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Anything but Love
Anything but Love
Anything but Love
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Anything but Love

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Dr. Kendall Matthews is the queen of her castle.  She's top in her field as an OB/GYN at the prestigious Briarwood Hospital in Arlington, Texas, all the men fear her.  Everything is coming up Kendall.  So when a face from her past lands in the ER, Kendall can't beleive her dumb luck.  Of all the hospitals her childhood crush could have landed in, he landed in hers. 


Coletrane Highpoint, famous bestselling author has returne to his home of Arlington to get his life back on track. Little did he know getting hurt at one charity event would land in front of the woman who would change his life forever. Kendall was beautiful, opinionated and didn't want to have one thing to do with him. When he discovers that she's his best friend's little sister all grown up and sexy, the game just got interesting. 

PublisherCelya Bowers
Release dateOct 11, 2020
Anything but Love

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    Anything but Love - Celya Bowers

    Celya Bowers

    Anything but Love

    October 2020 (Reissue)

    This is a fictional work, and the characters are a product of my imagination.  Any correlation to any persons living or dead is purely coincidental.



    I would like to take this time to thank my support group.  My sisters, Jeri and Sheila, my brothers William and Kim, for always being there for me.  My nieces, Shannon, Yolanda, Celya and Kennedy, for helping me out when necessary. I love you guys so much!

    A big thank you to my BFFs: Cherry, Erica, Donna, Lewis, Maria, Judy, Daniel, Angela, Diane, and Sharon.  I appreciate every minute you helped me with a plot problem.  You guys rock!

    To my readers, thank you so much for your support and words of encouragement.

    If I forgot you, I’m sorry.  Charge it to my brain, not my heart.

    Keep reading!

    Celya Bowers


    For some women, it was frilly underwear.  But for her it was stilettos.  Dr. Kendall Matthews sat in her corner office at Briarwood Hospital, relishing a few quiet moments before having to pull emergency room duty for the afternoon.  She propped her stiletto clad feet on the desk, crossed them at the ankles, and relaxed.  Most of her colleagues thought she was crazy for wearing those shoes to work, but it was part of her style. 

    She loved showing off her legs.  Perhaps it was vanity, but she didn’t really care.  She loved looking and feeling like a woman. 

    She picked up her stereo remote and clicked on her favorite classical music CD.  Debussy’s Claire De Lune filled the room instantly calming her frazzled nerves. After such a hectic morning, her eyes drifted closed. 

    She heard her office door open.  Since no one knocked, she knew it was her physician assistant, Max Cork.  Everyone else at the prestigious hospital valued their job too much to enter her office without knocking first.  Kendall, we got a problem in the emergency room and need your diplomatic skills.

    She opened her eyes and sat up straight.  I’m not due in the ER until one.  It’s not even eleven.  Get someone else.

    Max closed the door and strode to the desk, apparently not paying attention to the tone in her voice.  Look, Kendall, do you know Coltrane Highpoint, the best-selling author?

    She did, she knew the African American author and had had a secret crush on him all those years ago, when she was too young to know better.  Yes, I went to school with his greatness, back when he couldn’t construct a simple sentence properly.

    I thought you were only approaching the big 4-0?

    Okay, he wasn’t in my class.  He was a little older.  He knew my brother Charlie, and he was always at our house.  He should be about 45.  Charlie told me he moved back last year and was working on his next bestseller.

    Max shook his head at her.  Whatever.  Get to the ER.

    Kendall smiled at him.  Max was the only person in the hospital she let talk to her like that and she allowed it for one simple reason: He was her best friend.  That was saying quite a bit since Max had blonde hair, blue eyes, and was a man.  At a time in her life when she was very pro-black and pro-woman, Max had stormed his way into her life just as he had her office that morning.

    Knowing that Max wasn’t leaving until she did, Kendall stood and walked to the door.  Okay, okay.  I’m going.

    Max let out a breath.  Thank God.  Dr. Phillips is about to pop an artery cause this guy is ranting about the poor level of service he’s getting.

    Just great, Kendall whispered.  His cocky attitude hasn’t diminished in twenty-five years.  She turned toward her friend.  Come on, Max, let’s go open a can of whipass.


    Mr. Highpoint, if you would just calm down, we can wrap your ankle, the nurse pleaded with hands planted on her hips. 

