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The New Order of Alexandria: The Island of Hella
The New Order of Alexandria: The Island of Hella
The New Order of Alexandria: The Island of Hella
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The New Order of Alexandria: The Island of Hella

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Join Jack Carr and his brother Derek as they join The New Order of Alexandria, a new army that wants to take control of what remains of The United States of America after climate change in the year 2050. Jack and Derek will witness the horrors of the western world, they will see humanity at it's worst. Derek will meet the beautiful Jade Sanders and fall in love, Jack will get lost on the island and he will have to learn how to survive on his own and people will die as a killer stalks the island and a war will take place!

A post apocalyptic adventure intended for mature audiences.
Release dateMar 2, 2017
The New Order of Alexandria: The Island of Hella

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    The New Order of Alexandria - Joseph Roy Wright

    The New Order of Alexandria: The Island of Hella


    New Order

    of Alexandria

    The Island of Hella

    Joseph Roy Wright

    Copyright Notice

    All the characters and events in this book are a work of fiction. Any Resemblances to real people, living or dead, or any events that may resemble any that have really happened are purely coincidental.

    First published and copyrighted by the author of this book Joseph Roy Wright in 2017. The author retains sole copyright to his or her contributions to this book. The author has asserted his moral rights. provided layout designs and graphic elements which are copyright of This book was created using the Lulu creative publishing service. The book author retains sole copyright to his or her contributions to this book.


    In 2043 the snow caps in the North Pole began to crumble and melt at an extremely alarming rate, due to over exposure of global warming.

    By the year 2047 the entirety of the North Pole’s ice caps had completely melted, and the majority of the USA had been submerged with its water, leaving the United States of America un-united as the USA was now split up into many large separate islands.

    In 2048, many of the islands of the USA demanded to have their own independent governments. The president of the USA (Roger Ford) agreed to their terms and the majority of the islands became separate countries.

    All the oil, gas and electricity was cut off from these new Non-American countries, as the mining facilities and power plants that scoured these new Non-American countries could no longer function without the aid of the American government, as The US Government would no longer send power to these power plants or send out ships to mine for oil out at sea for them.

    But these new countries could still create these elements but only at a very minimum rate. They would start building mines underground to find Oil, Stone and other minerals; they would also create electricity by using windmills.

    For several months these new Non-American countries could get by with the limited resources that they had left over from the USA , but eventually they began to run low on resources and the new windmills and mines that scoured the new countries could no longer produce enough oil, gas and electricity to share equally across their countries.

    So these countries had no choice but to limit their resources, only major cities in these new independent countries were allowed to use electricity and gas.

    Food supplies became a lot lower in lesser known areas of these new countries too, as food processing plants that were no longer a part of The USA were also shut down.

    So a lot of the civilians living away from major areas had to find their own food by hunting and they had to learn how to make fire to cook food and to keep their homes lit up at night.

    After a year of this downfall of human economy, some of the residents of these new countries had grown sick of living like cavemen. They joined together in small groups, taking other people’s resources by force and generally causing chaos across the countries in the progress.

    On the 22nd of February 2050 one of the new countries close to the USA named Alexandria formed The NOA (The New Order of Alexandria). The NOA were a new Alexandrian Government who wanted to take control of all the Western regional oil, gas and electricity supply. The Alexandrian Government was run by Johnathan Herriot.

    Other surrounding countries such as New Texas, Darla and York land soon supported The NOA. The NOA promised to share their resources with them, if they were allowed to set up small settlements and villages on their land.

    The NOA spent months finding the essential resources that they needed, they took some risks and were a very strict government, and they took away resources from smaller communities by force. They also took out any strong holds that were holding onto any of the essential elements they were after.

    A lot of the countries refused to deal with The NOA as these other countries wanted their own independence. However The NOA were growing desperate, they wanted to be powerful and own a great majority of the western world.

