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Letters From Annalee
Letters From Annalee
Letters From Annalee
Ebook106 pages3 hours

Letters From Annalee

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Experience the life-changing power of Annalee Skarin with this unforgettable book.
Release dateOct 24, 2020
Letters From Annalee

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    Letters From Annalee - Annalee Skarin

    Letters From Annalee

    Annalee Skarin

    The enclosures are from letters written from September 1949 through May 1952.


    The following will be excerpts from the first letter written by Annalee to one of her friends, September 10, 1949, after a period of silence of approximately three years.

    My darling,

    I must get in touch with you at once.  It is most urgent.  I  have been instructed to gather up my loved ones, that now is the time for them to be gathered into this great and marvelous work:  The great unspeakable blessings that the Lord had for me have been poured out without measure—.  It will take volumes to tell you all, but first I must locate you.

    This book (volume I of Ye Are Gods – a smaller volume) has gone forth like a fflame of glory to the honest and true in every country.  Now has come forth volume II of YE ARE GODS.·  It is like nothing else ever written.  For months the very light of it would almost blind me if I so much as turned my thought toward it.  I was positive that I could never write it.  I doubted if any human being could.   It contains the laws of the Millennial Day,  and is breathtaking in its glory.  Then one morning about seven weeks ago I was awakened early and commanded to get up and write it.  And though I had been so positive I could never write it, the words and the scripture flowed through my mind like light and almost seemed to place themselves upon the pages in a rhythm of living glory, and I watered it with my tears.  The veil rolled back and I stood an the brink of eternity with one foot lifted ready to step through, while the past, the present and the future blended in a panorama of glory that was beyond anything my mind had before dreamed of.

    As I stood with one foot lifted, ready to step across, I was told that I was to wait and gather up my loved ones.   And though I have been in contact with none of my friends or loved ones for a period of nearly two years, yet in most miraculous ways those I love have been getting in contact with me.  The threads of love are reaching across the years and the miles—and Reason and I in breathtaking wonder exclaim continually, "Oh, it is so beautiful!  And it is:  Only now we know and understand what it is all about, and our hearts are a continual melody of love and light.  For it is like nothing else on earth.

    I wanted so bad to take you with me but that became impossible as you became too engrossed in gathering your red glass beads.

    I have never felt so humble in my life, nor so filled with love –and with my SOUL filled with the vision of light I say, if you are interested, let me share these things with you.

    Reason and I both send our love from the highway of the stars.

    Forever and forever yours,



    Before I came to Buffalo, oh, a year or so before, I used to look at my books and know that I was going to leave, and that I would not be able to take them with me, and that anything I wanted out of them I would have to get into my mind and being. And now I know that shortly every book and record I have in my possession will be left behind, that whatever I take with me must be carried in the cells of my mind and my body.  It sort of gives one that famished feeling which bears get late in the autumn before they hibernate.   They are never ravenous when they come out in the Spring, but as they seek to store food for the winter ahead.  Well, that is me at the present time.  I am almost trying to memorize every important passage of scripture we posses–and as one advances along this highway, they each become more and more important.  I have to enlarge my capacity to consume and to digest mentally and spiritually every needed morsel for the future–and then I know that the Holy Spirit will bring it forth when I need it.

    It is all so wonderful. I am so filled with joy and gladness and rejoicing that it seems that the whole universe is becoming a melody of light and glory, and as though my own love was lifting me out into it.  How great God has been to us to give us blessings so great.

    Thanksgiving (1951) Reason and I sat down as soon as we got out of bed and each began writing down the list of our deepest gratitudes.  After we had each finished two full pages we compared them and they were almost identical, just worded differently.

    And now before I go running away with all this singing joy in my soul I want to tell you something that you might be interested in.  Remember our first attempted Christmas gift, and how far it fell short? Then last year I offered as my sift this singing song of ecstasy, promising never to lose it for a minute if possible. It has been such a source of strength to me, and has seemed to open the very windows of heaven during this last year.   There were moments when I did not live up to it–but never more than an hour at a time did there come even a shadow of a vibration over me that was not pure glory–and then it was a wane little flickering fear as to what the authorities would do when this new book is released, for it is tremendous and the impact of it will truly be like an arrow, violently shot from a bow, as the writer of the Odes of Solomon described it.  But even the great responsibility of gains beyond the orthodox teachings can no longer send the tiniest breath of a shadow across my mind now–and it seems that life has become glorified in pure light.

    I used to grieve over the responsibility of this work for I felt so sure that if the authorities could not see or accept it then it was I who had been led astray.  And I felt that if I had failed, or been deceived I would be willing to crawl across this entire continent on my hands and knees to seek forgiveness and to try and undo what I had sent forth in that first small work.  I would kneel for hours pleading with the lord to let me know wherein I had erred, or failed.  Then came the answer and I could never again doubt, nor be dismayed or concerned, for if I had it would have been the unpardonable sin.

    I was asked, Annalee, is it wickedness to believe in the words that Christ taught, The Sermon the Mount, the mercy and power of being able to forgive evil, the great two commandments, the perfecting of love, the vision of perfection?  Are these things truth or error?  And what is the price you are willing to pay for TRUTH?  Can you give up conformity for it?  Can you stand alone against the world for it?  And I knew that even my soul would be a small price to pay for Truth.  And it no longer mattered who believed and who didn’t.

    I am standing quite breathless upon the threshold of the New Year–for it is the year of fulfillment (1952).  Continually more and more marvelous things are happening.  And more and more people are coming to us, asking what it is we have, most of them perfect strangers. A woman came Friday to the house, saying she felt that she just had to talk to me for when I passed her it was like being surrounded with music and light.  Imagine?

    If only I could just send you my letter files and let you read the miraculous things which are recorded in them–letters from people on the verge of suicide, those given up by doctors, those so hopeless and in such despair they desire only to die, and then these books came into their hands, and as they begin to apply these higher teachings the darkness lifts and their letters  become a melody of living light and glory.  It is a miracle end a wonder continually, the power of this Light as it begins to grow in the hearts and souls of men.

    Remember the time my hand was burned so terribly on the electric iron, and how it was healed in one night–and the time I told you about. when I had made up my mind to enjoy my sinus—and the result?   Well all it was just contacting this super-consciousness, or this great Spiritual force of Light and power. Now I know lust how to do it, and just what it is.  And when one learns to abide in that light, they are truly abiding in god and He is abiding in them, and there is nothing that can hurt thee. Pain becomes a thing that can no longer exist for that person. Can you understand? Please try hard. Not with a great tenseness, but with a relaxed stillness of inner joy. This great power has always been with us. It is ours.  It always has been.

    You mentioned that sacred symbol of seven.  Seven has always had a special place in my life.  I was born on the seventh day of the seventh month.  I was the seventh child in my family—and have seven letters in my name.  From the time I was a little girl I have always felt that there was a definite meaning behind those sevens.  And especially in this seventh year of never ending struggle to fulfill the teachings as they were unfolded.

    I went out into the hills and pleaded with God to let me understand His Will and was told that if Reason and I would marry and live the law of chastity for a

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