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The Cinque Terre Walk, Relax, Cook, and Eat
The Cinque Terre Walk, Relax, Cook, and Eat
The Cinque Terre Walk, Relax, Cook, and Eat
Ebook165 pages2 hours

The Cinque Terre Walk, Relax, Cook, and Eat

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Cinque Terre is not a Disney Theme Park; its unique environment results from thousands of human civilization surviving and adapting to challenging conditions.
You can take a boat tour, visit the five towns in three hours, and rightfully claim that you have been to the Cinque Terre; millions of tourists do just that.
Suppose you want a more profound, more complete experience. In that case, this guide gives you all the information you need to plan a more extended staying, with details on the restaurants, the places where you can have a drink, where you can sleep, and where you can buy unique souvenirs from each of the five villages.
It also lists the places you should visit.
Cinque Terre is the place for walking experiences; the guide presents all the trails, from the most simple to the most difficult ones, even outside the Cinque Terre’s proper area. The courses have an illustration so you can see and decide where to go.
The guide also lists the bicycle rental places and the itineraries for a regular and electric bicycle tour.
There is a long tradition of culinary excellence; the pesto has its origin here.
This culinary tradition also comes from the nearby Magra Valley area. It is now very much frequented by culinary experts, even if it is not as famous as the internationally known main attraction. It’s an even better deal, good quality of the service, in a less crowded environment for superior service. If you come to the area, don’t miss the opportunity to expand your experience.
The Liguria region’s cuisine is rich and varied; at the end of the guide, you have a section covering all its recipes; the links are active when you have an internet connection. You have access to a recipe database for some of them. You will be able to cook at home some of the dishes that you tasted while visiting or dreamed of enjoying it. It’s not the same as consuming the specialty sitting at a restaurant table in the Piazza of Vernazza, but at least it is better than nothing!

Release dateOct 4, 2020
The Cinque Terre Walk, Relax, Cook, and Eat

Enrico Massetti

Enrico Massetti was born in Milan, Italy, where he lived for more than 30 years, visiting countless tourist destinations from the mountains of the Alps to the sea of Sicily. He now lives in Washington, DC, USA. However, he regularly visits his hometown and enjoys touring all the places in his country, especially those he can reach by public transportation.You can reach Enrico at

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    Book preview

    The Cinque Terre Walk, Relax, Cook, and Eat - Enrico Massetti

    Table of Content

    Table of Content

    The Cinque Terre

    Links to the establishments’ websites

    How to get to the Cinque Terre

    A human-made landscape

    The rocky sea of the Cinque Terre

    The five villages


    What to do and see in Riomaggiore

    Kayaks and Watersports

    Shopping in Riomaggiore

    Nightlife in Riomaggiore

    Where to eat in Riomaggiore

    Accommodations in Riomaggiore

    Room rentals and hotels for Riomaggiore


    What to do and see in Manarola

    Where to eat in Manarola

    Shopping in Manarola

    Hotels in Manarola

    Bed & Breakfasts in Manarola

    Accommodations in Volastra, about 2 km from Manarola


    What to do and see in Corniglia

    Where to shop in Corniglia

    Where to eat in Corniglia

    Accommodations in Corniglia


    What to do and see in Vernazza: Best photo-ops pop Views

    Vernazza Harbor

    Shopping in Vernazza

    Nightlife in Vernazza

    Where to eat in Vernazza

    Accommodations in Vernazza

    Private Rooms (Affitta Camere) in Vernazza


    What to do and see in Monterosso: Convento dei Cappuccini

    Kayaks in Monterosso

    Nightlife in Monterosso

    Shopping in Monterosso

    Where to eat in Monterosso

    Hotel accommodations in Monterosso

    Along the path of the Mediterranean bush

    The Cinque Terre by boat.

    The train connection

    How to get to the Cinque Terre

    Parking at La Spezia train station

    Cinque Terre walking trails

    Trail number 2 - Sentiero Azzurro (blue trail)

    Riomaggiore - Manarola (20 Minutes) - Via dell’Amore

    Manarola - Corniglia (45 Minutes)

    Corniglia - Vernazza (1.5 hours)

    Vernazza - Monterosso (1.5 hours)

    C.A.I. route AV5T - Portovenere - Levanto

    Trail AV5T: Portovenere – Colle del Telegrafo 516 m

    Trail AV5T: Colle del Telegrafo 516 m. – Sella della Cigoletta 605 m

    Trail AV5T: Sella della Cigoletta 605 m. – Colle del Termine

    Trail AV5T: Colle del Termine – Sant'Antonio

    Trail AV5T: Sant'Antonio. – Levanto.

