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Magic Evil Doctor: Volume 5
Magic Evil Doctor: Volume 5
Magic Evil Doctor: Volume 5
Ebook925 pages13 hours

Magic Evil Doctor: Volume 5

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Lin Feng, who had been humiliated by his former girlfriend and the chief physician, had obtained the teachings of the medical martial arts by chance.

Pure-hearted nurse, charming oneesan, peerless young woman, baby-faced loli, charming loli, proud loli, pure school beauty, beautiful star, hot teacher, CEO of ice mountain, hot police flower came one after another...

Release dateOct 9, 2020
Magic Evil Doctor: Volume 5

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    Magic Evil Doctor - Jun LiuXiang



    Brother Feng, don't worry. I will definitely do what I've promised you. Those female university students are all willing. Even if I reject them, they would look for somewhere else to sell them. You should understand this.

    Darts smirked. He naturally still wanted Lin Feng to stop him from earning a lot of money.

    Then let's go on another date.

    Darts awkwardly rubbed his hands together. Today his subordinate offended Lin Feng and he already made Lin Feng extremely unhappy, so he didn't dare to force Lin Feng.

    Come on, wake up this kid who's scared to the point of wetting his pants.

    Lin Feng smiled as he took a few steps forward and kicked Zywane. He had intended to make Zhang Wei beg for mercy, but just as he was about to order his horse to stamp his hands, Zywane had fainted again.

    Zywane peed his pants in fright and fainted. Now that he was kicked by Lin Feng, there was no reaction at all.

    The two hoodlums got a bottle of liquor from the car and poured it on Zhang Wei's head, soaking him in the water. He pinched Zywane's nose and poured the liquor into Zywane's mouth.

    Within five or six seconds, Zywane woke up with a start and started struggling desperately.

    Lin Feng waved his hand and the two bullies stepped aside. Zywane raised his head and looked at Lin Feng with a frightened expression. His lips kept moving but he could not utter a word.

    This is a very high concentration of alcohol. As long as I have a bit of it, you will immediately catch on fire if I bring it over. At that time, forget about disfiguring your face, whether or not you can survive will be a problem.

    Lin Feng flicked the machine he had just taken from the horse dart, scaring Zhang Wei into retreating with tears streaming down his face.

    Brother Feng, Brother Feng, I was wrong. I have over 5000 yuan in my wallet. How about I treat it as a gift? Please be magnanimous and let me go like a fart.

    Trembling, Zywane took out his wallet from his pocket and handed it to Lin Feng with both hands.

    Lin Feng frowned and slapped away the wallet on Zywane's hand. You bastard, you want to frame me, right? If I take your money, wouldn't that be equivalent to robbing you?

    Good kid, to dare to be a Yin Feng brother, you're courting death …

    In order to show off, Li Ming immediately rushed over and kicked Zhang Wei a few times.

    The pain made Zywane cry out like a four or five-year-old kid and embarrass himself.

    Don't hit me, I was wrong, please don't hit me.

    He crawled all the way to Lin Feng's feet and hugged his feet, saying with tears streaming down his face, "Brother Feng, I beg you to let me off this once. Today's incident was all my girlfriend's fault, that's why we made this mistake. If you let me go, I'll take that woman to your house tonight. You can do whatever you want to her.

    F * ck your sister, do you think our Brother Feng has never seen a woman before? Those broken shoes you've played with before, throw them to our Brother Feng. You brat, you are insulting our Brother Feng, you bastard. Beat them up, beat them viciously."

    Ma Dong had just decided to send the two lecherous girls, but Lin Feng did not want either of them. How could he possibly have his eyes on this fool's girlfriend? Escort Ma had already calculated that Lin Feng did not have such thoughts. Hence, before Lin Feng could say anything, he had already called for the fighter on hand.

    When the horse dart's underlings beat up Zhang Wei again, Lin Feng waved his hand and told them to stop. If they did not kill him, it would be troublesome.

    Zywane, are you sure I'm not interested in your conditions? Your girlfriend, if you leave her naked in front of me, I'm afraid I won't even be able to muster up any interest.

    Lin Feng smiled lightly and patted Zywane's face a few times.

    Brother Feng, I have money. My family has money. Can I give you money?

    Looking at Lin Feng in a daze, Zywane breathed a sigh of relief. He thought Lin Feng had agreed to his suggestion and immediately felt better.

    But after a short second, the corner of Lin Feng's mouth twitched, and he said coldly: You want to bribe me with a little money? This was too whimsical. I want you to tell me, who ordered you to drug Li Ru and the others in the bar with Jiang Yuemei? Tell me honestly, or you might die here today.

    This was what Lin Feng wanted to know. It was likely that the coward Zywane would not dare to hide it.

    Chu Qing School told me to do that. We prepared everything for them last night, we planned to go to the bar together when Jiang Pumei fell in love with Li Yu Ru. Then, Chu Qing Academy would deal with Li Yu Ru on the spot. I just didn't expect that before we even arrived, Jiang Yuemei would already call us and tell us that something happened in the bar. Someone came to save Li Yu Ru and told us not to go over.

    Zywane was indeed a coward. He narrated the whole process in one breath.

    Looking at Zywane's desperate expression, Lin Feng smiled playfully, Zywane, on account of you being honest with me, this matter ends here. However, from today onwards, you better stay away from Li Yueru. If I find out that you dare to get close to Li Ru, don't blame me for being ruthless.

    Lin Feng had met Li Yu Ru before, this matter would probably spread throughout Yan Jing Medical University soon. In order to prevent Zywane from feeling indignant, he went to find Li Yu Ru to vent his anger. Thus, he had no choice but to use harsh words to scare off Zywane.

    Zhang Wei nodded his head vigorously and said with certainty, Brother Feng, don't worry. From today onwards, I, Zhang Wei, will be your dog. If you tell me to head west, I won't dare to head east. I don't dare to mess with your woman either.

    Lin Feng smiled faintly, grabbing onto Zywane's hair and raising his head he said, Also, if I find out that someone was bullying Li Yu Ru in school, I will ask you a question.

    Lin Feng's words naturally meant that he wanted Zywane to protect Li Yu Ru for him. After all, there was still Jiang Yuemei in the school. This woman was extremely treacherous, and being humiliated by Lin Feng like this, she would probably not give up.

