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The Holographic Soul
The Holographic Soul
The Holographic Soul
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The Holographic Soul

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Where is your mind located? How does it interact with your body? When your body dies, does your mind die too, or does it have an afterlife? That’s the mystery of existence. If humanity cannot answer these questions once and for all then it has no understanding of reality.

Holography is what allows scientific materialism to be replaced by mathematical idealism. Holography allows the soul, rather than matter, to be considered the source of reality.

Over 300 years ago, Leibniz, with his Monadology, adopted a holographic model of reality, whereby dimensionless monads created the illusion of the dimensional material world. The answer to existence has always been right in front of humanity – in the shape of mathematics.

The spacetime universe of matter is nothing but an ontological hologram that comes inbuilt with mathematical forcefields that lend it the illusion of being solid. It’s all in the math. Everything starts with unextended minds = dimensionless Fourier singularities = mathematical souls.
Release dateJan 2, 2016
The Holographic Soul

Mike Hockney

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George OrwellPythagorean Illuminism, the religion of the Illuminati, formally began with the ancient Greek mystic and mathematician Pythagoras and is the world's only "Logos" religion, i.e. a rational religion founded on reason, mathematics, science and philosophy. It has no connection with "Mythos" religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam which are based on faith, superstition, irrationality, stories, parables, myths, legends and "divine revelation". These religions are wholly false.Illumination is the only true religion. It's the Grand Unified Theory of Everything, linking science, religion, psychology, philosophy and even the paranormal. It does so via the sole medium of truth and absolute knowledge: mathematics, which Pythagoras declared as the arche, the fundamental substance of existence. Ontology and epistemology are finally united in the doctrine of "living mathematics". Mathematics is not a reflection or model of reality. Mathematics IS reality.Whereas science is based on "mathematical materialism", Illumination uses Leibnizian "mathematical idealism". These are the only two possible accounts of reality. All other systems are bogus, worthless and pernicious.In order to follow the one, true religion, you must be smart. Quite simply, the truth is not for everyone. The truth is a function of reason and logic, not faith. All atheists, agnostics, skeptics and cynics will find a spiritual home within Illuminism. They are most welcome. "Believers" are not.The Pythagorean Illuminati are the sworn enemies of Abrahamism. Do not read our books if you would be prepared to murder your child if "God" ordered it. Equally do not read them if you believe in shape-shifting, pan-dimensional alien lizards. Only genuine seekers of true enlightenment will profit from reading our work.*************Imagine a camera that takes pictures of the human soul. Imagine it could detect how good or evil you are. Imagine it could analyze every aspect of your personality. Imagine it could tell you how many times you have been reincarnated. Imagine it could tell you how close you are to achieving gnosis and becoming GOD!Imagine that a real secret society already possesses such a camera, which operates in accordance with the inviolable, fundamental principles of the cosmos - six-dimensional mathematical idealism (as opposed to the bogus 11-dimensional mathematical materialism of contemporary science based on "M-theory").The Paradigm Shift is coming. Humanity is about to enter its divine phase.Mike Hockney, Michael Faust and Adam Weishaupt.**************These books are anti-Old World Order samizdat and agitprop publications. Uncensored, they are the vehicles of the purest free speech available in the world today. If they have a certain rough and ready anti-corporate quality, it's because teams of expensive, glossy capitalist "packagers" have had no involvement with the production of these books. If you want coffee table books, these are not for you. If you want the truth, WELCOME!Join the Illuminist Revolution! Join the birth of Hyperreason. Enter Hyperreality.

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    The Holographic Soul - Mike Hockney

    The Holographic Soul

    The Holographic Soul


    Mike Hockney

    Published by Hyperreality Books

    Copyright © Mike Hockney 2016

    The right of Mike Hockney to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

    Table of Contents

    The Holographic Soul

    Table of Contents


    New Eyes

    Stars, Souls and Gods

    The Unreality

    Humanity and the Truth

    The Holographic Mind


    Math and the Supernatural

    The End of the Drudges and Drones

    The Homunculus

    The Mystery of Existence

    The Basic Level of the Universe

    The Five Perspectives

    100 Years of Error

    Four Types of Knowledge

    The Birth of Consciousness

    The Beforelife

    What Is A Thought?

