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The Gorilla Is Loose: Your Innate Swing Unleashed!
The Gorilla Is Loose: Your Innate Swing Unleashed!
The Gorilla Is Loose: Your Innate Swing Unleashed!
Ebook103 pages41 minutes

The Gorilla Is Loose: Your Innate Swing Unleashed!

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About this ebook

This book is Part II in the trilogy that began with Just Hit The Damn Ball!

The Gorilla metaphor is a symbol of the natural ability that we keep locked inside by our obsession with perfect technique.

Learn to trust your instincts and you will play better than you ever dreamed possible!

The book is based on notes compiled from over 11,000 lessons given to "average" golfers during the past 31 years.
Release dateDec 19, 2014
The Gorilla Is Loose: Your Innate Swing Unleashed!

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    Book preview

    The Gorilla Is Loose - David Johnston

    The Gorilla Is Loose: Your Innate Swing Unleashed!

    This manuscript is Part II of the trilogy designed to help the once-a-week golfer develop the practical mental techniques which are often overlooked in traditional instruction.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying) recording, or otherwise without prior permission in writing from the author.

    Copyright@ David J. Johnston

    all rights reserved.


    To my wife Mary,

    whose boundless patience

    in living with a golf addict

    is beyond words

    An excellent complement to the first book released in the trilogy entitled Just Hit The Damn Ball. Practical techniques are provided that can be used by any golfer that expand on the theoretical mental concepts outlined in the first book. I strongly suggest that you pay particular attention to the comments provided by the golf student, Randy, as well as techniques used by the golf instructor, Dave......very insightful. I can't wait for the next book in the trilogy!

    Tom Villenuve, Newmarket, Ontario

    This is a MUST READ for all golfers who want to start scoring better and enjoying the game more. Dave has hit on a very unique way to approach the game and it has paid dividends for me.

    Roy N. (Southern California)

    Author’s Note

    Thank you for purchasing this book. This manuscript is the second instalment of the trilogy that began with Just Hit The Damn Ball!

    My original intention was to provide a single, easy to read manual that offered some practical mental tools that are often overlooked in traditional instruction.

    The fundamental themes in the series are derived from the works of Anthony Robbins, Dr. Karl Morris and Dr. Harlan Kilstein. I have distilled their extensive body of research into basic concepts which are (hopefully), easily understood by golfers at every skill level.

    In The Gorilla Is Loose!, our protagonist, Randy W. is a personification of the most common issues I have uncovered over the past thirty-one years of teaching golf for a living.

    Every golfer has heard that the game is ninety percent mental. While this axiom is absolutely true, it contains the presupposition that you have solid fundamentals.

    In order to gain maximum benefit from this book, a sound grip, stance and basic understanding of swing mechanics is critical.

    A competent teaching professional is instrumental in this regard. Simply changing parking spaces is meaningless when your mind is trapped in a whirlpool of constant experimentation.

    The basic premise is that your golf game is a by-product of habitual ways of thinking and acting.

    In golf parlance, these habits are commonly referred to as comfort zones. Learning how to ease into new comfort zones is the secret to constant improvement.

    Thank you for your willingness to explore new avenues in the quest to release your gorilla and discover your true potential.


    Randy W., for allowing me to exemplify his struggles as the storyboard for this book. Hopefully, you won’t be bombarded by autograph hounds who have managed to Google you on-line!

    Jonathan Levitt, for your unfailing support during the last fifteen years. Your encouragement has been instrumental in helping me develop the concepts which appear to fly in the face of traditional instruction.

    Bruce Crane, who magically appeared after a twenty year absence, for providing the incentive to distribute the concepts beyond my small

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