    Good, good. I swear that one day, I, Zywane, will not let Li Yu Ru be bullied in the slightest."

    Zhang Wei raised three of his fingers as if he was making a solemn vow.

    This is my phone number, if anyone wants to harm Li Ru, just call me right away, okay?

    Lin Feng passed the same name card from his mouth to Zhang Wei and slowly stood up. Lin Feng would definitely not let such a good thing happen, so he wanted Zywane to be a free labourer.

    Brother Feng, don't worry, I promise I will protect Li Yu Ru well, even if I have to pay with my life, I will not let anyone bully Li Yu Ru.

    In order to preserve his life, Zywane had boasted about his abilities without fear of exposing any flaws.

    But to Lin Feng, this was not that important. As long as Li Yu Ru was in trouble, Zhang Wei would inform her as soon as possible. It would be impossible for Zhang Wei to rely on this weak brat to protect Li Yu Ru.

    Remember, if anything happens to Li Yu Ru, inform me immediately. If you don't notify me in time, I'll have the horse escort cut off one of your eggs next time.

    Lin Feng threatened Zywane with all his might so that he could watch Li Ru.

    Yes, yes, yes …

    Zywane bowed his head in agreement, not daring to look Lin Feng in the eye.

    Since you're so obedient, you can avoid the death sentence. However, it's hard to escape the punishment for living.

    Lin Feng did not intend to let go of Zywane just yet. At the very least, he would have to leave an unforgettable mark on Zywane.

    Hearing this, Zywane's face, which had just regained some of its vitality, turned pale once more.

    Brother Feng, please let me go. I promise to be your dog with all my heart, and be obedient forever.

    In order to leave safely, Zywane did not care about his reputation anymore. He could say anything he wanted.

    Suddenly, Zywane noticed a clump of mud on Lin Feng's basketball shoes. In order to show off, he hurriedly took out a tissue and carefully wiped Lin Feng's shoes.

    Lin Feng lifted his eyelids and smiled at Ma Dong. He said cheerfully, Hahaha, I have to say, you have good eyes.

    Zywane chuckled along with him, looking extremely humble.

    Ahh, I originally wanted to chop off one of your fingers, but seeing your appearance that is inferior to a dog, I did not have this mood at all. Get lost."

    Lin Feng suddenly retracted his smile and coldly threw out these words. In his eyes, the current Zywane was worse than any one of them. If he were to continue arguing, it would lower his status.

    Zywane scrambled to escape. Under the night sky, the campus was completely silent. No one knew that a handsome guy who was on the same level as Zhang Wei had turned into a homeless dog.

    Hehe, Brother Feng. That kid is being completely submissive to your orders. Let's go, little brother will send you on your way. "

    Darts eagerly opened the back door of the BMW and looked at Lin Feng with a fawning expression.

    Lin Feng nodded his head and tripped his way into the BMW, sprawling on the back seat. Needless to say, this luxurious car was indeed luxurious. Sitting on the leather sofa at the back was truly comfortable.

    The escort waved his hand and the 10 hoodlums immediately picked up the hoodlums and jumped into a van at the back, while the horse dart dragged its 200-pound body with great effort towards the back seat of the BMW. Who would have thought that before one foot got into the back seat, Lin Feng's cold eyes were already staring straight at the horse dart.

    Darts gave an embarrassed smile, withdrew his foot, closed the door respectfully, and sat down gloomily in the passenger seat.

    There was no helping it, in front of Lin Feng, a horse dart was his grandson and Lin Feng was his grandpa.

    The BMW started smoothly and left the mountain road, heading towards the city.

    Brother Feng, do you want to go to my place for a night of fun? I'll get someone to bring it back to you after it's over. If it really doesn't work, I'll give you a presidential suite at the five-star hotel next door.

    Darts turned his head and smiled in embarrassment.

    I already told you, I'm not interested. Just drive me to the police station. My car has been dragged away. Your car is at the Yan Jing Doctor's front door. Send someone to drive it back."

    Only then did Lin Feng remember that his car was still with the traffic police. He had to get it back.


    Lin Feng and Ma Dong arrived at the traffic police station and entered the hall together. Ma Dong took the initiative and asked Lin Feng to bring the carriage back.

    Unexpectedly, the horse dart's connections were pretty good. After wandering around for a bit, he helped Lin Feng get the car back, and it didn't even deduct a single cent.

    Lin Feng had originally thought that if he ran away at an excessive speed, his attitude would be extremely vile. The lesser ones would be fined, and the heavier ones might even have to revoke their driver's license. He had to thank the horses for their darts to be able to solve the problem so easily.

    After bidding farewell to the horse dart, Lin Feng saw that it was almost 4 PM, he was too lazy to go to the company.

    It just so happened that he received a call from Dongfang Ziqing, who told him that he was willing to accept his treatment plan. The medicinal herbs had already been prepared and they were ready to begin the treatment tonight.

    Lin Feng was overjoyed upon hearing this and promised that he would be there before 7 pm.

    Coming directly to the hospital, Lin Feng planned to help Su Xuewei recuperate before going to treat Dongfang Ziqing's illness.

    Lin Feng had just finished busying himself with Su Xuewei's side. However, An Yang, who he hadn't seen for a while, called him and asked him to sign a few contracts at the teahouse.

    Lin Feng bid farewell to Shen Qingqing and hurriedly headed towards the teahouse.

    The contract An Yang wanted Lin Feng to sign had already been discussed between the two of them. It was related to the allocation of shares in the moving beverage.

    Both of them had each taken half of the original shares. Even if they were to go on the market in the future, it wouldn't affect Lin Feng's ownership. This made Lin Feng very satisfied. This also showed that An Yang was sincerely trying to do a good job.

    Lin Feng casually looked around for a few times and then signed the contract without any problems.

    Thus, Lin Feng and An Yang could be considered to have officially become partners.

    In other words, if Lin Feng wanted to earn money from An Yang, it was not something that could be done in a short period of time. This might require several years of accumulation. First of all, we have to raise the influence of the dynamic beverage brand, so that sales will soar, so that we can recover the cost and reap the dividends of the shares.