    The Math Maze

    The Birth of Consciousness


    All Things Come From Nothing

    The Ancient Wisdom

    The Final Theory

    What Is God?

    Brain Transplants


    The Holodeck

    Holographic Memory

    Quantum Dreams

    The Replacement Ego

    The God Spots

    What Are We?

    Apollo and Dionysus


    What Is Science?


    The Holographic Brain


    Holographic Jung

    Fourier Brains

    The Wisdom of Karl Pribram

    Empiricists versus Rationalists

    Event Horizon

    How Did Life Begin?

    The Cosmic Brain

    Mirrors of the Universe

    The Sea, The Sea


    Photonic Thoughts

    Your Own Propaganda

    The Gospel According To Britney

    The Naked Singularity

    The Tetraktys

    Atoms: The Perfect Musical Instruments



    Where is your mind located? How does it interact with your body? When your body dies, does your mind die too, or does it have an afterlife? That’s the mystery of existence. If humanity cannot answer these questions once and for all then it has no understanding of reality.

    The answer is not going to be something obvious. It will require some great conceptual leap, hitherto unforeseen by almost all of humanity.

    The ancients believed that a person was a reflection of the cosmos. A person had a body and a soul, and so did the cosmos. Is that a silly Mythos, or can it be intellectually defended?

    The rational link between the ancient wisdom and modern knowledge is none other than holography. Holography is what allows scientific materialism to be replaced by mathematical idealism. Holography allows the soul, rather than matter, to be considered the source of reality. Mental atoms with atomic mass zero replace material atoms with atomic mass greater than zero as the basis of the world.

    Individual souls control individual bodies, and the collection of all souls controls the collective body – the cosmos. All of this is the inevitable consequence of ontological Fourier mathematics.

    The unprecedented intellectual leap that humanity must make is to conceive of reality as mathematical rather than religious, spiritual, philosophical, metaphysical or physical (scientific). Pythagoras understood this 2,500 years ago. He was at least 2,500 years ahead of his time (!).

    Over 300 years ago, Leibniz, with his Monadology, adopted a holographic model of reality, whereby dimensionless monads created the illusion of the dimensional material world. He was ignored. So it goes. Humanity’s greatest geniuses are always painfully far ahead of the game. That’s exactly why they’re the greatest geniuses.

    For science, mind doesn’t exist at all in any real sense. Mind, says science, is an inexplicable epiphenomenon of matter, and wouldn’t and couldn’t exist without matter.

    Religious and spiritual people equate their mind to their soul, and believe it will go on to enjoy a life after this one. Most of them naively imagine that their mind (soul) is located in their body (in the brain), and that it departs on death, leaving the body behind to turn to dust. This implies that the soul is capable of going on a journey through physical spacetime to some unspecified, mystical destination.

    All souls are in fact permanently located in the same place, all crammed together in a purely mathematical domain, forever beyond the reach of empirical science. Far from being dependent on matter, souls are actually the authors – the creators – of matter, i.e. matter couldn’t exist without souls. It wasn’t God that created the material universe out of nothing. Souls created the world out of their own collective energy, and they did so mathematically, using holography. The Big Bang was the instant when the spacetime universe of matter was projected from the immaterial Singularity of mathematical souls (monads). Before material existence came neither God, non-existence nor randomness, but the mental existence of immortal, indestructible, uncreated, uncaused, necessary mathematical singularities = souls. These are the prime movers. They are the origin of all things in our world. The so-called scientific world is their mathematical, holographic construct, their spacetime Matrix.

    Bodies move from one place to another. Souls don’t. They never go on any journeys, especially not physical journeys through spacetime. Your soul is emphatically not in your body. It’s not in spacetime at all. Your soul resides in an immaterial, dimensionless, mathematical Singularity, outside space and time, along with the souls of everyone else. They are all denizens of Soul World. Soul World is a mathematical frequency domain, not a scientific spacetime domain. Dimensionless souls can’t leave it under any circumstances. No soul ever inhabits a body in dimensional spacetime. Instead, a soul controls a body remotely, like a pilot remotely flying a drone aircraft thousands of miles away.

    All bodies are in spacetime. No souls are in spacetime. Bodies and souls inhabit entirely separate domains of existence, entirely separate categories of existence. Bodies are dimensional. Souls are dimensionless.

