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Confessions of a ChRO: Spoken Word by ChRONOS da ChRO
Confessions of a ChRO: Spoken Word by ChRONOS da ChRO
Confessions of a ChRO: Spoken Word by ChRONOS da ChRO
Ebook42 pages18 minutes

Confessions of a ChRO: Spoken Word by ChRONOS da ChRO

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About this ebook

Lif3. Lov3. Long3vity. Thematically dedicated to the Art that is Lif3 and our intrinsic connection to its cycles. Even chapters with their obvious beginning + end remind us we cannot escape Nature. Notice the titles - L is the twelfth letter of the alphabet; add those numbers together, you get 3. Spelling + numbering is purposeful through this work.

Words have power, in how you say them and more resonance when experienced visually. "Confessions of a ChRO" speaks from the subconscious + psyche, through rhythmic spoken word, resounding to the soul. The illustrations by Flower Regardless are a homage to graffiti tagging and this art form encapsulates the energy residing in spoken (voice) and written words (visual).

“For without awareness of this experience, we will not earn our Death.” - ChRONOS
Release dateJul 22, 2020
Confessions of a ChRO: Spoken Word by ChRONOS da ChRO

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    Book preview

    Confessions of a ChRO - Flower Regardless

    Confessions of a ChRO

    Spoken Word by ChRONOS da ChRO

    Illustrations by Flower Regardless

    Published by C.T. Foxx Publishing Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2020 by ChRONOS da ChRO

    Smashwords License Statement This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    L3VEL Z3RO Commencement

    L3V3L Lif3

    What’s the Difference Between Us And Things?

    Truth Seeker



    Beastin’ Teachins

    Barefeet - No Shoes on the Grass

    Tuning In

    L3V3L Long3vity

    The Way Shower

    Closed Pistachio

    Feed Me

    Johnny Appleseed




    L3V3L Lov3


    White Musk



    Feelings Unheard



    About ChRONOS & Flower Regardless

    Connect with ChRONOS


    L3V3L Z3RO







    What’s The Difference Between Us And Things?

    Consciousness is what the universe brings

    Into our minds, attacks our brain strings

    And we come alive as spiritual beings.

    So the real

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