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Master Adoption: Claim Your Authentic Power
Master Adoption: Claim Your Authentic Power
Master Adoption: Claim Your Authentic Power
Ebook156 pages2 hours

Master Adoption: Claim Your Authentic Power

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With over 20 years of dedicated writing and publishing in the effort to find the truth and then share the truth, Rev. Dr. Janine Myung Ja, Philosophy, has released this book with the intention to support adoptee-rights activists in their endeavor to propose equal-rights at the most intimate levels to justify equal rights for all at the highest levels of government. Standing in the face of adoption authorities, doubt, and discrimination, Janine stepped back from the controversy and went within. On this journey, she has pioneered a path to emotional and cognitive independence and has once again provided the adoptee world with her strong words of validation. This book is intended for individuals previously separated (by adoption) who are no longer fans of the practice, and can no longer–in good conscience–promote the practice to others.

Dear soul, it is no accident you have found this book, and while healing can feel messy at times, it is needed because the world desperately needs your authentic self to shine despite any fears or doubts. Feel free to enjoy the process of acknowledging your true self and be uplifted while reading this book. The thoughts within acknowledge that, yes, dysfunctional adoptive parenting does actually exist. The blame should not always be placed on the child. This book offers a perspective on adoption based on equal-rights, which has been ignored by industry leaders and special interest groups. In contrast, this writing offers an Eastern point of view rooted in the Taoist way of nature, which appreciates all of who you.

If you feel the need to defend yourself against finger-pointing adoptive parents or trying to recover from abusive and toxic authorities who can't see your innate goodness, or if you're sick and tired of adoptive parents trying to write healing books, this book was written for you. This author is on your side. Not only that, 100% of all the 2019 surveyed adoptees (from the private group Adoption Truth & Transparency Worldwide Network) believe that adopted people should have the right to search for their biological families if they so wish. If you agree with such a philosophy, you will find value in this unique stand for equal-rights based on the natural law of identity.

*Caution: This book points out all that is wrong with adoption and should not be read by entities who are against equal rights for all.

Release dateNov 1, 2020
Master Adoption: Claim Your Authentic Power

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Truly unique read for adopted people who are looking for non-traditional answers. Adoption guilt is typically led by mankind via the adoption industry. This is more a spiritual philosophical read that takes the guilt and shame out of how adopted people have felt, even may have felt for decades. The purpose of this book seems to be to re-examine all that you have learned about adoption which ultimately leads to empowerment. The author also leads to a fascinating network for adult adoptees and long-lost families of loss. Nicely done. Really there is nothing out there on the market like this.

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Master Adoption - Janine Myung Ja






Rev. Dr. Janine Myung Ja, Philosophy

on empowerment rooted in the way of nature

©Janine Myung Ja 2019

Adoption Truth & Transparency

Cover Designer:

Rendering of front cover lion: Perris Ngenga

The voice of the adoptee is the most powerful voice in adoption. Yet, it is the most overlooked and ignored voice in adoption. Anonymous



























According to a survey issued in the summer of 2019, a whopping 95.5% of all surveyed adoptees do not believe the adoption agency rhetoric that has for generations claimed that adoptions are planned by God. Instead, findings reveal that we, as individuals and as a collective, believe that the adoption plan was planned by humans. Therefore, we have the right to disagree with their decisions for our lives.

These evangelical humans did not ask for our permission when they profited as a result of permanently severing us from our family, renaming us, and sending us overseas to live with strangers as if born-to someone else, and they gave us no recourse to reconnect with our family, community, culture, or country of birth, if we so wish into the future as adults.

*If you are adopted and haven't yet taken the was your adoption ethical survey, visit or for the current link. Your opinion counts. You will be helping the future for many adoptees and ensuring equal-rights as a result of the collective response. To find out what others are doing, join Adoption Truth & Transparency Worldwide Information Network.

Truth to Power; Let Us Speak,

For the voiceless and the meek, Let us challenge those in charge, And hold them to account by large.

For too long, we've been so silenced, Our cries for justice ignored, But now we rise up, united, And demand to be heard.

We will not be intimidated, By those who wield their might, For the truth will always triumph, And shine its brilliant light.

The powerful may scoff and sneer, And try to silence our triumphant voice, But we will not be silenced, For we know we have a choice.

To stand up and speak out, To demand a better way, To challenge the status quo, And bring about an equal right’s day.

So hear us now, you who hold power, And, listen to what we say, The truth will not be silenced, And, no, we won’t shy conveniently away.


We're all familiar with international adoption agencies' heartwarming stories, but have you ever wondered what they're not telling you? This book is intended to provide a perspective that allows understanding for adopted people who didn’t immediately bond in the adoptive environments.

This book is written for adopted people who were separated from their family, culture or country of birth, and as a consequence, true identities altered, birth information blacked-out or sealed from us into our adult and elder years. To point this out is not being negative. It is being realistic. The issue needed to be addressed long ago.

For more than four centuries, we know adoption profiteers have mastered their marketing campaigns, and these efforts have led the mainstream to believe that the practice is a win-win for all. We also know that if left uncared for and in the past, history tends to repeat itself, and it has.