    Coltrane Highpoint looked at the mature woman and immediately moved his foot out of her reach.  Not if you’re going to move it and make it hurt more than you did when you took the X-ray.  As a matter of fact, I want that doctor back in here.  Your bedside manner is deplorable. 

    She stood with her hands on her plump hips, ready for battle.  Mr. Highpoint, if you would just sit still, this would already be over, and you could be on your way home.  I told you we had to get pictures from several different angles to make sure there wasn’t a break and you refused pain medication.

    You didn’t tell me you were going to try to take my foot off in the process!  Cole crossed his arms over his chest in a statement of defiance.  Unless someone dressed in a white jacket and with a name tag that says doctor comes in here, you’re not touching my foot.

    Will I do, Coltrane?  A tall slender African American woman with the most beautiful dark chocolate skin he’d ever seen walked into the tiny examination room.  Not paying him any attention, she headed to the X-rays on the vertical lighted table.  I don’t see a break.

    And you are?  He noticed her purple dress was much shorter than her white lab jacket.  He also noticed the dress was molded to her slight form, but he wasn’t going complain about that.

    She finally tore her gaze away from the X-rays and walked toward him.  I’m Dr. Kendall Matthews.  I’m on call this afternoon.  Now I do recall you saying something about someone being in a white lab jacket with a nametag.  I believe I meet your criteria.  She nodded at the nurse.  You can leave now.  I’ll take care of Mr. Highpoint.

    Coltrane watched the other woman scurry out of the room.  He turned his attention back to the attractive woman before him.  Do I know you? 

    Vaguely.  I’m Charlie Stone’s youngest sister.  She touched his ankle gingerly. 

    Coltrane watched her carefully as she probed his ankle.   Amazingly, it didn’t hurt.  She had a delicate touch.  You’re little Kiki?  My goodness, what’s it been, 25 years since I last saw you?

    Yeah, probably.

    He took a closer look as she rummaged through the cabinets, obviously not at home with the contents.    For some reason, he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off her legs.  They seemed to go on forever.  He cleared his throat.  I talk to Charlie pretty often and he keeps me up on the happenings around Arlington.  He mentioned you married a while ago and were now divorced.

    She didn’t face him as she answered, Yes, about four years ago.  I was tired of being ‘the young Stone girl,’ so I kept my married name.  She located the wrap for his ankle and shook it at him.  Shouldn’t hurt.

    He knew she didn’t mean that.  It was probably going to hurt like hell and he probably deserved it and more for the scene he’d caused earlier.  Look, I know you’re probably here so I won’t sue for the horrible service I got, but don’t worry.

    Kendall stopped cold.  Coltrane, I’m here because you were in here screaming at everyone like you were in labor.  It’s just a sprained ankle.  You’ve gotten the highest level of care in this hospital and it was your choice to deny painkillers.  We treat all our patients the same.  No one is better than the next.  No matter how many best-selling novels you’ve written, you’re no better than the construction worker, accountant, mayor or whoever walks through those doors.  Briarwood has a reputation for excellence, and you will not detract from that.

    Apparently, he’d struck a nerve.  He hadn’t meant to upset her.  In fact, the more she talked the more he admired those full lips.  His gaze went to her long legs and stopped at the stilettos.  He’d never seen a doctor dress so sexy.

    Would you like me to model for you? 

    Busted.  No, I was just admiring how much you’ve changed.

    Kendall shook her head at him.  How about let’s wrap your ankle so you can get on with your writing and someone else can use the table.

    I didn’t mean to offend you, Kendall.  You have to remember the last time I saw you; you must have been fifteen or so.

    Yes.  Lie back please.

    Had he missed something?  Why was she being so short with him?  Granted, he wasn’t the most ideal patient, even if it was his friend’s youngest sister. 

    He reclined on the table, determined to suck it up and not yell when the pain became too much. But oddly enough, his mind wasn’t on the pain in his ankle as he watched her delicately wrap his ankle.

    He inhaled her scent.  It was a clean scent that only reminded him of how long it had been since he’d been on a date.  Having just celebrated his forty-fifth birthday, and with his life somewhat settled down, he probably just needed a little companionship.

    There.  All done.  She smiled at her handiwork.  I’ll get Max to bring you some crutches.  It’ll probably take a few weeks to heal.  Try to stay off it as much as possible.  I’m sure your mom will be happy to have you at her house for a few weeks or I can give you the name of a service that can also provide for you while you’re recuperating.

