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How to Succeed In Business: Own your Worth And Attract Money
How to Succeed In Business: Own your Worth And Attract Money
How to Succeed In Business: Own your Worth And Attract Money
Ebook216 pages3 hours

How to Succeed In Business: Own your Worth And Attract Money

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About this ebook

The work of Marcelle della Faille is aimed at entrepreneurs, freelancers or coaches: the success of their business necessarily involves its expansion, having customers and growing sales. Is this based on coïncidence? Miracle? Luck ? How do you attract new clients or increase your far too low rates? How to do you take the plunge? How do you make the leap?


In How to succeed in business: own your worth and attract money, prosperity responds to a new way of living and acting: attracting money by owing our own worth. Thanks to this work by Marcelle della Faille, our look at money changes radically and appears as an instrument of personal progress and expression of one's potential. The spiritual value of money is explained, that through which it is possible to take care of oneself and others. Money is a source of success as soon as it is appreciated as an art of connecting with people.

Through practical cases and didactic exercises, Marcelle della Faille opens the path of 'spiritual entrepreneurship' to live a dream life: it is possible to attract money while running the most fulfilling activity. This book is a practical and energizing tool that allows to express the potential of each one and to find the answers to these questions in oneself.

Release dateOct 31, 2020
How to Succeed In Business: Own your Worth And Attract Money

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    How to Succeed In Business - Marcelle della Faille

    Together, we will create a world of worth

    "Assert your worth and let the ‘fairies of the universe’ help you.

    Stop giving yourself so much responsibility and live happily ever.

    Reduce the gap that exists between where you are and where you want to be,

    whatever it relates to, now... now, now, now, now.

    Surf the wave.

    Collect fruit, quite simply...

    You no longer need to be the person who puts them into the ground.

    You can simply jump over things and pick the fruit of whatever you want.

    Oh, the fruit. Oh, what delicious fruit, how delicious, how delicious this is,

    how delicious it is.

    In other words, everything is there for you; everything is ready so that you can take it quickly

    and as soon as you allow it, enter and thrive."


    Today, I appreciate and would like to thank...

    All those who supported me, still support me and will support me in my journey.

    All those who pass through my life, those that I meet, whom I come across, no matter the length of time we spend together.

    All persons whose words, writings or images resonate with me and awaken in me a new understanding, a new feeling, or a new piece of knowledge!

    All the people who inspire me by their personality, their kindness, their love of the beautiful, their simple happiness, their real words...

    I appreciate and would like to thank in particular...

    Marcy Koltun-Crilley, or Marcy from Maui, my very first mentor, who guided me on the path of abundance and total freedom of thought, thanks to a small article and a beautiful photo in the magazine Network Marketing. Sixteen years ago, she was at the start of this wonderful adventure in which I am now engaged. She opened the door for me to understanding the laws of the universe, which I was already using in abundance without realising it. And most importantly, she reminded me that our sole purpose on this Earth is, as often as possible and as strongly as possible, radiating the vibration of joy.

    Abraham-Hicks, whose messages express with total clarity the minutiae of my feelings, discoveries, or sensations. They have an answer to all my existential, relational, professional, financial and other questions. Each time I read them, I understand further the meaning of my life on Earth, and everything is clear in my mind. They have given me the key for everything I want to try in this life!

    Oprah Winfrey, the journey of this little black girl, then young woman and finally mature woman in the United States, a journey strewn with pitfalls, remains a model of focus, intention and qualities of abundance that are sustained and developed. All of this is multiplied by the love she spreads on Earth since she took the decision to perform and accomplish her works, whatever happens, while remaining at the service of others. A powerful model to follow.

    Mary Higgins Clark, yes, the queen of thriller and suspense. She beautifully completes the list of my role models and proves, if proof were needed, that diversity can make things happen. As an author of books on personal development and fiction, I like connecting to her during the writing phase. This greatly renowned writer decided to take the strands of her life in hand and to believe in her dream. To do this, she dared to send her first manuscript to a publisher after the death of her husband, who left her widowed with five children. Her youth had already been marked by the death of her father at only ten years of age, and by the difficulties her mother faced in raising both her and her two brothers. She is an impressive female role model who is determined to succeed and to give the best of herself, both to the service of her children and her readers.

    A very big thank you to you all!

    I appreciate and would also like to thank...

    My parents, for having allowed me to broaden my horizon by learning the English language. I was able to access literature and international knowledge giving me universal wisdom and I found my way through encounters, experiences and contacts that I myself created throughout the world, including on the Internet.

    My brothers and sisters who allowed me, unknowingly sometimes, to gain confidence in my guiding, training and coaching business. We get on really well with each other in a friendly way, and mutual support and joy prevails, so that I consider us all to be guides for each other in the many aspects of our lives.

