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Holy Path of Science & Spirituality (Theory of Self-Realization) (Part-1)-2020
Holy Path of Science & Spirituality (Theory of Self-Realization) (Part-1)-2020
Holy Path of Science & Spirituality (Theory of Self-Realization) (Part-1)-2020
Ebook214 pages2 hours

Holy Path of Science & Spirituality (Theory of Self-Realization) (Part-1)-2020

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About this ebook

This is an exceptional attempt to write a spiritual book in a scientific way. It correlates our latest scientific cosmological researches and technological developments with the universal science of Yoga and the Scriptures. There is a need to understand Science, God and Self-Realization for maintenance of peace of mind. Due to the advancement of our scientific and cosmological knowledge, a major transformation is always taking place in our minds mainly the students getting education in schools, colleges and universities.

Release dateOct 1, 2020
Holy Path of Science & Spirituality (Theory of Self-Realization) (Part-1)-2020

Dharam Vir Mangla

About the AuthorSri Dharam Vir Mangla, M.Sc. M.Ed. PGDCA got his master’s degrees from university of Delhi. Since his birth he had scientific bent of mind. He joined his Ph.D. in Mathematics at Delhi University in 1969. Since his childhood he used to study the religious books. He used to discuss about God, Scripture and the science with saints and learned people. In 1969 a divine miracle of Sri Sathya Sai Baba transformed his soul, life, philosophy and thinking. He became a perfect theist with a firm faith and conviction in God. He totally surrendered himself to God. After that he was fully interested in knowing and seeking God. He devoted all his energies in the pursuit of God, spiritual studies and yoga practices. During 1976-78 he served as lecturer in Mathematics at University of Aden. Since 1996 he worked as the Principal in Delhi.The Yogoda Satsanga Society (YSS) initiated him in ‘Kriya Yoga’. He is a scholar of Science, Mathematics, Education and Philosophy and has the ability to correlate Sciences, Scriptures, and God. This book is based upon his vast yogic experience and studies He learnt meditation from various saints in Himalayas and YSS. This book is useful to all categories of men: believers, non-believers and the wavering minds about God. By his spiritual discourse at various places including USA, he is bringing a transformation in people.This book will help “Seekers of the Ultimate Truth”. It is a laborious and commendable research work. The scientists will do further research work as suggested by the author throughout the book and add further to it – as it is a continuous process in the development of knowledge.

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    Book preview

    Holy Path of Science & Spirituality (Theory of Self-Realization) (Part-1)-2020 - Dharam Vir Mangla

    Holy Path of

    Science & Spirituality

    (Theory of Self-Realization)


    Sri Dharam Vir Mangla

    M.Sc. M.Ed. PGDCA

    Edited by: Raju Gupta, MCA

    Geeta International Publishers & Distributors

    Copyright © 2020 and all rights reserved are with Dharam Vir Mangla (Author) and Raju Gupta (Editor). No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, except for brief passages quoted in a book review.

    Holy Path of

    Science & Spirituality

    (Theory of Self-Realization)


    Author: Sri Dharam Vir Mangla

    M.Sc. M.Ed. PGDCA

    Edited by: Raju Gupta, MCA

    Dr. Vibha Gupta, M. Phil., M.Sc. (U.K.), Ph.D.

    M: +91 981 868 7931 & +91 987 119 3043

    Geeta international Publishers & Distributors

    197 Geeta Apartments, Geeta Colony, Delhi-110031 INDIA




    About the Author

    Related books by Author

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    Ch:-2 The Greatest Puzzle: Who am I

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    God-Realization Foundation (GRF)

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    Revered Saint Sri Mahavatar Babaji

    It is the photo of his idol at Mahavtar Babaji Meditation Centre, Palampur, Himachal Predesh, India founded by Sri Amar Jyoti Babaji. Sri Mahavtar Babaji is the Guru of Sri Lahari Mahashyia. He is said to many thousand years old. He doesn’t need to eat, drink & excrete. Appear and disappear at any place. He is known to spread Kriya Yoga technique to his followers.


    (Possibly 788 – 820 CE)

    He was a great miraculous revered saint and a partial Avatara of God. He peacefully reconverted most of the Buddhists back to Hinduism without any violence, coercion & temptation during his very short span of life as he died at an early age. He translated most of the Hindu Scriptures from Sanskrit to regional languages. He had the ability to transmigrate his soul to other body at his will.