    Some areas of these opposing countries were taken over by The NOA's armed forces so they could build more factories to gather more resources, The NOA also built new villages and settlements for residents to live in.

    The NOA were a very oppressive Government, they were not afraid to use their armies to take over territories that were holding off any of the resources that they were after.

    However the new NOA settlements were far more luxurious, safer and organised then any of the other smaller settlements that originally scoured the new islands.

    Soldiers were assigned to protecting and managing the new settlements, so that whenever a crime was committed in the area an army of soldiers were nearby to take care of the culprit. The NOA called this The NOA Law, The NOA Law seen themselves as a police force for the Western world, however they dressed more like soldiers and drove around in camouflaged jeeps their arsenal was also a lot more advanced than that of a regular police man, they would always carry around an assault rifle and would wear a bullet proof vest at all times.

    Our story begins in the year 2050, October the 21st. The NOA have already made a big impact on the western world, a lot of the communities have accepted the NOA as their new found leaders however there are some communities out there that refuse to be a part of this new Government.

    In the New Order of Alexandria we follow Jack and Derek Carr as they join The NOA and begin to see pro and cons of this new Government that have taken control of the western world.



    Chapter 1: Dalewood.

    Jack Carr has been living on the island since he was 14 years old, back in 2047 he watched the island he lived on transform into a tropical paradise as he grew up alongside it.

    The island was a mess to begin with, a lot of debris and waste had been washed up on the island's shores, but as time went on, nature took over.

    After a couple of years near enough all the debris, waste and scrap had been removed from the island's shore. Palm trees, sand and rocks now scoured the island’s shore instead, the island also got a lot more rain than it once did as well and tropical rainforests grew on the island.

    Dalewood was a peaceful town Jack lived in with his family at an old bottle making factory that lay abandoned right next to all of the makeshift markets and Taverns that sold a large number of weapons, clothes, food and Booze.

    Hella which was the name of the island he lived on may not have been a very big city or anything. But it was a small island that never went un-noticed as a lot of people chose to live there and it seen a lot of visitors. Traders would come by every now and again to trade equipment with settlers on the island for scrap metal and money.

    Although Hella was a somewhat popular location in the western world, it still was not considered a major part of New Texas. So the island did not receive any electricity from The NOA, but that did not mean they didn't get supplies from them.

    All the food, water and clothing supplies that were sent down to Hella were not given away for free though, all supplies went to shop keepers on the island's town which was run by The NOA. The shop keepers would sell supplies for money and 60% of that money would go towards funding The NOA.

    Jack may have lived in the town where all the markets were, but his family weren't exactly the richest family in town. His Father Henry was more of a hunter rather than a working man.

    Henry would go out into the depths of Hella's forests to hunt down boars and deers for food; he would also go to the lake near the town sometimes to hunt for fish.

    Henry taught his boys how to hunt for food at a young age too. Jack only had one older brother and his name was Derek. Jack had no idea if his mother was alive or dead however, because the tidal waves that destroyed the USA in 2045 had carried her away with its current and she was never seen again. So Jack only lived with his Father and Brother.

    Occasionally Derek, Henry and Jack would all go hunting together. Sometimes when Henry wasn't around Derek and Jack would just go out hunting together without their father.

    Jack's life was a rather simple one, he was surrounded by people who loved him and lived quite peacefully on the island, but all that was about to change.

    On the 21st of October 2050 Jack decided that he wanted to buy a new hunting bow, so he went down to the markets and looked for one. Jack walked down the market street; stalls were standing on each side of the rotting road. On each side there were also wooden shacks that sold other such wares, there were also taverns and pubs, but Jack wasn't old enough to drink in those pubs just yet.

    Jack walked past the stalls, looking at each table for a decent looking hunting bow. He eventually seen one with a black leather strap around the handle, its upper and lower limbs also stretched out by 50cm giving the bow's arch a total length of one metre. The bow also came with a plastic sight.

