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Mr. Boogey and Miss Spooky
Mr. Boogey and Miss Spooky
Mr. Boogey and Miss Spooky
Ebook18 pages11 minutes

Mr. Boogey and Miss Spooky

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About this ebook

Jade is terrified of her father. He drinks swears and hurts her. Her mother hasn't done anything to protect her so little Jade has to become clever. But she's tired of defending herself. One night, she meets her guardian angels. Well, they're not angels but they promise to protect her nonetheless.

PublisherViolet Monroe
Release dateOct 1, 2020
Mr. Boogey and Miss Spooky

Violet Monroe

My name is Violet and I love to write. I have always loved to read and one day, I started writing poems. I created stories when I was younger and now, I am fulfilling a lifelong dream of mine. I live in Woodstock, Georgia and when I am not writing, I'm attending school to be a teacher and I also walk dogs to earn a bit of extra money.

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    Mr. Boogey and Miss Spooky - Violet Monroe

    Mr. Boogey and Miss Spooky

    Published by Violet Monroe at Smashwords

    Copyright 2020 Violet Monroe

    Mr. Boogey and Miss Spooky

    Jade had locked her bedroom door. It was another Friday night, which meant her father was going to drink. Mama was working late so there was no one to protect her. Even if Mama had been home, it wouldn’t change things. Jade hadn’t told her what was happening when she was away. Jade had gotten smarter but the more she avoided him, the angrier he became. She didn't know how much longer she could keep this up.

    Jade pushed her toy chest in front of the door, just to be extra safe. Walking back to her bed, she stopped when she saw herself in the mirror. Glancing down, she saw the burns from last night. Daddy had been

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