    With regards to his business, Lin Feng really couldn't help much. It was better to leave it all to An Yang to worry about.

    Since Lin Feng chose An Yang, then we can only trust in his abilities.

    Brother Feng, in the beverage industry now, we have to rely on capital to make the products, advertise, and sell online to have a way out. Brother Feng, in the beverage industry now, we have to use capital to make the products, advertise and sell online to have a way out. Brother Feng, you have to give me a few years' time, I guarantee that you will make money. "

    Anyang looked bashful, giving Lin Feng a precautionary measure first so that he wouldn't have to worry about his share of the profits every few days.

    Do your job well. It's just that if you don't scam me and there aren't any problems with your accounts, I can afford to wait for you.

    Lin Feng did not know how to manage, but he did know a bit about the market. Of course he wouldn't give An Yang too much pressure.

    Brother Feng, you can be at ease with this. We are brothers that have risked our lives. I won't screw you over anyone.

    Lin Feng's open-mindedness made Anyang heave a sigh of relief, his face full of smiles.

    Tell me, what are you planning to do in the early stages?

    As a major shareholder, Lin Feng naturally knew how the company operated.

    It's very simple. Walk along the path of success that others have walked, spend money to sponsor all kinds of popular TV shows, and invite famous celebrities to be their spokespersons.

    An Yang spread out his hands and said as if it was a matter of course.

    Although doing this would cost a lot of money, it was still the fastest way to open a brand. As long as An Yang could get the funds to make it through, Lin Feng would have no objections.

    Why don't we ask Dongfang Zazi to be our spokesperson?

    Lin Feng's mind suddenly lit up and this idea popped out.

    This... I also want to invite her, but the problem is not the money. I heard that she never takes on a spokesperson and we don't have any connections, so I'm afraid we might not be able to do it.

    An Yang shook his head and said with a troubled expression.

    Who said there's no other way? Leave this matter to me. I promise that I will make Dongfang Ziqing agree to be our spokesperson.

    Lin Feng chuckled and said extremely confidently.

    He was going to treat Dongfang Ziqing later. As his savior, he wanted to ask for Dongfang Ziqing's help. He should at least give him some face.

    An Yang's eyes widened as he slammed the table and jumped up. He gave Lin Feng a big thumbs up and said in an exaggerated manner, Brother Feng, you're so awesome that you can even get a star like Dongfang Ziqing. I really admire you from the bottom of my heart.

    Don't talk nonsense, I'm just friends with Miss Dongfang, don't think so dirty.

    Lin Feng said seriously as he slapped the back of An Yang's head.

    Lin Feng could not let such a joke run wild. To a star, his reputation was extremely important. He did not want to ruin Dongfang Qing's reputation.

    An Yang lewdly smiled, revealing a pig-faced face, and said: With Brother Feng's ability, even if it hasn't been settled yet, I think it's more or less done.

    Fatty An, I'm warning you, don't talk nonsense about this outside. Otherwise, I won't forgive you.

    Lin Feng felt a wave of helplessness and no longer wanted to defend himself. He directly issued a warning to An Yang.

    An Yang hurriedly made a promise that he would never expose this sort of gossip.

    Oh right, I have something I need your help with. Do you know if there are any good jade refiners in Yan Jing?

    Ever since he was able to use his Yin Qi to identify the Jade Jade Plate Jade, Lin Feng had always had a thought. He planned to rely on this ability to enter the jade shop market. These days, who would complain about having too much money? The more money one earns, the better.

    Being able to make huge profits, Lin Feng would definitely miss out on such a good opportunity.

    When Su Xuewei wakes up in the future, Lin Feng planned on opening the jade store so that Su Xuewei can feel at ease being the Lady Boss. He's busy counting money and it's such a cozy thing to do.

    What's wrong, Brother Feng, are you going to process the blood-red jadeite?

    An Yang originally thought that Lin Feng only wanted to take out the jade he had with him and give it to the beauty.

    I'm planning on working together for a long time, so you have to help me find a reliable processor, and also have to have a certain scale of processing.

    Lin Feng smacked his lips and revealed a mysterious smile, continuing, I plan to help you vent your anger and defeat that brat Jin Manlou so that he won't even be able to continue doing business in the jade shop. I have already decided, I want to enter the jade shop industry, and when I open my shop in the future, I will be at the opposite of Jin ManLou, competing with him and bidding until he closes the door.

    Lin Feng's idea was not to trick Anyang. He really did want to do this. He wanted to step on Jin Manlou's skull and make a name for himself.

    An Yang's jaw dropped in shock. He was so moved that tears welled up in his eyes. He pouted and said, Brother Feng, you treat me so well. You treat me better than my parents. I don't even know how to thank you. I can only say that if Brother Feng needs me in the future, feel free to speak. No matter what you do, I am willing to do it.

    Lin Feng was so angry that he rolled his eyes. He really wanted to kick An Yang flying.

    Give me this? This is too disgusting, Lin Feng is a pure-hearted person, he definitely has no interest in men.

    Shut your stinky mouth and be more serious, will you?

    Lin Feng stared at An Yang and An Yang immediately calmed down. He said with a smile, Don't worry Brother Feng, I promise I will help you find the best processing master. It's just that, Brother Feng, to help me, you're willing to spend so much money. It's impossible for me not to be affected by your actions.

    An Yang's eyes flashed with true emotions as he looked at Lin Feng with an expression as if he was looking at his first love.

    Lin Feng really couldn't stand An Yang. He slapped him and said in a serious tone, Scram. I'm warning you again, I'm only interested in beauties. Don't look at me with such a gaze in the future.

    An Yang covered his face with his hands, looking like he had just lost his soul.

    Lin Feng was truly speechless. He really didn't expect his charm to be so great. Not only beautiful killers, even men can't stop him. If this goes on, he'll probably have to kill both men and women in the future.

    Brother Feng, to be honest, I thank you for your kind intentions, but I do not think it is advisable. Jin Manlou has the backing of the entire Jin Clan, and since his family has been in the jewelry industry for so many years, he has strong financial resources and connections. Even if you have a lot of money, I am afraid you cannot afford to overthrow the Jin Clan. I think that's fine, but I understand your good intentions.

    An Yang finally calmed down and analyzed the situation.

