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The God Within Me
The God Within Me
The God Within Me
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The God Within Me

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Psychologist Carl Jung and Nobel Prize winning physicist Wolfgang Pauli collaborated to find a means of bridging the gap between the psychological and scientific worlds, between mind and matter. They failed, but everything they sought has been accomplished by the ancient and controversial secret society known as the Illuminati.

They have provided a framework for understanding all phenomena of whatever nature; either scientific or paranormal. Discover their startling theory of everything. It explains Rupert Sheldrake's theory of Morphic Resonance, homeopathy, out-of-body and near-death experiences, synchronicity, remote viewing, hypnosis and many other previously inexplicable phenomena.

And read about "dream gnosis", the extraordinary means by which the fortunate few encounter their inner God.
Release dateOct 23, 2011
The God Within Me

Michael Faust

Michael Faust invites you to explore the divine order, with its most astonishing secret - that you are part of it. You always have been. But you have forgotten. That's the nature of the created world - to make us forget that we are all the Creators. Isn't it time to remember who you truly are?

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    The God Within Me - Michael Faust


    "But to reveal my heart entirely to you, friends: if there were gods, how could I endure not to be a god!" – Nietzsche


    The God Within Me


    The God Within

    The Paranormal Universe

    Mysterium Tremendum

    The Chair Test

    The Enigma of Time

    The Power of the Subconscious

    Riemann Reality

    Seeing the Future

    The Akashic Record

    Zombie Humanity

    Hypnosis, Consciousness and Gods

    The Real Voices of the Gods

    The Harshest Truth

    Mental Twists

    Divine Humanity

    Paranormal Phenomena


    Out of Body Experiences (OBEs)

    Near Death Experiences (NDEs)


    Placebo Effect

    Faith Healing






    Ley Lines

    Feng Shui


    Animal Supersense



    The Aleph

    The r >= 0 Paradigm

    Morphic Resonance

    Psychic Children

    Speaking a Different Language

    Living on Mental Energy?

    Sensory Deprivation

    How Can Humans Endure Excessive Cold?

    How Can Humans Walk Across Hot Coals Without Being Burnt?

    What Are the Odds?

    The Libet Experiment


    The Grail?


    Dream Gnosis

    The God Experience


    The Heretical Dream

    The Briefing

    The Fall

    The Coded Painting

    The Creative Mind

    The God Within

    Paranormal phenomena offer a glimpse of a mysterious reality that evades the straitjacket imposed by conventional science. If a realm beyond science exists then all of the promises made by religion about an afterlife, heaven, souls and God become possible. Without paranormal phenomena, it would be practically impossible to sustain any idea of existence beyond this mortal coil of ours.

    The trouble with non-scientific phenomena is that they are notoriously unreliable. If they could be demonstrated on a systematic basis in laboratory conditions then no one would doubt the paranormal. Instead, we are presented with endless anecdotes about bizarre things happening, but they are usually one-offs and have little or no independent or reliable corroboration. Demonstrations of the paranormal cannot be done to order. Also, many charlatans prey on the vulnerable and add a layer of downright fraud and deception to the subject.

    Many people are highly suggestible when it comes to the world of the paranormal, but, oddly enough, this suggestibility could itself be construed as an aspect of the paranormal. Why would so many people be so susceptible to suggestion if this served no useful function? Equally, why would so many people have such a strong religious sensibility if there were nothing real corresponding to their spiritual sense? Why would evolution create in us this inclination towards illusion and self-deception? It would be an extraordinary situation for a scientific, materialistic, godless universe devoid of paranormal phenomena to create a delusion in human minds that there is a God and that there are paranormal phenomena. How could such a delusion ever arise? What would its basis be, its origin? It would be on a par with saying that lifeless atoms can gather together in order to create the delusion that life exists…but that very delusion would itself be proof that life exists because only a living entity could be subject to mental delusions.

    Why would godless atoms create the impression that there’s a God? Why would scientific atoms create the impression that there are phenomena beyond scientific comprehension? At the very least, we would have to conclude that godless, scientific, lifeless atoms have the most remarkable qualities that would, of their own account, have to be considered quasi-religious, hinting at the greatest of mysteries.

    Consider these remarks by theoretical physicist David Bohm: [The growth of a living plant] starts from a seed, but the seed contributes little or nothing to the actual material substance of the plant or to the energy needed to make it grow. This latter comes almost entirely from the soil, the water, the air and the sunlight. According to modern theories the seed contains information, in the form of DNA, and this information somehow ‘directs’ the environment to form a corresponding plant.

    Think of the even more remarkable way in which an egg and a sperm cell from a human mother and father combine to make a blueprint for creating a potential Leonardo da Vinci from the food and drink consumed by a mother during her pregnancy. If that is not a supreme miracle that far transcends scientific knowledge then what is? A human being is literally a means of organizing the constituents of food and drink so that they can think and talk. You put food and drink in through a hole (the mouth), and words expressing consciousness and intelligence are the inevitable output from that same hole. If that does not point to a realm of divine wonders, what does? If someone put chunks of food and some water in a blender, mixed it all up, and then the blender started talking, would that be ludicrous, or is it in fact not so different from what happens with human beings? Input = food and drink. Output = mind. That is the key mystery of the cosmos.