    Thank you, but I just signed the closing papers on my house yesterday.  I have everything under control, he said.  I’d like to catch up on your life when I’m a little more mobile.

    She smiled.  Thanks, but no.


    Kendall started picking up the materials she’d discarded and pitched them in the trashcan.  No, Cole.  I know a man as good looking as you isn’t used a woman not falling at your feet.  You just want to know if those hazel eyes can work on me.  They didn’t work then, and they don’t work now.  She left the room.

    Cole looked at the swinging doors, wondering what the heck had just happened.  He was usually more in control with women.  Granted, he’d had his share of willing females.  He had just never had one throw him back. 


    Kendall leaned against the wall near the emergency room.  What happened to her brain?  After all this time, Coltrane Highpoint still jumpstarted her heart like always.  She’d had a crush on him when she was a teenager and he was too old to consider her anything but his best friend’s baby sister.  She’d hoped the last twenty or so years would have dulled the ache she had for him, but she was wrong.  So wrong.

    She couldn’t go back in that room and face those hazel eyes again.  Couple those eyes with a dazzling smile, athletic build, and nice legs, and she was just like every other woman on the planet.  She was done for.

    After a few deep breaths, she walked to the nearest phone and paged Max over the intercom system.  A few minutes later, Max called her back.  

    Max, Coltrane Highpoint is going to need some crutches, and he can be dismissed. You might need to write him a script for pain meds.  Being a PA, Max had the authority to do just that.

    Hey, I thought you like seeing your patients to the door?  Especially with him being a brother and all, Max teased. 

    Not this time.  You can have the honors.  If I ever see that man again, it will be too soon.

    Max walked into the recovery area of the emergency room expecting to see a very pompous celebrity waiting to be pacified in every way possible.  What he saw was a man deeply confused, obviously Kendall’s latest victim in the man-woman war.

    The large African American man was sitting on the examination table, his bandaged ankle on the table, while the other dangled off the end.  He was shaking his head, probably trying to figure out what he’d done wrong and coming up empty.

    Max realized Kendall’s earlier call was out of character.   She’d never asked someone else to take on any of her responsibility.  She made it a policy to see every patient out the door personally.  This man had rattled a woman famous for never being rattled. 

    This was a match made in Heaven if Max ever saw one.  However, neither Kendall nor Coltrane Highpoint knew it yet. 

    Mr. Highpoint, my name is Max.  I’m Dr. Matthews’s physician’s assistant.  He nodded to the crutches in his hand.  She said you might be needing these.  I also have your dismissal papers and your prescriptions for your pain medication.

    Coltrane nodded at Max.  I guess that means she’s not coming back in here, right?  He made a move to stand on his healthy leg. 

    Max stopped his patient before he made the costly mistake of thinking he could manage on his own.  A wheelchair is on its way.  Is there anyone that can come get you?

    Yeah, too many people, he answered cryptically. How about you call me a cab or something and I can get out of your hair, too.

    Man, Kendall had done a number on this guy, Max thought.  The famous author’s ego was shattered.  Dr. Matthews isn’t actually used to nurturing men right now.  She deals mostly with pregnant women.  But there’s no rush about you leaving.

    Coltrane looked at Max.  Don’t you know who I am?

    Max nodded.  Right now, you’re a patient of this hospital and that’s all I’m concerned with.  You have a sprained ankle and you’re going to need some help getting into the car.

    Coltrane laughed.  That put me and my celebrity status in place.  Please call me Cole. I’m sure Kendall’s recollections of me in my youth weren’t good, but that was then.

    Okay, Cole.  Max glanced at his watch.  Kendall would kill him for what he was about to do.  But what was life without a little death threat every now and then?  Look, Cole, it’s almost my lunch time.  Why don’t I give you a lift home?  I have an SUV, so there’d be plenty of room in it for you to stretch out.


    Typical, Max thought.  People with Cole’s kind of status weren’t used to someone doing something for nothing.  Look, man, I don’t want anything from you.  It sounds like you don’t really have anyone to call, and I was just trying to help you out.  I know what it’s like to be in a place where you don’t really want to be.

    Cole nodded.  Sorry.  I’m just used to dealing with a certain type of person.  I must remember I’m back home and not everyone is trying to get something from me.  In New York, you don’t know how rare that is.  I would very much appreciate a ride home.  I’m actually not that far from here.  My house is in Biscayne Meadows.

