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My Marriage; My Work
My Marriage; My Work
My Marriage; My Work
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My Marriage; My Work

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About this ebook

My Marriage; My Work: How I Became an Employee in Marriage is not one of the
books on marriage in bookstores. This is actually THE book. There are many books on the subject of marriage that use theory to convey their message but this uses the author's practical stories to give hope to those who fear marriage and who think true
marriage is not possible.

Written by a young author, My Marriage; My Work x-trays marriage from a youthful and experiential perspective. Many young people seek knowledge on marital issues before entering the union but they hardly find real stories from real marriages to satisfy their hunger for knowledge. This book, therefore, seeks to fill this gap by sharing the author's stories that are as practical as possible.
A major feature of this book is bluntness. The truth people need to read about marriage is laid out herein with so much sincerity that singles and couples need to read. It proffers solution to the problem of dearth of open discussions on marriage.
The book starts with the question of whether you should even marry as an individual.
It establishes a firm position that even though people usually have marital challenges, the best is still obtainable if partners are committed to the success of the home.
Pivotal discussions on sex, courtship, family finance, handling in-laws, delayed pregnancy, love language, third-party involvement and so on are thoroughly handled in this book.
As earlier said, this is not one of the books on marriage; it is THE book. Read this!

PublisherSunday Anani
Release dateOct 8, 2020
My Marriage; My Work

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    Book preview

    My Marriage; My Work - Sunday Anani

    My Marriage; My Work

    Sunday Anani

    Copyright © 2020 Sunday Anani

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of the publisher, except in the cases of brief quotations cited in reviews and specific other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    This book is dedicated to God, the Creator of marriage

    Table of Content



    What People Said About the Book



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19


    I specially appreciate my wife for allowing me to tell our stories without bounds, and our daughter, for working with me to multitask while writing this book.

    I also thank God for the human provisions He has blessed me with. They are many – so many – I can’t list them. God bless you all.

    What people said about the book…

    In our time fraught with multifarious perceptions on marital values, you have presented in an easy-to-digest way, simple guidelines to make the young Christians have a profitable and fulfilling marriage. - Pastor Olulade John

    The much desired peace in every marriage is largely directly proportional to the degree of openness that the couple share. The book, My marriage, my work" is an expository piece for this much needed peace in marriage and in life.

    Anani Sunday and his wife have afforded us the singular privilege of entry into their home sharing in this book, spiritual, theoretical and experiential insights needed by all but most intriguing about this book is that it is the mind of Christ and I know it. Now let's read and get to work! – Dr. Gloria Emmanuel Essien, Lecturer, University of Uyo, Nigeria.

    "This is a book every intending spouse and already married people should read. This is not just a book, it's a Marriage Panacea. – Mary Ogundimu,

    If you need a book to effectively prepare you for marriage, this is it! Before I read this book, I only knew bits and pieces of lessons on what to expect in marriage and how to best prepare for it. Beyond being rich, I've always wanted the bliss of a good home. But Anani Sunday effectively unites these lessons as a coherent guide to both prepare and maintain a fulfilling home ... with very practicable recommendations. This is a must read if you are like me. – Theophilus Adeyinka

    All bible verses in this book are taken from the King James Version except otherwise stated.


    This book is timely, needed, simple, clear, exemplary and biblical. The book is written by a young man Sunday Anani, who is working with God and following God's commands and injunctions in his marriage.

    It is so timely especially at a time like this when many people marry for the wrong reasons and people are not keeping to the ordinances of marriage, thereby causing a breakdown of the sacred institution.

    The book is clear and very simple to understand. It is very biblical, stating God’s idea of a true & Godly marriage. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to go into marriage and take the right steps before saying I DO.

    The author is a very serious-minded young man who has committed his ways unto God's Word. Daniel 11 v 32b says ‘… the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.’

    Marriage is good and honourable and is a place to be because God said it is not good for a man to be alone l will give him a help mate. ( Genesis 2 v 18). So marriage is ordained by God Himself.


    Mrs. Olubunmi Olowude


    Marriage is the oldest company in the world. Established as early as the beginning of the world, marriage remains God’s most important tool for advancing His aim of man’s procreation and much more.

    Marriage is a big company of only two primary employees. God is the Owner of the company and the employees are the husband and the wife. I illustrate marriage as a company that began when a man and a woman made application to God to form a new home. Their request was granted and they became employed in the marriage company.

    In the conventional world system, employees are expected to work for the growth of the organisation they work for. In the same way, couples in marriages are expected to work for the growth and stability of the family they form. The failure to work for the home is one of the reasons some homes are dysfunctional.

    A marriage on its own has no coloration. It only takes on the coloration of those who make it up. That is why it is unarguable that there are no bad marriages. We only have bad couples who make bad marriages.

    I see myself as an employee in my marriage and I have to work for it to succeed. I have to work to make it an organisation that God will be proud of. I have to give attention to it the way I give attention to my work as an accountant.

    We work for our home when we pray for it, commit to its growth, and provide for it financially, spiritually, emotionally etc. We become true employees of Marriage Company when we forgive our spouse when they offend us. We work for the home by defending it against adultery, intruders and the devil. We are good marriage employees when we don’t desecrate our marital vow or do anything that is against the tenets of

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