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A Day With The Black King
A Day With The Black King
A Day With The Black King
Ebook30 pages23 minutes

A Day With The Black King

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A short story of a life changing one day encounter with his grandfather.

PublisherWonder Dip
Release dateSep 26, 2020
A Day With The Black King

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    Book preview

    A Day With The Black King - Wonder Dip


    I acknowledge my wife’s patience and my very good friend, Segun that designed the cover at the cost of almost nothing.

    Chapter One


    I had always wondered why we did whatever we did. My village is privileged to host one of the most outstanding lake views on the planet and that draws the attention of tourists all over the world. This gave me the opportunity to meet a great number of other races from different parts of the world. We played games together, had a great time taking them around, even though we had an unimaginable level of reverence for them up to their least ones. We believed that they were superior. We grew up hearing about their great exploits all the time.

    We had heard stories and seen tonnes of evidence of a higher mentality. Their lifestyle was different and the kind of results they produced affirmed what we believed that our race was way behind them. It was even believed in some quarters that we were born of flesh, while they were crafted specially by God. I had occasional doubts in my heart about this but like others, I refused to question the norm. A day came, and everything changed.

    The grasses were dry and felt comfortable for street football. One of the Caucasians, Clayton got injured. It wasn’t new, as all the boys always picked up scars on the hard ground from time to time playing football. This day was quite different however. While the rest saw nothing special about what happened, I beheld a sight that left a permanent impression on my mind; his blood was red, just like mine!

    That was the end of the game for me that day, because I couldn’t bring the storm in my mind to a reasonable calm that could help me continue playing the round leather toy. What I just saw strengthened the doubts about all that I was ever told about

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