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Beautiful Evil Queen: Volume 3
Beautiful Evil Queen: Volume 3
Beautiful Evil Queen: Volume 3
Ebook1,040 pages17 hours

Beautiful Evil Queen: Volume 3

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Did he think he could make her die just by setting her on fire? Sorry to disappoint you! The raging inferno has been reborn. From now on, don't even think of making a move against me!

Release dateOct 20, 2020
Beautiful Evil Queen: Volume 3

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    Beautiful Evil Queen - Mu ZiCaoLi



    When they finally got to Yi Yeyu, he looked different from the gentle and considerate Yi Yeyu from the other day. This Yi Yeyu looked even more like the Yi Yeyu from before, decisive, calm, and old.

    The matter has been investigated thoroughly and has nothing to do with you. It is because a concubine of the imperial harem wanted to blame you, that is why she bribed the imperial kitchens and poisoned the wine you had bestowed upon the servants. Together with the incense from before, she took away the lives of your servants.

    Yi Yeyu's words were very simple, as if he were stating a very simple matter, but to Yun Ji, they weren't simple at all.

    Wait, you talk too fast. I want to know, why did this consort want to frame me?

    Because she thought you were going to become my concubine, and that she was provoked by the words of the empress, she attacked you. It's a simple matter, her action took six lives. Alright, it's done. Is there anything else you don't understand? Yi Yeyu's words were very simple. He wasn't relaxed, but Yun Ji felt like he had already forgotten a lot of the details.

    What do you do with that concubine? Yunji continued to ask, and she knew the result.

    She has already been sent to the Sky Prison. None of the people there will be able to come out alive, but Zhen intends to let her come out alive. Yi Yeyu held his hands behind his back and didn't look at Yun Ji. Yun Ji was standing beside him, looking up at his profile. If she wasn't anxious to know the truth, Yun Ji would have thought Yi Ye Qiu's profile was a perfect silhouette.

    You're going to let her out alive? Yun Ji was very surprised. According to what Liu Yu said, staying in the heavenly prison was already a great punishment. Yi Yeyu was surprised that his concubine was allowed to come out alive.

    Of course we have to come out alive. For someone like her, letting her die in the heavenly prison is simply too easy, and I won't let her die so easily. I will make her taste all the pain before she dies, and I have already ordered her to be sentenced to death.

    Kill him instantly? Yunji became silent. She was familiar with history, so she naturally knew the meaning of death sentence at any moment. This was the highest punishment in the ancient times, death sentence at any moment, and every time she thought of it, she would shudder.

    After that, she used a sharp knife to cut off the skin that protruded from the net. The thing that made Yunji the most terrified was that these people were all well-trained people, and they could even guarantee that after those prisoners had been sliced into hundreds of pieces, they would not die yet. They wanted to ensure that the prisoners would receive the highest punishment, the kind of pain that would make them wish they were dead.

    The psychological pain was far greater than the physical pain, and the great thing about the punishment was that it made the prisoner aware that he was slowly dying, and that he was still conscious of the pain.

    Why didn't the Emperor let her die another way? I want to see her die as soon as possible. Although Yunji didn't have a good impression of this imperial concubine and wouldn't avoid death by pleading for her, those who wanted her to die would all die in the end.

    No, I absolutely won't let her die too easily. I wanted to let all the consorts watch the execution and let them know the consequences of offending the Clairvoyant and randomly framing someone, but Jane Liang said that if those women see too bloody a scene, they won't be able to take it. I didn't give them the order to watch, but if you want to watch, I'll let you see the consequences for those who have offended you. Yi Yeyu looked at Yun Ji and turned around.

    I know what will happen to her. There's no need to look, what's the use? This kind of person would probably dirty my eyes. Yun Ji coldly snorted, she definitely did not want to see the outcome of those people, she did not want to have nightmares at night.

    "If you don't want to see, then don't want to see. It's good that you know it, anyone who offends you, no matter who it is, will have a bad ending. Right, I almost forgot. Yi Yeyu's tone was very relaxed, as if he were telling Yunji that another flower had bloomed in the Imperial Garden. Only Yunji knew from Liushu that Guanxin was the daughter of the outer clan leader.

    If the outsiders knew that Yi Ye Qiu had reduced the empress to his concubine for a woman, they definitely wouldn't let Yi Ye Qiu off.

    Do you have evidence that the empress instigated this? Yun Ji was silent for a while before she asked.

    The empress herself admitted it, but the empress said she didn't order the concubine to poison you, but only told her what was special about you. This concubine, however, thought that as long as you disappeared, I would love her, so she came up with this idea. Since the empress is so restless and unwilling to be a quiet and refined empress in the harem, I'll let her be one. She's in the harem anyway, without the title of empress, maybe she can be a little more quiet.

    Yi Ye Qiu looked at Yun Ji, his eyes clearly reflecting Yun Ji's figure.

    Your majesty is the ruler of a nation, so you can do whatever you want. You really don't care about the feelings of the people at all. Your majesty's words about loving the people are still ringing in your ears. So that's all you're saying. Yun Ji was silent for a while. She knew that there were some things that it was better for her to know as soon as possible. Since she had to face them, she might as well do so in advance.

    Of course I know. But do you think that staying in the harem in front of the empress is a fortunate thing for the Heavenly Imperial Kingdom? It's only a matter of time before something happens to her. I've just brought forward the punishment. If the outsiders were to start a war with me for this matter, I will definitely not retreat." Yi Yeyu's eyes were firm. He was not afraid of the outsiders invading him.

    After Yi Yeyu finished speaking, he waved his hand and Slight Chill took out an imperial edict. Yi Yeyu had personally carried out the imperial edict for him to make the Empress his concubine.

    "When Yunji remembered that when war broke out, it would be the common people who would suffer. She could not help but worry for those people.

    Yi Ye Qiu heard Yun Ji's sigh. He cupped Yun Ji's hands and gently said, Are you sighing for me, or worrying for me?