    So, how do bodies and souls interact if they are so different, inhabiting mutually exclusive domains separated by impenetrable ontological firewalls? The answer lies in Fourier mathematics: the mathematics of connecting spacetime functions to frequency functions. Our bodies – the things of empirical science – belong to the Fourier spacetime domain of matter, while our souls – the things of ontological mathematics – belong to the Fourier frequency domain of mind (outside spacetime in an immaterial Singularity), and they talk to each other via forward and inverse Fourier transforms. There’s nothing mysterious and mystical about it. It’s pure math – the most rational and logical thing you can possibly get.

    Mathematics is Nature’s language, the language of existence itself. The universe is rational and intelligible purely because it speaks mathematics, something inherently rational and intelligible.

    Without mathematics, there would be either no universe at all, or an irrational, unintelligible universe of absolute and permanent chaos, from which no order and organisation would ever emerge.

    Mathematics is the author of all things. Mathematics takes the place that humanity once conferred on God. In fact, God is simply the anthropomorphication of Math: Math turned into a Super Being, into a Cosmic Personality. If you remove all personality and all morality from God, what remains is nothing but Math.

    Math, ontologically, comprises units called monads, which are none other than mathematical souls. Souls are not mystical, religious entities. They are infinite-capacity mathematical energy systems, comprising countless sinusoidal frequencies. They are eternal vibrations. In rationalist terms, everything about their operations can be known a priori through the study of the properties and interactions of sine and cosine waves.

    Believe it or not, but right now, at the dead centre of the universe – the Cosmic Origin, exactly where the Big Bang began – resides your soul. You are at this very instant surrounded by every other soul in existence, each in its own separate monadic compartment, in its own unique mathematical domain that has existed literally forever. You are infinitely old, you have seen everything that has ever happened, and you have contributed to everything that has ever happened. You are therefore a species of God. You are a potential God, and you have the capacity to optimise yourself, to solve your own mathematical equation and become an actual God.

    Your current mortal body is here, in spacetime. Your immortal soul is there, outside spacetime, but such is the power of Fourier mathematics that it can convince you that your soul is sitting right behind your eyes. This is simply a well-founded mathematical illusion. Imagine linking a drone pilot’s eyes directly to a drone’s camera on a permanent basis. Would he not imagine that he was inside the drone, part of the drone, despite being thousands of miles away? When it comes to the soul, it’s not thousands of miles away. It’s not even in the same dimension as the body. In fact, it’s not in any dimension at all. It’s a strictly dimensionless entity, which is exactly why it’s eternal and indestructible. You can neither create nor destroy zero/infinity singularities (souls).

    Fourier mathematics is the basis of both quantum mechanics and holography. When properly understood, quantum mechanics is revealed to be nothing other than ontological holography. All the apparent strangeness of quantum mechanics flows from the fact that it connects a dimensionless environment (Singularity) to a dimensional environment (Spacetime); a non-local, interconnected environment to a local, apparently disconnected environment of separate objects; a mental environment to a material environment; a mathematical environment to a scientific environment; a metaphysical environment to a physical environment.

    Quantum mechanical holography perfectly matches the reality conceived by Descartes hundreds of years ago. The frequency Singularity where souls reside is Descartes’ unextended domain of thinking substance, and the spacetime domain (the cosmic hologram) where bodies reside is Descartes’ extended domain of matter. Descartes didn’t know how to get the two domains to interact, but that was purely because Fourier mathematics had not been discovered in his day. Had it been, Descartes, a brilliant mathematician, would have realised instantly that it solved the otherwise intractable problem of how to get unextended mind to interact with extended matter. Mind is simply the Fourier frequency domain, and matter the Fourier spacetime domain, and they communicate and interact via well-known Fourier mathematics.

    Holography is often described as 3D photography. Photography – light writing – uses normal light, while holography uses laser light. Photography is about using light to write a static 2D representation of an object on a film, while holography is about using light to write a static 3D representation of the whole object on a film. If you add time to holography, you get a moving holograph: a holomovement.

    Souls are made of light (light being nothing other than mathematical sinusoidal waves). They are natural, inherent holographic light writers. All souls together write the spacetime hologram that we call the material universe.

