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The Journey: An Uplifting Adventure for our modern times
The Journey: An Uplifting Adventure for our modern times
The Journey: An Uplifting Adventure for our modern times
Ebook300 pages4 hours

The Journey: An Uplifting Adventure for our modern times

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The Seer can read the energies, he is Clairvoyant, yet he is so much more. This is an empowering story of things we rarely consider in our busy modern lives. This unique adventure begins with a dream in which two goddesses request the Seer meets a lady sailing from Judea to France and protect her as she travels to an as yet unknown destination.

Days earlier, she had been forced to watch as her truest and closest friend was destroyed in the most terrible manner imaginable. His name and his teachings will eventually become known throughout much of the world, but following his death, she discovers she is in mortal danger and knows she must flee.
As she arrives at the French coast, the Seer is there to meet her, and this is the story of their remarkable journey together. Yet like him, it is so very much more.

PublisherDavid Trueman
Release dateNov 20, 2020
The Journey: An Uplifting Adventure for our modern times

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    Book preview

    The Journey - David Trueman



    1 - A New Adventure

    2 - The Travel

    3 - The Seer

    4 - Preparations

    5 - Meme

    6 - Better Understanding

    7 - Thank You

    8 - The Caring

    9 - A Promise

    10 - Gravity

    11 - Revelations

    12 - A Name

    13 - A Song

    14 - A Dream

    15 - A Rest

    16 - Wisdom

    17 - Conscious Energies

    18 - Meeting God

    19 - Fast Food

    20 - A Discussion

    21 - A Surprise

    22 - A Story

    23 - Thoughts

    24 - Fun and Games

    25 - The Ferry

    26 - Family

    27 - Words

    28 - Humanity

    29 - Soul Connections

    30 - Distortions

    31 - Energetic Packages

    32 - The Eagle

    33 - Questions

    34 - Change

    35 - Judas

    36 - The Magician

    37 - The Grail

    38 - Why?

    39 - The Market

    40 - Three Days

    41 - To The Coast

    42 - Initiations - Day 1

    43 - Initiations - Day 2

    44 - Initiations - Day 3

    45 - Initiations - Day 4

    46 - Initiations - Day 5

    47 - Initiations - Day 6

    48 - The Tree

    49 - Initiations - Day 7

    50 - No!

    51 - A Request

    52 - The Knowing

    53 - Farewell


    Hermes returns to his own multiverse and smiles as he senses familiar energies. Yes, good to be home, he thinks as he chooses to arrive at his favourite planet.

    During many life times he has been many things to many people and in one he was the physical human vibration known as Hermes Trismegistus, Thrice Greatest Hermes, the so called 'winged god', accredited as author of the famous Emerald Tablet.

    As he arrives, as always, his very first action is to send his energies of most sincere thanks to Source, that from which everything comes, for the adventures which continue to be presented to him. Once again that special feeling of inner warmth, of togetherness comes to him.

    Next he thanks his three best friends, Time, Velocity and Gravity for accompanying him on their adventure just ended and for being such good companions whenever and wherever they journey together. Instantly he senses their appreciation.

    As he relaxes, a memory from the adventure just ended presents itself and as he opens it, all the fun it had given instantly returns, and he is laughing loudly. His friends quest his outburst, and he shares the energies of that memory with them.

    Instantly they are laughing, joking and teasing each other like four young schoolboys sharing secrets in the highest of spirits. Their energies of fun rising ever higher with each memory.

    Within the energies of a shared thought, it takes but a moment for all his memories to be enjoyed and now, his friends each relate their favourite memories from the adventure. In this way their enjoyment continues.

    With each remembering comes ever more fun, but all too soon all worthwhile memories have been shared and as they each spend moments in reflection, clearly he sees the incredible adventure it has also been for Earth humanity, from the moment all was prepared, made ready, to today and clearly he sees it goes on, getting ever more grand, ever more involved, ever more interesting. Chuckling, he sends a thought to his friends.

    One of our best you think?

    The energetic replies are instant.



    I loved it

    Still smiling Hermes asks.

    So, marks out of ten?


    The speed of the reply and the power of the energetic vibrations which deliver it have them all laughing again and Hermes sends the thought.

    Trust you Velocity, always the quick one, but that’s the best fun I've had since…

    He stops. The shift in his thinking has alerted him and instantly serious, he begins reading the waiting mental images, the 'pictures’ as he calls them.

    Each ‘picture’ presents particular information in perfect clarity and as the final image fades, he sends a thought to his friends that a new adventure awaits. Instantly a joint thought returns stating their readiness to join him, and he thanks them.