    Yun Ji was shocked, she wanted to take back her hand, but suddenly she saw that Wan Ziran's hand outside the door trembled unnaturally, Wan Ziran quickly looked at her, and very quickly, her eyes filled with anger. Yun Ji also remembered that he had ignored her for the past few days, and because of him, she could not sleep at night, and did not have the heart to do anything during the day, but Wan Ziran did not show anything, so she did not take back her hand.

    Yun Ji didn't say anything. She just let Yi Yeyu hold her hand and continued.

    The emperor definitely won't do this just because I'm fighting with an outsider. The emperor is just saying pretty things to me. Yun Ji's lips curled up slightly. She suddenly understood Yi Yeqiu's intentions. He definitely wouldn't offend an outsider for a woman.

    How do you know? Yi Yeyu was stunned and his hands softened.

    The emperor is an intelligent person. How could you give up on the river and mountains for a woman? I've heard that you've received outsiders today and they're in the palace. They must know that you've reduced the Empress to your concubine, but they didn't say anything. It's clear that it's because the Emperor has been preparing for many years and already possesses the ability to control the outsiders, that he didn't care about the Queen's position at all. Yun Ji's reactions were quick. She wouldn't be moved by Yi Yeqiu easily, nor would she be confused by him.

    It seems the Clairvoyant is far more intelligent than I expected. I wonder if the Clairvoyant can divine your situation. Yi Yeyu saw that Yun Ji had seen through his intentions. He raised his head and laughed.

    My situation? Yun Ji frowned. What did Yi Yeyu want to do?

    Do you want this person to have his head separated from his body, or do you want to obediently live with me in Blessed Nation? Yi Yeyu pulled out a soft sword from his waist in a position that Yun Ji didn't even have time to look at. Wherever the sword went, it was at Wan Ziran's neck!

    Wan Zhiran's entire body tensed up when he pulled his sword out of its scabbard. He didn't wait for the tip of his sword to reach Ye Qiu, he had already jumped up and slashed his sword everywhere, leaving a deep mark on the pillar. Wan Zhiran stabbed out with his sword in the air, the sword energy turning into a thick frost that went straight to Ye Qiu's chest.

    In order to avoid Wan Ziran's attack, Yi Ye Qiu had no choice but to let go of Yun Ji's hand. Wan Ziran fell in front of Yun Ji, with one hand blocking Yun Ji and the other shooting out an arrow from his sleeve. Three sharp small swords flew towards Yi Ye Qiu, while Yi Ye Qiu quickly retreated with his back facing the wooden pillar.

    He furiously attacked the heart, and with a kick, he flipped the table in the air, smashing it towards Wan Zi Ran. Wan Zi Ran pushed Yun Ji away, and with a kick, the table shattered into pieces, and wood shavings flew everywhere as he hit Yi Ye Qiu. Yi Ye Qiu's hand was covered with blood marks, and when he saw that Wan Zi Ran's line of sight was blocked by the wood shavings, he endured the pain in his back, and grabbed Yun Ji with one hand, pulling Yun Ji to his side.

    Wan Ziran, if you don't put down your weapon, you will see this man die in front of you. Yi Yeyu pulled out a sharp dagger from his sleeve and placed it on Yun Ji's neck. Yun Ji's snow-white skin reflected the sharpness of the dagger.

    He turned his head and saw that Yunji was being controlled by Yi Yeyu. He looked at Yunji, who shook her head slightly, hoping that he understood that he shouldn't put down his weapon and run away as soon as possible, since Yi Yeyu wouldn't hurt him. Unfortunately, Wan Ziran didn't understand what she meant.

    At the same time, the other guards in black beside him had already rushed up and stopped Wan Zhiran, making him unable to move.

    Yun Ji exclaimed in her heart. Her hand tightly clenched into a fist within her sleeves as she did her best to prevent herself from shouting out loud. She needed less than half a moment to quickly calm down.


    Your Majesty, what do you mean? This is the guard you sent. If the emperor wants to kill him, feel free to do so. Yun Ji's expression was indifferent as she looked into the distance.

    Is that so? Clairvoyant, I don't like people who talk big. If you don't want to admit it, then you'd better say that this is my black-robed guard. I'll just kill this incompetent man." Yi Ye Qiu's hands tightened. The blade went deep into Wan Ziran's flesh, oozing out faint traces of blood.

    Stop! Yun Ji shouted. Her heart tightened.

    Should I invite you to my palace to have a good meal, or should I invite you as my black-robed guard to carry out my mission? The Tenth Prince of Cheng Qi, Wan Ziran!

    As soon as Yi Yeyu finished speaking, he lifted the long sword in his hand and threw the black mask on Wan Ziran's face to the ground, revealing Wan Ziran's extremely handsome face. Wan Ziran was so angry that his face turned red.

    How did you find out? It had come to this, and she wanted to know why.

    The worst thing is that the Tenth Prince has read too many books. You must have forgotten that the black-robed guards, in addition to being unable to speak, can't read, but just now, when I launched the imperial edict, I saw you, and it was the Tenth Prince's eyes shifting over the imperial edict; this is clearly a suspicion of literacy, you probably don't know that I was actually testing you, and I also received news that the imperial palace of the State of Qi has not seen you for a very long time. The guards of the diviner often came to the imperial doctors' office to say that they would often faint for no reason, or that others might not know.

    Yi Yeyu laughed out loud as he looked at Wan Ziran. Wan Ziran glared at Yi Yeyu: You'd better kill me. If you let me stay, you'll definitely regret it!

    I won't kill you. I will keep you alive so that you can keep the Clairvoyant. If you die, the Blessed Paradise will lose the protection of the Heavenly Maiden. It will be hard to protect the future of our country. You have to live well so that I can be with the Clairvoyant. Yi Ye Qiu embraced Yun Ji. Yun Ji didn't think that Yi Ye Qiu would turn around and embrace her again. She wanted to struggle, but Yi Ye Qiu's hands held tightly onto her.

    Yi Yeyu whispered into her ear, "If you want Wan Ziran to die right in front of your eyes, you can break free from my embrace. If you want Wan Ziran to live, you better be good and stay still.

    Yi Ye Qiu's equally handsome but gloomy face revealed a sinister smile. He knew Yun Ji wouldn't resist him, so he hugged her even more tightly.

