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First Steps into the Night: Eternal Night, #1
First Steps into the Night: Eternal Night, #1
First Steps into the Night: Eternal Night, #1
Ebook45 pages29 minutes

First Steps into the Night: Eternal Night, #1

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Step Carefully For The Night Is Dark

Kylie Porter needs a break. Novacore VR's Eternal Night is it - the VR vampire game that her editor wants her to write about. But she's not a gamer, so she's going to have to learn to fake it for her article. With a little help.

Johnathan Masters is that help. An old friend who is doing her a favour, he's a lot more confident and good looking in the game, even if they've both touched themselves up. But she's a professional and this is just a game.

None of it's really real? Is it?

First Steps into the Night is a Vampire LitRPG Short Story (approximately 10k long) written by Tao Wong, the author of the System Apocalypse, Hidden Wishes and A Thousand Li series. It is not a fade-to-black story, set in a VR vampire MMORPG.

Release dateNov 2, 2020
First Steps into the Night: Eternal Night, #1

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    Book preview

    First Steps into the Night - Tao Wong

    First Steps into the Night

    A Vampire LitRPG Story

    Tao Wong


    Starlit Publishing

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    First Steps into the Night

    Copyright © 2020 Tao Wong. All rights reserved

    A Starlit Publishing Book

    Published by Starlit Publishing

    PO Box 30035

    High Park PO

    Toronto, ON

    M6P 3K0


    Ebook ISBN: 9781989994139


    First Steps into the Night

    Author's Note

    About the Author

    About the Publisher

    Books in the Eternal Night series

    First Steps into the Night

    An oval, metallic bright red helmet that looked like a bastard cross between science-fiction and a motorcycle helmet held the attention of the leggy brunette as it lay on her bed. Kylie Porter bit her lip as she stared at the Novacore’s Virtual Reality helmet, forcing herself to draw and exhale a deep breath to calm her nerves.

    This is your first assignment. Brent, that rat bastard, won’t buy the piece if you don’t write it. You can’t write it if you don’t go in. Come on, Kylie. All the studies say it’s fine. There’s no danger, the brunette whispered to herself in a surprisingly low, husky voice in an effort to psych herself up. The truth was, for Kylie, it was not about the danger to her mind or body that the VR helmet exemplified but what came afterward. You know Johnathan won’t wait long for you. If he doesn’t show you around, you don’t have a chance at writing this.

    As she chewed on her lower lip, Kylie looked out of the eleventh-floor window of her apartment. The downtown skyline of Vancouver still glowed with reflected electric light, even years after the ‘night sky’ legislation had passed. Beneath her, she could hear the low rumble of electric busses and grid-connected shared vehicles carrying the residents to the latest party. A part of Kylie desperately wanted to be out there, in the press of humanity, rather than in here, staring at the helmet. Then again, she barely had enough money to make it through the month. Existing on the minimum basic income was tough—especially for a single woman without roommates.

    Kylie sighed and turned away from the window and back to the helmet. She finally forced herself to pick it up, and she slid it over her long, silky hair. As she adjusted the straps, Kylie lay down on the bed before she touched the side of the helmet,

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