    You don't have to worry about that. No matter how rich and powerful the Jin Clan is, they can forget about defeating me.

    Lin Feng smiled and said extremely confidently.

    He was able to turn the inferior jade into a treasure through relying on his illness. It was extremely profitable, and he was not afraid of the auction because no matter how low the price was, there was no need for him to pay. The Jin family did not have the ability, if they really competed with Lin Feng by killing the price, they would definitely do a loss.

    Brother Feng, can you tell me where your confidence comes from?

    An Yang scratched his head as he asked with a helpless expression.

    Don't mind it so much. Just remember to help me find the best processor. Just wait and see how I kick the Jin family out of the jade shop industry.

    Lin Feng's expression was carefree and his attitude was deep and unfathomable.

    Brother Feng, don't be so impulsive. Let's just peacefully operate the moving drinks. In the jade shop business, we really don't have the capital to compete with the Jin family.

    An Yang's expression was bitter as he earnestly tried to persuade Lin Feng to change his mind.

    In his opinion, even if Lin Feng took out a billion to fight with the Jin family, he would only be using an egg to fight a rock. He had no chance of winning at all. Instead of wasting money on useless work, it's better to invest in dynamic drinks and build brands.

    Don't think too much into it. This is my own business and I don't intend to include you in it. Lin Feng shook his finger and said very seriously. He was confident that he could defeat the Jin family by opening up the jade shop. Of course, he didn't plan on letting An Yang get his share.

    Lin Feng's words, on the other hand, made An Yang heave a sigh of relief. With his abilities, it would be difficult for him to operate a moving beverage. If he continued to accompany Lin Feng to burn money, he would not have the financial resources to do so.


    Many years later, every time Anyang hastened the pace of today's events, he was filled with regret. He silently cursed himself for being too unknowledgeable. If he added Lin Feng into the mix to open the Jadestone store, his worth would increase at least tenfold.

    Brother Feng, don't misunderstand me, it's not that I don't want to defeat the Jin family with you, but it's just that this is not worth it. Besides, at the current stage, we should focus more on the motivational drinks, not the money for battle qi.

    An Yang frowned as he tried to persuade Lin Feng.

    Lin Feng, however, was unmoved. He said he would enter the jade shop industry no matter what.

    Seeing that he couldn't persuade her, An Yang could only agree to help Lin Feng find the best jade maker.

    After parting ways with An Yang, it was six o'clock in the evening. It was time to go to Dongfang Ziqing's place.

    Soon, they arrived at Dongfang Zi Qing's villa. Both Mu Zi Ru and Dongfang Zi Qing were there, and they invited Lin Feng into the house.

    After they sat at the table, Mu Zi Ru was the first to speak. Lin Feng Sheng, after studying for a period of time, I feel that your treatment plan will have an effect. Since Xun Er insists on wanting to try, I can only agree.

    It had already been a week before Mu Ziru finally replied. It seems like she had already had a lot of people analyze Lin Feng's treatment plan during this period of time.

    As an elder, it was natural for him to say that. Since Mu Zi Ru was only thinking for the sake of Dongfang Zazi, Lin Feng naturally wouldn't blame her.

    Auntie Mu, don't worry. My treatment plan will definitely have miraculous effects. Even if it can't completely cure Miss Dongfang, it definitely won't harm her. I can vouch for this with my life. "

    Lin Feng pressed his right hand on his heart and said extremely seriously.

    Dr. Lin, you're too serious. Just try your best.

    Mu Ziru revealed a satisfied smile as she was extremely satisfied with Lin Feng's attitude.

    Mu Zi Ru had always been hesitant, but the biggest reason was because of Lin Feng's treatment plan. If it really could cure Dongfang Ziqing's illness, then he would have to endure it. I'm afraid that Lin Feng is plotting something, treating the illness is fake, taking advantage of the situation is real, that won't do.

    As an elder, Mu Zi Ru naturally had to check on Lin Feng. She called over many of her good friends from the medical field and discussed with them about the treatment plan. After receiving a large amount of approval, she finally made up her mind to let Lin Feng undergo the treatment.

    Mu Ziru had made her decision. If Lin Feng's treatment was effective, she would not mind it. If it didn't work and Lin Feng took advantage of her, she would kill Lin Feng.

    Lin Feng, I'm counting on you.

    Dongfang Ziqing smiled at Lin Feng and said a little bashfully.

    Dongfang Ziqing actually agreed to be treated. Of course, she knew that she would have to face some awkward situations in the future. Just thinking about it made her blush and her heart beat faster.

    I will do my best, and definitely won't disappoint Miss Dongfang. If I don't leave a fairy like you in the human world, that would be the whole world's loss. However, if I really force you to stay in this world, I think that the Jade Emperor would probably use lightning to hack me to death.

    Lin Feng's mouth seemed to have been smeared with oil as he started praising Dongfang Zi Qing.

    Of course, Dongfang Ziqing was shy when she heard this.

    However, Mu Zi Ru's expression didn't look good. She coldly said, Doctor Lin, as a doctor, saving others is the most important thing. Don't think too much about other things.

    Mu Zi Ru was obviously referring to something else. Lin Feng was not an idiot so he could naturally hear what she was saying.

    Lin Feng did not dare to retort when faced with Dongfang Zexin's elder. He hurriedly said in all seriousness, Auntie Mu, do not worry. Although I am not some Holy Hand of Jilin, I must understand the treatment of the relationship between doctor and patient.

    It's good that you understand. It won't be beneficial to you if you don't want any trouble to arise.

    Mu Ziru was really direct as she threatened Lin Feng with a cold expression.

    Dongfang Ziqing was not happy. She huffed and said: Aunt, can't you be more polite? Lin Feng truly wants to treat my illness, but you actually threatened him. Isn't that just adding to his psychological burdens?"

    I'm fine, I'm fine. Auntie Mu can give me some pressure. That way, I can use my best medical skills.

    Lin Feng was quite relaxed as he replied with a smile. He was not affected by Mu Zi Ru's threats at all.

    Dr. Lin, I'm sorry, I said too much. I hope you can forgive me.

    Mu Zi Ru also felt that the treatment had yet to begin and she still did not understand Lin Feng's character. It was not appropriate to just say such words, so she hurriedly apologized.