    Wan Ziran's gaze seemed to spit fire, Yun Ji, even if I die, I will protect you and leave that person!

    Yun Ji felt that the fire in Wan Ziran's eyes had already burned into her heart. She was extremely sad, but she couldn't just watch Wan Ziran die in front of her eyes. If Yi Yeyu had a cruel heart, he could kill Wan Ziran at any time. She was willing to give up everything and stay here because of Wan Ziran. She would never let anything happen to Wan Ziran.

    Who do you think I am? Is your word an imperial edict or an order? Why should I listen to you?" Yun Ji held back her heartache as she looked up, her eyes filled with tears. She stared at Wan Ziran in the midst of tears, vaguely reminding him that he must take care of himself, and not let anything happen to him.

    Yun Ji, Yun Ji, you … Wan Zi Ran understood what Yun Ji meant, he stared at Yun Ji as well. This was the first time he hated himself for not being able to protect his beloved woman, and he wanted to see her sacrifice for him for nothing.

    Let him go, I will stay in the country of Heaven's Blessing. If he is harmed in the slightest, I guarantee that I will have the ability to make the citizens of the country of Heaven's Blessings live a peaceful life! Yun Ji lowered her head. She wiped away her tears. She wouldn't cry in front of Yi Yeqiu. She raised her head. She was that arrogant fortune-teller once again.

    Of course I will let him go. If he dies, you will also die. I don't want a dead person. I will not only obtain your person, but also your heart. Yi Ye Qiu's sword was still at Wan Ziran's neck. He said this to Yun Ji.

    Yi Yeyu, have you forgotten? I said, I can divine everything because I have maintained my virginity. If I marry a woman, I will lose my power. Didn't you want to take advantage of my uniqueness to obtain me? Yunji calmed her emotions. Once again, she was the cold-looking fortune-teller.

    A day ago, I had thought that if we wanted to use the opportunity that the people thought you were a goddess to attack other countries, the soldiers' morale would be boosted. But now, I have changed my mind. I want you, you will become my concubine.

    Yi Ye Qiu held Yun Ji and stared at Wan Ziran. His eyes were filled with mockery for Wan Ziran.

    Fine, I promise you. I'll do whatever you want me to do. Let him go and I'll promise you that. Yun Ji was expressionless. She knew that all of her struggles were in vain. Wan Ziran's life was in Yi Yeyu's hands.

    Of course, I will let him off, but after we get married, I will issue a public announcement and inform the world that Cheng Qi's fortune-teller will marry the Emperor of Heaven's Blessed Kingdom, that the two nations will have a happy marriage, that Cheng Qi's Tenth Prince will be our guest at our country, and after the wedding, someone will send the Tenth Prince back to the country. We have already thought things through for you, Tenth Prince, We want you to watch as our fortune-teller marries us, of course we won't treat you unfairly, we will let him become the empress of Heaven's Blessing.

    Yi Yeyu's sword left Wan Ziran's neck. He knew that Wan Ziran's life was in his hands.

    In your dreams! He wouldn't just watch as Yun Ji married Yi Yeyu.

    I'll soon let you know that I'm not dreaming, you're dreaming!

    Yi Yeyu's sword slashed and left a long bloody wound on Wan Ziran's neck. Wan Ziran dodged it in time or else the blade would have hurt his face.

    Let him go. Yun Ji repeated that as long as she saw that Wan Ziran was safe and sound, she was willing to sacrifice anything.

    If you want to preserve Wan Ziran's life, it would be best if you obediently marry me the day after tomorrow. Once you become my queen, I will naturally send you back, and if you disobey me, I will be angry, and I will do something that you did not expect. You will personally witness the death of the Tenth Prince in front of you!

    Yi Yeyu threw his sword on the ground and coldly said to Yun Ji,

    Alright. Yun Ji's words were simple, but they made Wan Ziran's heart ache. Yun Ji had sacrificed himself to save him. He had come here to protect Yun Ji, not to let Yun Ji protect him.

    Yi Yeyu glanced at her and saw that she was immediately given a brocade box with two pills inside.

    Eat it. Yi Yeyu put the pills to Wan Ziran's mouth. Wan Ziran bit his lips. Yi Ye Qiu smiled. He pinched Wan Ziran's chin and threw the two pills into Wan Ziran's throat.

    I've long heard that the Tenth Prince's medical skills are renowned throughout the world. If the Tenth Prince is able to cure these two completely different Seven Insects and Seven Flowers Powder, I'm willing to admit defeat.

    When Yun Ji heard this, she almost fainted. What Yi Yeyu had given Wan Ziran were two different pieces of the Seven Insects and Seven Flowers Scattering Powder.


    I said, if the Tenth Prince knows what you just ate, I'll let you go. If not, you'd better stay in my palace properly. I won't treat the Tenth Prince unfairly, after all, if the Emperor finds out how much damage the Tenth Prince has suffered, he'll feel sad. I really don't want to see anyone sad again, right? The Tenth Prince. "

    In Yun Ji's eyes, the smile on Yi Yeyu's handsome face was quite devilish.

    Wan Zi Ran looked at Yun Ji with a playful smile on his face. With an even more charming smile on his handsome face, he continued, I'm not sure who is sad.

    Let's see who's going to die then. The corner of Yi Ye Qiu's mouth lifted. Calm down, he had his person bring Wan Ziran away. Yun Ji looked at everything indifferently. She didn't say anything. She knew that if she spoke, she would only make Yi Ye Qiu laugh.

    Clairvoyant, is it better to call you Yunji? It would be best for you to remember that if you have any bad intentions, the one to suffer in the end wouldn't be you, but the Tenth Prince. You don't want to see the Tenth Prince suffer, so you should obediently prepare. "

    Yi Yeyu raised his head and grabbed onto Yunji's chin. Unlike last time, he didn't use any internal force, so Yunji was momentarily caught off guard. She was forced to raise her head and look into his long and narrow eyes, which were as clear as water.

    Yun Ji's face was cold as she faced Yi Yeyu's gaze. Her eyes were dark.

    If I agree to marry you, I will marry you. But ten days later, you may not agree to it, but don't say I didn't remind you that my identity is special. This action will only bring fortune and calamity to the Heavenly Imperial Kingdom.

