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Gender Selection Manual for a Baby Girl: Your Baby Girl by Choice Not by Chance
Gender Selection Manual for a Baby Girl: Your Baby Girl by Choice Not by Chance
Gender Selection Manual for a Baby Girl: Your Baby Girl by Choice Not by Chance
Ebook164 pages1 hour

Gender Selection Manual for a Baby Girl: Your Baby Girl by Choice Not by Chance

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About this ebook

Do you want a baby girl to complete your family?  Or you have this inner desire to give birth to a little princess?

Do you feel so empty in your heart because you never pictured yourself being a boys’ mom?

You have always wanted to have a daughter someday?

Giving up on your dream girl shouldn't be the option because you now have a viable alternative that will help conceive your baby girl.

This guide:

Contains comprehensive instruction based on gender selection methods that work.

Is easy to read with beautiful diagrams and charts designed to aid your easy and proper understanding.

Is filled with practical real-life examples for easy implementation.

Is well detailed, effective, and as simple as ABC to implement. It reads like an interesting story.

Moms with 2 or more boys have used this guide to conceive their desired baby girls; some have saved their stressed marriages as a result.


Learn effective Natural Birth control included in the book with step by step textual and Pictorial explanation and examples.

Get access to join women who have gotten their desired gender and others who are also learning to preselect the gender of their next baby. You are not alone. (Link included in the book)

See you inside 

PublisherJoyce Bas
Release dateOct 20, 2023
Gender Selection Manual for a Baby Girl: Your Baby Girl by Choice Not by Chance

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    Book preview

    Gender Selection Manual for a Baby Girl - Joyce Bassey


    The Secret Yearning to Produce Your Kind

    So, you have this inner desire within you. You want to give birth to a baby girl. You want your type.

    Perhaps, you just want someone who you can understand, someone who will be close to you, a pink bundle whom you are better equipped and well-informed to train…

    Could it be that you are trying to create what you could not enjoy with your mum? Or maybe, just someone you can do girly stuff with, or one who can wear pretty clothes, hits home for you.

    Whatever makes you yearn for a female child, I am here to help show you the way to get your secret heart desire.

    Before we proceed, I love to say a warm welcome to you. It’s good to have you here. Just know that you are not alone in this.

    Many women, when asked the sex of the baby they want, just say they need a healthy baby while deep inside of them, there’s this unjustifiable desire or yearning to reproduce their kind.

    Some of these women, who secretly fight with the frustration of not having the relationship they desired with their daughter, were not aware of some gender selection techniques that could have helped them to get their pink desire.

    You are most likely reading this book because you are seeking information with which you can use to naturally choose the gender of your next baby, (Your little princess).

    If that is the case, rest assured you are reading the right book.

    This book series: PinkBluers Natural Gender Selection Manual has two books: Pinkbluers Gender Selection Manual for a Baby Girl, which you are currently reading, and Pinkbluers Gender Selection Manual for a Baby Boy.

    For a full understanding, I encourage you to read this book at your convenient time and pace. The book is not lengthy, so relax as we go through it together.

    A Common Problem With an Uncommon Solution

    Gender selection has been a subject of concern for a long time. The subject has received active research from the medical field, dating as far back as the ’90s. Since that is the case, how come you probably haven’t heard about it before now?

    The reason is that due to the potential abuse of such information and other issues associated with gender disappointment, like abortion and other vices, the government of some countries placed a ban or restriction on gender selection while some allowed it only for family balancing, or for individuals with proven genetic abnormalities.

    Early publications on the subject of sex selection made in the ‘90s faced some resistance at that time and then ended up in the hands of a select few individuals. As a result, most people are still ignorant of natural, and inexpensive gender selection methods which have both medical and scientific bases.

    Today, there has been more enlightenment, and more people are beginning to search for both natural and artificial methods of selecting the gender of their baby as the topic gains more popularity in our society.

    There are studies on sex selection by the United Nations Populations Fund (UNPF). Many other studies exist on sex selection. Some of these were marketed under the title family balancing and others related to titles like genetic diagnosis.

    Several scientists have also researched the timing of sexual intercourse in relation to ovulation as used in gender selection, while some scientists have questioned the effectiveness of such practices.

    With so many sex preference resources out there, one easily gets confused and overwhelmed with information. This makes choosing a method that really works difficult.

    To this end, the PinkBluers Method was born.

    Available Selection Methods and the Girl Gender

    Most known gender selection methods like IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) which is an Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART) tend to favor the boy gender more than the girl gender.  According to Olive Fertility, a recent review of 27,000 births after IVF showed that IVF produces 3 percent more boys

    Interestingly, another research published by Australian researchers on BBC Health news shows that the likelihood of an IVF birth resulting in a boy was between 53 and 56 percent.

    We also see a ratio of 51 percent male to 49 percent male in naturally conceived children, despite the fact that the Y spermatozoa, which is responsible for the formation of the boy child is weaker than that of the X spermatozoa which is responsible for the girl child formation.

    That is partly because the Y spermatozoa are swifter than the X spermatozoa and if they meet the egg first, then the baby will definitely be a boy.

    One very interesting thing is that though the woman only produces X sperm cells while the man produces both X and Y sperm cells, the complexity and uncertainty involved in trying to select a female gender are higher than that of the male.

    The complexity in making sure most, if not all the Y spermatozoa die off, leaving only the X spermatozoa which is responsible for the girl child formation, to meet and fertilize the egg is what you are going to learn in this book and lots more.

    Okay, More About Me…

    My name is Joyce Bassey.

    I’m a researcher, teacher, wife, mother, social entrepreneur, natural gender selection and natural birth control coach, who is actively seeking solutions to the problems faced by women, seeing that a lot of women go through terrible gender disappointments, heartbreaks, and pains that they don’t deserve and

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