    Dr. R.K. Gupta

    Deputy Director General

    National Informatics Centre,

    G.O.I, CGO Complex, New Delhi. \

    Dr. Archana Gupta

    Director & Scientist ‘E’

    Council of Sc. & Ind. Research,

    Govt. of India, PUSA, New Delhi.

    Path of Science & Spirituality (Theory of Self Realization) is an exceptional attempt to write a spiritual book in a scientific way. It correlates our latest scientific cosmological researches and technological developments with the universal science of Yoga and the Scriptures. Present is a historic times. The whole world is facing an inevitable danger of its existence due to the horror faced by intermixing of religion with politics and terrorism against the survival of humanity and peace. There is a need to understand Science, God and Self-Realization for maintenance of peace. Due to the advancement of our scientific and cosmological knowledge, a major transformation is always taking place in our minds mainly the students getting education in schools, colleges and universities.

    Our system of education has become infructuous. Most of the teachers have become indifferent, towards God while teaching their subjects. Students have simply become big storehouses of huge data supplied by their teachers. They are unable to analyze and interpret it correctly. It is puzzling their little mind. The parents, society and most of the governments have stopped providing any religious and philosophical education to the students. Besides some of the governments are misusing the religions to provide training of terrorism and violence to achieve their hidden wicked aim.

    None has a time and none has taken any responsibility to answer the unending questions & quarries arising in the mind of the students. Now the younger generations also want to know about God, the universe, dreams, death, birth, rebirth, mind, consciousness, intelligence, illusions, delusions, Maya, soul, miracles, saints, Avatara and Scriptures etc. The author has tried successfully to answer their difficult questions?

    Everybody wants to know who really they are. From where, they have come to this temporary world for a short duration? Who imprisoned them in their body to act in this world like a puppet? What will happen to them after their death? Where they will go after their death? What is the purpose of life? What is this mysterious universe around us? Who made the scientific laws governing the universe and us? What is the purpose behind the creation of the universe? What is God? Is it possible to contact God? How to know God? The author has tried his best to satisfy all such eternal quarries of man in this rare book.

    The book deals with the most common misconceptions and confusions in the minds of educated people like the difference between: Illusions – Delusions – Maya; Guru – Teacher – Instructor, Information – Knowledge; due to increase of information our ignorance is increasing; Creation – Creator; Belief – Faith; Life Energy (prana) – Physical Energies; Avatars–Self realized saints; Scriptures – Ordinary or Holy Books, Magic – Miracle, Proof – Verification; Scientific Laws are beyond derivation and proofs; Are the Scriptures or Shastras are Myths or Reality; Who is writer of Vedas and Scriptures; Misconceptions about dreams and death etc.

    Due to teaching of sciences in an erroneous way much confusion and misconceptions are created in our minds. It is due to the faulty system of education and faulty teaching. For example many began to think that information is knowledge; science and technology can do anything (even impossible) and there is no need of the creator for the creation of the universe. Most of the students generally lost their faith in the existence of God and began to ignore their religion. They began to doubt upon the miracles performed by the saints and apparently become atheist.

    The author has tried his best to remove their doubts and misconceptions. He has tried to convince that the sciences, the Scriptures, the religions and the yogic science are in perfect agreement with each other. There cannot be any contradiction between the religions, God and the scientific laws. The Scriptures are not myths but are full of truth. Science and the Scriptures are not contradictory to each other as said by some ignorant scientists. Both are supplementing their knowledge to each other and ultimately leading to the same Absolute Complete Truth.

    Due to rapid scientific and technological advancement, our old ideas and philosophies are changing and the new ideas and philosophies are taking births. Now the scientists have began to realize that our basic identity in the world is neither mind, nor the physical body bounded by birth and death, nor time and space. But it is basically the infinite universal and eternal spirit with infinite cosmic consciousness. This consciousness is beyond time and space and is unaffected by death. The entire cosmos is a manifestation of universal consciousness. It is beyond limits, finite, eternal, and without boundaries. It is ultimately our real self. Why we have not realized this truth?

    Our sciences are still in childhood stage. The writer has successfully proved the need of further researches in the various fields, which will be most useful in the future- development of the man in the world.

    As the scientists verify the laws of natural sciences in their laboratories, similarly the yogis experiment to verify the laws of yoga mentioned in the Scriptures through the yogic science. If a scientist intentionally ignores God, it is like ignoring and denying the existence of the universe around us. This kind of thinking is unscientific and needs to be changed.

