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Make Peace with Money: Radiate More Love and Receive More Money
Make Peace with Money: Radiate More Love and Receive More Money
Make Peace with Money: Radiate More Love and Receive More Money
Ebook177 pages3 hours

Make Peace with Money: Radiate More Love and Receive More Money

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For many people, money is still taboo, a subject hard to talk about.

"Money can't buy happiness…" says the beginning of the proverb "... but it's much more comfortable crying in a Mercedes than on a bike" says its full of irony and common sense last part.

Honestly, are we happier with or without money? The answer seems obvious.

So why do some people hold a contradictory relationship with money? For example, you, entrepreneurs or spiritual coaches, too often think that money and soul do not match, and even that they are contradictory. The paradox is that by rejecting money, you reject at the same time the clients or customers likely to bring it to you and thus, to sustain your business. So, to love money means to love your clients and customers, and to create happiness and serenity around you.

This is the reason why, in this book, Marcelle della Faille teaches you how to make peace with money and transmute it into love. Thanks to this book, abundance and happiness will be the two pillars of your life.

Release dateOct 31, 2020
Make Peace with Money: Radiate More Love and Receive More Money

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    Make Peace with Money - Marcelle della Faille


    Radiate More Love and Receive More Money

    Marcelle della Faille

    Les Éditions de la Loi d’Attraction

    684, chemin des Garrigues – 84210 Venasque

    Graphic Creation: Créa 30

    Illustrations : © Dim Dimich/Shutterstock


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    Marcelle della Faille

    Les Éditions de la Loi d’Attraction, © 2017

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    Appreciation and self-love...

    Appreciation and self-love are the most important tools that you could use. Appreciating others and appreciating yourself matches the most the vibration of your source energy.

    (Abraham-Hicks, excerpts of a workshop hosted in Spokane, WA, on Tuesday May 30th, 2000.)

    Today, I appreciate and would like to thank...

    All those who supported me, still support me, and will support me in my journey.

    All those who pass through my life, those that I meet, whom I come across, no matter the length of time we spend together.

    Any person whose words, writings or images resonate with me and awaken in me a new understanding, a new, or a new piece of knowledge!

    All the people who inspire me by their personality, their kindness, their love of the beautiful, their simple happiness, their true words...

    I appreciate and would like to thank in particular...

    Marcy Koltun-Crilley, or Marcy from Maui, my very first mentor, who guided me on the path of abundance and total freedom of thought, thanks to a small article and a beautiful photo in the magazine Network Marketing. Sixteen years ago, she was at the start of this wonderful adventure in which I am now involved. She opened the door for me to understanding the laws of the Universe, which I was already using in abundance without realizing it. And most importantly, she reminded me that our sole purpose on this Earth is, as often as possible and as strongly as possible, radiating the vibration of joy.

    Abraham-Hicks, whose messages express with total clarity the minutiae of my feelings, discoveries, or sensations. They have an answer to all my existential, relational, professional, financial, and other questions. Each time I read or hear them speak, I further understand the meaning of my life on Earth, and everything is clear in my mind. They have given me the key for everything I want to explore in this life!

    Kendall Summer Hawk, whose approach of coaching and of money opened to me a new world of possibilities. Thanks to her high-end and high-excellency trainings and workshops, I managed to see and feel how women today – and sensitive and open-minded men – can reclaim their power in their businesses and in their lives. As a spiritual entrepreneur, she is showing the way to a better and more prosperous future for all women on the planet.

    Oprah Winfrey, whose journey as a poor black girl, then young woman and finally mature woman in the United States, a journey strewn with pitfalls, remains a model of sustained and developed focus, intention, and qualities of abundance. All of this is multiplied by the love she spreads on Earth since she took the decision to perform and accomplish her works, no matter what, while remaining at the service of others. What a powerful model to follow!

    Mary Higgins Clark, yes, the queen of thriller and suspense. She beautifully completes the list of my role models and proves, if proof were needed, that diversity is uplifting. As an author of books on personal development and fiction, I like connecting to her during the writing phase. This greatly renowned writer decided to take the strands of her life in her own hands, at a time when woman’s place was at home, and she chose to believe in her dream. To do this, she dared to send her first manuscript to a publisher after the death of her husband, who left her widowed with five children. Her youth had already been marked by the death of her father at only ten years of age, and by the difficulties her mother faced in raising both her and her two brothers. She is an impressive female role model who is determined to succeed and to give the best of herself, both to the service of her children and her readers.

    A very big thank you to you all!

    I appreciate and would also like to thank...

    My parents, for having allowed me to broaden my horizon by learning the English language. I was able to access literature and international knowledge, giving me universal wisdom, and I found my way through meetings, experiences, and contacts that I created throughout the world, including on the Internet.

    My brothers and sisters who allow me, unknowingly sometimes, to gain confidence in my guiding, training, and coaching business. We get on well with each other in a friendly way, and mutual support and joy prevails, so that I consider us all to be guides for each other in the many aspects of our lives.

    My husband, Vincent, who supports me in everything I do and often reminds me, by his behavior and his remarks, that we are here primarily to have fun, enjoy life and live la dolce vita!

