    Would he really have to wait until she became pregnant and gave birth?

    If he didn't tell her, then what was his proper identity?

    Sure enough, the problem should not be dragged out, or else it would become more and more troublesome.

    Yi Qing did not dwell on this matter for long. At the moment, she was still excited about doing bad things.

    On the Sima family's side, after Yi Qing left, she thought and thought and felt that something was amiss. However, she couldn't figure it out.

    After all, this Senior Servant Wu had said she would handle the matter first before accepting the money. But why did she always feel like she was going to suffer a loss?

    However, after Uncle Yi An returned and had a huge argument with her over Xiao Jinghong's matter, she decided to use Yi Qing as a lifeline.

    No matter what, she had to save her son.

    Men are unreliable, except for their sons.

    Unexpectedly, Yi Qing sent someone to deliver the news the next day, saying that he wanted her to go straight to the justice courts and bring up her name.

    Sima Shi simply couldn't believe his ears.

    Shouldn't this be done secretly? Why were they able to nominate him so openly?

    Was Deng Xiao really this unscrupulous?

    However, when she thought back to the news she had heard from the maidservants about Deng Xiao's reputation, she felt that there was nothing impossible.

    In short, it was more important to see his son.

    Sima Shi packed up his things and prepared some silver notes and broken silver. Then, he carried his food box to the carriage and went straight to the Supreme Court's prison.

    Fortunately, everything went smoothly and she felt sorry for the silver. However, she still had to make some jailers since her son was in their hands.

    Dozens of silver taels were dispersed out, causing her heart to drip with blood.

    Her heart ached even more when she saw Xiao Jinghong listlessly sitting on the straw, his hair in disarray and his head lowered as he picked at his nails.

    Hong'er! She choked and cried, tears streaming down her face.

    Xiao Jing Hong couldn't believe his ears. He raised his head to look at Sima Shi, then suddenly jumped up as if he were grabbing onto his lifesaver. He rushed to the front of the wooden fence and cried out, Mother, mother, what are you doing here? If you don't come, your son will die in this damned place. You don't know, there are rats and cockroaches everywhere, and sand in the food …"

    Shut up! What's so noisy about it!" The guard snapped and swung the whip.

    Xiao Qinghong was in so much pain that he immediately didn't dare to make a sound.

    When Sima Shi saw the whip tear Xiao Jinghong's sleeve, she immediately understood why his clothes were so tattered. She couldn't help but cry out, You! You want to kill people!? Is there still any law in this world!? "

    Mom, Mom, don't say anymore. Xiao Qinghong was scared witless. He quickly asked, Are you here to pick me up?

    If it was true, he would still dare to scold her. But if it wasn't, then he would be in trouble after she left.

    Sima Shi took out 10 taels of silver and handed it to the jailer. Unexpectedly, the jailer coldly snorted, You're trying to get rid of the beggar!

    With a flick of his hand, he actually threw the banknotes back.

    Sima Shi stared wide-eyed, the appetite of these people, why is it so huge! 10 taels of silver wasn't enough? Why didn't he just rob them?

    Xiao Jinghong quickly said, Mother, quickly take it out! Give us some more!

    Sima Shi took another ten silver taels, but the jailer was still unsatisfied. Finally, he took a hundred silver taels. The jailer left with a groan. Before he left, he impatiently said, Hurry and say it, it's a quarter of an hour.

    The Sima family only spent 100 silver to buy it for 15 minutes, and they almost spat out blood.


    Fortunately, the guard opened the door for her. She took out the food and drinks from the box.

    Xiao Jing Hong didn't use his chopsticks at all. He used his filthy hands to pick up the chicken drumstick and brought it to his mouth to wolf it down.

    Si Ma saw the situation and cried, Pity my Hong'er, you've suffered.

    She smoothed out Xiao Qinghong's hair and said, Hong'er, eat slower. Eat slower.

    Mother, since you've come in, could it be that you've found someone who can get me out? Xiao Qinghong's mouth was stuffed with food. As he ate, he mumbled, Why did I hear them say that I was a felon?

    He felt that he was even more wronged than Dou Er. He clearly hadn't done anything and had only earned a tael of silver before he was arrested for walking away and committing a private crime.