    Alright, let's have dinner together and then begin the treatment.

    After greeting him, Lin Feng followed him to the kitchen. A sumptuous dinner had long been prepared here.

    Lin Feng was also impolite. He ate a beautiful meal while praising the good taste. His culinary skills did not lose out to a 5-star hotel head chef.

    Dongfang Ziqing smiled brightly. He didn't dare to say anything else. With one look, he could tell that she had prepared this dinner.

    After dinner, he rested for an hour before drinking a cup of tea. Then, the treatment began.

    Dongfang Ziqing and Mu Ziru had already seen the treatment plan and knew that the treatment for the first week was to open the meridians for acupuncture. They wanted Lin Feng to use acupuncture to comb through the meridians in Dongfang Ziqing's body.

    The first round of treatment would take a total of seven days. In other words, for the next seven days, Lin Feng would come here every day to help with acupuncture and moxibustion for Dongfang Ziqing.

    This first week of treatment was the hardest for Lin Feng because he had to continuously perform the Dark Opening Needle Technique and also use his true energy to heal Dongfang Ziqing's meridians. After he finished this, he would probably be exhausted and collapse.

    Dongfang Ziqing had specially arranged a room so that it could be used as a treatment room.

    He was well-prepared. He had all the equipment he needed, even the sandalwood.

    In the middle of the room was a piece of leather medicine. It just so happened that it could be used tonight.

    I... What am I going to do? Just lie on it?

    Dongfang Ziqing shyly lowered his head and asked Lin Feng with a voice as soft as a mosquito.

    Lin Feng instantly felt a bit awkward. He could not even open his mouth because Mu Zi Ru had followed him in. How could he carry on like this?

    Lin Feng wanted to pierce the silver needles through the first corner of Dongfang Ziqing's body, so he had to make Dongfang Ziqing take off all his clothes.

    Lin Feng dreamed about seeing such a beautiful scene. But now, Mu Zi Ru wanted to stand by the side and watch them. This feeling wasn't pleasant.

    This won't do. I have to get Mu Zi Ru out.

    Lin Feng calmly replied to Dongfang Zi Qing's question. He turned his head to Mu Zi Ru and said with a smile, Auntie Mu, I'll be fine here. You can go and rest first.

    I think it's better if I stay. Even if I can't help you, I can still talk to my child and let her feel at ease.

    Mu Zi Ru didn't plan to leave. This looked like he was trying to help. He was clearly monitoring Lin Feng and guarding against any signs of harm, taking advantage of Dongfang Ziqing.

    No matter how good-natured Lin Feng was, at this point, he could not help but be a little angry in his heart.

    Mu Zi Ru thought that he was some sort of person. He was upright and proper person, behaving in a proper manner as a doctor. How could he possibly do something so popular while he was practising medicine?

    To put it bluntly, Mu Zi Ru's actions were an insult to Lin Feng.

    Auntie Mu, I'm so sorry. The needle technique that I'll use later must not be passed on to anyone else. I hope you can understand.

    Lin Feng's expression turned stern and became unyielding. If Mu Ziru did not leave, he did not intend to start the treatment.

    Don't worry, I'll stand behind you later. I definitely won't sneak a peek at your acupuncture.

    Mu Zi Ru's face became serious as well, as she didn't want to give in at all.

    Auntie Mu, I've mastered acupuncture and moxibustion. Miss Dongfang won't feel any pain, so you don't need to stay.

    Lin Feng forcefully suppressed his anger and said without a care.

    I still think it's better to stay. Sis has always been afraid of needles since she was young. If I accompany her, she'll be at ease. Isn't it more accurate for you to apply acupuncture as well?

    Mu Zi Ru was like a stubborn old man as she said this with a determined expression.

    Lin Feng was speechless, he directly said: Auntie Mu, let's be frank. You are not at ease with me by doing this, do you think that I will take advantage of Miss Dongfang?

    Doctor Lin, you're really strange. If you have a clear conscience and follow medical ethics, then why would you care about my existence?

    Mu Ziru's counterattack was extremely sharp. Lin Feng was speechless after hearing her words.

    What Mu Ziru said was right. If Lin Feng was not hiding his evil intentions, there was no need to be afraid of Mu Zi Ru watching him.

    Honestly speaking, Lin Feng was a little mischievous. He might not overdo it, but he still had the thought of taking advantage of this situation. This was not Lin Feng's dirty character, this was something a normal man would do.

    Of course, if Dongfang Ziqing didn't agree, Lin Feng would never force him. This was a matter of principle.

    It was not because Lin Feng could not take advantage of her that he wanted to invite Mu Ziru out.

    He only felt that being watched by Mu Zi Ru was a form of disrespect to him. Once his feelings rose, it might affect his performance of acupuncture.

    Auntie Mu, I … I wanted to say, will you make me nervous by staring at me? If I get nervous and get stabbed in the wrong place, it will not benefit Miss Dongfang at all.

    Lin Feng smiled bitterly. He knew that he could not answer Mu Ziru's question. To be dragged along with the flow and directly bring in Dongfang Ziqing was the most sensible choice.

    What's there to be nervous about? It's not like I'm going to eat you. Just focus on the business and focus on the task at hand. How could you stab the wrong needle? As a doctor, your mental state can't even be adjusted when you practice medicine. This makes me doubt your ability.

    Mu Zi Ru was indeed powerful. Her rebuttal made Lin Feng extremely embarrassed and he was unable to find any words to refute her.

    Dongfang Ziqing was secretly laughing. He didn't help either of them as he quietly watched Lin Feng and Mu Ziru bicker.

    Dongfang Ziqing just felt that it was too interesting to see Lin Feng being humiliated.

    This time, Lin Feng was truly disappointed. He was at a loss for words due to Mu Ziru's words. He could only droop his face like a frosted eggplant as he pulled at his head and sighed.


    Miss Dongfang, give me a word, I'll listen to you.

    The bickering could not win against Mu Ziru. Lin Feng gritted his teeth and decided to gamble. He would let Dongfang Ziqing make the decision.

    This time, Dongfang Ziqing was unable to keep silent. She pursed her lips and her intelligent eyes flashed, looking at Lin Feng and then at Mu Zi Ru, as if she was seriously considering something.