    Max couldn’t help grinning.  Looked as if destiny was already at work; Kendall’s house was in that same upscale subdivision.  Yeah, I know the place.  A friend of mine lives there.  He didn’t mention that the friend was Kendall.  It’s very secluded.  Not to mention the very high price tag of those custom homes and the armed security guard.

    Yeah, that was the main reason I bought it.  I love privacy and don’t like everyone in my business.

    Max snickered.  Sounds like my friend.


    Max, surely you’re kidding!  You know they do have taxi services around here.  Max had just informed Kendall he was taking Cole home.  Cole has a ton of money.  He can easily afford car service or even a limo if his majesty so desires.  He can always call his mama.  I just happen to know that his mother drives a Cadillac Escalade.  Plenty of room in it for him and his leg.

    Kendall, I’ll be back before you know it.  I just felt sorry for the guy.  Who wants to go home alone?

    Kendall knew her friend was right.  No one wanted to leave the hospital alone.  All right, Max.  Why don’t you take some time off?  We have a busy day tomorrow.

    Max chuckled.  You want me to get all the dirt, don’t you?  Be his friend so he’ll tell me all his secrets.

    No, I don’t, she lied, though she would love to know what Cole had been up to all this time. Although her brother had mentioned him from time to time over the years, he’d never given Kendall any details on Cole. Just make sure he doesn’t hurt himself on the way.  I don’t want him crying lawsuit or something.

    Yeah, right.  I’ll come by your house with a full report.  Later.

    Kendall hung up the phone shaking her head.  When Max got a burr in his butt there was no deterring him.  Hopefully, her dear friend of six years wouldn’t embarrass her or Cole by trying to play matchmaker.

    A few hours later, Kendall pulled up in her driveway, hit the garage remote and sighed as the door slid up revealing her mother’s Lexus already parked there.  Oh no.  What’s she doing here?  The one thing she didn’t need was her mother’s weekly visit and the plea for more grandchildren.  She parked her Jaguar next to the Lexus, then slid out of her car and walked inside her house. 

    Her mother was sitting on the couch reading one of Kendall’s medical journals.  Hi, Mom.  Am I going to have to take my spare key from you, again?

    Zenora Stone-Evans looked her daughter up and down, then placed the heavy journal on the marble coffee table.  It says here that it’s perfectly all right health-wise for a woman over forty to give birth to a healthy baby.

    Kendall nodded.  They’d had this same conversation every week for the last few years.  Her mother’s attempt at subtlety.  I know that, Mom.  I am a Reproductive Endocrinologist.  I deal with high-risk pregnancies all the time.  A woman can be in her fifties and still give birth to a healthy baby.  She kissed her mom on her smooth brown cheek.  Now what brings you to my house today?

    I thought I would come by and see Jordan, since he’s the closest thing I have to a grandchild from you.  I also talked to Martha Highpoint and she told me that you treated her son today.  You know that Cole is a handsome rascal.  Too bad about his marriage.

    Kendall looked sideways at her mother.  What marriage?  When was Cole married?

    Her mother smiled.  Well, it sounds like someone is a little curious.  I’m glad to know that you at least still notice when your path crosses with that of a handsome man.

    Her mother had the irritating habit of always baiting her.  Mom, what about his marriage?  He didn’t mention that.

    Well, if you weren’t so quick to turn him down, he might have told you.

    Kendall sighed.  Trust Cole to run to his momma at first chance.  I turned him down because I’m not looking for a mate, Mother.  She stood and whistled for Jordan, her black and white Pembroke Corgi.  She smiled when she heard the familiar sound of his paws tapping against the hardwood as he made his approach. 

    Jordan bounded into the room, headed directly for Kendall, and attempted to climb her legs. 

    Kendall picked up her canine companion and hugged him.  Mommy is glad to see you too. 

    Zenora laughed.  You need to try doing that with a human being.  Martha said Cole hasn’t been on a date in almost two years.

    So much about Cole didn’t make sense to Kendall.  Okay, Mom, I’ll bite.  How long has Cole been divorced?

    Her mother patted the seat beside her.  Sit down.

    Kendall complied. 

