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The Finger of God: Lessons in Spiritual Healing
The Finger of God: Lessons in Spiritual Healing
The Finger of God: Lessons in Spiritual Healing
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The Finger of God: Lessons in Spiritual Healing

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Experience the life-changing power of Thomas Parker Boyd with this unforgettable book.
Release dateOct 4, 2020
The Finger of God: Lessons in Spiritual Healing

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    The Finger of God - Thomas Parker Boyd

    The Finger of God, Lessons in Spiritual Healing

    Thomas Parker Boyd


    Chapter 1

    An Available God

    I am the Lord who heals you is our guarantee of healing and our proof that we must credit all healing, by any means whatever, to God. He alone is life, and is the Source of all the energies of life expressing themselves in material form. In the vegetable world He gives their fruit for meat, and their leaves for medicine. Life, sense and intelligence exist in all living things, because God is in all living things. Therefore God, who is all that really is, is the I AM THAT I AM, with whom any intelligence, in conscious union, may say, I am.

    God is the only Absolute Reality, and He is Spirit. All material things are relative reality, and are limited and temporal. He is the Omni — the All – all Being, all Life, all Intelligence, all Wisdom, all Goodness, all Love, Health, all Abundance. Because of this unity of life, every living thing lives and moves and has its being in God, and is inherently a partaker of all His Completeness.

    Because God is Omnipresent, that is, equally present everywhere, He is Immanent. He is indwelling in every living thing. His immanence guarantees the inherent goodness of every living thing, for He pronounced everything belonging to His Creation as very good, before some personalities chose to become evil.

    Life expresses itself by certain definite movements, which we call Laws, and no movement of life is possible apart from Law. In the purely spiritual realm, the Laws of Expression are invariable and absolute. God is only good, in whom is no evil. God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all. He is strength, in whom is no weakness at all. He is health, in whom is no sickness, and abundance, in whom is no poverty at all.

    The same reign of Law prevails in the realm of material things, which we call relative reality. The movement of Power in certain definite channels of expression, called Laws, causes all that occurs. Whatever happens does so by Law. Everything that has ever happened has done so by Power, operating in obedience to the Law of Expression. Anything that has ever happened may therefore happen again, when that we have obeyed particular Law of Expression. Any recorded event may happen again, if we obey the Law. If it does not happen, we have not found and obeyed its Law of Expression – or it never occurred in the first place.

    Any individual vegetable, animal or human expression of life must obey the Laws of Life Expression. The number of Laws that it can obey measures the richness and fullness of its experience and expression of life. Obedience to the law of inertia gives rest, and to the laws of motion makes all life’s activities possible. Obedience to the law of exercise gives a strong, active body, and to the law of education gives a trained mind.

    Obedience to the law of life in Christ Jesus makes us free from the law of sin and death. Our absolute guarantee of spiritual and physical welfare in a world governed by divinely ordained Laws is If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.

    Disobedience to the Laws may be active or passive. One may intentionally violate the Law, or simply fail to keep it. In any event, the failure to obey the Law causes a negative condition that in turn may become active and aggressive, as indicated in the scriptural expression, the law of sin and death.

    Failing to obey the Law of Light, we have the negative darkness. Failing to obey the law of heat, we have the negative cold. Failing to obey the law of education, we have the negative ignorance. Failing to obey the law of goodness, we have the negative badness. Failing to obey the law of health, we have the negative disease, and these acts of disobedience, repeated often enough, may become the agents of our undoing.

    The good things of life are either infectious or contagious. Health is contagious, and goodness is catching. Cheerfulness, optimism, gentleness, mercy, love, warm and thrill us, like sunshine, and under their influence everything of potential goodness in us moves upward toward strength, as a plant pushes upward toward the light.

    Obedience to two Laws will lead to the realization of all good. They are the laws of ignoring the truth of appearances, and declaring the Truth of Reality, which we may call the Laws of Command of Attention and Declaration.

    We practice the Law of Command of Attention by actively directing attention to the Absolute Truth of Reality. Jesus announced the general Principle of the Law of Command in its most extensive intention when he said, Let a man deny himself. This does not refer to self-denial, such as abstinence from the so called harmless amusements. Command of attention redirects one’s perception of oneself as a being apart from the social, national and cosmic life overall, and especially from being separate from the Life of Him whose moral and spiritual image we bear.

    The Law of Command always redirects attention away from separation, and back to the essential Unity of all Life in God. Many body ills, imagined grievances and mental irritation will disappear by simply asserting the Truth of Reality: This is good.

    We cannot feel two definite sensations in the same part of the anatomy simultaneously, but will feel and report the stronger one. A simple redirection of attention produced by pressure or other means, which creates a sensation stronger than the troublesome one, will, if persisted in, give temporary and often permanent relief. For instance, a rubber band wrapped tightly around the middle finger’s first joint for five or ten minutes will relieve eye strain. Pressing the thumb in the roof of the mouth will often relieve a headache in the forehead.

    The mind cannot simultaneously hold two strongly contrasting ideas. Therefore, by redirecting the mind from its obsession or fixation to some strong, positive, constructive idea, will give sure relief.

    Observing frequent rest periods puts this law of relief in operation by redirecting attention, both for the body and mind. The physical heart sets an example of how to do a prodigious amount of work, by beating two beats and resting before the next two. We can find the physical energies to meet the most strenuous and exacting task by frequently taking a few minutes’ relaxation. We can greatly enhance our concentration by redirecting attention to something uplifting, relaxing and beautiful for a few moments.

    The Law of Declaration consists in redirecting attention from effects to causes, from material sensations to spiritual facts, from relative reality to absolute Divine Life. If we direct attention to the body and its sensations, images and experiences of pain and weakness and sin will fill our perception. The Law of Command directs the attention to those spiritual realities, which by steadfastly beholding it, will fill our perception with images of God’s health, strength, goodness, love, peace and abundance.

    Look unto Me and be ye saved is a call to fix the soul’s perceiving powers upon the abundant good. To envision anything requires a perceiving power, an instrument, and an objective. Our perceiving power passes through the eye, rests upon some landscape, and an image of beauty and harmony rides back over the visual track.

    If you allow the perceiving power to focus on the body and its sensations as an objective, you will fill it with experiences of pain and weakness. Yet if you command attention upward and inward to behold God, who is perfect Being, the energies and experiences of His perfect health and

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