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Footprints In the Sand
Footprints In the Sand
Footprints In the Sand
Ebook154 pages1 hour

Footprints In the Sand

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About this ebook

Who has never had troubles, anguish or despair?
We feel acute loneliness during these times. Our burdens seem too heavy to bear. Yet when we turn our eyes to heaven and pray for solace, Christ promises us his love. He, not only walks with us along the path leaden with rocks and thorns but he in fact carries us, lightening our burdens with his gentle touch.
Christianity promises us eternal life if we walk with Jesus every day.
This book seeks to explore the messages from the Bible and reminds us of the words from the Bible. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the
Lord, your God goes with you, he will never forsake you.’
The words of the famous hymn should encourage us “I will never forsake you, my people. I have carved you on the palm of my hand.”
Our one set of footprints left behind in the sand only serve to remind us of God’s infinite love for each one of us.
Release dateMar 30, 2016
Footprints In the Sand

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    Book preview

    Footprints In the Sand - Christine D'Sylva

    Footprints In the Sand

    Footprints in the Sand.


    The Bible remains the bestseller book of all time.

    The words of the Bible are inspirational. They give hope and render faith in our lives.

    Jesus in the New Testament was the son of God. He had come on earth to save us from our sins and promises us eternal life in heaven.

    Everyone has had times of trouble and difficulty. During these times, Jesus promises us his love and care though our faith may falter.

    We, feel at times like a ship tossed in the stormy ocean, alone and helpless. Yet when we turn our eyes to Jesus, he promises to walk with us along the way.

    His caring and gentle love is like a soothing balm to our hurt souls and we soon feel calm and at peace again.

    In this journey to understanding the Christian faith, Jesus Christ, not only walks with us, but he carries us, enlightening our minds and hearts to receive his grace.

    When you read this book, you will read inspirational stories of faith and hope.

    There is no problem too difficult for Christ to solve, no problem too deep for him not to render his help and ease our hurt, and troubled souls.

    Let us begin our walk with Jesus by understanding his words, miracles and his teachings.

    Chapter 1.

    Bread of Life.

    I am the bread of life. He who believes in me shall not hunger and who believes in me shall not thirst.

    Jesus Christ is the living bread for us. The ‘Our father’ which he taught us teaches us to pray to God for our daily bread {all our material needs}. Jesus offered bread during the Last Supper. It was symbolic of his body.

    In the miracle of the loaves of bread and fish he multiplied both and fed multitudes of people and there were leftovers too.

    In the Holy Eucharist we are offered the ‘host’ which is bread and symbolic of receiving Christ.

    Jesus is our daily spiritual bread. He is the bread of life. Whoever believes in him, he promises will have eternal life. Life on earth is walking with him every day and in Heaven we are united with him.

    As we go along our journey understanding Christ we shall examine the various ways in which Jesus the Bread of Life can enrich our lives and enlighten our minds and our hearts.

    Chapter 2.

    The strength to carry on.

    In Kashmir there was a young man who was a victim of the bomb blast.

    He was hospitalized for around a year or so. He was informed that he had lost the use of both his legs and would now use a wheelchair.

    It was a terrible blow and naturally he was dejected.

    However after a while instead of cursing God or fate he decided to forge ahead with his life.

    He opened a school for disabled kids.

    Today a young girl, who could barely walk has begun to walk and dreams of becoming a teacher.

    A young boy, also disabled now dreams of becoming a doctor.

    He has touched their lives with hope and encouragement and miracles like these have happened. He is not bitter nor filled with self- pity. This would not have happened if he did not trust in God. This could not have happened if he had sunk in self-pity and despair. Many people are well versed with the life of Helen Keller, the blind girl who lived till old age embracing her blindness with fortitude.

    It would be so easy to say she accepted it without misery but this was untrue. Nobody likes to be blind but she accepted her blindness with an ease that made people admire her. She was an inspiration for millions of blind people.

    Once she was asked what she thought would happen when she died and went to Heaven.

    She replied calmly that she did not mind dying and going to heaven for it was there she would be able to see at last.

    Beethoven the world famous music composer who composed wonderful compositions like Moonlight Sonata and ‘Fur Elise ’etc. became deaf at a later age. Yet this did not hinder him from continuing to compose beautiful melodies. How hard it must be to compose music when one cannot hear it! Yet he persisted and continued making music his life and thus gave the world beautiful timeless melodies.

    What does all this reveal to you and to me?

    Simply this- When God closes a window, He opens a door. The strength to carry on despite odds can come only from within- a place in our heart where God dwells.

    Chapter 3.

    God does not sell.

    Carrie Underwood is a world famous singer who rose to fame after winning ‘American Idol.’

    She recently released a gospel song. Many people were surprised and hinted that it might not do well.

    She was unperturbed for she said she had sung in the church choir since childhood and loved singing religious songs.

    God does not sell. That is the main idea in most people’s minds. God is not a popular topic.

    But for every atheist there are hundreds of devotees.

    So it is wonderful when pop stars like Carrie Underwood propagate praising God for they reach millions and this definitely is a form of evangelization.

    Cheers to Carrie Underwood for not backing down. She has continued to sing gospel songs . Her rendition of ‘O Holy Night’ received a standing ovation.

    It is easy to see she is a believer and her faith in Christ is strong.

    Just for your information Carrie Underwood has recorded many Christian songs such as ‘How Great thou Art.’, ‘Amazing Grace’, ‘Something in the water, ’O Holy Night’ etc.

    Hearing gospel songs draws us closer to Christ so it’s worth listening to gospel songs for it is said He who sings, prays twice.

    Chapter 4.

    The Passion of Christ.-The Movie.

    A movie made by Mel Gibson was released called ‘The Passion of Christ.’

    Here are a few facts that are astounding.

    1] An utterly beautiful and amazing film about the Crucifixion of Christ, it grossed 611,899,420 dollars worldwide.

    2} The actors eyes were transformed into blue on film, miraculously.

    3} Assistant director was hit by lightning twice during filming but survived.

    4] Many of the casting crew converted to becoming Catholics during filming. An atheist playing Judas Iscariot converted to becoming a Catholic.

    5] Gibson was told of the many miracles that took place during filming like hearing and sight were restored.

    6] Even a little girl was almost cured of

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