    Yi Yeqiu looked deeply at Yun Ji with a demonic smile on his face.

    Since I can have you, I can naturally wait for everything. I won't worry about the arrival of misfortune, and even if it does, you will still be by my side. Even if you die, you will die before me.

    Yi Yeyu bent his head down and kissed Cloudy Ji's lips. When they parted, a thick line of blood appeared at the corner of his mouth. He extended his dark red tongue to lick it clean.

    Is this the wedding present you gave me? The taste is really sweet, I like this gift, I promise you that the wedding will take place in ten days, but I also want to remind you, ten days later, it will be the time when one of Wan Ziran's seven insects and seven flowers are emitted. If you dare to do anything about it, Wan Ziran will die in front of you.

    Yi Ye Qiu stuck out his tongue with a bit of blood on the tip of his tongue. He used the tip of his tongue to kiss Yun Ji's forehead, which was covered in blood.

    Even if you don't like it, I'll kiss all over your body in the near future. I'd like to see if you can grow teeth all over and bite me until I bleed like before.

    Yi Yeyu exposed his white teeth and bit onto Yun Ji's earlobe. Yun Ji tried her best to suppress the nauseous feeling.

    Yun Ji almost buried herself in the water basin and used her strength to wash away the place where Yi Ye Qiu had kissed her before. She bit Yi Ye Qiu's lips until they bled. Her lips were also stained with Yi Ye Qiu's blood.

    Yunji looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was already soaked, and she knew that there was only one way to save Wan Zhiran.

    Royal brother, why don't you let others prepare? You need to let me prepare. You need to know that I'm still Yunying. I don't know anything about this." Liu Yu held a long scroll in his hands. The scroll was filled with things that Yi Yeyu had prepared for his wedding.

    I know that for this marriage, the concubines of the harem all have their own plans. If I let them prepare for it, I'm afraid that my wedding will become a joke, and it won't be a good thing for the empress to be made a concubine. I also don't want to make things simple. Yi Ye Qiu watched as Jian Liang led his team around.

    Actually, Imperial Brother was worried that Cheng Qi Country's people would come and cause trouble for you if they found out, right? Liuyu was silent for a moment, then mustered the courage to ask, she did not want to give up her last hope.

    You are very smart. There are some things that you should not know, okay? We will not mistreat you for whatever I tell you to do. A few days ago, didn't you want Mo Bao, the painter from the previous dynasty in my study? When this matter is over, I will give it to you. Yi Yeyu turned around. The tea tray next to him had been knocked down by the wind. The tea cup fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. Some of the skin flew in front of Liu Wei and landed a few inches away from the back of his hand.

    Liu Yu knew that Yi Yeyu was warning him. She didn't say anything else.

    In the middle of the night, while Yunji slept on the bed with her eyes closed, she heard the sound of the wind.

    Yun Ji suddenly opened her eyes. Liu Wei, dressed in black, was standing in front of her, but she did not get up. At this moment, the less people there were, the better. Yi Ye Qiu had killed all of the guards that were on guard with Wan Ziran. In his eyes, if a person who couldn't even tell whether they were friends or enemies had only one ending, that was death.

    The black clothed guard who was sent to guard Yun Ji's body had twice the martial arts power compared to before. Even if Liu Yu were to hit their acupoints, the time it took for it to happen was also shortened. Yun Ji knew that time was short.

    The Tenth Prince is well? Yun Ji was the first to think of Wan Ziran. She knew nothing about Wan Ziran since she was being placed under house arrest, and no one would tell her that Wan Ziran had appeared before her.

    The Tenth Prince is fine, but he doesn't want to eat. Every day, he only drinks water and all the meals sent in are brought back. Every day, he drinks a bucket of water and his body is fine. Liu Wei spoke very quickly and quietly. She had to pay attention to the situation outside at all times. With Wan Ziran's previous example, Ye Qiu had to keep an even tighter watch over Yun Ji.

    Hearing that, Yun Ji frowned, why is Wan Ziran unwilling to eat, only drinking water, does he want to fight with a hunger strike, no, he is not an idiot, how can a hunger strike give him the strength to escape the country of heaven's blessing?

    My lord, there's not much time left, listen to me, I originally wanted to tell Cheng Qi State secretly about you and the Tenth Prince, but when I thought about how Cheng Qi Kingdom is rather far away from the Heavenly Imperial Kingdom, I was worried that my lord has already gotten married to Yi Yeyu. According to what you've told me before, I've already notified Jinyue, Jinyue has already departed from the State of Wei Lan, and will soon reach the Heavenly Imperial Kingdom. When that time comes, we'll rescue my lord and the Tenth Prince, if anything happens, please do not panic, my lord.

    Liu Yu lowered his body and quickly whispered into Yun Ji's ear, placing a brocade sack into Yun Ji's hands. Before Yun Ji could respond, he had already jumped out of the window.

    Yun Ji's eyes were wide open in the darkness. She had been thinking about Liu You's words, why would Wan Zi not eat and only drink? How was he?

    Yi Ye Qiu was very surprised. Yun Ji had actually come to see him on her own accord. Yun Ji was wearing the same auspicious clothes he had worn when they had met in the Spring Wetland Palace. Yi Ye Qiu's complexion had improved greatly when he saw Yun Ji wearing the clothes he had personally chosen.

    Yun Ji stood in front of Yi Yeyu and did not kneel. She looked at Yi Yeyu with a calm face and from time to time, the jade-green step above her head would make a crisp sound.

    Clairvoyant, no, it's my beloved concubine. Why have you come to see me? Yi Yeyu stood up and walked in front of Yunji, wanting to hold her hand. Yunji took a step back and put his hands in his sleeves.

    Yunji looked at the censer behind Yi Yeqiu and didn't look at Yi Yeqiu. She looked at Yi Yeqiu who wanted to hold her hand, but she didn't reveal her hand behind her back.

    It looks very good on you, looks like you are very suitable to wear the clothes of our Tian You Country. When you become the Queen of our Tian You Country, We will have someone design clothes for you to cut your clothes. Whatever material you like, we will make someone to make it for you, as long as you like it.