    My husband, Vincent, who supports me in everything I do and reminds me often, by his behaviour and his remarks, that we are here first and foremost to have fun, enjoy life and live la dolce vita!

    And finally, my daughters, Noémie, Barbara and Roxane, who remind me every day how:

    - to use the law of attraction easily and effortlessly;

    - to be joyful, every minute, every second;

    - to play and laugh;

    - to be in the present moment at any time;

    - to give and receive love and tenderness without taking scores;

    - to concentrate only on the good times;

    - to welcome abundance!

    I love you and thank you with all my heart for being here with me!


    The law of attraction – what is it? Perhaps many of you who have not yet had the chance or the pleasure of discovering this law are asking this precise question. As the law of gravity, the law of attraction is an immutable principle based on attraction, and therefore inclusion. Basically, it says, like attracts like. Or more precisely, Everything that vibrates attracts!

    In summary, the great secret of life is the law of attraction. This law stipulates that each of your thoughts attracts a similar thought. Your thoughts have a frequency and are magnetic. All your thoughts (thought forms) are sent into the universe and, like a magnet, attract everything that has the same frequency. Everything that is sent into the universe returns to its source, and so, to you (like a boomerang).

    Yes, you are a human antenna, and each of the thoughts you send out has a frequency.

    You have certainly heard the following adage: If you want to change something in your life, change the frequencies by changing your thoughts. In fact, you are now the result of your past thoughts. And you create your future based on the thoughts you have today. What you think of most often and with lots of emotion and concentration will manifest itself in your life. Your thoughts become reality.

    We need to take a look at how these thoughts are created, and manifest, and then become our reality.

    Here are the three steps of the process of creation, which so often happen in our unconscious mind. If you use them more and more in a conscious and deliberate way, then you will become the master of your own creation and your life.

    1. ASK

    Most of the time, we use this phase to create what we do not want. Indeed, our mind makes us imagine the worst rather than the best.

    To become a conscious and deliberate creator, imagine your desire as clearly and as specifically as possible. You will end up with a clean, clear and precise image.

    2. BELIEVE

    Believing in the actual manifestation of what you have asked for is crucial for the realisation of your wishes. Whenever you have doubt, envision your wishes again, as if they were already done.

    To become a conscious and deliberate creator, learn how to redirect your thoughts by flipping the difficulty or the problem towards resolution.

    3. RECEIVE

    Often, we find it hard to welcome the benefits and blessings that happen to us.

    It’s too good to be true.

    Who am I to deserve this?

    There has to be an ulterior motive behind this gift they’re offering me.

    So many unconscious phrases result in us closing the doors of abundance and well-being.

    To become a conscious and deliberate creator, agree to receive the abundance that the universe has to offer, and make sure that it becomes your usual operation mode in life. When someone gives you a gift, say thank you, that is all you need to say. Feel the deep appreciation that envelops you and be aware of the enjoyment that receiving this gift gives you.

    This also includes receiving money. The universe is abundant. It sends us what we ask for. The universe orchestrates everything according to our demands and our ability to receive.

    So, be careful what you ask for. Do not limit yourself, think big. By developing your ability to receive, you boost your ability to receive the largesse of the universe and you will attract more and more.

    Decide that from today onwards you will receive everything that comes to you with an open heart and a peaceful soul.

    And always remember that what is inside creates what is outside!

    Deciding to be happy is the shortcut to efficiently using and applying this law of attraction. It is the only way to success!

    Indeed, thanks to the pleasure we feel when we imagine our desire, we create it instantly in the invisible. The shortcut to the manifestation of all our desires, is feeling this joy and this fun more often throughout our day.


    "What you call the world, you first have to create.

    Your reason, your imagination, your will, your love must become this world.

    Life is of no purpose to those who leave the world without having achieved their own world."

    (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.)


    In concrete terms, my gift to the world, what I call my soul purpose, is to convey to people who want and need to hear it my own understanding of the worth[1]* that each and every one of us as individuals has on the planet. From a few years, the heart of my message revolves around this notion of self-esteem and self-love, how to develop this self-esteem and this recognition of our worth, to be a channel of expression for abundance* in general: the abundance of well-being, harmony, peace, and of course also financial abundance, since we live in a society of material wealth, where money flows freely.

    The Soul purpose is this radiation of wisdom linked to knowing what is precious, knowing what is important, for each and every one, individually and collectively as humanity, for the evolution of the planet and the evolution of the universe in general, at this stage in its expansion spiral*.