The public has been swayed to believe in the happily-ever-after adoption story—as if only one narrative exists. Rare are those who know the one positive spin has been scripted and marketed by those who profit, which sabotage us (and future children) from ever regaining what is rightfully ours—our birth clan. Adopted people are often labeled as if ungrateful when we sound the alarm on human rights concerns. But, again, we're not ungrateful; we are realistic. We're looking at the entire landscape, not just filtered through the adoption agency's front door where lollipops are passed out, and murals of children with families adorn the walls and advertisements. We have the right to see through to the back door where families have been left behind.

This book provides an alternative perspective for those of us who want to see beyond the surface of things. It gives consideration for those who have been abused by a system that treats adopted people as perpetual children—an issue that has been disregarded. We can master adoption—not only as individuals—but also as a community. The first thing we need to know is that we have innate human rights that have long existed before man's adoption laws. As adopted people, we are forced to contend with additional burdens—burdens that no other humans are forced to face. We risk coping with the potential of rejection from birth and adoptive families when we decide to search. This can be a big concern. If you have been rejected by your birth clan, know that it's not about you. Do not blame yourself. Such fears are based on unresolved issues and can happen to the best of us.

We also must contend with the potential disapproval of being rejected by our adoptive family. It could be they have fallen victim to what's called social compliance. The great majority of all humans are fiercely obligated to please authority. It is a normal part of the human experience. We can think back to when we were young, and we needed to appease the grown-ups in our own lives. Few cultures advocate for listening to one's own instincts instead of the demands from parents, elders, ministers, priests, judges, officers, or any type of person or entity that claims authority. So we can understand how the expectation to abide can sometimes push fear into the deepest part of humanity. This fear of authoritative disapproval is the most common reason parents (of birth and adoptive) would refuse a reunion. I've heard that more than a few judges have even used scare tactics to prevent mothers (and fathers) from ever searching for their children. The fear can last a lifetime.

We may be done with history, but sometimes history is not done with us.

If the people in our lives have fallen victim to this, it is likely they do not want to stir the waters—especially if they were convinced that the adoption dream was best for all involved. Some parents-of-loss would blame and shame themselves before they would question authority or dominant culture—especially if the dominant culture is religious or politically based.

Do we sound the alarm and be hated for it? Or do we let everyone sleep—and continue to be loved, adored, and petted? And best of all, called positive. As someone who has sounded the alarm, I've learned that at first, the mainstream may hate you. You might even get a ton of hateful reviews for your work. You might be publically humiliated. Yet, just wait. Have patience. Eventually (and ironically), there will be some of us who will love and appreciate you for having the audacity to make some noise. Typically this admiration for you is confidential. Sometimes, to be encouraged to keep going, the appreciation must come from our own private self—the authentic self. But, we must keep going for the sake of future children and the preservation of families.

If you are refused a reunion with your blood family, it is perfectly normal to be hurt and angry. If people accuse you of being negative, know there are others of us out here who are totally grateful for your efforts. In fact, it is okay to be steaming livid at the fallible human-made system. But, truthfully, human rights activists know we are multi-dimensional beings. Each of us, in our own special way, is paving the way for humankind's evolution. If you have encountered rejection, don't let that stop you from being the amazing individual you have chosen to be. Trust your inner, greater, higher, deeper, wiser self. Let them be at awe with your morality. Let them doubt themselves.


"Morality is doing what's right, regardless of what you're told.

Obedience is doing what is told regardless of what is right."

—H.L. Mencken | An American Journalist (1880 – 1956)


The problem? The love for adoption has mastered humanity and skewed the way of nature.

Have you ever been asked to imagine what your life would have been like if you were not adopted? The intention of this is to convince you that you are truly lucky. You are to imagine that if you had not been adopted, you would have died of starvation or ended up a street beggar or, if you are a female, you would be a prostitute, of course. You are supposed to appreciate the facilitator's arrangement for your life—as if they, alone, work for God. Many of us, at one time or another, have had the implication made regarding the luck of our adoption, and if not already, it is only a matter of time. When I first requested my adoption records, Molly Holt, the biological daughter of Harry and Bertha Holt, asked me to reflect upon what my life would have been like had I not been adopted. She failed to tell me that mothers had been counseled into relinquishing, and families were rejected from agencies when they returned for their children. No one from their end told me poverty-stricken families could not afford to attend adoption conferences sponsored by adoption agencies and, as a consequence, ousted from the property when they inquired about their missing children. In this particular line of business, requests made by potentially loving parents (of loss) have been routinely and swiftly brushed off by those in navy blue suits, as if no big deal.

At this point in adoption history, most if not all, adoption healing books on the market have been written by adoptive parents—adoptive parents who tend to place the blame on adoptees whenever problems occur, at least according to latest survey results initiated by Adoption Truth and Transparency Worldwide Network, a social media group led by adopted people. Adopters tend not to look within themselves to ask what toxic attitudes and behaviors they could change to advocate for our truth and transparency. So, if you are an adopted person, and you feel

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