    This book emphasizes the latest researches and theories of natural sciences and the spiritual view of the Scriptures, especially in respect of the miracles and to understand the structure, origin of the universe and matter. The author compared the latest concept of the origin and creation of universe as perceived by cosmologists and as mentioned in the Holy Vedas perceived by the great self-realized saints. The readers are open to accept the concepts about the universe; whichever is more convincing to them.

    Dr. R.K. Gupta

    Dr. Archana Gupta



    The book Path of Science & Spirituality (Theory of Self Realization) is an attempt to lead a scientific and spiritual peaceful life in accordance with the latest scientific discoveries and the Scriptures. Both the sciences & spiritualism are leading to the same ultimate truth.

    Although God is one and Truth is one, but there are so many misconceptions between Spirituality & Sciences. It needs to be synthesized both to remove the differences. Now the latest Cosmological researches are confidently accepting the evidence and the hand of an infinite intelligent powerful Almighty God in the creation of the universe. But some of the authors who are neither spiritual nor have enough knowledge of yoga, sciences and spirituality are creating misconceptions and confusion among the readers. This book is a rare attempt to remove those misconceptions and confusions.

    The humanity is now haunted by so many unanswered questions and there is none is to help. It is ridiculous that the religions which do not believe in God or soul or Shastras have never proved the non-existence of God or soul, but they call themselves the most spiritual in world. To equate an Avatara of God to a saint or a founder of a religion is a grievous error due to ignorance. This book has the sole aim to clarify the concept of God and to create a firm faith in Him. I have tried my best not to twist any spiritual, scientific or historical fact (as it is a common practice) to please or displease the people of any religion or a country or a political party. The Truth should not be twisted to please someone for a selfish aim.

    I am fortunate that I was born in India, which has given birth to so many great religions of the world. The spiritual knowledge of the great Vedas, Puranas and Shastras is available in India easily without doing any extra efforts. I have the blessings of some great saints like Sri Amar Jyoti Babaji, Mahavatar Babaji and Sri Sathya Sai Babaji. Generally, the people of the west are deprived of such opportunity.

    I am thankful to Sri Amar Jyoti Babaji, a most revered saint of India, who has inspired and blessed me to write this book. All my family members have his company & blessings. I am indebted for the computer help and in providing the various ideas of scientific and spiritual views of my wife Mrs. Vimla Devi, daughter Jai Shree and son Raju Gupta.

    I got a lot of help, inspiration and guidance in writing this book from many God-devoted friends like Sh. Ashok Verdhan Dewan Ex-Deputy Director Education from Jammu, Mr. & Mrs. Prem Bhandari Head of Third Eye Mission in India, Sh. R.K. Gupta Deputy Director General & Head of NIC, Dr. Archana Gupta Director CSIR, & Sh. M.D. Goel Assistant Director of Education, and others.

    I can never forget the help of all the persons in publishing this book in the service of Go.

    Dharam Vir Mangla


    About the Author

    Sh. D.V. Mangla, M.Sc. M.Ed. PGDCA, retired Principal got his master’s degrees from University of Delhi. He is religious and extraordinary combination of spiritual and scientific bent of mind. He is practicing ‘Kriya Yoga’ since 1969 & has opportunity of the company and blessings of great saints. He has devoted his life in the pursuit of God, spiritual studies and yoga. He served as lecturer in Mathematics at University of Aden and worked as Principal in Delhi.

    He is a scholar of Scriptures, Science, Mathematics, Education and Philosophy. He has the ability to correlate Sciences, Shastras, Spiritual Science and God. His books are rare masterpieces based upon his spiritual inner experiences and vast studies, which are useful for both believers and non-believers. Besides his scientific-cum-spiritual discourses he conducts seminars on yoga & stress management.

    He is founder of the ‘God Realization Foundation’ (GRF), and gives spiritual guidance to the members on the basis of various e-Spiritual Tests. His writings are commendable research work and a reservoir for further spiritual researches.

    He is a renowned author of various advanced level spiritual books, which have been appreciated by thousands of reputed readers throughout the world.

    Ashok Vardhan Dewan

    Ex-Deputy Director Edu., J & K

    Related Books by the Author (Both in English & Hindi)

    Holy Path of Science & Spirituality (Theory of Self-Realization)

    World’s Great Saints & Yogis

    Buddhism v/s Hinduism (A Comparative Study)

    Art of Yoga: Herbs for Health

    Search for God & Self

    Know God thru Questioning

    God & Self Realization (Scientific & Spiritual View)

    Kundalini & Kriya Yoga

    The Eternal Question Who Am I

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