    Needing no rest, as he prepares himself, he reviews the ‘pictures’. He sees he is to leave his Multiverse and travel to the Universe which holds The Sun and The Solar System and once there he is to visit the precious blue water planet called Earth.

    He sees he then has a particularly delicious task. He is to again enter the Third Vibration, physicality, but in this adventure he is to be multi-dimensional. He will meld with more than one human, each within its own time/space.

    He knows all Earth humans are gifted Free Will. The absolute right to make any choice they desire at any moment, and he smiles.

    Yes, I will again experience all it means to be mortal alongside other Souls which have melded with other human entities.

    He also sees, the humans he will link with will each be called The Seer because each will have the abilities to read the energies.

    He sees in one lifetime he will travel to meet a lady and will accompany her on a journey to safety, but he is given nothing more than the word ‘Meme’. A name?

    In another he will visit a city within a city. Vatican City, the walled enclave within the city of Rome and there, he will meet with a Pope.

    In the third, he will meld with a current human, a man who has done so much for so many, yet is hardly known outside his own particular circle.

    All he sees excites him and instantly he understands why his visit to planet Earth is so important at this time.

    Eager to get started, he shares the energies of the pictures with his friends.

    When he travels, Hermes does not travel at speed and certainly not at light speed, for that is year by year by year, and for the journeys he makes that would never work. No, he uses The Thought, a mix of his own thinking energies and the combined energies of his three friends.

    He simply creates the Thought of a destination and the moment he releases that Thought, he arrives, his friends also and the unique energies each hold are immediately available to assist him in any way he might need.

    He chuckles, A most useful energy and one which all Earth humans are gifted, though for now, in a more limited form. Without training and in the main without actual awareness, they simply use it. In their mind, at any moment, they can create a thought, a wish, a memory, of literally anything and have a combined mental and seemingly physical experience from that.

    They can do that as frequently as they choose and if they have sufficient information from all they have read, heard or seen, they can even imagine places, situations, activities they themselves have no personal experience of.

    Eventually, as they continue to raise the vibrations of their energies by gaining ever greater Personal Wisdom, even travel will become fully open to them as it is for me.

    His thoughts return to what he has seen in the pictures.

    Interesting times indeed for Earth-humans. Change comes rapidly now as they approach their Shift. Many of the old ways start to fall away as new, significant situations come to occur worldwide.

    As humanity changes and gradually becomes less aggressive, less war-like, many new and significant inventions will quickly start to arrive along with a new Understanding that they have never been alone within the Creation. But that is for a future.

    He smiles as he reads the energies of the planet and sees many still have fears of the changes they see happening all around them.

    He sees most continue to believe the stories they are fed by their media, in the main declared by those not wanting the power they hold to change.

    He sees the fables of Relativity and Evolution from apes continue to prevail and the belief that their sun is at the centre of their Solar System.

    Well, from the perspective of planet Earth it may appear to be so, but it is their sun which leads the way. Continually, the planets spiral along behind, chasing their sun around their Galaxy and by design, the energies which surround them in each moment change as together, they pass through each new region of 'Space'.

    'Space', He smiles at the misnomer.

    Earth humans say, 'The Emptiness of Space', but nowhere is Space empty. Everywhere it teems with the most incredible variety of Source energies. Each region of 'space' holds unique vibrations of energy which affect whatever passes through them, guaranteeing Change is constant as was ever intended within The Grand Design which came from The One Original Thought.

    His thoughts continue.

    Right now, right on time, the new mix of energies in this current region of Space bring change everywhere and changes will continue to grow as their Solar System moves ever deeper into this region.

    Once again the colour of their sun is changing from yellow to white and this will again affect the makeup of the planets. Even planet Earth will change as was ever intended, though Earth humanity will be told a quite different story.

    It will trigger many profound changes including the exposure of many dualities. Things hidden, supposedly for the good of humanity which are not.

    He smiles, Even human DNA begins to be upgraded and more and more humans start to sense a rise in the vibrations of their own Consciousness. This causes more and more to feel unsettled, making them feel the need for their world to change, to be different and many begin to display their discontent as they turn away from the old ways.

    What Was, no longer Is and change comes almost daily. From their internet they now clearly see that throughout their world, few people are as they have been led to believe.

    Yes, clearly they now see most wish for the same things they themselves wish for. More joy, more fun, more happiness. More love, compassion, contentment and more satisfaction from life. More peace, more freedom and more control over their own lives. With less fear, less pressure, less stress and less sickness.

    He chuckles, All sure signs ‘The Shift’ approaches, while in comparison, a mere handful wish for more power, more control, yet greater wealth, and they create more instability, more fears, more rules and ever more reasons for killing.

    2 - THE TRAVEL

    Those thoughts fade and ready now, he forms The Thought of their destination. He is about to release that Thought when a combined energy comes to him from his friends.