    Because we are all, individually and collectively, in a spiral of eternal expansion. In other words, this will never end. And the whole purpose of – and the power of – our incarnation, is to make choices, decisions that go in the direction of our highest expansion, unlike those people who only move forward as a result of obligation, or in response to disasters in their lives. Those people are hampered in their development by their minds and their fears.

    In today’s society, there is a schism between those who hinder themselves unconsciously and those who know that we are all in this expansion spiral and that we are encouraged to move forward.

    The more we put the brakes on, the more we risk being forced to move by the universe itself, because it encourages expansion. On the other hand, the more we are proactive and the more we decide to allow ourselves to be carried by the flow of this expanding universe, the more our advancement and progression are easier, harmonious, and peaceful.

    This is not simple! This is not always the comfortable option, but progression operates in a softer way, a much more gradual, tender, enjoyable, and lighter way, than if we prevent ourselves from moving forward.

    And so here is the Soul purpose, to help people raise their level of self-esteem and their level of love. Because with this self-esteem we can link more easily with the vibration* at the heart of the universe and we can allow ourselves to be carried by this flow much more easily. Whereas when we fight, we unconsciously fight against this flow. We go against things. We run into obstacles and create barriers. By increasing our sense of self, by acknowledging our worth, we are also helping the expansion of worth in the world in general, and in today’s society more specifically.

    That is why I insist so much on the concept of worth in this book. Because I am aware that this world that we have co-created until now, is a world that distorts worth, a world that does not encourage its acknowledgment. Fortunately, I can sense that a change is underway!

    In summary, my personal goal is to disseminate this information and continue my research and my inner quest to reveal this truth that everybody is able to access.


    It happened early! In my evolution, I was 12 or 13 years old when I went through a big existential crisis. A crisis of consciousness, when I asked myself questions related to the meaning of my incarnation and of my presence on this planet, which by that stage, I had already perceived as a huge theatre stage upon which we all played a role. At that time, the confrontation with my parents and any authority left me wondering: Why do they have rights over me, and why can’t I decide for myself?

    The Christian religion of my education did not meet my existential questions. So I started to explore philosophies such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Shamanism. I found also interest in all kinds of disciplines in relation to personal development.

    And then I left it all aside. I experienced an obvious state of discomfort for many years, until the moment when I told myself, at 19 years of age, Enough is enough! I had suicidal impulses. I did not feel good about myself, I was sad, not sure of myself. I asked my mum for help. She encouraged me to go see a massage therapist. By reconnecting with my body rather than disappearing into my head, it helped me go more easily deeper down into my heart, and learn to love myself. Since someone loved me by massaging me, I could slowly accept loving myself.

    And then I realised that I could not expect happiness from others. In my first romantic relationship, I had had a tendency to want the other person to make me happy. The poor person did try to do so, but without success. It became very clear to me that it was up to me to reach joy, without waiting for it to come to me from anyone, whether they be my parents, my brothers and sisters, a lover, etc. My thought process started like this.

    In adulthood, I began to have lots of material considerations: finding a job, having money, renting an apartment, going on holiday. But my desire to broaden my vision of the world was firmly rooted in me. I wanted to especially understand the workings of our life on this planet.

    At 33 years of age, I got married, I had children, and we hit a big financial bump. We owned the house of our dreams but went through significant pecuniary and professional difficulties. We were working both as independent contractors and we failed to make ends meet or to pay our bills. So, I thought, there must be an easier way to be independent. I do not want to believe that I have chosen to be embodied on this planet to live in this hard way. I had this awareness that there had to be a much easier way to live.

    I started to search for additional jobs. This is the most common human reaction linked to the belief that if I want more money, I have to work more. As a result, we registered with a direct sales company that opened the doors for us to a literature related to success, achievement and abundance, something that was completely new to us, since money is rather taboo in our society. On the other hand, wanting to be rich was totally contrary to my Christian values of help and free service. I had to do some internal work to harmonise the small voice within that said: "Yes, but I have two young children, I want to have a comfortable life, I want a certain lifestyle... how can I have all that while remaining spiritual and having integrity?"

    From that moment on, I realised that my soul purpose was not only to receive the answers to these questions, but also to transmit them. Because around me I saw many people fighting against the same fears.

    I am a professional translator. My dream has always been to spend my days writing and translating while being paid to do so. Many people in my social circle told me, You’re dreaming, this isn’t possible.

    Nevertheless, this seed was planted within me and it germinated. It matured in the midst of this crisis of consciousness.

    I translated into French a short book of a hundred pages, The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles, and I sent it to twelve publishers while telling myself, Whatever will be, will be! I feel that someone, out there, is waiting for this book, that someone is waiting for my translation. Indeed, a few weeks later, I received a phone call from a Canadian publisher. My vision was that they would agree to publish this translation, but also all the other translations that I was seeing myself translating and distributing in my

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