    C.A.I. route no. 3

    C.A.I. route no. 7

    C.A.I. route no. 8

    C.A.I. route no. 9

    Mountain Bike rentals and trails

    Renting E-Bikes in the Park

    1 – Trail from Montenero Sanctuary to Volastra Sanctuary and back

    2 – Trail from Montenero Sanctuary to Soviore Sanctuary and back

    3 – Trail from Montenero Sanctuary to the village of Carpena and back

    Cinque Terre cuisine

    Anchovies of Monterosso

    Production area

    Cinque Terre, Riviera, and Vara Valley food

    Gastronomy in the Golfo dei Poeti and Magra Valley


    A Taverna

    Locanda dell’Angelo

    The Spongata

    Liguria Food and Recipes

    Typical food from Liguria

    Other Italian tourism guides

    The Author

    Things to Know

    The Cinque Terre

    Vernazza - Luca Aless CC BY-SA 4.0

    The Cinque Terre is a unique environment of terraced slopes cultivated with vineyards and held together with human-made stone walls.

    The Cinque Terre is not for everybody: many Italians dream of going on vacation to New York or Los Angeles and go there, but have never been to the Cinque Terre. The same should be valid in the opposite way. You don’t have to love these rugged villages just because they are now famous. There are hundreds, if not thousands of equally impressive Italian towns, in the mountains, at sea, or in the middle of Italy. Many of them aren’t famous as the Cinque Terre, and maybe not as unique, but are worth visiting anyway.

    It was a small world for a privileged few. I was surprised when, with my girlfriend, had to go to a restaurant owner to rent a room for the night, then climb an endless flight of stairs to get to the place: I loved it, but you don’t have to, if you prefer something different then don’t go to The Cinque Terre, they are not for you.

    The same restaurant owner now rents more rooms. He calls them Hotel, but the arrangement is still the same; you have to climb an endless flight of stairs to get to the rooms.

    Don’t complain either if the information on the places where you can stay is limited: there are very few possibilities of an overnight stay, and I included almost all of them.

    The second part of this guide has a list of trails paths that you can walk or mountain bike along; it includes places where you can rent the bikes, including the electric ones.

    The third part of the guide is about the cuisine of the area, with a description of the influences of the different nearby zones you have a list of local recipes.  When connected to the internet, you will have access to the recipe and will be able to try to replicate at home one of the specialty dishes you had the fortune to taste while visiting. It will not be the same, but at least you can try it!

    Links to the establishments’ websites

    Many establishments invested quite a lot of money to have their website. Unfortunately, many of them do not have the security of the Secure Layer SSL installed. Accessing the website can expose you, the visitor, to all kinds of risk, including malicious stealing of financial information, like your credit card number, or the installation of viruses on your computer.

    I did not include any link to these websites, only to the ones that have the SSL protection. You can recognize if the security is present or not from the character on the left of the website URL in the top line of your browser. I urge you not to use websites that are not secure.

    Since most establishments also have a presence on Facebook, a secure environment, I linked to their Facebook page.

    How to get to the Cinque Terre

    The Cinque Terre From La Spezia to Levanto

    The best approach to The Cinque Terre is from La Spezia. There you should visit the Cathedral, with its terracotta Altar-piece (The Coronation of the Virgin) by Andrea della Robbia and the critical Luni Archaeological Museum rich in prehistoric, Etruscan, and Graeco-Roman material.

    With a short train ride from La Spezia, you access the Cinque Terre with their natural park.

    A human-made landscape

    Terraces at Manarola - William Domenichini CC BY-SA 3.0

    Over the centuries, through constant collective work, man has managed to create this landscape, the only one of its kind in the world, safely kept inside a treasure chest between Punta Mesco and Punta Manara.

    It’s a Liguria’s little corner where generations have created this monument in landscape architecture represented by the steep terraces sloping down to the sea.

    Held up by over 7000 km of dry stone walling, cleverly built without any cement, cultivated as vineyards that reach down to almost touching the lapping sea waves.

    The Cinque Terre, recognized by the Unesco Mankind's World Heritage, is today a National Park and Protected Marine Area to protect this great cultural heritage.

    The rocky sea of the Cinque Terre

    The inhabitants of these places had agricultural origins and lived on the hills. They came down to the coast once the Saracens had finished invading when the sea became safe and populated the villages at the mouths of the rivers along the shore.

    The first historical documents on the Cinque Terre date back to the 11th century; Monterosso and Vernazza sprang up first, while the other villages grew later, under the Republic of Genoa’s military-political supremacy.

    In the 16th century, the inhabitants reinforced the old forts and built new defense towers to oppose the Turks’ attacks.

    From the year 1600, the Cinque Terre experienced a decline that reversed only in the 19th century, thanks to the construction

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