    We live in a universe of ontological holography, where souls made of photons create, between them, a cosmic interference pattern, which we all then interpret as physical reality. In fact, it’s just a Fourier spacetime domain projected from a Fourier frequency domain. The material universe is simply a hologram constructed from an immaterial Singularity of interacting, wave-based minds.

    The immortal, indestructible soul is the instrument of ontological holography. Welcome to the holographic soul. Welcome to the holographic World. Welcome to reality.

    We are offering you the red pill, but we are not going to take you down any mystical rabbit hole, or lead you into another empirical world underlying this empirical world. The red pill we offer is that of ontological mathematics, the source of all true, absolute, infallible, incontestable knowledge.

    It’s time to wake up from your empirical dream. It’s time for rationalism. Reason shall set you free. Reason, and reason alone, shows you the Truth of your existence. What do we care about the irrationalists who deny that we live in a mathematical universe of reason? By definition, any explanation they give of reality, and any critique they provide of ontological mathematics, is irrational – because the very first thing they did was to repudiate reason as the means to understand reality. They are the ignorant blue pill people, the legions of unreason, whether it be religious, spiritual, metaphysical or scientific unreason. Nothing they say makes any sense.

    New Eyes

    Imagine how your conception of reality would change if instead of regarding photons as particles of light, you regarded them as particles of thought. Imagine how reality would be transformed for you if you subscribed to the equation: light = thought = life. A world of light would therefore be a living world of mind ... a living, evolving organism, not a dead, purposeless machine.

    Given that it’s impossible for life to come from non-life, or mind from non-mind, the qualities of life and mind must be present in their barest form in the fundamental constituents of existence. That’s an inescapable truth. That means that sinusoids are not just the carriers of energy and information, but of mind and life themselves. These qualities are implicit in sinusoids. A thought in itself is a sinusoid, and mental activity is the prerequisite for life. Where there are no thoughts, there can be no life.

    Do you have the intellectual ability and agility to see light as more than light ... as life and thought? As soon as you do, a holograph (or holomovement) is transformed into a spiritual organism originating in Soul World. It’s not some peculiar, artificial, technical abstraction with no ontological significance.


    The most intelligent people – the geniuses – are able to take conceptual leaps that defy the understanding of ordinary people. You are extraordinarily intelligent if you can conceive that thoughts are photons, that suns pour out the thoughts of the Cosmic Mind into spacetime and matter, and that black holes restore spacetime thoughts to their Singularity origin.

    Given that minds think, then, to say that photons are thoughts, is equivalent to saying that minds are made of light, that minds comprise autonomous, complete and consistent collections of photons. Given that all minds are alive (there are dead, or undead, bodies, but no such things as dead minds) then photons are not only thoughts, they are also the basic ingredients of life. Suns are the central, controlling lives of solar systems, and they produce the conditions for plant and animal life to appear on planets such as Earth. They are the solar Gods that project life into their solar domain.

    The Singularity is the immaterial source of life and mind, outside space and time. It emanates material suns (solar holograms) that convey life and mind into the spacetime universe of matter. Moons and planets are the detritus of previous generations of suns. On planets, the light (life, thoughts) of suns produces bodies that can be controlled by individual souls.

    The carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms in our bodies were created in old, long dead stars. The lighter elements come from small exploding stars (novae), while the heavier elements come from large exploding stars (supernovae). Stellar explosions throw out vast clouds of dust and gas, and this material from the exploded stars disperses throughout interstellar space where it can combine into moons, planets or new stars.

    What do stars do? They fuse simple hydrogen nuclei to create more complex nuclei, and thus the material world, full of all the elements, comes into being.

    Souls = sols = suns. It was an ancient belief that stars were linked to souls (Richard L. Poss: "‘And when He had compounded the whole He divided it into souls equal in number to the stars, and each soul He assigned to one star.’ So Plato in the Timaeus presents a mythic narrative in which the world is created by a craftsman-deity who establishes a correspondence between the large scale structure of the universe and the inner life of the individual human being." A soul descends from its companion star to be born on Earth. At death, a just soul returns to its companion star, while an unjust soul is reincarnated and must try again if it wants to ascend back to its starry home.) In fact, souls are dimensionless stars, and their light is contained within themselves, giving them eternal energy, life and mind.