    The bow appeared to be in top notch condition and it also came with a bundle of arrows. Jack really wanted the hunting bow so he asked the shop keeper how much it cost.

    The shop keeper was a middle aged looking man with long blonde hair and he also had a short beard, he stood inside the stall. The man leaned over to Jack and told him I would be happy sell you this Bow, but I'm going to need see some proof of age.

    Jack looked at the man.

    Of course. Jack replied.

    Jack handed the man his NOA citizenship license.

    The Card was green, it had a small image of Jack in the left hand corner and it read New Order of Alexandria Citizenship card written across the top middle part of the card next to Jack's photo and underneath that was his Signature and a date of birth which read 29/10/32.

    The man in the stall smiled slightly and handed over Jack's NOA citizenship card.

    Ok, it looks like you’re old enough for this, I’ll sell it to you for... twenty five Steel. the man said.

    Sorry man, I’m a little low on money, I only have five steel. Jack responded.

    The shop keeper looked annoyed.

    Stupid kid, get out of here. the man said nastily.

    This angered Jack, but the man intimidated him, so Jack just walked away empty handed.

    He decided to walk through the market area a little more anyway and then he came across a sign which was leaning up against a butchers’ stall that read

    Deer hides buy or sell.

    Selling deer hides for 3 Steel a piece.

    Buying deer hides for 2 Steel a piece.

    Jack went over to the butcher who was gutting a fish, the butcher appeared to be in his late 50's, he was bold and obese, and he didn't look clean. The butcher stopped gutting the fish and looked up at Jack, he then looked Jack up and down and then he spoke in an almost harsh tone How may I help you? The Butcher asked. So that sign says your buying deer hides? Jack replied. Yeah that’s right, but we don't just take any old deer hides you see. They got to be fresh, as you can probably tell Michael’s only sells the best meat in Hella and no offense kid but I just don't think you have the skills for it, you can try if you want to though. The Butcher smiled. Jack thought about the offer for a second and then he told the butcher Yeah I'll try hunting for you. The butcher Laughed and said ok mate, have fun.

    Jack left the market soon after and felt a little insulted by the butcher's attitude, but then he thought Works not supposed to be easy. so he went back to that old abandoned factory he called his home and walked upstairs into the factory's old storage room that his father had turned into a bedroom that he shared with his brother. Jack picked up his Old Hunting Bow and Combat Knife and changed into a pair of green cargo trousers with an orange tank top, he then tied a red rag that he used for cleaning his combat knife around his neck and he wore a pair of black steel toe capped boots that laced halfway up his calves, he then put his combat knife in his cargo trousers’ pocket and he grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulders.

    Jack left the storage room shortly after and seen his brother Derek walking into the factory carrying a rucksack over his shoulders too, the rucksack appeared to have some sort of football shaped item inside of it, the item looked heavy as Derek was struggling slightly carrying it.

    Derek noticed that Jack was in his hunting clothes.

    You’re not thinking about going hunting without me are you? Derek laughed.

    Well I'm actually hunting deer hides for that butcher called Michael in the Dalewood market; I’m getting paid for it. Jack explained.

    Derek looked amused and maybe a little proud; he then smiled and said Well maybe I could help? His voice echoed around the empty factory.

    That would be great but I'm going to need to hunt down seven deers and I'm trying to save up some Steel so I can buy a new Hunting Bow and I don't want to share my reward you know. Jack smirked.

    Derek looked amused ha, ok sure. I don't want to waste my time hunting seven fucking deers if I'm not going to get anything out of it. Derek laughed.

    Yeah exactly, anyway I'll see you later, bro. Jack laughed.

    Derek lifted his Ruck sack off of his shoulders and placed it on the floor; he then looked back up at Jack and said yeah see you later. Jack nodded back and then he left the factory.

    Chapter 2: Hunting.

    Jack left the factory with his hunting equipment; he took a walk out of town and found a forest, which appeared to be completely untouched by human hands. Perfect… Jack thought to himself.