    Si Ma also thought of his purpose for coming here today. He lowered his voice and said, Th, private matter, you definitely can't admit to it …

    She earnestly tried to persuade Xiao Jinghong, afraid that he would be too impulsive and take care of everything.

    Xiao Qinghong drank a mouthful of soup and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. What about Qing San? Where is he now?

    Don't mention him, he's long gone.

    What a pity, if it wasn't for this incident, we would have already earned quite a bit of money.

    When Sima Shi heard how stubborn he was, she angrily patted him on the back, You're about to lose your life, and you're still thinking about money. You know that I spent nearly two hundred silver on this trip.

    As for agreeing to give Yi Qing that thousand silver, she didn't want to give it to him at all.

    His son had already seen her and given his instructions. He wanted to earn a thousand taels of silver from her easily spoken words? You wish.

    Who would have thought that Xiao Jing Hong would say in surprise, Only two hundred taels of silver? Two hundred taels of silver and you came in? The one next to me spent three thousand taels of silver to bring the items over. Mother, who did you ask? With such connections, will you be able to rescue me out of here? "

    Sima Shi was shocked, Could it be that she wants less from me?

    However, he didn't know that Yi Qing had arranged all of this beforehand. The brother next door wanted to say, Didn't I come in to say these things?

    Mom, who is it? Xiao Jinghong became anxious, If you have any connections, quickly save me. This is not a place for a person to stay! You must know that at your age, you will not give birth to a son. I am your only hope!"

    Xiao Jinghong was very clear on what was wrong with his own mother.

    He was truly worried that the Sima family loved money too much, regardless of his life or death.

    Sima Shi said in a huff, If I didn't care about you, would I still be here? I know! I'll think of something when I get back. Remember, don't speak nonsense here. You won't be able to escape punishment in the future."

    Xiao Jing Hong nodded and said with tears streaming down his face, Mother, please save me. They said, 'I'm going to behead you for this crime. I'm afraid of death, I haven't lived enough! I didn't leave any grandchildren for you, so I can't just die like that.

    When Sima Shi saw him crying like this, her heart was also in pain. She clenched her teeth and said, Don't worry, wait for mother to go back and find someone. The person that Mother has found is very close. Since she also lacks money, I can do it. "

    At most, she would just pay another ten thousand taels of silver. As long as her son was safe and sound, it would be fine.

    Fifteen minutes passed quickly. Sima Shi gave the rest of his silver taels and crushed silver to Xiao Jinghong, Save some money and bribe the guards to make your days easier.

    Xiao Qinghong looked down and couldn't help but complain, Mother, how come you only brought so little silver? You don't know, they have a big appetite, so they can't do anything about it. Next time, bring more."

    Si Ma almost fainted.

    Next time? She won't come again!

    You just wait patiently. Can't I just directly save you? she said.

    Then hurry up. If we drag things on for too long, I'm afraid I'll die in there.

    He had to let his mother know how serious the situation was.

    Under the hopeful gaze of Xiao Jing and Hong Ba, Sima Shi walked away, turning back three times.

    The sun outside stung her eyes. She raised her hand to cover her eyes for a moment, then saw Yi Qing standing in the shadows under the wall, looking at her with a smile that was not a smile.

    She took a deep breath and walked over. Why are you here?

    Yi Qing sneered, Of course it's to collect money. I've done what I promised you. Where's the silver you promised me?

    Come with me to the manor.

    Alright then.

    After arriving at the manor, Sima Shi entered the inner room. After a while, he took out a silver note and handed it over to Yi Qing with a dark expression.

    Yi Qing extended his hands to receive it, and Sima Shi was unwilling to let go.

    Yi Qingqing used a bit more strength. Sima Shi hardened his heart and let go of her hand. He turned his face away as he didn't want to look at Yi Qing and the banknotes anymore.

    Two taels of silver. Yi Qing kept the silver notes in his sleeves and stood up to leave.

    Wait! Sima Han called out to her, I have one more thing to discuss with you.

    If you want to say that you spent money to save your son, then you don't need to say it. Yi Qing said coldly.

    Sima Shi was shocked, Why? I can give you money, but I can also give you money.

    I have plenty of ways to get my hands on the silver. This is too troublesome, I won't take it. Yi Qing said.

    What about ten thousand silver taels?

    Sima Shi stared straight at her, his gaze seemingly wanting to devour her.