    Clothes are just worldly possessions, they don't flow in the mortal world. The purpose of this visit is to tell the Emperor something else. She was even sure that Yi Yeyu would like to see her wearing these clothes so that her requirements could be fulfilled faster. No matter how proud and aloof Yi Yeyu was, he would still find it difficult to escape from the habit of being confirmed by others.

    I can roughly guess what it is. There's only one person that can make you come and find me. I'm not wrong, am I? He knew who Yun Ji came to find him for. Although he knew in his heart that Yun Ji wouldn't accept him, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart when he saw the cold and arrogant Yun Ji come to find him for Wan Ziran.

    Since the Emperor knows, I ask that he grant me his benevolence. Yun Ji said each word clearly without any emotion.

    Since you wish to obtain my permission, you must repay me with something. The corner of Yi Yeyu's mouth lifted and he sneered. There was no woman who could refuse him. Yun Ji was the last.

    What does the Emperor want? Yun Ji was still expressionless. She knew that Ye Qiu wouldn't easily agree to her request. She was already prepared.


    That's it. Yi Ye Qiu suddenly bent his head down. Under his heavy figure, he kissed Yun Ji's lips, which were as tender and glistening as roses. It was different from the previous time when it reeked of blood.

    Yun Ji's hands clenched into fists inside her sleeves. She didn't move, like a puppet. She only pressed her lips tightly together, preventing Yi Ye Qiu's snake-like tongue from entering her mouth. She didn't respond to Yi Ye Qiu's kiss at all.

    What is it? For the sake of meeting Wan Zhiran, you actually chose not to bite me, you are really obedient, I really like it. Good, since you are so obedient, I will allow you to meet Wan Zhiran once, for the last time."

    Yi Yeyu leaned close to Yun Ji's ear and blew into Yun Ji's ear, Not long from now, I'll let you know that you'll fall in love with this emperor's kiss. This emperor's kiss is many times better than Wan Ziran's.

    The hatred in Yunji's eyes was deep and fierce. She wished she could swing her fist and hit the face of Yi Yeqiu, who was a monstrous genius like him. She didn't appreciate Yi Ye Qiu's kiss at all, but compared to Wan Ran's warm lips, Yi Ye Qiu's kiss made her think of ice, those cold, emotionless ice cubes.

    One more thing. Yun Ji looked at a certain spot behind Yi Ye Qiu and coldly said.

    You really have a lot of things to do. You have to know that if you want me to do something, you will also want me to do something in return. I won't do anything that will result in me suffering losses. Yi Ye Qiu's playful and ambiguous smile made him look even more monstrous.

    I am from Cheng Qi Kingdom, so I want to be married off in accordance with the customs of Cheng Qi Kingdom. I want a young lady who has not been married off to be my concubine. In Cheng Qi, if no one who marries will be mocked for the rest of their life, I am from Cheng Qi, please do this, Your Majesty. "

    Do you want me to be unrestrained and unrestrained? Yi Yeyu's smile faded as his sword-like eyebrows creased. He had no intention of doing so.

    The Emperor wants me to become the Queen of the Blessed Kingdom. After all, this position should be unrestrained and unrestrained, and the reason the Emperor wants me to do this, is because he wanted to make this matter a reality before the people of the Cheng Qi Empire know about it. Once the Emperor of Cheng Qi learns that their fortune-teller is going to become the empress of Heaven's Blessing and that their Tenth Prince is going to be imprisoned in the Imperial Palace, your days will not be easy. There's no need to state explicitly the Emperor's intentions.

    Yun Ji let out a cold laugh. She had seen through Yi Yeyu's intentions long ago.

    The Clairvoyant is indeed clever. Then let the Clairvoyant guess again why I made you Empress. Yi Yeyu's interest was piqued. Yun Ji's intelligence was far beyond his expectations. He liked Yun Ji even more.

    "The Emperor knows that once I lose my virginity, I will lose my divination ability. The Emperor just wants to use the position of Empress to stabilize me, to change me from the fortune-teller of Cheng Qi into the Queen of Heaven's Blessing Country, to allow me to stay in Heaven's Blessing Country. Of course you will not be in the same room as me, you not only need my people, you also need my ability. Your Majesty, your thoughts are very thoughtful. You want to obtain both the fish and the bear's paw?

    Yun Ji looked at Yi Ye Qiu. Her eyes were cold. The depths of her eyes reflected a deep cold pond, as if a cold wind was blowing past.

    Well said, well said. The Clairvoyant is indeed worthy of his reputation. You will remain in Heaven's Blessing and become our empress. With my swords, your days of dominating the world will not be far! While he was surprised, he was also more determined to get Yun Ji. He wanted to use Yun Ji's ability and intelligence to get the person who truly got Yun Ji after the world fell into his hands.

    If the emperor doesn't do as I say, and the body of the Tenth Prince is laid bare in front of me, then I won't marry the emperor either. The best thing for the emperor to do is to agree to my request, and that's just to accompany me in marriage. That's all, the emperor will decide for himself. "

    After saying this, Yunji turned around. She didn't even look at Yi Ye Qiu. She stared at Slight Chill, who was standing by the door. She hastily lowered her head in fright and secretly waited for Yi Ye Qiu's orders.

    Yi Yeyu signaled to her with his eyes. She bowed and stepped back, then turned her head and asked Yun Ji to follow him.

    This was the deepest part of the palace, Yun Ji had thought that he would meet the haggard looking Wan Ziran, but who knew that other than looking slightly thinner, Wan Ziran was also healthy in all aspects, and even had good spirits. Seeing that Yun Ji was surprised, he wanted to go up and hug her, but she moved even faster, separating Yun Ji and Wan Ziran in an instant.

    Tenth prince, please honor yourself. The Clairvoyant is the Queen of Heaven's Blessing Kingdom! Jane Liang stood in front of Yunji.

    Since you know that I'll be the empress, are you going to be rude to the empress? She leered at Jane.

    I wouldn't dare. It's just that His Majesty ordered me to take good care of the Clairvoyant. Jane Liang turned his head and bowed respectfully.

