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Detox: Delicious Body Cleanse: The Ultimate Whole Body Detox Cleanse Your Body
Detox: Delicious Body Cleanse: The Ultimate Whole Body Detox Cleanse Your Body
Detox: Delicious Body Cleanse: The Ultimate Whole Body Detox Cleanse Your Body
Ebook79 pages37 minutes

Detox: Delicious Body Cleanse: The Ultimate Whole Body Detox Cleanse Your Body

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About this ebook

The facts are stark.

The results are compelling.

Obesity kills.

But you don't have to be a victim thanks to author, Dieter Mann and his/her new book "Detox: Delicious Body Cleanse". This common sense guide gives you the tools to take control of your life and finally get rid of excess weight. No bizarre rituals or recipes for fake apple pies made with crackers - just solid, easy to follow instructions, including ridding the body of toxins, mouth--watering recipes and the facts. When you think about it, this really is simple: knowledge is power... and Dieter Mann has given you the power to get health. Go get it... and live!
Release dateOct 5, 2020
Detox: Delicious Body Cleanse: The Ultimate Whole Body Detox Cleanse Your Body

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    Detox - Dieter Mann


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