    Now that she said it, she regretted it. She shouldn't have revealed her trump card in such a rush.

    He should first raise it to five thousand taels of silver, maybe even five thousand taels!

    Ten thousand taels of silver. This matter needs to be handled appropriately. If I want to see anyone in the manor, don't ask me for another person! Sima Shi added.

    Oh. Yi Qing acted as if he suddenly realized something, So you were willing to pay that much silver! Unfortunately … I don't want it. You hold the silver and you look for whoever can do it for you. I... I can't do it!

    She felt that Lady Fan was too weak.

    Just Sima as she was, she was easily able to take care of a few positions and make her jump up till now!

    Sima Shi looked at her with disbelief as he murmured, This is 10,000 taels of silver!

    I don't know if it's because you've never seen silver before, or if you think I've never seen silver before. Yi Qing sneered, Merely ten thousand taels of silver, you want to fish for people from the justice court's prison? You wish!

    Then tell me, how much do you want? Sima Shi thought of his son's longing for freedom and said viciously.

    No matter how much it is, I won't accept it. Yi Qing said, I've already gathered enough money. If there's more, I'm afraid that I might lose my life to take it. Goodbye."

    No, no, don't go. We can talk about it later. The silver is easy to talk about."

    Sima Shi didn't even know anyone else. Other than Yi Qing, who came knocking, she didn't know who else to ask for help.

    In the end, Yi Qing was able to sell it for a hundred thousand taels of silver.

    She had calculated that Sima Shi should be able to come up with this number, but he had also basically plundered all of her savings.


    Sima Shi who said 'money is easy to talk about' was naturally furious when he heard her asking such an exorbitant price.

    However, when she thought of Xiao Jinghong, she didn't dare to act too fiercely. She could only grit her teeth and say, You're too cruel.

    Yi Qing raised his hand to look at his fingernails and sneered, If you can find someone else, then don't bother me. I didn't want to take this job either, but you insisted on pressing it on me. For your sake, I reluctantly agreed."

    Sima Shi was extremely angry.

    Yi Qing continued, I really don't want to get involved in this matter. As for me, I have a suggestion. I don't know if you want to hear it …"

    Sima family was really afraid of her now, subconsciously asking, How much?

    Yi Qing was amused by her vigilant look. He stretched out his finger and shook it, This is free.

    Then quickly tell me.

    Yi Qing then slowly said, Did you forget how you returned to the capital?

    She was really kind.

    Sima Shi should go to Her Majesty, the Empress Dowager, as the emperor's mother, words have weight.

    Of course, this was what she thought according to Sima's brain circuits.

    If Sima Shi really did go, then the emperor would have to tell the empress dowager that the harem was not to be run, and that you were to be run; yes, we are better than mother and son, and we are very close, and I pretend to be all right; but you have to see what that boy has done.

    That was a huge matter that would shake the entire country! The crime was unforgivable!

    Yi Qing thought to himself, Emperor, if I give you the evidence, don't say that I didn't help you.

    This could be considered as having given the emperor an explanation.

    Si Ma's eyes lit up.

    However, this light only lasted for a short period of time before it was extinguished.

    She hesitated. As for the empress dowager … Uncle said that we couldn't always ask Her Majesty for help.

    Yi Qing sneered in his heart. He did not expect Uncle Yi An to have such a realization.

    In the past, they were trash that harmed Lady Fan, but now it seems that Sima Lao did not have much combat strength. This meant that the main force should be Uncle Yi An.

    It doesn't matter, Sima Han said hesitantly. She can give her some encouragement.

    Uncle Yi An didn't think of a way to save Xiao Jing Hong either. Didn't you just pay him? Clearly, he is not necessarily smarter at doing things than you are. Isn't it? Yi Qing said flatly, You can't have children now, but you can, Uncle Yi An. So, never think about it. He's as concerned about your son as you are! "

    This sentence was aimed straight at Sima's weak spot.

    I'll take my leave. Yi Qing stood up and was about to leave.

    Wait. Sima Shi called out to her, If, if I want to find you, where should I go?

    The Deng Mansion, deliver the post directly to Wu mama. Someone will take it; I'll look for you later.

    Sima Shi was taken aback. He never thought that this woman in front of him would have such dignity in the Deng Mansion.

    Whose servant could be so arrogant?