    Dimensional stars power the spacetime universe of matter, but are themselves powered by dimensionless stars (souls). Dimensional stars are spacetime holograms projected by dimensionless stars (individual souls acting collectively). As above, so below.

    The ancient conception of reality – where moons, planets and suns were Gods, and souls lived on planets for a time and then returned to their originating stars – is far closer to the truth than anything scientific materialism has ever said.

    Carl Sagan said, We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We’re made of star stuff.

    We are not made of alien star stuff (external to us and preceding us). We ourselves are the stars, and our bodies are starry holograms made from our collective stardust (material energy; broken light).


    "Large particle accelerators can replicate the conditions that prevailed after the early moments of the universe, resulting in confirmation and refinement of the details of the Big Bang model. However, these accelerators can only probe so far into high energy regimes. Consequently, the state of the universe in the earliest instants of the Big Bang expansion is still poorly understood and an area of open investigation and indeed, speculation.

    The first subatomic particles included protons, neutrons, and electrons. Though simple atomic nuclei formed within the first three minutes after the Big Bang, thousands of years passed before the first electrically neutral atoms formed. The majority of atoms produced by the Big Bang were hydrogen, along with helium and traces of lithium. Giant clouds of these primordial elements later coalesced through gravity to form stars and galaxies, and the heavier elements were synthesized either within stars or during supernovae. – Wikipedia

    In simple terms, we can say that all matter up to the level of hydrogen atoms was produced by the Big Bang, and then all higher atomic elements were produced by fusion processes in hydrogen suns (Hydrogen atoms make up 91.2% of all atoms in our sun, with helium atoms contributing 8.7%).

    So, the immaterial, dimensionless Singularity (Cosmic Mind) outside space and time emanates the elementary spacetime material particles up to the level of hydrogen. Then collective minds, or superpowerful individual minds (Gods), link to spacetime hydrogen stars, which create the higher elements used to make moons, planets and all the stuff on moons and planets, including plants and animals. Ordinary, individual minds then link to these bodies and control them.

    All material entities are holographic Fourier spacetime projections from the Fourier frequency Singularity (i.e. Cosmic Mind = God = the Platonic Demiurge). Do the math.

    Stars, Souls and Gods

    In Plato’s Timaeus, there’s a God for every star. It’s from the fiery composition of the Gods’ souls that stars get their light. A human soul is assigned to every star, so each soul has its own companion or guardian God. We might, in Jungian terms, regard the human soul as our Lower Ego, and the divine soul as our Higher Self. Our task is to fully integrate the former with the latter ... to become whole ... to become true Gods.

    Although each human soul is assigned a star, the stars themselves are ensouled by the heavenly gods. – Robin Waterfield

    All souls therefore, are the children of the Gods; but all do not know their presiding God. – Proclus [MH: Do you know yours?]

    Every soul has a presiding God. – Proclus

    ...there are as many souls in quantity as there are starry Gods. For this may appear to be evident by [Plato] adding that each soul was distributed into each star. – Proclus

    All human souls are sown into the stars before becoming incarnated in bodily existence on earth. Their hope is to return to their heavenly home at death. Philosophy is what grants them the knowledge to make the return journey. Without philosophy, they are condemned to keep repeating their grim earthly hell. Philosophy, not faith, sets you free!

    Imagine how different humanity would be if faith were dismissed as nonsense, and only philosophical knowledge could secure your passage to heaven. Humanity would be forced to be intelligent.

    Faith was the invention of stupid people, so that they didn’t have to study and learn anything difficult. All they had to do was believe a simple story (Mythos). Logos was utterly alien to them.

    Since souls were born in stars, but needed to descend to the Earth (and later ascend back to their personal star), they came equipped with an astral body, as their vehicle for travelling through the cosmos. This is what accompanies them in their descent into matter. It’s their subtle spiritual body rather than their gross physical body.


    The World Soul = the Cosmic Mind = the Monadic Collective = the Singularity is the informing intelligence of the universe, located at its dead centre, at its Cartesian origin. It’s the mathematical seat of existence.


    Bishop Berkeley believed that God held the whole world in his mind as an idea. It was objectively real because he permanently contemplated this idea. If he chose not to think of it, it would instantly cease to exist. So, here we have the concept of reality as an idea in a great, ubiquitous mind.