    Lin Feng was worried that Dongfang Ziqing might share the same heart as Mu Ziru and was a bit worried. He hurriedly lifted his face and said seriously, "Miss Dongfang, we have been through thick and thin together. You should know my character very well. The biggest reason why I went out was because I didn't want to feel like I was being watched. It would make me nervous, making me unable to freely prick your hands and feet.

    Doctor Lin, later on, you said that you were afraid that I would steal your family's secret arts, but later on you said that my staring at you made you nervous. I should believe these two kinds of words you said.

    Mu Zi Ru frowned as she felt that this matter was not as simple as it seemed. Lin Feng might really be a scammer that wanted to take advantage of her.

    This... a little bit of both.

    Lin Feng scoffed twice, scratching his head as he said this with a bit of a lack of confidence.

    Then I want to ask you, in the past when you were treating other people's illnesses, did you not have a nurse by your side? You can just treat me like a nurse.

    No matter what, Mu Zi Ru seemed to make sense. This was really embarrassing for Lin Feng.

    Aunt, I'm not a three year old child, so how could I be afraid of a needle piercing? You don't have to guard here, I can take good care of myself.

    Dongfang Ziqing finally opened her mouth. Her words were in support of Lin Feng.

    Hearing this, Lin Feng secretly let out a sigh of relief. Luckily, he didn't gamble wrongly.

    Xun Er, I will be in charge of this matter. Don't meddle in it. However, Mu Zi Ru was very tough and she didn't want to leave.

    Lin Feng's shoulders collapsed, like a balloon, he almost sat on the ground.

    Aunt, it is indeed inappropriate for you to stay here. This is extremely disrespectful to Lin Feng, it is normal for him to have complaints. She was obviously trying to spy on him. How could he not be nervous? I don't understand you. Even though I'm in my twenties, you still treat me like a child. But I am not a child, I have my own ideas, I can be responsible for myself. I'll take charge of my affairs tonight. You have to get out."

    Dongfang Ziqing angrily said with curled lips.

    Lin Feng was secretly delighted in his heart. This was exactly the kind of effect he wanted. The appearance of Dongfang Ziqing was definitely much better than his.

    Yi'er, could it be that Aunt wanted to harm you? I stayed here, of course, for your sake.

    Mu Zi Ru glared at Lin Feng. Her impression of him was getting worse and worse.

    For my sake, you should go out. If you stay here, it will affect Lin Feng's performance and lead to a poor efficacy. This is equivalent to harming me.

    Dongfang Zi Qing walked to Mu Zi Ru's side and took her arm. Aunt, don't worry. Lin Feng's character is definitely good. I trust him, so you don't have to stay here.

    Dongfang Ziqing used all of his strength to forcefully push Mu Zi Ru out.

    Sis, what are you doing? Why are you being so naughty?

    Mu Zi Ru pulled on the door frame and said anxiously. She was worried about Lin Feng's character and insisted on staying.

    With Mu Zi Ru's attitude and actions, it was easy for her to offend others. Lin Feng's temper could be considered good. If it was anyone else, he would have already left.

    Firstly, Lin Feng had thick skin and was not afraid of being misunderstood. Secondly, he really did want to cure Dongfang Ziqing. He was not willing to let the heavens take such a beauty away.

    Aunt, Lin Feng and I are friends, we've known each other for a long time. I understand his character very well, he can't be the type of person you think he is. If he was a scum like Long Xuanwei, even if I were to die from illness, I would not accept his treatment.

    Dongfang Ziqing showed a very serious expression and said seriously.

    Lin Feng stood at the side and listened to these words. He secretly wiped away his sweat and felt extremely ashamed. He was just thinking of taking advantage of the situation.

    Forget it, forget it, I'm not staying in a girl's place. You actually insisted on not wanting me to stay, then I'm not staying anymore. But remember this, if there's anything, you can shout and I'll hear you.

    Mu Zi Ru sighed and made her choice. Since Dongfang Ziqing was standing by Lin Feng's side, she had no other choice.

    Lin Feng, I must warn you, be a bit more obedient or I will break your legs.

    When Mu Zirui left, she did not forget to give Lin Feng a warning.

    Auntie Mu, you're overthinking things. I just want to cure Miss Dongfang. I definitely don't have any thoughts of being unreasonable.

    Lin Feng revealed a bright smile and said gently.

    When Mu Zi Ru finally left, Dong Fang closed the door. There were only two people left in the room.

    Miss Dongfang, your aunt is still young, but she's so old-fashioned. Lin Feng lowered his voice and complained while smiling.

    She's worried about me, so don't mind her too much. Actually, my aunt is very nice. You'll know when you get to know her more. She lost her mother when she was young and it was aunty who raised me herself. In my heart, she has already been treated as my mother.

    Dongfang Ziqing's words were sorrowful, but his eyes were desolate. Perhaps he was thinking of his deceased mother.

    Sorry to remind you of unpleasant things. Lin Feng hurriedly apologized.

    Nothing, so many years have passed, no matter how big the sadness will fade. Also, can you stop calling me Miss Dongfang from now on? It sounds really uncomfortable to me. Didn't I tell you to call me Xun Er?

    Dongfang Ziqing rolled his eyes at Lin Feng and said unhappily.

    I don't dare to call her that in front of your aunt. Lin Feng said with a bitter smile.

    It's okay. Sis is my childhood nickname. People who are familiar with me call me that. Even Long Xuewei can call that guy, so why can't you?

    Dongfang Ziqing poked Lin Feng's forehead and said with a smile.

    Alright then. From now on, I'll call you Lil 'Sis. Lin Feng did not dare to call out such an intimate name from the start in front of Mu Zi Ru for fear of causing a misunderstanding.

    Mm, you can start treating me now. What do I do next?

    Dongfang Ziqing's face blushed again. She clearly knew what she was going to do next, but she was too embarrassed to take off her clothes on her own accord and wanted Lin Feng to give her a hint.

    You'll have to take off all your clothes and lie on the leather couch.

    Lin Feng immediately got serious, acting like it was all a matter of course.

    This... Do I have to take them all off?

    Dongfang Ziqing's voice was so low that it was almost inaudible. This time, even his neck was blushing.