    I know what the Emperor means, you go stand outside while I speak to the Tenth Prince. I am just standing in this circle to speak to the Tenth Prince, and I won't take a single step beyond this circle. I will be the Queen of the Blessed Paradise.

    Yunji picked up a teacup and used the water in it to draw a circle around her. She was standing in the middle of the circle.

    Jane listened to Yun Ji's words, looked at Yun Ji, then looked at Wan Ziran. He thought that since they were all surrounded by palace guards, he was also standing at the door. Yun Ji and Wan Ziran couldn't escape either.

    Why aren't you eating? Yun Ji turned her head and looked at Wan Ziran, her eyes filled with worry.

    The food here isn't suitable for me. I can't eat. Wan Zi Ran looked at Yun Ji, he really wanted to go up and hug Yun Ji. He walked to the side of the circle, closing the distance between him and Yun Ji, this way he could get a better look at Yun Ji, it had been three days since he last saw her, he felt like three years had passed, the way he looked at Yun Ji without blinking, as if he was instigating all of his longing for the past three days into Yun Ji at this moment.

    Are you made of iron or steel? If you don't need food, then how are you going to survive? Yunji's voice was choked with sobs. She suppressed her voice so that no one outside could hear her.

    Nothing tastes good without you around. Wan Zi Ran wanted to reach out and grab Yun Ji's hand, but Yun Ji shook her head and glanced outside the door. She really cherished this chance to meet with her and wanted to finish what she was about to say as soon as possible.

    Tenth Prince, please act with dignity. The Clairvoyant will be the empress. Please don't be disrespectful to the empress. He was both reminding Wan Ziran and also reminding Yunji not to forget his identity in the future, while he stood guard at the door.

    If you don't eat now, before you starve to death, the poison of the Seven Insects and Seven Flowers Powder will be enough to bite through your intestines and cause your intestines to rot to death. Yunji bit her lip, but she still said it.

    In your eyes, am I such an easy person to die? I have saved countless lives and the Medical Saint does not deserve his reputation. Wan Zhiran's eyes were filled with tenderness as he focused on Yun Ji. In his eyes, there was only Yun Ji and no one else.

    Those who are able to treat themselves find it difficult to do so. Yun Ji gritted her teeth, and endured the pain in her heart.

    I am a medical saint, unable to control myself. How can I be convinced by the world? Wan Zi Ran looked at Yun Ji, unwilling to leave.

    Full moon night. When we meet again, it's the agreement with the vanilla. Yun Ji took out a stalk of herb from her bosom and wrote a few words on it using the puddle of water at her feet. Wan Ziran saw the herb in Yun Ji's hand and looked at the ground.

    Wan Zhiran took the herb from Yun Ji's hand. He touched Yun Ji's hand with his finger. He looked at Yun Ji and laughed silently. Yun Ji's eyes were filled with yearning.

    Wait a minute, the Clairvoyant. I want to take a look at this stalk of grass! Jane saw Yunji passing the herb to Wan Ziran. She was afraid it might be an antidote or something else.

    It's just a blade of grass. It's the Clairvoyant's memorial. Your palace is everywhere, so what's the harm? A person as cowardly as a mouse! Wan Ziran looked at Jane in disdain. Jane ignored him and went straight for the vanilla.

    My things will not be given to others for free. Wan Ziran turned his body away, avoiding Jane's cold gaze. He stepped on the herb under his feet and stared down at Jane's face with his hands folded in front of his chest.

    It's time. Please return to the palace, Master Clairvoyant. When Jane saw this scene, she felt that the herbs had been crushed into grass. There seemed to be nothing suspicious about it, and she couldn't just pick up the grass from under Wan Ziran's feet. He glared at Wan Ziran fiercely.

    If anything happens to you, I won't let you off even if I become a ghost! Yun Ji lowered her head, quickly wiping away her tears, raising her head, and revealed the most beautiful and fierce smile, she wanted Wan Ziran to remember her words.


    Even if I become a hungry ghost, I will still pester you! Wan Zhiran wanted to reach out and wipe away the tears on Yun Ji's eyes, but the cold light blocked his eyes again, and separated Wan Zhiran's hand from his own.

    It's time to return to the palace. Please return, Clairvoyant. Jane Liang was not inviting Yunji to go back, but was ordering Yunji to go back.

    Of course I will go back. Don't worry, you keep saying that I'm your future queen, and you're being so rude to me. If you're wrong, then don't blame me in the future!

    Yun Ji said arrogantly, her expression completely different from her previous gentle attitude towards Wan Zhiran. She stared coldly at Jian Liang, and the light in her eyes made her lower her head unconsciously, I would not dare.

    You'd better not. Yun Ji snorted coldly, flung her sleeves and walked out by herself. Although she knew that Wan Ziran was looking at her with burning eyes, she did not dare to look back, as long as she did so, she was afraid that she would never be able to leave. She did not want to leave, because that would ruin everything.

    She unconsciously touched her lips. Thinking of Yi Ye Qiu's cold kiss, she shook her head fiercely and wiped away the traces of food on her lips. That haggard face of Wan Ziran appeared in front of her.

    Sure enough, Yi Yeyu agreed to Yun Ji's request. The escort he sent was Liu Shanyue.

    As I expected, Yi Yeyu will definitely look for you. Yun Ji looked at Liu Yu, who had brought a bunch of gifts with him. Liu Yu had come under Yi Ye Qiu's orders to help Yun Ji get married.

    She also brought Yun Ji, whom she hadn't seen for a long time. Jin Yue, Liu Yu, disguised as her personal maid.

    When Jinyue saw Yun Ji, her eyes became excited, but because the black clothed guard was present, she could only express her meaning with her eyes. Yunji also nodded to her, but the doubt in her heart became even bigger: Jinyue is Dugu Yin's right hand, her position in Weilan Kingdom is very important, but as long as she hears that something is wrong, she would abandon everything and come to rescue her.

    If you make this request, Yi Yeyu will ask for the marriage ceremony to be kept quiet and not spread it to the public. He can only choose people from the imperial palace, his imperial concubine is already married, and there are no other princesses. She was very happy to see Yun Ji change into the clothes they had arranged in the morning. In fact, the clothes Yun Ji was wearing were the same clothes Liu Wei always wore, and the clothes Liu Wei wore were the same clothes Yun Ji usually wore.

