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Twisted American Fairy Tales
Twisted American Fairy Tales
Twisted American Fairy Tales
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Twisted American Fairy Tales

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Every fairy tale must have a happy ending right? That depends on how you define happy. In this collection of fairy tales the happy endings are not always so happy. Welcome to my Fairy land. Strap in for the ride of your life as you look at the American landscape in a whole new way and learn how the other side lives. A man goes home for the last time. A driver discovers a mother's secret pain. A detective learns the price of vengeance. A hunter becomes the hunted. Plus many more. Enjoy my twisted fairy tales and just maybe you'll find your own happy ending.
Release dateMay 4, 2011
Twisted American Fairy Tales

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    Twisted American Fairy Tales - Samuel Southwell


    Twisted American Fairy Tales

    Samuel Southwell

    Copyright 2005 Samuel D. Southwell


    To Kitty my true inspiration.


    I would like to thank all the people who have encouraged me over the years. My two children Daelen, my little devil/ angel and Gareth my sweet sorrow. My love Kitty who has been there for me even through the rough times.

    Larry Brag who has helped me through a lot of tough times. Norman Jonas and Jerry Phoenix my teachers at work.

    I would also like to thank my teachers at school Dr. Wells who taught me that the classics are not boring but filled with wonder and lessons to be learned dig below the surface. Dr. Karl who taught me to have pride in my work. Dr. Starks the lady who taught me to take Shakespeare’s work and go wild with it. Titus will go on.

    Lastly I would like to thank my screenwriting teacher Sloane Golden. You showed me how to bring my talent to the surface and to never give up. The last thing you told me was to never give up writing and I never will. See you at the Oscars.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page



    The Crossing

    The Hunter


    Just Another Day

    Last Moment

    Killer Walk

    Caution Signs

    DARK JUSTICE - A Truly American Fairy Tale


    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    The Crossing

    The heat misted off the pavement like a fog in the night. The cars passed him without so much as slowing down. A corvette rushed by nearly taking off his head. He stood dead in his tracks for what seemed like forever before he started to move again.

    I’m going to make it, he told himself. He inched across the pavement slow and steady. Everything he owned on his back. He saw the streak of yellow ahead of him.

    Halfway, no turning back now. He started to move quicker now. The cars were moving faster and faster. Fear protruded from him like sweat as he inched ever so closer to the other side. Out of nowhere, a cigarette bounced in front of him leaving a trail of hot ash. He retreated into his shell just as a rock knocked him spinning. He rolled helplessly to the other side of the street.

    After a while, he peeked his head out and looked around. Well, I made it. He headed off into the high grass slow and steady.

    The Hunter

    I picked up my gun running into the clearing. I dropped to the ground, rolled, and fired. My bullet entered the beast’s eye and exploded out the back of its skull.

    Nice shoot, Harvey.

    I jumped up and looked at Laura. She was in shock, laying near the water hole with a death grip on the canteen. I approached her with caution, gently grabbing onto the canteen. Hey it’s all right.

    Holy shit, man that was incredible. Jason ran up to beast and kicked it. That thing is fucking toast.

    Thanks brother. I turned Laura’s face to mine. Your safe now. She wrapped her arms around me crying.

    Oh my god. What is that thing? She glanced over at it shivering.

    Just a beast protecting its territory.

    Oh man, Harvey, something’s moving inside this bitch. I looked over at Jason, who was backing away from the beast.

    The belly of the beast started to buckle and sway back and forth. I got Laura to her feet and picked up my gun. Forget the water. Let’s move. Get back to the truck quick.

    I gave Laura a slight shove and she started to run alongside Jason. I turned back toward the beast just in time to see the belly explode outward. Oh shit! I fired a shot at the first beast and it fell by the wayside. Then twelve or so of its brothers and sister came out right behind it.

    I fired two more shots wildly just missing one and hitting another. I ran like hell but the beasts were gaining on me.

    Jason, start the truck.

    I watched Laura jump into the passenger’s seat as Jason started the engine. It fired up with a mighty roar. I jumped into the back of the pickup, hearing Jason slam it into gear.

    Floor it. I laid down in the truck watching the beasts eat our dust.

    We drove a few hours before we pulled over and stopped.

    Dude, what the hell was that? Jason rolled out of the driver’s seat.

    You don’t want to know.

    Check that, brother.