    Jack crept into the forest trying to keep his presence in the forest a secret, as he did not want to alert any of the animals that inhabited the forest. He hid inside some bushes and looked around the forest from inside of them.

    Once he settled down inside the bushes, he looked far and wide around the forest, at first he seen nothing and all he could hear was the wind echoing throughout the forest and the sounds of birds whistling in the trees high above.

    Eventually after about five minutes or so he heard something move in the distance behind him. He took a look in the far distance, a deer stood next to a tall oak tree.

    Jack slowly crawled out of the bushes and readied his bow, but the deer quickly turned its head in Jack's direction and ran the other way.

    Jack fired an arrow almost instantly, trying to hit the deer, but the deer already ran out of site before he could make a hit. Damn it! he moaned. Now that he had fired his bow, his presence in the forest was now obvious and the sounds of the birds whistling in the forest fell silent.

    Jack tried to remain quiet for another minute or so, trying to hide his presence in the forest again. After a couple of minutes the birds continued their whistling and his presence in the forest was now hidden yet again.

    Jack couldn't see any more deers in the area that he was hiding in. So he slowly crept outside of the bushes he was hiding inside of and headed towards a different part of the forest, trying not to make too much of a noise.

    While he was searching the forest for some deers to hunt he stumbled across something suspicious. The long grass in the forest had been flattened, he figured the deer he seen must have gone through the grass, so he crouched down and slowly followed the trail.

    The trail led Jack to a wide open field, the field was covered in short grass and it went on for what looked like miles. The grass looked a little faded under the bright glow of the sun and Jack could see in the far distance that the whole field was surrounded by forestry.

    An old farm house stood close by, it stood completely abandoned as it was a part of the old world, before Hella was even an island. Jack realised that he was now standing within an old farm that would have been used to grow crops and food, Jack found this both fascinating and kind of depressing, it reminded him of his early childhood and how the world used to be.

    The field however appeared to be completely empty. He knew that something must have been here though because that trail had led him here.

    Jack thought that maybe the reason why he couldn't see any deers out in the field was because they must have seen him coming and ran off back into the forest.

    Jack sighed; he turned around and slowly walked towards the forest he was just inside of, to look for deers again. But on the way back he couldn't help but imagine what the inside of that abandoned farm house looked like.

    Jack pictured the inside of the abandoned farm house to have decayed walls and rusty farming tools inside of it. He imagined one of the doors being smashed in, and hanging loosely on its rusty hinges.

    He let his curiosity get the better of him. Jack turned around and took a long hard look at the farm house before deciding whether or not to go inside of it. He looked up at the sky, the sun was still high, he didn't know what time it was, but just by looking at the sky he had a feeling that it was still morning.

    It looks like I’ve got plenty of time; I could just go take a quick look inside. Jack said to himself.

    Jack looked around the area carefully just to make sure nobody was around. After a quick look around he was convinced that nobody else was standing around the field.

    Jack took a deep breath and proceeded to walk towards the farm house. The walk towards the farm house took Jack a lot longer than he had thought it would have took him.

    Eventually he reached the farm house; the farm house looked even more ghostly up close. Jack took a good look around the outside of the huge structure before entering it.

    He found a camp fire that looked as though it had only recently been extinguished; an unidentifiable burnt creature lay dead on top of the fire. It did not look super natural it was just burnt beyond recognition. Someone must have been cooking some sort of animal here. Jack thought to himself.

    Jack suddenly felt like he was being watched, he looked around once again. But nothing was there. No one was around, but his instinct was telling him that somebody was nearby.

    Jack felt uneasy standing there in that field. But he couldn't let his fears take control of him; he threw his hunting bow on the ground and took his Swiss Army knife out of the pocket of his green cargo trousers.

    He held the knife in his right hand and pointed it towards the farm house, he didn't dare say

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