    The Paranormal Universe

    Is it possible to put the paranormal on any sort of credible quasi-scientific basis? Above all else, there would have to be an all-embracing conceptual model within which all paranormal phenomena could be explained. At the moment, a whole number of disparate suggestions and speculations are put forward, most of which have nothing in common with each other. Science, although incomplete, nevertheless accounts for an astonishingly wide spectrum of phenomena within its general framework. It is only when the limits of science are probed, as in the very smallest particles, or the very highest densities, or the very fastest speeds, or in dealing with zero and infinity, or at the interface between mind and matter, or between life and non-life, that the scientific model fails to provide a coherent interpretation of reality within its own parameters. All of these limiting cases of science point to a reality outwith the standard scientific model, but the numerous incompatible hypotheses of paranormal science do not help us to illuminate this other reality.

    Conventional science fails because it only concerns itself with dimensional existence, and denies that there is a more fundamental domain underlying it: the dimensionless domain. This domain is denied by science even though all the hardest problems of science point to it. Science can make no further advances until it embraces dimensionless existence. It has explained dimensional reality to the fullest extent possible, but this has not been enough to account for all of reality. Science, if it is ever to achieve a Grand Unified Theory of everything, needs a new ingredient that takes it beyond its current limitations.

    That said, a number of courageous scientists have tried to extend the current conceptual model of science, and their reputations have suffered accordingly. The most interesting thinker in this context was David Bohm who arrived at a scheme that is the closest any scientist has ever come to the paradigm that is reflected in the cosmic equation r >= 0, where r is the distance between any two points. The significance of this equation is that it allows two points to be separated by zero distance. Any equation that involves division by r will, when r = 0, lead to a result of infinity, which physicists abhor. They actually say that the laws of physics fall apart in a black hole singularity where r does indeed equal zero. The Big Bang singularity was another critical arena where r was equal to zero. At r = 0, dimensional existence is replaced by dimensionless existence; everything becomes a single point: a dimensionless entity. So, r >= 0 combines two different domains: r > 0 (the dimensional world of science) and r = 0 (the dimensionless world of mind). Science has no understanding of r = 0, and denies its existence. Instead, it seeks to come up with new theories that prevent r from ever equalling zero. Thus they are engaged, if they did but know it, in fleeing from the key to existence.

    Bohm couldn’t quite take his ideas to their logical conclusion and see that they necessitated a dimensionless aspect of existence. Instead he arrived at a model based on what he called undivided wholeness in which phenomena have two potential states: enfolded and unfolded. Bohm preferred the terms implicate and explicate. The word implicate has a Latin root meaning to enfold or to fold inward.

    Bohm said, In terms of the implicate order one may say that everything is enfolded into everything. This contrasts with the explicate order now dominant in physics in which things are unfolded in the sense that each thing lies only in its own particular region of space (and time) and outside the regions belonging to other things.

    Bohm’s explicate, unfolded order is exactly what we refer to as the r > 0 dimensional domain. His implicate, enfolded order is analogous to the r = 0 dimensionless domain, although Bohm failed to realize that enfolding is really a process that takes dimensions and compacts them so much that they leave dimensionality altogether and become dimensionless. Had he taken the extra step of making the implicate order dimensionless then he would have independently arrived at the r >= 0 paradigm. While r >= 0 is a precise formulation, Bohm’s explicate and implicate order remains somewhat vague.

    In his important book Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Bohm gives a couple of concrete physical illustrations of what he’s driving at:

    1) Thus, in a television broadcast, the visual image is translated into a time order, which is ‘carried’ by the radio wave. Points that are near each other in the visual image are not necessarily ‘near’ in the order of the radio signal. Thus the radio wave carries the visual image in an implicate order. The function of the receiver is then to explicate this order, i.e., to ‘unfold’ it in the form of a new visual image.

    2) A more striking example of implicate order can be demonstrated in the laboratory, with a transparent container full of a very viscous fluid, such as treacle, and equipped with a mechanical rotator that can ‘stir’ the fluid very slowly but very thoroughly. If an insoluble droplet of ink is placed in the fluid and the stirring device set in motion, the ink drop is gradually transformed into a thread that extends over the whole fluid. The latter now appears to be distributed more or less at ‘random’ so that it is seen as some shade of grey. But if the mechanical stirring device is now stirred in the opposite direction, the transformation is reversed, and the droplet of dye suddenly appears, reconstituted.

    (Our Comment: So, when the drop was dispersed, it was implicated or enfolded in the treacle; when the stirring process was reversed, it was unfolded once more back to its original state. When the particles of the ink drop were enfolded, they supposedly retained knowledge of their original state despite being apparently randomly distributed. The trouble with this example is that the ink drop is insoluble and therefore would, in any case, tend to separate from the treacle given enough time, just as a spring would bounce back to its original state if we stretched it then let go. Bohm’s example would be much more convincing if the drop were soluble, but this process would never happen in that case. Thus, Bohm is not really providing a general principle with this analogy. It’s just a peculiarity of two physical systems that don’t mix.)

    A more convincing example Bohm provides is that of the hologram. It’s a feature of a holographic image that if any part of it is illuminated, the whole picture can be seen in the illuminated section. In other words, the whole is enfolded in every part: the totality is implicit in every fragment. As Bohm says, A total order is contained, in some implicit sense, in each region of space and time. This is often referred to as the Holographic Paradigm. The r >= 0 paradigm says that the r = 0 dimensionless domain is implicit throughout the r > 0 dimensional domain i.e. the whole of space and time is permeated by a domain of spacelessness and timelessness.

    The two paradigms are very similar but not identical. Bohm’s position is that any region of space and time (the microcosm) reflects all of space and time (the macrocosm). Although it’s a powerful idea, it is extremely difficult to conceive of how all of space and time could possibly be enfolded in every individual region of space and time. What would be the mechanism for this astounding universal enfolding of

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