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Who are You
Who are You
Who are You
Ebook39 pages34 minutes

Who are You

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Have you ever asked your self or been asked who are you? And definately the first impression is what you do or you begin with your family origin.But have you ever thought of WHO YOU REALLY ARE?This book will help you understand more of who you are and not what defines you. There is a difference between Who we are and what defines us. Get you a copy and begin to understand Who you are and your real identity. Then and then only you will be able to walk your purpose and fulfill your calling in life.
Release dateApr 5, 2020
Who are You

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    Book preview

    Who are You - Dr. Leah Anita Reddig


    Chapter 1: Self Discovery

    An important question to answer, a crucial riddle and a germane puzzle to solve is the phenomenon of self-discovery. Everyone is created for a definite purpose and expected to fill his/her own space in the vast world of space provided by the Almighty Creator (God), fulfilling this purpose and creating this unique niche requires that a man discovers himself.

    Self-discovery, knowing who you are, is an eye-opening process that reveals the true nature, worth and resourceful potentials embedded in man, these potentials when harnessed produce greatness and excellence in a man. With the aforementioned benefits that self-discovery affords a man, it is evident that when a man lacks the knowledge of who he truly is, then he is not fully equipped for his feat, it then follows that such potentials left undiscovered are not put to good use but lie redundant in their bearer leaving him unfulfilled and making him a failure or loser especially in the areas where such gifts could have made him an achiever. Hos 4:6a- My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. When a man lacks the knowledge of who he is, then his potentials are not fully explored for great exploits he is designed to achieve.

    The importance of knowing who you are is best illustrated by a popular story of how a farmer once came across the egg of an eagle and took it home. He had a hen which had laid some eggs and would soon begin to brood over the eggs, so the farmer dropped the egg of an eagle amidst the eggs laid by his hen. After some time of brooding by the mother hen, the eggs were hatched and the eaglet evolved alongside the chicks. Over time, the eaglet grew amidst the chicks and learnt to live like them following the lead of the mother hen. Everything that can make a mighty eagle was right in the young eaglet but those potentials were yet undiscovered as the eaglet was only living a low life, scavenging amidst the other chicks instead of being a high flyer soaring above the wind. The young eaglet was constantly being intimidated and terrified by other eagles, its kind, especially during food search where the mother hen would always lead them to scavenge and alert them to a flight for safety. The mother hen had taught ‘the chicks’ to always run off and take cover at the sight of eagles so they do not get taken up by the eagles and end up being fed upon in their search for food.

    The helpless eaglet lived as a chick and kept hiding from its kind until it came across a river during one of its wanders. As the eaglet bent over to drink some water, it saw a reflection, a true picture of itself in the river. At that very instance, the eaglet

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