    That thing tried to eat me. Laura rocked back in forth in the front seat. Then those thing that came out of its’ belly.

    Try not to think about it. They’re gone now.

    Yea but for how long?

    Best not to worry about that now, Jason. How much gas we got left in the truck?

    Half a tank give or take.

    I let out a sigh. It’s going to have to do, for now. I turned to Laura who was sitting on the back of the truck. You still with us?

    She stared out into the jungle lighting a cigarette. Yea, wherever here is. What the hell is going on around here?

    I don’t know. I hated to lie to her but if she knew the truth. Well.

    Hey Harvey, something’s moving over there. Jason shouted hoping back in the truck cab.

    I scanned the area snatching my gun from the back. Night was falling fast and the darkness was closing in around us. Something broke through the brush charging at the truck. Laura jumped in the back dropping here cigarette.

    The beast sounded huge. I wish I could see it. I lower my gun, firing point blank. I caught a glimpse of the beast in the blinding flash of the gun. It was huge and snarling. I fired again.

    Harvey get in the truck. Jason shouted igniting the six cylinder engine.

    Wait! Suddenly a strong odor hit my nose and a breath of air hit my face. The beast was right in front of me. I felt its eyes on me. I felt its teeth six inches from my skin. I felt its breath going in and out.

    Your breath fucking stinks.

    Sorry didn’t have time to brush.

    Was this beast taking to me? I am losing my mind?

    Harvey, come on. Jason pleaded.

    Aren’t you going to answer your friend?

    Are you talking to me?

    No I just love to hear myself talk? Of course I’m talking to you. Fucking humans are all the same.

    Could you back up a little bit.

    Sure, no problem. I felt the beast step back a few feet.

    It’s all right, Jason. Turn the truck off.

    Very good. Is it Harvey?


    Harvey, are you talking to that thing?

    She a regular genius ain’t she?

    I’ll be right there, Laura. Don’t worry. I heard her climb into the front as Jason turned off the truck.

    What are you doing here, Harvey? Hunting my kind again? Looking for our lost treasure? Hmm? I felt the beast spit out the last few words. I raised a hand to wipe it off my face.

    You got us all wrong. We’re just lost in your land. I smiled at it.

    Lost? So that’s why you killed my mother-in-law?

    That was your mother-in-law?

    Yeah, that’s why I didn’t kill you on sight? I never really cared for the old battle ax. He laughed slightly. Tell you what. You did me a favor. So I’ll return the favor. Jump back in your machine, follow this path to the end, and don’t look back. That’s how you get out of here in one piece. Got it?

    Got it. I smiled again. He smiled back I think.

    See Ya. It was gone. I tossed the gun in the back and climbed in. I knocked on the window. Jason slid it open.

    You OK. Did you find out anything about the you know what?

    About the what? Laura shot a look at Jason then at me.

    Yeah. Follow the yellow brick road. Just fucking drive, man. Jason started the truck and we were on the move again.

    I laid down in the back of the truck. My head was hurting. What the hell were we thinking? No amount of gold is worth this much trouble. The beast was right. We are just fucking humans. Greedy mother fucking humans that would risk everything for a shot at riches. My poor sweet Laura. Why did you have to come with us? Why? Oh! Why? Oh! Why?

    I studied the stars while we drove. Second star to the right and on until morning. Today is a good day to die. That’s what Worf used to say on Star Trek. Is it every a good day to die though. Is gold and fame worth dying for.

    The stars stopped moving. I looked out at the jungle. Wait the truck stopped moving. I sat up and turned toward the cab. Laura was asleep. I looked at Jason. He stared out the front of the truck in disbelief.

    I quickly stood up. In front of us was a huge gorge as far as the eye could see. I got out of the truck walking up to the edge. I peered over the edge. It was a bottomless abyss.

    Shit, dude. How are we supposed to get around that? And where the fuck is the gold you said we were going to get?

    Shut the fuck up for a minute. The beast told me to follow this path to get home in one piece. I looked around. There was no visible way across.

    Laura screamed. I ran to the truck with Jason right on my heels. What’s the matter?

    Laura glared up at me. Her eyes were glazed over like she had just drunk a fifth of jack in one shot.

    Dude she is fucked up?

    I waved my hand at him. Just be quiet for minute. I took Laura’s hand ever so gentle. Laura can you hear me. No answer.

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