    In Berkeley’s system, when we sense and perceive the universe, we are actually sensing and perceiving God’s thoughts and ideas about the world.

    In ontological mathematics, the Cosmic Mind, comprised of monads, replaces Berkeley’s God. It mathematically calculates the world at all times, and these calculations constitute reality. All calculations are based on ontological, holographic Fourier mathematics ... true quantum mechanics.

    As soon as photons are identified as the basis frequencies of Fourier mathematics, as mental frequencies, it becomes obvious that the spacetime world is a mental construct of the Monadic Collective (Cosmic Mind). To put it another way, the things of the material world are actually reified thoughts (thoughts converted into spacetime material objects). Our senses are nothing other than the means to give us access to the objectified thoughts of the Cosmic Mind. The senses are themselves just ways of thinking, just ways of presenting mathematical energy information to us, of allowing us to experience mathematical energy information, i.e. cosmic thoughts. There is nothing other than energy = information = thinking = sinusoidal waves = photons = ontological mathematics = life itself.

    We are all part of a giant system of thought, a mathematical thinking organism, relentlessly optimising and solving itself. Each of us is a unique node of the equation. Each of us is an indispensable part of the solution.

    Mathematical sinusoidal waves are the conveyers of all the information in the world, and our minds experience the information they carry ... as feelings, sensations, perceptions, desires, will, and so on, i.e. all the stuff of the empirical world. We don’t see the underlying math. Reason and intuition bring us into contact with it.

    The central problem that has permanently afflicted humanity is that it experiences mathematics while imagining that it’s experiencing something else (matter, or cosmic consciousness, or bare awareness, or God’s creation, or Tao, or Cosmic Will, or whatever other label humanity has invented). The last thing it believes it is experiencing is mathematics, which it regards as cold, unreal and abstract. It simply can’t make the connection between a rational information carrier, and the empirical information it carries. It’s a conceptual leap too far.

    It’s exactly the same problem that David Hume ran into when he found it impossible to believe in the reality of causation because causation is something that can never be perceived, only inferred. Equally, mathematics can never be perceived, only inferred. And, of course, mathematics is causation. Only the supreme geniuses of humanity have understood that the empirical order must be underpinned by a rational order, but that there is no way – other than intellectually – to grasp this fact. You can never perceive what lies behind the perceivable. You can never perceive the noumenal universe, the universe of naked existence, with no appearance.

    So, what are you going to do? Will you claim that God, or Spirit, or the Oneness, lies behind everything, i.e. will you be a person of religious faith or spiritual mysticism? Perhaps you will say, as many scientists do, that what lies behind the scenes is an unreal, abstract, mathematical potentiality wavefunction, from which actuality is randomly and miraculously plucked when an observer performs an observation. Or perhaps you will agree with other scientists that what underlies observable existence is non-existence that randomly and magically summons existence from itself for no reason.

    If none of those absurd options are palatable to you, and you wish to be able to explain a rational, intelligible universe without faith, mysticism, magic or miracles, then mathematics is the only choice that will suffice, the only choice compatible with the principle of sufficient reason.

    Either this is a rational universe, hence a mathematical universe, or it’s an irrational universe, hence a non-mathematical universe, and you’re welcome to believe whatever you like since all irrational explanations are as good or as bad as each other. Claiming that God created the universe, as religious types do, is certainly no crazier than claiming that existence randomly jumps out of non-existence for no reason, as scientists do. Mathematics is the antidote to the mutual madness.

    The Unreality

    Science regards the wavefunction of quantum mechanics as belonging to an unreal, abstract, mathematical potentiality space, from which reality collapses into an actual, concrete, measurable, observable state. Ontological mathematics replaces this ontologically untenable mathematical unreality with an actual mathematical reality ... a Fourier frequency domain of real monadic minds.

    Which is rational? – to believe, as scientists do, that unreality is the ground of scientific reality, or that a real mathematical Singularity is the ground of real scientific spacetime?

    No scientist should ever be allowed to refer to unreal abstractions as having any connection with reality. Reality is precisely that ... reality. It doesn’t contain anything unreal. Everything in existence can be justified as a mathematical actuality ... provided you accept the reality of singularities and complex numbers. Why shouldn’t complex numbers be real if other numbers are real? Why shouldn’t singularities be real? Are they to be rejected merely because they fall outside the empirical faith of scientists, because they don’t conform to the Church of the fallible, unreliable, frequently delusional Human Senses?