    Where's Jinyue? Is she here? I was locked up here and didn't know anything. " Yunji lifted a teacup in one hand and looked at Liujun through the smoke rising from the teacup.

    Jinyue has already gone to save the Tenth Prince. We've only met twice. Since she knew, please rest assured that we will definitely send our lord and the Tenth Prince out of the palace. Outside, she saw the black-robed guards standing with their backs to them.

    Please take a seat mister Clairvoyant. I'll dress you up properly. You have to understand that every woman in the palace has to like my makeup. Then, she pulled up Yunji and stood up on her own, letting Yunji stand behind her. She placed a box of rouge in Yunji's hands.

    Yunji opened the rouge box. There were a few lines of tiny words written in red rouge on the white bottom.

    I am you, you are me, the path, out of the palace.

    Liu Yu picked up the powder puff and lightly blew. The rouge turned into powder and scattered.

    If you don't get dressed up and miss the timing, Yi Yeyu will be the first to ask you and the princess will also ask for your punishment! Suddenly, Liu Yu used the tone of Yunji as he spoke. His voice sounded very similar, causing Yunji to smile.

    Yun Ji was someone who had seen a storm before. She quickly turned herself into Princess Mingyue. Liu Yu was a top-notch expert. He wasn't just a simple assassin; she knew a lot of things.

    It was only later on that Yunji found out that makeup was a disguise and could even imitate other people's voices. These were all courses that their Nightmare Organization had to learn.

    Liu Yu, are you sure Yi Yeyu won't deal with you? Yun Ji looked at the meticulously dressed Liu Yu in the mirror. Liu Wei's excellent makeup skills made him look like Yun Ji at this moment. Yi Ye Qiu had to believe that Liu Zhi was trying to trade with him to get out of the palace, so he couldn't use a disguise technique, and could only rely on his makeup to pass through.

    He won't deal with me, he will only think that I have been bewitched and threatened by you, and he still needs to use my foster father, so due to my identity, he won't do anything to me. He also doesn't know the relationship between you and me, and I'm still the one sent by him, so you're a fortune-teller, and your identity is enough to convince Yi Ye Qiu. I don't have much time left, so you should hurry up and leave.

    As long as the makeup she painted for Yunji wasn't someone who was very familiar with Liuyi, it would be difficult for her to recognize Yunji if she didn't look at him up close. Liuyu used a look in her eyes to reassure Yunji, she and Yunji exchanged identities, and Yunji was led out of the palace by Jinyue.

    Let's go. If we delay any longer, something really bad will happen. Jinyue had come to Liu Yu's side three days ago. She disguised herself as a palace maid and according to Liu Lian's plan, she would wait for an opportunity to bring Yun Ji and Wan Ziran out.

    Yunji glanced at Liu Wei, who had already put down his hood, not wanting to let Yunji see any more worry. With the cover of the hood, at least Jinyue would be able to escape.

    Your cooking skills are pretty good. You guys go out first. The food prepared for me by the emperor hasn't been delivered yet. Hurry up, Liu Yu imitated Yun Ji's tone as he told Yun Ji. Yun Ji knew that Liu was looking for an opportunity to leave. She bowed towards Liu and used her identity as Princess Mingyue to lead him out.

    Jin Yue brought Yun Ji out of the main door. She was very calm. Firstly, Jin Yue was by her side, and secondly, she knew that she mustn't reveal anything. If she did something rash, it would leak out.

    Yun Ji felt it was strange. She lowered her voice and said to Jin Yue, who was standing behind her, Yi Yeyu is such a child's play. He wants to marry me as his empress because he has the ability to do so. Although Yun Ji was unwilling to marry Yi Yeyu, and Yi Yeyu wanted to keep a low profile so that the people of Cheng Qi State wouldn't know about this, Yun Ji still hoped that she would be valued. It was just that at this moment, it was too lonely.

    My lord, I ordered someone to plant some voodoo Gu behind Yi Yeyu's chambers, and Liu You arranged for people to discover them at the critical time, making Yi Yeyu think that someone from the imperial harem is planning to harm him. My lord, I ordered someone to plant some voodoo Gu behind Yi Yeyu's chambers, and at the critical moment, Liu You arranged for people to discover them, making Yi Yeyu think that someone from the harem is planning to kill him.

    On the surface, it seemed like she was helping Yunji to move forward, but in reality, she was carrying Yunji to move faster. Yunji felt that with Yunji's support, she could walk several times faster than usual.

    They were about to reach the archway at the back, and according to Liu Yu's plan, she would use a human skin mask to exchange a eunuch with Wan Ziran, and then send Wan Ziran out of the palace, making an appointment to meet him at the back. As long as they passed through this door, they would be able to meet Wan Ziran, and when she thought of seeing Wan Ziran immediately, Yun Ji's footsteps unconsciously quickened, and her heartbeat quickened.

    Wait, who are you? Why are you here? A familiar and shrill voice exploded from behind Yun Ji. Yun Ji remembered this voice; it was the voice of the previous Queen, the present Imperial Concubine Guan Xinxin.

    Yun Ji stopped walking and Jin Yue said in a low voice, Don't speak, just pretend that she doesn't exist.

    Yun Ji knew that once she opened her mouth to speak, people would know that she wasn't Liu Yu. As long as she didn't speak, it would be difficult to determine her true identity just by looking at her appearance.

    So it's Princess Mingyue. Liu Yu, it's me, no, no, it's me, I'm your sister-in-law! Liu Yu, look at me, I've been ordered by the Emperor to abduct my throne, and I've been moved here from the Hall of Obscure. I've been living a miserable life here, aren't you here to see me? Liu Ci, Liu Ci!

    Guan Nian Xin recognized Liu Yu's clothes. She thought that Liu Yu came to see her due to his usual feelings, and couldn't help but call out.

    My lord, don't make a sound. I'll deal with it. There isn't much time, the sooner the better. After Jin Yue finished speaking, she turned around and said to Guan Xin Xin Xin, Empress, please wait a moment. Our princess has matters to attend to and is leaving the palace, not here to visit the Empress. When the princess is free in the future, she will naturally visit the Empress.