    According to the rules, Dongfang Ziqing was really going to take off all his clothes.

    But then Lin Feng thought, This isn't a good idea, it's better not to. At least Dongfang Ziqing should be allowed to wear clothes.

    Lin Feng planned to wait until Dongfang Ziqing lost his consciousness. If the swimsuit stopped him from pricking it, he would just pull it away.

    At that time, the unconscious Dongfang Ziqing would no longer be nervous, and he would no longer feel awkward.

    That's good then. I thought you were going to see it all. Dongfang Ziqing patted his chest and let out a breath.

    It doesn't matter if I can see everything. If I want Qing Er to be responsible for everything, I am very willing.

    Lin Feng's mood was elated and he could not help but start spouting nonsense again.

    You wish. You want to take me down so easily? It's not that easy.

    Dongfang Ziqing chuckled lightly and glared at Lin Feng provocatively.

    Then, I would like to ask if I have a chance in the end.

    Lin Feng asked with a thick smile on his face.

    To me, every man will give a chance, so you are no exception.

    Then do I have a better chance than other men? Lin Feng's face was full of anticipation as he asked shamelessly.

    More or less. Unless you can cure me, I will naturally give you more chances.

    Dongfang Ziqing was also an expert, making Lin Feng's heart itch like a cat's scratch.

    Then I must do everything in my power to cure your illness. Lin Feng crossed his arms in front of his chest and said happily.

    Lin Feng, can you turn around and look at me like that? How am I supposed to take off my clothes?

    Dongfang Zi bashfully said as he fidgeted with his buttons.

    No problem. Lin Feng smiled and turned away.

    Following which, Lin Feng heard a wave of chattering. It was obvious that Dongfang Ziqing was removing the bandwidth shirt.

    After waiting for a good five minutes, Dongfang Ziqing made Lin Feng turn around.

    When he turned around to look, Dongfang Ziqing was already lying on the leather couch.

    Lin Feng's exquisite and perfect body was revealed in front of him, causing him to speak without thinking and his heart to beat wildly.

    Dongfang Ziqing's figure was truly perfect. It was as if he had been sculpted by a god. Perhaps only a god would be able to create such a flawless work of art.

    Lin Feng was a bit dazed from the mention of it, unable to move his eyes away for a long time.

    Idiot, have you seen enough? Quickly, start.

    Dongfang Ziqing's face was red with embarrassment as she reminded Lin Feng.

    Sis, I'm afraid we'll have to wait for a while. You have to let me rest for a bit. Looking at your beautiful figure, I really can't calm my heart down.

    Lin Feng sighed with all his heart, he definitely did not lie, because at this moment, his heart was still madly beating.

    You have a glib tongue, you sure know how to coax girls. Honestly, how many girls have I fooled?"

    Dongfang Ziqing covered his front with his hands, and said snappily.

    This is the truth. The truth is the truth, I am not lying. Lin Feng said seriously.

    Dongfang Ziqing chuckled, then he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

    He was destined for Lin Feng to see enough, hence Dongfang Ziqing let go of his will.

    Lin Feng took a few deep breaths before he managed to suppress his restless heart. He gathered his energy and began to use the Mysterious Needle Technique to treat Dongfang Ziqing.

    Lin Feng first took over Dongfang Ziqing's unconsciousness and let her fall into a deep sleep. This way, he could release his hands and feet and prick the needle.


    It could be said that all the meridians in his body had been broken. If he wanted to heal it, it would take a long time.

    The first thing Lin Feng had to do was to do his best to help Dongfang Ziqing repair her broken meridians, in order to allow her zhenqi to circulate within her meridians. This way, Lin Feng could slowly use the Dark Opening Needle Technique to heal her meridians and perhaps connect them together.

    Even if the results were extremely unlikely to be achieved, but through treatment, it would also be able to help Dongfang Xi attract better drugs.

    Lin Feng's task was quite difficult, he almost wanted to use the Dark Opening Needle technique to treat Dongfang Ziqing from head to toe. Regardless of whether it was his physical strength or true qi, he would probably have to exhaust them all.

    Without too much hesitation, Lin Feng planned to start from the head and step by step proceed to insert the needle downwards.

    At this moment, Dongfang Ziqing was almost in a deep slumber. Lin Feng really had bad intentions, he could do whatever he wanted.

    However, Lin Feng did not have any thoughts of taking advantage of the situation. He had just adjusted his state of mind and did not want to lose his focus.

    Lin Feng helped Dongfang Ziqing up so that he could stab her in the head in all directions.

    After a full half an hour, Lin Feng finally finished stabbing a set of secret silver needles, turning Dongfang Ziqing's entire head into a hedgehog's state.

    After the arrangement of the silver needles was completed, Lin Feng started to circulate the zhenqi within his body, and according to the cycle of the Mysterious Opening Needle Technique, he began to repair the meridians of Dongfang Ziqing.

    It was highly unlikely for him to be able to connect his meridians in one try.

    Lin Feng understood this principle very well, so he stopped after a few cycles.

    After the first round of treatment, Lin Feng now had a rough understanding of Dongfang Ziqing's condition. The jade tablet in his body also gave a diagnosis.

    After analyzing the situation of the jade tablet, Lin Feng discovered that Dongfang Ziqing's condition was truly not optimistic.

    If Dongfang Ziqing was still the Nine Yin Meridians, it would be much easier to treat.

    However, Dongfang Ziqing refused to accept defeat. He forcefully cultivated his true qi in order to change his fate. The result was that his illness became even more severe and the meridians in his body had been severed. This led to his meridians being broken into pieces. To connect them to one another was as difficult as ascending to the heavens.

    Lin Feng sighed. He realized that even if it was the best result, it would only be able to help Dongfang Ziqing extend his life. He really did not have the ability to heal him completely.

    The healing method of the jade tablet could only help Dongfang Ziqing link up her meridians and protect her life.

    If he wanted to completely cure Dongfang Ziqing and let him cultivate his zhen qi again, Lin Feng would not be able to do so.

    This was already considered not bad. At least Dongfang Ziqing did not need to die young.

    Putting down his pent-up emotions, Lin Feng adjusted his breathing and decided to continue treating Dongfang Ziqing.

