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Mesmerising the Duke
Mesmerising the Duke
Mesmerising the Duke
Ebook43 pages23 minutes

Mesmerising the Duke

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Isabella Winters is in a terrible predicament. To save herself and her family, she must agree to marry Anthony Lennox, the Duke of Langley.

Is Anthony Lennox the heartless libertine the world believes? Or will Isabella discover unexpected honor in a man notorious for his wild ways?

Will their arranged marriage spark a passion that lasts a lifetime?

PublisherRegina Morgan
Release dateOct 24, 2020
Mesmerising the Duke

Regina Morgan

Regina Morgan is an author of historical and contemporary romance.Her romances range in setting from Medieval times to the Twentieth Century.When not writing, you can find her trying to keep up with her husband and three kids and exploring the different parts of the world.

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    Book preview

    Mesmerising the Duke - Regina Morgan



    Copyright © 2020 Regina Morgan All Rights Reserved

    This book is a work of fiction. The characters, events, and places portrayed in this book are products of the author’s imagination and are either fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter One

    Isabella was still in her night dress when someone knocked harshly on the door. Groaning, she tossed her pale blonde hair behind her shoulder and sprinted downstairs to answer it.

    Her father got there first, opening the door only a fraction and peeking through. Before he could even open the door wider, two tall men pushed past him and barged into the small house.

    Excuse me, you can’t just-

    The heavier of the two men silenced him with a wave of his hand. You know why I am here, Charles Winters. Hand us the money and we’ll be on our way.

    Oh. Isabella inched back up the stairs, heart pounding. They were here for father’s debts. She knew as well as her father did that they didn’t have enough to pay them back. Their family was barely scraping by as it was. If they handed over the money now, they were surely going to starve.

    Charles fumbled over his words, gesturing weakly to the door. I can’t apologise enough. I’ll have it next month, I promise.

    Mr Pump and I don’t have time for this. Give us the money now. You can’t expect to take out a loan and not pay it back. The heavy man tapped a foot against the wooden floor. Mr Blunt has been very patient with you, Charles - but our patience has limits.

    Isabella’s mother came into the room, a deep scowl on her otherwise pretty face.

    Gentlemen, I believe it’s time for you to leave. We won’t tolerate threats. My husband has told you the money will be ready next month, and it will. Now you have no reason to stay.

    The two men shared a look, smirking. Isabella eyed them nervously, backing up the stairs. These men were cruel and selfish - she didn’t want to stand and listen to them be so rude to her parents.

    Besides, if her father knew she was eavesdropping, he would be incredibly disappointed. He tried so desperately to keep her out of trouble.

    The stair creaked as her small foot pressed down on it. Isabella winced as four pairs of eyes landed on her. Dark, messy hair fell in her eyes and she smiled sheepishly, giving a little wave.

    Good morning. Sorry.

    Mr Blunt’s smile widened as he gestured to Isabella. "I suppose if you

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