    I know you think I’m meddling in your life and you’re right.  I just don’t want to see you become one of those women leaving all her money to her dog because she didn’t have any children.  I know you love kids because you’re always doing things for your nieces and nephews.  You take them to the zoo, movies, and you babysit when needed.  You have too much love in your heart not to give another man a try.  Just because James Matthews wasn’t worth the time of day and cheated on you at every turn, it doesn’t mean that there’s not another man out there waiting to love you.

    I know, Mom, but I’m not looking for love. James was thinking with his most used body part, rather than his brain.  When I found out he’d gotten that girl pregnant, I thought I’d never live that down at the time, but it passed.  That was almost five years ago.

    Zenora hugged her daughter.  I know, baby.  But now it’s time for you to find some happiness.  You bring all those babies into the world.  It’s your turn to have one.

    Kendall rested her head on her mother’s shoulder.  She’d always thought she was happy.  Wasn’t she?  She made a good living, had a comfortable home, but was she happy?  Maybe she could get her dating feet wet.  She didn’t have to drown in a pool of love, just wade in a little to see how the water felt. But the last thing she wanted was to get involved with someone her family already knew.  Thanks, Mom.  I will find a man.  Just not right now.

    Well, at least you’re thinking about it.  Why don’t you like Cole?

    Kendall sat up and stared at her mother.  He’s too good looking. 

    And that’s bad because...? her mother asked.

    It just is.

    Spoken like my daughter with all those degrees.  You better start listening to your heart.  Now what are you making for dinner?

    Okay, something was not right.  Her mother didn’t approve of Kendall’s dietary lifestyle.  Mom, I’m making stir-fry.  If you’re staying, I can put chicken in it.

    Are you eating chicken?

    Maybe.  Now tell me what’s really going on?

    Her mother sighed.  Nothing.  I just wanted to spend some time with my only daughter.  Is that so wrong?

    Kendall knew there were many things wrong with that statement. But like any good daughter she didn’t mention them.    No, Mom, there’s nothing wrong with that.  We can enjoy a good meal and gossip.

    And we can talk about how you’re going to get me some grandkids.

    Some things never change.


    A few hours later, Kendall was at the end of her mental rope.  She and her mother had finished dinner and were now sitting in her oversized kitchen sipping flavored coffee.  Her mother still had not divulged the gossip.  Instead, she was making Kendall stew in the curiosity soup.  Mom, you were telling me about Cole.  What happened in his marriage?

    Zenora stood and placed her cup in the sink.  Well, Martha said he married Gabriella Hunt right after he moved to New York.  The marriage was rocky from the start.  They’ve been divorced about ten years.

    Kendall nodded.  What happened?

    The usual.  They had nothing in common.  Gabriella was pretty and she gave him a son.  But after that it was just downhill.  She never came to Arlington and didn’t want to be married to someone more famous than her.

    Kendall nodded, filling in all the blanks her mother didn’t.  Gabriella Hunt was one of the most popular African American actresses in New York and Hollywood.  It seemed you couldn’t watch a movie without seeing her light brown face on the screen.  It must have been humbling watching Cole come into his own popularity as a premier fiction writer.  Two creative types together were definitely a recipe for disaster. 

    Well, her mother continued the story, when Cole’s first book was optioned for the big screen about fifteen years ago, the bottom dropped out of the marriage.  She couldn’t take it.  It was fine when she was supporting his struggle to the top, but once he got to the top, it was a different story.  They separated, then divorced, and his son refused to see him.  After that Cole kind of shut that part of his life down. Martha said up until a few years ago, he was all but living with some newswoman, but something awful happened, and he came back to Arlington.

    Why would his son refused to see him?

    Why do you think?  His ex-wife was trying to get back at him, feeding that boy lies about his daddy.  They just started mending fences the last year.

    Even though Kendall hated herself for it, she felt sorry for Cole and the hurt he’d experienced. God help her, it was just like she was sixteen again and she was reliving her crush on Coltrane Highpoint.


    With the last of his energy Coltrane hobbled into his living room and collapsed on the couch.  Thank God his mother wasn’t there fussing over him and embarrassing the holy crap out of him.

    It’s about time you got here, baby.

    Cole sighed.  His mother was there.  Even in a city as big as Arlington, news traveled fast.  He glanced at Max.  But Max just shrugged as if he’d expected it. 

    Martha Highpoint entered the living room with a tray stacked with sandwiches and lemonade.  She reminded Cole of a pleasingly

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