    After Jin Yue finished speaking, she bowed and left in a hurry with Yun Ji.


    Liu Yu, Liu Yu, you damned girl, seeing that I have been demoted, you didn't come here, did you? You really are an ungrateful person. Don't you think about how good I was to you in the past? I …" Guan Nian Xin suddenly clutched at his throat and began to cough rapidly. As she coughed, she bent over speechlessly. Looking at the gem that had hit her throat, she saw that it had fallen to the ground. It was an earpiece.

    Yunji noticed that one of Jinyue's earrings was missing. Yunji gave Jinyue an appreciative smile and continued forward.

    When they finally arrived at a small mountain outside the palace, Yun Ji saw Wan Ziran, who had been thinking about him day and night. Wan Ziran's pale face was ashen; he was actually panting heavily.

    When Wan Zi Ran saw Yun Ji, a smile appeared on his handsome face, but in Yun Ji's eyes, that smile was so weak that Wan Zi Ran didn't even have the strength to hug Yun Ji anymore.

    You look really ugly, this is the first time I've seen you not having the strength to talk back to me, aren't you a medical saint? I might as well check my own pulse and see when you will die. Yun Ji went forward to support Wan Zi Ran. Wan Zi Ran's body was soft, leaning on Yun Ji's body.

    You haven't died yet, how could I? If I die in front of you, I won't be able to see you crying like a mottled cat. I won't have much fun. I wanted to use the hunger strike to speed up the effects of the Seven Insects and Seven Flowers Powder in my body so that I could know what the bugs and flowers are like before you and Yi Yeyu get married."

    Even Yun Ji knew that as long as she was able to develop the antidote, Yun Ji could avoid marrying Yi Ye Qiu.

    Wan Ziran was out of breath, he was already very tired from the hunger, and now that they were hurrying along, his body became weaker and weaker, Yun Ji felt that what she was relying on was not Wan Ziran, but a pile of cotton.

    Yun Ji held on to Wan Zhiran and saw that there were several knife wounds on his arm. The wounds were not deep, but they were very fresh.

    What is this? Yun Ji picked up Wan Zhiran's arm, which was covered in knife marks.

    Don't worry, I cut it myself. When the medicinal properties are in effect, I must remain awake to remember the symptoms of the attack, and only then will I know what the poison is. Don't worry, I cut myself, and when the medicinal effects are in effect, I must remain awake to remember the symptoms of the attack, and only then will I know what the poison is.

    Wan Ziran took out a piece of paper with trembling hands. On it were written the names of 14 kinds of poisonous bugs and 14 kinds of poisonous flowers. It was also the name of the drug that was needed to cure the poison.

    Do you not want to live or do you feel that your life is so despicable that it has to be so wasted? Yunji took the piece of paper. Her hands were shaking.

    No, even without the antidote, we can still endure for fifteen days. But it will be a bit more difficult. Wan Zhiran wanted to reach out and grab Yun Ji's hand, but his hand fell from the sky and Yun Ji caught it in time.

    Yun Ji looked at Wan Ziran's pale face, it was her most beloved face, everything he did was for her, sacrificing his life. She didn't dare to imagine, if Jin Yue and Liu Xian didn't save them, what would happen to Wan Ziran in the end.

    Thinking that she almost lost Wan Ziran, Yun Ji couldn't help hugging him tightly. Wan Zhiran slowly closed his eyes in Yun Ji's embrace. He was very tired and hungry, but he couldn't eat right now. He had to get the antidote as soon as possible.

    Lord, there's a cave up ahead that's better stealth. We'll hide there for now, so the Tenth Prince shouldn't travel too far. If Yi Ye Qiu finds out that we've come out, he'll definitely send his troops to search for us.

    Jin Yue returned after inspecting the terrain to inform Yun Ji, upon seeing that Wan Ziran had already fallen into a semi-coma, she immediately turned around and gave her the paper Wan Ziran gave her, telling her to get the necessary herbs for the antidote.

    Jinyue took a long time to bring back the herbs. She searched for a long time before finally finding a town to buy herbs.

    Yunji personally used the stone to mash the herbs. She used her hands to hold the herbs and fed it to Wan Zhiran's lips. The poison in Wan Zhiran's body flared up and she tightly clenched her teeth.

    Yun Ji tried to pry open Wan Ziran's mouth. It was difficult to pry it open, but Wan Ziran's teeth were tightly clenched. Even with Jin Yue's help, she was still unable to do anything.

    What should we do? If you don't eat it now, I'm afraid something bad will happen to the Tenth Prince." Jin Yue saw Yun Ji's expression and didn't dare to say that if she continued to delay it, Wan Ziran would die from the poison.

    Yun Ji looked at Wan Zhiran, then looked at the herbs in her hands, without even thinking, she placed all of them on her tongue, bent down and kissed Wan Zhiran, her lips were warm and fragrant at the moment, and Wan Zhiran's purple and cold lips slowly reacted, Wan Zhiran returned the kiss, while Yun Ji used her tongue to pry open Wan Zhiran's teeth, and directly sent the medicine into Wan Zhiran's mouth.

    Yun Ji only let go of her lips when she heard the sound of Wan Ziran swallowing the herb. She looked at Wan Ziran unblinkingly as she wanted to make sure that Wan Ziran had already swallowed the antidote.

    Yun Ji thought back to the first time they met, Wan Ziran wanted him to drink the soup, so he fed it to her, and this time she gave it back to him.

    Wan Zhiran's face changed from ashen to pale, then from pale to slightly red, cold sweat continuously poured out from every part of his body, and even though Yun Ji did not stop to wipe away the sweat on Wan Zhiran's clothes, it quickly soaked them all. In the end, Yun Ji could only take off Wan Zhiran's completely drenched clothes, and cover him with her cape.

    Did something happen? When I was poisoned, Yi Yeyu gave me the understanding potion, but there wasn't any reaction. How come Ziran is so strong? Why is he sweating so much? Is it Zi Ran's fault? Yun Ji

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