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The Universe Has Your Back: Trust the Cosmos
The Universe Has Your Back: Trust the Cosmos
The Universe Has Your Back: Trust the Cosmos
Ebook48 pages1 hour

The Universe Has Your Back: Trust the Cosmos

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Is it really possible to make your life better? Is something holding you back? Is there something you and most other people are missing? Are you sabotaging yourself in some way? What if someone had your back, someone you never expected or suspected, someone you didn’t even know existed? What if that someone was none other than the Cosmos itself? Is it really possible? Can the Universe look out for us and care about us? Have we all been ignoring our biggest ally? Have we been living inauthentically, in bad faith, cut off from our Source, our true guardian angel, our cosmic guardian angel? Come inside and meet your biggest ally.
Release dateOct 6, 2019
The Universe Has Your Back: Trust the Cosmos

Steve Madison

Steve Madison investigates all the mysteries of mind and soul.

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    The Universe Has Your Back - Steve Madison

    The Universe Has Your Back

    Trust the Cosmos

    Steve Madison

    Copyright © Steve Madison 2019

    All rights reserved

    ISBN: 978-0-244-52442-5


    Table of Contents

    The Universe Has Your Back

    Meet the Real Universe

    The Opposites Game

    The Disruption Game



    Meet the Real Universe

    Is it really possible to make your life better? Is something holding you back? Is there something you and most other people are missing? Are you sabotaging yourself in some way? What if someone had your back, someone you never expected or suspected, someone you didn’t even know existed? What if that someone was none other than the Cosmos itself?

    Is it really possible? Can the Universe look out for us and care about us? Have we all been ignoring our biggest ally? Have we been living inauthentically, in bad faith, cut off from our Source, our true guardian angel, our cosmic guardian angel?

    Ok, this might seem like a confusing and complicated notion, so let’s take aim at all the barriers getting in the way of this life-changing idea. Let’s escape from the smoke and mirrors, and see if we can make this idea as simple as possible, so that if any of your friends asked you about it, you could explain it to them incredibly straightforwardly, without them looking at you as if you were a loon. Come inside and get closer to the universe than you ever imagined possible!

    The wisest of the ancients had a central principle – as above, so below. The Emerald Tablet of Hermeticism says, That which is below is like that which is above and that which is above is like that is below to do the miracles of one only thing, and as all things have been and arose from one by the mediation of one, so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.

    What does this mean? It’s telling us that earthly matters reflect the operations of the universe, that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm, and also, for example, that individual ills can result from much bigger ills concerning society. The bigger influences the smaller and the smaller influences the bigger. When it comes to humans and the Cosmos, the Cosmos influences humans, and humans influence the Cosmos. We are all in a cosmic feedback loop.

    If the Hermetic principle is true, it means that if we want to live our best lives, we have to make sure we take into account the above, i.e. the universe. So, do we? Or has humanity somehow turned its back on the universe? If so, is that causing humanity all sorts of problems? Has it affected our relationship with the natural universe?

    No one wants to be living unnaturally, right? That can never be healthy. Has humanity made itself sick?

    Imagine that as above, so below has been replaced by above and below have nothing in common … man is the measure of all things. As humans become more and more subjective and relative, as they increasingly reject the objective and absolute and declare that each person defines their own personal truth, they depart further and further from the single Truth of the universe.

    Science says we are made of stardust. What better link could there be between the universe and us? We are literally made of the cosmos. Why would we would not expect the universe to affect us profoundly in all possible

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