    A toast Hermes.

    To good Choices.

    To new Experiences

    And to ever greater Understanding!

    They are the simplest of words, yet the moment their energies come to him, the whole of his thinking shifts, for they state the whole purpose of The Creation and why it came to be.

    He makes his thoughts open to his friends. He reminds them how the gradual Making Known of All That Is Unknown within the whole of The Creation is the whole purpose of The Game.

    That will bring an ever-growing Understanding that everything everywhere comes from the purest Love/Light energies of Source, the Creator and Sustainer of All That Is. The eternal Consciousness from which everything comes. God as many Earth humans say.

    Then he reminds them of how the ongoing cycles of Events and Choices bring new Experiences into every life-time, giving humans the opportunity to gain ever greater Understanding, ever greater personal Wisdom.

    The volume of data shared and the speed it flows is beyond any human comprehension but because all is purely energetic in its form, it takes but the briefest of moments to complete.

    With agreement from his friends already given, Hermes re-forms the Thought and as he releases it, as one they depart his universe, and he knows their new adventure begins.

    As they travel, Hermes fully opens himself to what the pictures held and within the moment it takes for The Thought to deliver them to planet Earth, he shares everything with them.

    Incredible energies flow, images, maps, science, mathematics and so much more. He sees there are three incredible fields of energies, and he shares the energies of planet Earth, her history, along with all that has already Been Made Known, held within the Energetic Field of Understanding.

    He shares the Energetic Field of Thoughts, the place where the thoughts of all Earth humans are held and where similar thoughts can combine to eventually become so powerful they create change, inventions, ever greater advancement.

    He also includes all that may yet come to be, held within the Energetic Field of Potentials for the future.

    He tells that at the moment of The Creation the Field of Potentials was full, the Field of Understanding was empty, the Field of Thoughts also, but with the arrival of Earth humanity all that began to change instantly.

    The entire volume of data shared within that briefest of moments and the speed at which it flows is truly incredible but as they arrive at planet Earth, it is done.

    If there could have been an observer, all would have appeared to be simple one-liners, but each held every minute piece of information there is on that particular subject.

    All was covered in the finest detail, all was instantly understood.

    3 - THE SEER

    It is early in the day, the Seer is awake but lies resting on a deserted beach in the southern part of Gallia Narbonensis. It is a part of the Roman Empire which will later become known as The Languedoc, the langue d'Oc (the language of Oc), in Southern France, a part of modern day Occitanie.

    His hair is white as is his short trimmed beard, and he wears a simple brown robe fixed with a pin at the neck and a cord at the waist. Everything he has in the world is beside him. His blade, two water skins and his skin shoulder bag with his blanket tied beneath.

    His arrival here was prompted by a dream. The Goddesses Isis and Maat had requested that he meet and help a woman coming from Judea. A word is also given to him, a name? Meme and he knows in Egyptian tribal dialect, Meme can mean ‘she who talks with the stars’.

    Immediately interested because of his own deep love of the stars, he had accepted the request, and so he is here, clairvoyantly knowing that 'here' is correct both in time and in space.

    He had arrived late last evening as the energies of the day were all but done. Tired after many days hard walking, he bathed in the sea, meditated and ate a light supper of leaves, grasses, seeds and nuts before he lay down to sleep, but for all his physical tiredness, sleep would not come.

    Maybe for his age he had done too much. The journey had been long, hot and tiring. Allowing an extra day would have made so much more sense, but the timing of the request had given him no leeway. So yes, he could have been over tired.

    It could have been arriving late at the sea after the longest day of his hard journey and all he then encountered. New sights, new sounds, new smells, a cooler more moist salty air, bathing in salt water, eating so late then trying to sleep...

    Or maybe it was because last night Saturn had wanted so much of his attention, being so excited about the coming day. Their contact had been long and intense, so certainly that played a part.

    Well, it could have been any one or all of those, but deep inside he knows what it had been and even now with the energies of light signalling the arrival of a new day, still they fill his mind. It had been the Stars. Last night their brilliance, their clarity, their numbers, their closeness, but above all it had been their eagerness to talk with him about the task he had accepted. Yes, definitely the stars. Last night they had been spectacular, their conversation truly stimulating, their excitement contagious and again he sends his deep appreciation to them.

    There is a light air coming from the sea, the Earth has moved some way from its day-break position and already the day is full of warmth and a dazzling brightness as he stands and looks around, absorbing the many differences between here and all he has seen on his journey to get here.

    He is a man who gives no thought to his age and as he begins his day, his movements are surprisingly rapid for his many years as he stretches and exercises his obviously flexible body.

