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Ebook37 pages32 minutes


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Stalked by a shadow figure and haunted with nightmares that seem real, Sarah Fraser has been sentenced to life in a mental institute for the murder of her two best friends. When the figure begins to invade her every thought, the lines between what's real and what's not begin to merge, causing her to fear for her life...

Elsewhere, one year after sentencing Sarah Fraser to life imprisonment, Detectives Carrie Ward and Paul Mortem are about to encounter things that will change their lives forever.
Release dateJun 3, 2012

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    Shadows - R.A. Harris




    A group of three was all it had taken to unleash the nightmare in the room that night. Only one of them had survived, the other two had been murdered, their bodies unrecognisable and brutally twisted beyond their natural shape. They were eventually identified as Marcus Cartwright and Melanie Grall. Their deaths were listed as a double homicide and their closest friend Sarah Fraser was deemed guilty of the crime and sentenced to life in West Lodge Psychiatric House. Sarah, however was far from guilty and pleaded this to the courts that accused her of killing her friends. Having been knocked unconscious when their deaths took place, Sarah's memory of that night had become hazy and confused. She had said she remembered the feeling that something bad was going to happen before someone hit her on the head and knocked her unconcious. What Sarah had forgotten was about to come flooding back....

    Chapter 1

    The familiar sound of the alarm, signalling it was time for Sarah's medication, woke her with a start. She had been dreaming about the night she had killed her friends two years ago. In the dream she had walked through a dark corrider, a single flickering bulb giving her enough light to be able to make her way down it. Her friends Marcus and Mel had called out to her, she was sure of it. She had almost reached the end, when large, hospital style doors around her began to creak open, each one showing her an image of herself standing in the doorway. These other versions of herself all had different expressions on their faces, some were smiling, not a happy smile but a sinister and cold one, like they had known what she was about to do, others appeared as black silhouettes with no emotion whatsoever. They were all covered, head to toe, in dark, thick blood. Sarah knew this because she could smell it everywhere, the unmistakeable smell of death. She remembers she was crying in the dream and clutching the silver chain her Grandma had given her for luck when she was but a little girl, but couldn't figure out the reason.

    As if the corridor never existed in the first place she was now in a basement, a familiar basement. It was Mel's house in fact, that's where she had remembered being when questioned at the trial. There was a table in the middle of the room and Marcus and Mel were sitting around it, there eyes wide with excitement. Instead of walking to the table to join them, she found herself still standing at the foot of

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