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Great Awakening
Great Awakening
Great Awakening
Ebook104 pages2 hours

Great Awakening

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About this ebook

This amazing compilation is from some of Neville’s many powerful works of which three (Feeling is the Secret 1944, At Your Command 1939, and Out of this World 1949) make the Great Awakening. Neville has influenced and empowered millions worldwide with the “I AM” principles and spiritual imagery displayed so powerfully within his many teachings.

“Your world is your consciousness objectified.” The tragedy of today is that we do not know this. We are out of tune with the infinite, have ignorantly lost our contact with the unconscious world of inner reality, the true source of life. Today, therefore, we are a people tragically cut off from our roots, from our creative and spiritual roots but with the vast knowledge shared by the inspiration of Neville, that all begins to change.

About the Author
Neville Lancelot Goddard (1905-1972) was a profoundly influential prophet, teacher, and author.

He was born on 19 February 1905 in St. Michael, Barbados, within the British West Indies. He was the child of a merchant family; Joseph Nathaniel Goddard and Wilhelmina Nee Hinkinson. In a large family of nine boys and one girl, he was the fourth born.

In his early years, Neville did not associate himself as a meta-physician. Recognized for his teaching methods, he was appointed for biblical teachings with a specialized focus on psychological truth. The aim of his teachings was to restore awareness of the knowledge of the world taught by our ancestors.

In 1922 he immigrated to the United States to review drama at the age of seventeen. He worked as a dancer and, in the same period, married his first wife. They had a son together, named Joseph Neville Goddard. However, his first marriage was short-lived, and he remained single thereafter for a decade. On the career front, his paths were shifting as well. On tour with his dance company in England, he developed an interest in metaphysics after an enlightening conversation with a Scotsman who lent him a series of books on the mind’s powers. Upon his return to New York, he gave up the show business to devote his full attention to studying the spiritual and mystical world.

Release dateOct 17, 2020
Great Awakening

Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard (1905-1972) abandoned his work as a dancer and actor to dedicate himself to a career as a metaphysical writer and lecturer. Neville's work, including his book At Your Command, influenced a range of spiritual thinkers, from Joseph Murphy to Carlos Castaneda.

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    Great Awakening - Neville Goddard


    This amazing compilation is from some of Neville’s many powerful works of which three make the Great Awakening. Neville has influenced and empowered millions worldwide with the I AM principles and spiritual imagery displayed so powerfully within his many teachings.

    We know very little about the Unconscious—and only a little more about the way it works. But we assume that in some way the conscious thinking self evolves out of, but still has its roots in its unformed darkness. In the child, we can see this growth of an ego occur at an early age, watch speech and understanding develop, and see mind grow where before there was only irrational irresponsibility. Life and the Unconscious existed long before the child could say I and when this I disappears, as it does for all of us during sleep or coma, life and spirit or God, still continue—as our observation of other people and our own dreams inform us. We assume that this process taking place in the individual, is a rapid-fire reiteration of a psychic process which occurred thousands, possibly millions of years ago, in the development of humanity, when mind gradually and ever so slowly made its appearance on the evolutionary scene. Mind once evolved out of the unconscious, and even today is still dependent upon it. Man’s present conception of himself has evolved out of his unconditioned awareness of being which, if called upon, can alter that conception in strange and wonderful ways.

    God and the Unconscious are one. These terms imply the same reality. And as all things flow from God as his conceptions, so in the same manner, the form of our environment emanates from the Unconscious. As God created the world through the formulation of his own imaginative concepts, so also the Unconscious creates its own world. Your world is your consciousness objectified. The tragedy of today is that we do not know this. We are out of tune with the infinite, have ignorantly lost our contact with the unconscious world of inner reality, the true source of life. Today, therefore, we are a people tragically cut off from our roots, from our creative and spiritual roots but with the vast knowledge shared by the inspiration of Neville, that all begins to change.

    RJ Salerno

    Feeling is the Secret (1944)



    (The Art of Realizing Your Desires)

    Neville Goddard

    Feeling is the Secret was originally published in 1944.



    Chapter I Law and Its Operation

    Chapter II Sleep

    Chapter III Prayer

    Chapter IV Feeling


    THIS BOOK is concerned with the art of realizing your desire. It gives you an account of the mechanism used in the production of the visible world. It is a small book but not slight. There is a treasure in it, a clearly defined road to the realization of your dreams.

    Were it possible to carry conviction to another by means of reasoned arguments and detailed instances, this book would be many times its size. It is seldom possible, however, to do so by means of written statements or arguments since to the suspended judgment it always seems plausible to say that the author was dishonest or deluded, and, therefore, his evidence was tainted.

    Consequently, I have purposely omitted all arguments and testimonials, and simply challenge the open-minded reader to practice the law of consciousness as revealed in this book. Personal success will prove far more convincing than all the books that could be written on the subject.


    Chapter I

    Law and Its Operation


    he world, and all within it, is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation.

    Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life. Armed with a working knowledge of this law, you can build and maintain an ideal world.

    Consciousness is the one and only reality, not figuratively but actually. This reality may for the sake of clarity be likened unto a stream which is divided into two parts, the conscious and the subconscious. In order to intelligently operate the law of consciousness, it is necessary to understand the relationship between the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious is personal and selective; the subconscious is impersonal and non-selective. The conscious is the realm of effect; the subconscious is the realm of cause. These two aspects are the male and female divisions of consciousness. The conscious is male; the subconscious is female. The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them.

    By this law – first conceiving an idea and then impressing the idea conceived on the subconscious – all things evolve out of consciousness; and without this sequence, there is not anything made that is made. The conscious impresses the subconscious, while the subconscious expresses all that is impressed upon it.

    The subconscious does not originate ideas, but accepts as true those which the conscious mind feels to be true and, in a way known only to itself, objectifies the accepted ideas. Therefore, through his power to imagine and feel and his freedom to choose the idea he will entertain, man has control over creation. Control of the subconscious is accomplished through control of your ideas and feelings.

    The mechanism of creation is hidden in the very depth of the subconscious, the female aspect or womb of creation. The subconscious transcends reason and is independent of induction. It contemplates a feeling as a fact existing within itself and on this assumption proceeds to give expression to it. The creative process begins with an idea and its cycle runs its course as a feeling and ends in a volition to act.

    Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feeling. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt – be it good, bad or indifferent – it must be expressed. Feeling is the one and only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious. Therefore, the man who does not control his feeling may easily impress the subconscious with undesirable states. By control of feeling is not meant restraint or suppression of your feeling, but rather the disciplining of self to imagine and entertain only such feeling as contributes to your happiness. Control of your feeling is all important to a full and happy life. Never entertain an undesirable feeling, nor think sympathetically about wrong in any shape or form. Do

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