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Stormy Night Interracial Bdsm Hot Erotic Story Compilation
Stormy Night Interracial Bdsm Hot Erotic Story Compilation
Stormy Night Interracial Bdsm Hot Erotic Story Compilation
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Stormy Night Interracial Bdsm Hot Erotic Story Compilation

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Stormy night Interracial Bdsm Hot Erotic Story compilation:when the storm hit we'll play.
Release dateJan 18, 2016
Stormy Night Interracial Bdsm Hot Erotic Story Compilation

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    Stormy Night Interracial Bdsm Hot Erotic Story Compilation - Becca Snow

    Stormy Night Interracial Bdsm Hot Erotic Story Compilation

    Stormy night Interracial Bdsm Hot Erotic Story compilation

    Becca Snow

    ISBN: 978-1-329-83901-4

    Copyright © 2016 by snow

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law


    The ominous dark clouds blanketed the skyline bringing an early nightfall to the woodland valley. A local crew of men working on a nearby road, called it a day and headed for home, the ground shook subtly as the massive vehicles and machines journeyed back to the main road.

    A strange calm but eerie aura seemed to lurk somewhere just beneath the surface of thought. Birds, insects and other animals seemed to disappear or take refuge in hidden silence, as if anticipating something coming, something they wanted no part of.

    A loud authoritative knock on the door, startles the young blond woman, sitting on her sofa eating dinner. Gently she places the plate on the living room table, lowers the TV with the remote, and makes her way to the front door.

    Hey Ms, McCarthy, just wanted to let you know, I sprayed beneath the deck where you said you saw that ant hill.

    "Thanks Jeff, you're finished already,' Jenny asked.

    Yeah, I'm glad I got here when I did, looks like a storms on the way.

    The weather channel said there's storms in the area but they're predicting it won't amount to much, just a short passing storm. Jenny stuttered, which she always seemed to do around the caramel skinned African American man, with a physique that rivaled Mister Olympia. His short dark curly hair, light brown eyes and extremely wide body, reminded her of the Incredible Hulk.

    Ms. McCarthy, there anything else I can do for you ma'am, he asked, conscientiously, forcing her thoughts back to the moment. You sure could she thought, however what she said was...

    Oh, no...Jeff, may I ask you a bit of a personal question.

    Only if you're sure you want to hear the answer, the wide muscular man chides.

    Fair enough, tell me, were you ever a professional body builder?

    Hah, funny you should ask that, as a matter a fact, I won the Mister Florida, the Mister America as well as the Junior and Senior NPC Tournaments.

    Wow that explains it, I knew a man with your bod...I mean physique like yours has to have some professional ambitions, I can tell you must have put a lot of time in it.

    Have I, repeated. "Ma'am since I was fifteen years old, I've been pumping iron. I guess it's all in the family. You see I'm the youngest of three brothers and they got me into it.

    "Her long French manicured fingernails, gently strokes along the edge of the door as she listens carefully. Finally she catches herself staring, taking in the site of his big powerful body, his massive and light hairy chest, thick thighs and arms bulging from the uniform rolled up his sleeves, and of course the long thick imprint of a massive object unsuccessfully trying to hide behind the fabric of his pants.

    So when are coming back next month, she inquired feeling some shame for viewing him as a tasty piece of meat she longed to devour.

    Uh...should be between the 10 and the 15th, about exactly this time a month from now, he answered, knowing the woman had to know this already.

    It pained her to end their brief conversation but after all she was a married woman with a child, if nothing else, she'd have to at least hold on to her lust for him in her fantasies.

    Oh well, I wanna get back to town before whatever's coming gets here, see you next month Ms. McCarthy.

    Fearing she'd say something that would convey her thoughts, she simply nods her head and pretends to close the door, but only partially as she cleverly spied the hulking exterminator, particularly his thick hard and round muscular bubble butt.

    Upon reaching his truck he suddenly turns back and catches the spying woman just as she closes the door completely.

    Returning to her curled up position on the couch; she finds that everything seemed different now. Her meal now cold and bland, the TV show, had finished and everything seemed boring to her, with the one exception of her thoughts, which focused on the events from only moments ago.

    Placing the plate on the table she stares off in to space, letting her mind and imagination run away with thoughts.

    A knock at the door interrupts her meal. She opens the door and there he stands, all six foot even and 250 pounds of massive muscular manhood.

    Hey Ms. McCarthy, just wanted to let you know, I sprayed beneath the deck where you said you saw that ant hill.

    Very good, thank you so much Jeff.

    Is there anything else I can do for you ma'am?

    As a matter of fact you can. You see I have this leaky pipe in my house, that just keeps on leaking, I need it stuffed and plugged up. You think you could handle that, she asks seductively staring down at his crouch.

    Yeah, let me have a look at it. I've always been excellent at plugging things up, he answers, licking his lips responds in the same fashion.

    Good, come on in, she offered.

    She can feel his eyes burning on her backside as she sashays her way into the living room. Her tight jean shorts with frayed ends, fully displayed her long shapely legs, wearing no shoes she practically prances in her bare feet, allowing the bright yellow, T-shirt to rise above her belly button.

    Stopping in front of the sofa she states; Now I feel I must warn you. This pipe hasn't been tended to in some time, that's why it's so leaky, I hope you've got the equipment to handle the job. She states, gently massaging her thighs.

    "Hmm, that's a fair question, here's my answer.'

    Zip, snap, drop, and down goes his pants, "Do you think this equipment will do,' he asked.

    Jenny turns to see the man's pants dropped below his knees. Clearly he hadn't worn any underwear, but that thought quickly diminishes upon the sight of the mammoth size cock, dangling between his legs.

    Gasping as she covers her mouth in disbelief she remarked; My god, is that all you there?

    He takes her hand and firmly slides it up and down the full length of his growing man-club and answers; What do you think?

    My goodness, now I'm wondering if you might be over qualified.

    Stepping closer,

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