    It was just that when he came back to the place where the treatment was conducted, Lin Feng started to feel a bit nervous.

    In order to get a better needle, he had to remove the piece of cloth from the front of the Hun.

    Of course, he could still not understand. Even though he was separated by a small piece of cloth, he could still stab the needle down.

    The problem was that if the acupoint was not punctured correctly, it would affect the treatment. This was not a wise choice.

    Originally, the chances of completely healing Dongfang Ziqing were very slim. However, if he made any more mistakes now, the treatment might have failed.

    However, not only did Lin Feng not wish to see such an outcome, even Dongfang Ziqing and Mu Zi Ru did not wish for such an outcome.

    Then should I take off the bathing suit?

    This was truly a difficult question to choose from, causing Lin Feng to be in a dilemma and he was unable to make up his mind within a short period of time.

    She stole a glance at Dongfang Ziqing, whose eyes were tightly shut, as if she was in a deep sleep.

    But Lin Feng was very clear that even if he hit Dongfang Ziqing's acupoint, she still felt it. If he really did open the bathing suit, Dongfang Ziqing would definitely know.

    Therefore, it wasn't appropriate to sneak in. No matter what, he should at least greet Dongfang Ziqing.

    Lin Feng coughed twice and said in a low voice, Sis, in order to give you a needle, I'm afraid I have to remove your swimsuit. I hope you can understand my rudeness.

    Dongfang Ziqing's lips slightly moved, but she didn't say anything. However, from this action, it could be seen that she was still conscious even though she was afraid of losing her consciousness.

    Logically speaking, under normal circumstances, people who were hit by an acupoint would fall into a deep sleep.

    However, there were also special circumstances. If one's will was firm and forced to stay awake, they might still be in the midst of a deep sleep. This was obviously the situation for Dongfang Ziqing.

    Qing Er, I'm sorry. Regardless of whether you agree or not, I have to solve this issue now. When you wake up, you can punish me however you want.

    Lin Feng let out a breath of relief. He didn't care that much. The most important thing to do was to cure Dongfang Ziqing's situation.

    Even though Lin Feng had been constantly warning him to be calm, calm and maintain his concentration, when he reached out to take off the swimsuit his hands were uncontrollably stiff, and his heartbeat also started to quicken.

    With great effort, Lin Feng finally managed to complete the great task of undressing. He was so tired that his forehead was sweating.

    When he looked at Dongfang Ziqing's face in the blink of an eye, his nerves had been tested to their limits. His brain had exploded, and his heart was thumping in his throat.

    This time Lin Feng was completely lost. His eyes stared straight ahead, staring at the peak of the Hunchback Peak of Dongfang Ziqing, unable to shift his gaze away for a long time.

    Truly beautiful, this was the only thought in Lin Feng's mind.

    Lin Feng really couldn't control himself and he couldn't help but stretch out his hands, wanting to touch that thing that caused him to lose his soul.

    Bang bang!

    Just when Lin Feng's hands were about to reach his destination, two knocks on the door sounded out, scaring Lin Feng half to death. He hurriedly retracted his hands.

    Who … Who is it?

    Lin Feng was so nervous that he started to tremble.

    Let me ask you, how is the progress? I want to prepare for midnight snack.

    When Mu Zi Ru's voice rang out, it was unknown if she saw what Lin Feng had done and came to stop him or really came to ask.

    But regardless of that situation, Lin Feng was still rather frightened, his consciousness returning.

    This is only the beginning. Auntie Mu, there's no need to worry.

    Lin Feng took a towel and hurriedly placed it on Dongfang Ziqing's body. If Mu Zi Ru didn't charge in, she might really fight him to the death.

    Alright then, I'll wait first.

    The sound of footsteps came from outside the door. It seemed that Mu Zi Ru had left.

    Lin Feng slapped himself, cursing himself for being too weak. He was completely mesmerized.

    As long as he still had a bit of consciousness, he would be able to hear Mu Zi Ru's footsteps.

    No way, no way.

    Lin Feng silently reminded himself that he had to calm down and not do the same actions again.

    Closing his eyes, Lin Feng took a deep breath and waited for his heartbeat to calm down before opening his eyes and taking the towel away.

    After making mental preparations, Lin Feng was finally able to calm down.

    He continued the injection and continued the treatment.

    When he arrived at the bottom of his abdomen Lin Feng went through another major test.

    After working until 12 o'clock at night, Lin Feng finally completed the entire healing process.

    He used his zhen qi to help Dongfang Ziqing completely repair his broken meridians. This was only the first round, so the effect shouldn't be too obvious. At the very least, when Lin Feng channeled his zhenqi into Dongfang Ziqing's body, his zhenqi could already flow smoothly through his meridians.

    This was only the first day of treatment. There were still six days left, and after a week, Lin Feng did not dare to say that he could help Dongfang Ziqing restore her broken veins, but he could guarantee that it would allow her to absorb the medicine even better.

    To be able to achieve such a result after the first treatment cycle, it could be said to be a success.

    After wiping off the sweat on his forehead, Lin Feng calmed down for a while before hurriedly helping Dongfang Ziqing to put on the two swimsuits.

    Only after that did he dare to use a silver needle to wake Dongfang Ziqing up and wake her up.

    Sis, the treatment is over. How do you feel now? Lin Feng squeezed out a smile and asked.

    Dongfang Ziqing's gaze was erratic and he covered his face with his hands. He didn't even dare to look at Lin Feng anymore.

    When Lin Feng untied her swimming suit and swimming trunks, she could still feel it in her daze. If she thought about it then she would be too embarrassed to face Lin Feng.

    Can you go out first? I want to be alone.

    Dongfang Ziqing did not answer Lin Feng's question but gave the order to expel him.

    Alright, I'll wait for you in the living room.

    At this time, it was indeed necessary to give Dongfang Zexuan some space to ease up. Lin Feng knew very well that he would leave immediately.

    Arriving at the living room, Lin Feng saw Mu Ziru sitting on the sofa and immediately felt a bit guilty. He hastily greeted her, Auntie Mu, the treatment was completed and progress was smooth. It was all thanks to Miss Dongfang's cooperation.

    How's the effect? It has reached that level.

    Mu Zi Ru was concerned about Dongfang Zar's condition, so she was not in the

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