    Go to the palace and tell the emperor to let him know, Yi Qing told him after he returned to his residence.

    How did you know that the Sima family would definitely enter the palace?

    She can't help it. Yi Qing said, She doesn't have a brain and she's in a desperate situation. The most important thing is that if she thought of the hundred thousand silver taels, she would definitely go.

    Seeing her high-spirited look, Xiao Fei laughed and reached out to stroke her head: You've calculated everything, how on earth did you come up with this brain of yours? If you're a man, you can give... You can go and become a strategist now.

    Yi Qing was flattered. He kissed his face and then said, It's probably just like how sometimes I can't help but think, how did you get such a nice face?

    Xiao Fen had always felt that being too outstanding had caused him a lot of trouble, so he always wore a mask to show off his skills.

    But now, to be able to make her so intoxicated, he suddenly felt that this face was somewhat useful.

    Yi Qing asked again, Are you busy these days?

    Xiao Lang looked at her with a smile. What do you mean?

    Yi Qing mumbled, If you're fine and I'm going out, would you still not accompany me?

    I didn't accompany you, but I sent people to protect you from the shadows. Xiao Fei was very happy that she was attached to him, although this attachment was most likely what he thought himself.

    I know. Yi Qing tilted her head and looked at him. Did the emperor give you another mission?

    Xiao Bao nodded his head, but did not have any further words to say.

    Yi Qing knew that he could not ask any further questions, so he snorted and said, I am sure there's no good reason for me to look for you.

    Xiao Fen said: I might be heading out for a while, do you want to go with me? If you go, you have to pretend to be my family."

    What do you mean by pretending to be your family? Yi Qing was displeased, Am I not yet?

    Xiao Bao extended his hand to pinch her fuming face: To pretend to be a concubine, I feel somewhat wronged.

    I'm not feeling wronged. Yi Qingqing was overjoyed. I want to be a concubine who's been spoiled by you until her wife died!

    Xiao Fei was amused by her and couldn't stop laughing.

    Yi Qing said, When are you leaving? Should I bring Steamed Bun along for a look?

    Seeing her eager look, Xiao Lang laughed, Why don't you ask me where I'm going?

    Oh, that's true. Where are we going?

    Did you forget to ask because you were so happy to go with me?

    Yi Qing blushed, but refused to admit it. He slapped his hands away and said, Don't put gold on your face.

    As he looked at her expression, his smile deepened.

    I'm not in a hurry. It will take a few days. As for Steamed Bun, we don't need him anymore. I'm afraid we won't be able to take care of him on the way here. If we leave, we'll let him stay in the academy with Lu Tian Xun.

    Steamed Bun was very good at self-care. He could completely relax.

    Yi Qing clapped his hands and said, That's good. When the time comes, Sima Clan will come to shut her door."

    Doesn't that mean I failed to live up to your scheme? Xiao Fen said.

    You know what I'm planning? Yi Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at him, Tell me about it.

    You demanded an exorbitant price and forced her to the empress dowager's place so that she would be in the wrong in front of the emperor. This could be considered fulfilling the emperor's request. With her personality, she would naturally not be willing to part with her own pocket, so she would definitely have the idea of joining the General's Estate. When the time comes, send it to the door, use your trump card and let her know that everything in the General's Estate now belongs to you, so naturally, she would be angered to death, wouldn't she? "

    Right. Yi Qing raised Xiao Bu's chin, As expected of someone I like, he is smart. However, if you missed one out, she wouldn't fall for it so easily. She would definitely have to verify what I had said in front of Deng Xiao. Thus, when the time comes, I will inevitably have to put on a show for her to see.

    Just tell me what you need me to do.

    Need you? Do well in bed, hahahaha …" Yi Qing laughed without restraint.

    Xiao Fen picked him up, As you bid, my concubine. Today, you might as well let me enjoy it first.


    Seeing Yi Qing fall into a deep sleep, Xiao Bao reluctantly got up and put on his clothes.

    He had to go to the palace to see the emperor.

    Other than what Yi Qing had told him, he had also wanted to go to the palace to discuss other matters with the Emperor.

    He glanced back at Yi Qing, his eyes soft and loving, but by the time he opened the door, his face was hard and composed.