    When done, he unpins his broach, unties the cord, and allows his robe to fall to the sand, his loincloth also. Naked he starts walking towards the sea. Gathering speed with each step, he is running hard as he splashes through the froth of the first wavelets and like a youth he is laughing loudly as the water gets deeper, and he lifts his knees higher. Then, at full speed he plunges headlong into the brine and delights in the sudden shock of its coolness.

    Taking a deep breath, he forces himself under. Eyes open, strong arms pulling him just above the sea floor, he revels in the feelings of the cool silky water on his skin and the flow of his blood pumping through his body. It is just what he needs, and he senses it as a preparation, a moving away from what has been to something new. A cleansing of his body, and he is sure a cleansing of his mind will follow.

    Air all but gone he surfaces and with strong strokes, he swims a distance out to sea, then, treading water, he turns to face the land and begins a careful study of the shoreline.

    As far as he can see, in both directions there is nothing to concern him. Nothing moves or suddenly darts into hiding. He is sure he is alone and his ability to use his inner senses confirm what his eyes show him.

    The temperature of the crystal clear water is perfect. Already he feels relaxed, refreshed, invigorated, fully ready for whatever this new day may bring, and he spends moments thanking the sea for her special qualities.

    Leaving the water, he collects his clothes and returns to stand knee-deep in the gentle incoming waves, and he whistles a happy tune as he rinses away the dust and the odours of his journey. Then, he walks back to his belongings and spreads both robe and loincloth on the already hot sand.

    Knowing they will dry quickly, he remains standing and takes a swig from his water skin. He opens his bag and from the drawstring skin pouches inside, he selects nuts, berries, grains, a little dried fish and the remainder of the fruit he had picked as he travelled yesterday.

    Belly satisfied, he expresses his thanks for that as he walks back to the sea and after rinsing hands and face, he again returns to his belongings.

    After a brief look around his location, he sits, legs crossed, back straight. Eyes closed he reviews the 'pictures', the mental images which had come to him during the night and with a better grasp of what it might all mean, he clears his mind and relaxes.

    Taking slow deep breaths and focusing on the air as it moves within him, he forms the belief that with each out-breath, the old, the unwanted energies of his journey, his life, are being shed, cleared, breathed away and with each in-breath, new energies enter, cleansing him mentally and physically empowering him.

    Finally, he spends moments in appreciation of his ancestors and from somewhere deep within, he has a clear understanding he is as they once were. That he, the real him, is the eternal Soul energy melded with what he believes is his physical Body.

    He is 'aware' he is a piece, a part of Source, the Creator, that which is Eternal in both directions. That he and Source Consciousness are One.

    He 'knows' ‘Events’ come into the lifetimes of all humans at any moment. Things happen, and that each 'Event' comes with its own set of ‘Choices’. They are opportunities to do this, that or something and one will always be the choice to do nothing, to change nothing.

    He also knows that as any choice is made, even the choice to do nothing, the choice will open an Experience and every Experience will present an opportunity for gaining New Understanding. Then the next 'Event' will come and the cycle will begin again.

    He 'knows' that through the Soul connection, all human experiences are instantly shared with Source through the Soul Energies and as each new understanding is gained it is instantly added to both the Sum of Understanding gained by his Soul during this lifetime and also added to The Sum Of All Understanding gained from every lifetime, from every choice ever.

    He knows lifetimes are not as humans believe them to be. That each lifetime is merely one link within an endless chain of lifetimes which form the entire Soul Journey, that which began at the start of The Game, The Creation.

    He also knows all Souls are unique, each travel their own unique journey and that eventually each will attain what Earth humans think of as Ascension.

    That moment when the energies of Souls again match the pure energies of Source and as that occurs, Souls and Source will reunite to again become One, The One. To again become the Purest energies of Love/Light imaginable and at that moment this Game will end.

    For a long time now he has sensed this body is merely a vehicle, the sensing, thinking, exploring, experiencing, discovering vehicle his Soul uses to experience this third vibrational life-time and as he has that thought, again that special feeling of inner warmth, of togetherness comes to him.

    He allows his breathing to become deeper, his mind to go quiet and even the sounds of his surroundings become dulled as feelings of contentment, peace and joy fill his mind and body as he receives the thoughts, the Loving Energies, the Understanding, the Wisdom from his Soul, that which is a piece, a part of Source, the Eternal Creator.


    Meditation complete and feeling incredibly refreshed, the Seer sits up and leans forward to touch his clothes, they are dry. He stands, shakes his loincloth, brushes the sand from his backside before fixing both loincloth and robe.

    Eager to make a start, he collects the flat length of driftwood he had seen earlier and walking to the place he has sensed the energies to be high, he begins to scrape a life-sized hollow in the sand.

    When it is

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