    Reason, not the senses, is what we must use to investigate reality, and reason leads straight to mathematics, to singularities and complex numbers.

    This is a rational, mathematical universe, using the full power and range of mathematics. It’s not an empirical, scientific universe, using a bizarre, unexplained and inexplicable subset of mathematics deemed acceptable to sensing types, but wholly lacking the completeness, consistency and legitimacy of authentic mathematics.

    The Fundamental Unit

    What is the fundamental unit of existence? Four claims have been made:

    1)      Theists (Abrahamists) believe that God – an all-powerful Super Being – is the basic unit of existence, and all things derive from him. He creates everything else out of nothing at all, so there is a clear distinction between the Creator and his Creation. The Creator is eternal and necessary; his Creation is temporal and contingent. The Creator must exist; his Creation need not exist. He chose to make it exist.

    2)      Pantheists (followers of Eastern religion) believe that God, or the Oneness, or The Way, is the basic unit of existence. Unlike the Abrahamic God, this Oneness creates everything not out of nothing but out of itself. Therefore, everything is really God, and you become enlightened when you realise you are in fact God. You escape from the pains and doubts of temporal, contingent existence (samsara = the material world; the cycle of death and rebirth to which life in the material world is bound) by relocating your mental awareness to the eternal, necessary order of existence (called nirvana, moksha or Tao).

    3)      Atheists (scientists) adopt the Abrahamic worldview, while dispensing with God. For science, there is no eternal, necessary order of existence. Temporal, contingent things (matter) can be created out of nothing at all, for no reason at all. Where Abrahamists believe that an intelligent God miraculously creates the world out of nothing, scientists believe that nothing randomly and miraculously creates the world out of itself. Scientists replace a miraculous being (God) with an even bigger miracle: non-existence that randomly (and impossibly) generates existence from itself via no mechanism whatsoever. Science’s explanation of reality is the one most predicated on magic and miracles. That’s because science refuses to countenance an eternal, necessary order of existence. Such an order is necessarily beyond science and falsifies science, so scientists choose to believe in the impossible notion of a universe that bootstraps itself for no possible reason. Science replaces an eternal, rational order with a temporal, irrational order based on randomness, acausality, indeterminacy, indeterminism, accident and chance. Trace back any scientific theory far enough and you eventually arrive at the preposterous claim that non-existence randomly creates existence: an irrefutable impossibility since non-existence is defined by the absence of any properties whatsoever, hence has no means to generate existence. Existence cannot come from non-existence, and vice versa. Everything that exists has existed in its bare form forever. What changes for each fundamental unit of existence is not its eternal, necessary essence but its temporal, contingent relations with all the other fundamental units of existence. The basic existents remain the same (their ontological definition never changes), but their environment is always changing. Science tries to establish a relation between non-existence and existence even though this is impossible, and despite the fact that the most basic scientific law of all is the Conservation of Energy: energy can be neither created nor destroyed. If you accept this as it is literally stated then you agree that there’s an eternal, necessary order of energy. Science does not agree. Instead, science claims that energy can be created or destroyed at random, provided it’s done in the right way, i.e. so as to accomplish a net average effect of zero. Thus, science talks about borrowing energy from nowhere at all, and then repaying it back to nowhere at all – which is equivalent to creating energy out of non-existence, and then destroying energy by returning it to non-existence. Science’s claim to be consistent with energy conservation is fraudulent and ridiculous. The most blatant violations are sanctioned, just so long as no net change in the universe’s energy is sustained over any long period. Science is full of tricks such as this. Remove these tricks and the foundations of science are exposed as the irrational nonsense they are.

    4)      Ontological mathematics asserts that the fundamental unit of existence is the mathematical monad, and this is none other than what humanity calls the mind or soul. It’s eternal and necessary, and is made of pure energy. Energy in itself comprises immaterial mathematical sinusoidal waves that exist outside space and time. The world is not created by God (Abrahamism), or out of God (Eastern religion), or out of nothing at all (science), but out of eternal mathematical energy systems, which are indestructible living minds. Where science replaced God with nothingness and randomness, ontological mathematics replaced God with a God Equation that serves as the

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