    Frost Resistance, who was at the foot of the corridor, stood up in surprise. Th-that … Sang Sang went out, so it's me …

    As the two rolled around on the bed, she found it embarrassing to stay outside and listen, so it was usually Sang San who stayed outside to wait for the hot water.

    She also hadn't thought that these two would actually start fighting in broad daylight without any qualms. This made Shun Shuang, who hadn't even left the pavilion, feel extremely embarrassed.

    Tell the kitchen to boil some soup for me. Don't disturb Madam's rest. You have to wait until she wakes up and calls for someone before you bring the soup.

    He always felt that Yi Qing was too thin and weak, as if his waist could be broken at any moment. Furthermore, his physical strength was insufficient and he could not hold on any longer. He always suspected that he was going to break her.

    So it was better to make up for it.

    Yes. He watched his tall figure go, relieved and relieved.

    Guard Xiao was clearly just a guard. To put it bluntly, he was just a tool for Madam to warm his bed. However, for some reason, every time Sang Shuang saw him, she always felt that he was very imposing and did not seem like an ordinary person.

    Fortunately, Sang Sang came back. She quickly went up to him and said, Sis Sang, you're back. Madam just fell asleep, that … We can't disturb you. "

    Sang Sang said lightly: I know, I met Xiao Bu Dian.

    Shun Shuang's face turned red.

    The corner of Sang Sang's mouth rose into a smile, Actually, it's nothing. The Missus herself is frank, and we needn't be ashamed to be so secretive.

    Yes, I'll listen to Sis Sang Sang. Frost nodded.

    Sansa gently raised her hand to touch her head. She's a big girl. If anyone likes her, you can tell her that she'll make the decision for you. If you're not sure, you can tell Sang Sang Sang that she's taking a look for you. If the person is reliable, we can go and find Madam.

    Shun Shuang's face turned red, but she still nodded her head.

    Sanson was very kind to her, but she always felt that the tenderness with which she looked at herself was not that of her sister, but that of a mother to her daughter.

    Shun Shuang thought that Sang Sang thought of himself as her daughter. She thought that her daughter would also grow up and have someone she liked, so they could talk about marriage.

    Sansa, she asked cautiously, did you see Twin this time?

    Yes, her name was Frost Resisting, and Sanson's daughter's name was Twin; perhaps it was for this reason that Sanson was especially good to her.

    Yes. She liked the dolls I brought her, the kind my lady had taught me to make; she was clever, too, and I told her not to tell anyone about my meeting with her, and she agreed. She was only four years old, so she would definitely be as powerful as the Madam in the future. No, I hope she's as lucky as the Lady.

    She couldn't help but think that she couldn't read, and that her fate wasn't good either.

    A widow's life, what kind of fate was that?

    On second thought, if Yi Qing's current life was not a good one, then what was?

    She hadn't been with Yi Qing for long, but she felt that many of her ideas had been overturned.

    She tentatively asked Sang Sang, Sang Sang, I think you can ask the madam for help on this matter. Didn't Madame say that she would help you get the child back? Madam and Commander Deng are very familiar with each other …

    She had forgotten that Deng Xiao had his old grudge tied up, and was only happy that he was now one of Yi Qing's backers.

    Sanson shook his head, a resolute look in his eyes. I'd love to be reunited with the twins, but I also know that the Lady's situation is not easy. If I can bring out Commander Deng, he can frighten the people of Shang Shu Manor and give me Twin. But they will hate the Lady, and Commander Deng will always be in power; if he loses his power, he will probably backfire on her. Madame has given me a place to stay, and I don't want to make enemies for her any more. My problem should be resolved slowly by me.

    And I know I can do it. I just need to borrow a bit of strength from Madam and not completely make her make enemies.

    Sang Shou bit his lips and said, But, Sis Sang, you've been suffering so many hardships every day, even I feel heartache looking at you. The lady saw it and said it a few times. Why do you insist on this? Madam … Is Madame, in your heart, a person afraid of offending others?

    Sang Sang lowered his eyes, his heart briefly wavering.

    Really, Shun Shuang took her hand. Sis Sang, there are some things you can't accomplish by yourself. That's your own daughter, and she's in the hands of someone else. If Madam really is in a difficult situation, then forget it. But since Madam has mentioned it several times and you've rejected it, Madam is still thinking that you might owe her a favor and might not be loyal to her in the future!

    Really? Do you really think so?" Sanson asked uncertainly.