    And finally, my daughters, Noémie, Barbara and Roxane, who remind me every day how:

    -  to use the law of attraction easily and effortlessly;

    -  to be joyful, every minute, every second;

    -  to play and laugh;

    -  to be in the present moment at any time;

    -  to give and receive love and tenderness without taking scores;

    -  to concentrate only on the good times; - to welcome abundance!

    I love you and thank you with all my heart for being here with me!


    Why this book on the alchemy of love and money?

    For some years now, I have been doing some research around money and our relationship with money, and what I have discovered is of the upmost interest.

    Love and money are really the same thing. When love is fully present within you, then money is fully present in your life.

    Indeed, love is energy, and this energy transmutes into lots of different material things.

    When you radiate love because you love yourself and because you love your life enough, you attract. You are a magnet and you manifest what you need to be able to express your full potential as a human being here on this physical plane. That is my sense of this.

    I have done some research on the word alchemy. Alchemy is a philosophical tradition whose practitioners have, since Antiquity, claimed it to be the precursor to deep powers. The objectives of alchemy are varied and include the creation of the Philosopher’s Stone, the ability to transform heavy metals into noble metals like gold and silver, and the development of the longevity elixir.

    In two words, alchemy for me is the art of uplifting heavy parts of this physical plane of existence into something lighter and brighter, and achieving perfection. For metals, it is gold, and for us, men and women, it is longevity, and then immortality. In absolute terms, of course.

    In my sense, to transmute money into love, which is the expansion part of the process, you need first to acknowledge that love is the energy that creates money or any other material thing. This relationship with money is at the basis of so many things in our lives.

    For example, I have noticed that many people I’ve been coaching since the beginning of my research, like therapists or what I call spiritual entrepreneurs, are lacking money and do not seem to be able to attract it easily. Even if they know about Law of Attraction or spiritual principles, even if they do whatever they need to do, they do not seem to be able to attract it easily. And I have noticed that it is because of what they believe about money.

    They think that money is evil, they think that money is not to be searched, they think that money is not spiritual. And so, through my own experience also, because I have been through that myself too, I have understood that as long as you see money as a negative source, as a heavy material thing, you cannot attract it.

    You must transmute your way of seeing money.

    The solution is transmuting your love into money first, because we, spiritual entrepreneurs, are full of love. We want to serve, we want to bring love to the world, we want to show our love to others. Thus, we must understand that money is love and then we can use that love that we feel so strongly in ourselves to create and manifest money into our lives.

    People will often say Well, you know, I’m not in it (painting, singing, doing business) for the money or I grew up hearing that wanting to be rich or to earn more money is being greedy...

    If you manage to see money as the best way to express your love – because you need money to be able to express your full potential in the world today –, then you will be able to manifest money more easily. Indeed, you will let go of the belief that money is not spiritual.

    Let’s talk a little bit more about our relationship with money. If we start to create a business that generates money, and we hold a belief system that is reminding us that money is evil, that money is no good, as soon as we transform that false belief and start thinking that love and money are one and the same and that the "more love and appreciation I show to clients, the more clients show up for me, the more money I can generate, the more I can be abundant and giving", we can more easily receive the desired money and clients.

    Our relationship with money is impacting all areas of our life. It is an issue that we all need to be aware of, particularly if we are heart-centered entrepreneurs and we want to make a bigger impact on the lives of our clients and in the world. Our relationship with money can determine how much money we can manifest, how much money we can save and how much debt we have or not.

    How does our relationship with money impact all these areas?

    There are so many things to say about our relationship with money, but the main thing is that our relationship with money is the mirror of our relationship with others, and with ourselves, just because money comes through others and through ourselves. We are manifesting it through our relationship with others, and through our relationship with ourselves.

    So, when we get accustomed to hating money, for example, or to not liking it, or to not wanting to live in a world that operates mainly with money – this is something I hear a lot from spiritual entrepreneurs – we repel it, and we repel the people or the clients through which it could come to us. And thus, we mute our power to attract it.

    I want to remind you that the Universe is made of a formless substance that creates through thoughts and thinking. When we think, we create what we focus on. That is how Law of Attraction principle works. Scientists support this theory when they say the Universe, for example, is a hologram. There is a beautiful book that I recommend you read. It is called A Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot[1] and it is based on the works from the famous scientists David Bohm and Karl Pribram that show that all the Universe is operating that way. So, we create through our thinking.

    Imagine you think these thoughts – money is evil, money is not to be searched for by entrepreneurs like you, or money is not spiritual – and you hate money, you hate rich people because they are arrogant or because they are superior, etc.

    What happens when you think that? You focus your strong, negative emotions on that thing, money. And so, you radiate a strong electric energy. Instead of being magnetic, you are becoming electric, you repel what you desire deeply in your heart, and then you say "I don’t understand! I do whatever I’ve been told to attract money; but I don’t manage to get it. What’s wrong with me?"

    In fact, your actions are contradictory with what you are vibrating, and with what you are thinking, really. In two words, you are energetically blocking money. Maybe at times you do not even realize that it is your thought. We might see someone driving a brand-new car and instantly our thought is "What

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