    Could it be that she was really mistaken?

    Had she really been thinking wrongly these past few days when her heart had been in turmoil?

    Anyway, I will tell Madam about everything in my family, Shun Shuang said. In the future, no matter what happens to Madame, I will always be able to go through fire and water for her. If Sang Sang Sang also thought this way, what was there to be afraid of that would trouble the Madam? The main thing is that you're feeling really bad right now.

    Well, let me think about it. Sang Sang lowered his head.

    Since Yi Qing and the Sima family had to deal with them, she would wait.

    After Xiao Fei entered the palace, the Emperor listened to him. He lazily leaned on the dragon throne and said, Look, I said there is nothing she can't do. Isn't this supposed to be the first time he dug a hole for Si Ma Empire?"

    She promised His Majesty that she would do it, so no matter what the result is, don't make things difficult for her.

    Should I make things difficult for her? The Emperor snorted. How many problems she has caused me, how many holes she has dug.

    Xiao Fen said, Your Majesty, I would like to discuss this with you. I will bring Yi Qing along with me on our journey.

    The emperor was enraged. He slapped the table and said, Things haven't been settled well yet, and you're already negotiating conditions with me? Yi Qing already wants so many benefits, don't even think about it!

    That's because the property under my name was transferred over to her. She didn't even need a single coin from the Emperor. Xiao Fen said bluntly.

    The Emperor: ... Aren't you afraid of the dangers?

    I will protect her. She is always at the General's Estate. She is not having a good time, so she wants to go for a walk.

    As expected, she told you?

    She doesn't need to, I know.


    In addition, I have something to report to the Emperor. Xiao Fen changed the subject.

    Go ahead.

    As Little De handed over a plate of fried spring rolls, the emperor couldn't help grumbling, We are the emperors, and the food we eat is not as good as yours. I kind of want to eat the food made by Yi Qing …"

    Nope. Xiao Fen rejected her bluntly, After the last time she burned her hand with hot oil, I forbade her to cook. She was just blindly pondering on her own. How could she compare to the culinary arts of the Emperor's imperial kitchens? It's just that once or twice the Emperor eats it and feels fresh.

    Cut the crap. You try it, you try it!

    He wasn't stupid yet! He did not want Yi Qing to do it for him. Xiao Fen only wanted to have it for himself.

    What do you mean sharing hardships, tsk tsk, it's all plastic flowers and brotherly love.

    Xiao Fen stood up and picked up a spring roll. His heart was in turmoil, and he felt a bit uncomfortable, but he said: This taste, is already excellent. Your majesty, you have to think about it. There are many people who simply cannot eat."


    When I'm done, I'm going to get out of here.

    He wanted to go home and eat food cooked by Yi Qing.


    The matter of House Yi An was originally my own affair, but now it is up to Yi Qing to run before and after. I would like to do something of my own. If there are any moves beyond our boundaries, I ask the Emperor to turn a blind eye.

    The Emperor's mouth that was not fragrant in the first place became even worse as he threw it onto his plate and said, You and Yi Qing have learnt bad things. Tell me to hide half of it. Tell me honestly, what exactly do you want?"

    Uncle Yi An. Xiao Bao's eyes were filled with a cold light.

    What happened to him? Didn't you say that you would have nothing to do with him?

    But now I've changed my mind. Because there was no Yi Qing or Steamed Bun in the past. Xiao Fen said.

    They all knew why Earl Yi An had returned to the capital.

    Now that he was' dead ', how could Xiao Budian take this lying down when he couldn't wait to bring Sima Clan back to fight for the inheritance with his wife and son?

    The emperor sighed, Xiao Bao, listen to my advice, forget it. Don't let them get away with it, there's no need for tit for tat. After all, he's your biological father who raised you once. If things get out of hand, your conscience will not be at peace either.

    Xiao Bao did not make a sound. His posture was resistant to it.

    Forget it. For household chores, like drinking water, cold and warm, I won't say anything more. The emperor spoke in a rare serious tone. Then tell me, what do you plan to do?

    Cooperate with Yi Qing.

    After the emperor heard him out, he said, Then wait until this matter is over before you head out of the capital. If you don't want to cause a ruckus in House Yi An, then your heart won't feel well.

    Xiao Fen agreed.

    The next day, the empress dowager indeed spoke up

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