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Unicorns & Cotton Candy: Harley & Marley, #1
Unicorns & Cotton Candy: Harley & Marley, #1
Unicorns & Cotton Candy: Harley & Marley, #1
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Unicorns & Cotton Candy: Harley & Marley, #1

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About this ebook

Things in Hope Alabama are not bright as unicorns and sweet as cotton candy.....

Small town fair = BIG problems

It started with a creepy note..... 

Now costumes are shredded.... what could possibly happen next? 

Last years pageant queen, Margot Thatcher, is missing..... 

Is this all a part of her wicked plan to get Sam's attention or is her life really in danger? 

Marley & Sam will have to put their competitive detective edges to the side, retract their claws, and work together if they're going to solve this crazy case..... 

Can these two rivals work together to save Margot or will her body be the highlight of the pageants Show & Tell?

#YA #detective #sleuth #mystery #beauty #pageant #smalltown #fair #carnival #fairfood #rides #investigation #unicorns #costumes #pig #englishbulldog #slowburn #romance #younglove #Frenemies

Release dateNov 2, 2020
Unicorns & Cotton Candy: Harley & Marley, #1

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    Book preview

    Unicorns & Cotton Candy - Shaunna Rodriguez


    Hope Alabama is in the heart of Daphne County. It’s cute and quaint with a down-home country feel. Hope is a town where parents feel safe letting their kids ride their bicycles until sunset.

    Keller’s Coffee Shop has the best coffee in town, but Doc’s Old-Fashioned Soda Shop is known far and wide for its homemade ice cream.

    It’s the beginning of July and for the kids of Hope Alabama, Doc’s is the place to be. Especially on this hot summer's day.

    Marley Decker sat at a round table for two by the picture glass window, watching tourists pass by. She kept one small hand on the top of her pink pig Harley’s head while the other held two-scoops of chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone.

    The buzz around town revolved around the upcoming weekend. It was time for Hope Alabama’s summer country fair. There would be cotton candy, popcorn, ice cream, fried treats, and lots of rides and games.

    Every year there were contests. Pie eating, baking, horseshoe tossing, sack racing, and dunking just to name a few.

    Marley was looking forward to the costume contest. It was more like a pageant, to be honest. Entrants had to be at least ten years old to compete.

    This was Marley’s year. She was sixteen going on seventeen. Marley and Harley were going to have the best costume Hope Alabama,- no! The world! This pair was going to have the best costume the world had ever seen!

    Harley was Marley’s crime solving sidekick. This July, Harley the piggy P.I., was going to have a sparkly horn to match her small hooves and curly tail, and a little pink snout.

    Little did Marley know; Harley wouldn’t be the only one going incognito for the country fair.

    Marley was going to be putting on her hot pink P.I. hat and black sunglasses to solve the most serious case the Harley & Marley Agency had ever investigated….

    Chapter One

    "Well, well, if it isn’t my competition." Marley raised her head slowly. Her loose blonde hair brushed the tops of her shoulders as her blue eyes connected with her arch nemesis, Sam Keller.

    Harley squealed and bobbed her pink head up and down, squaring off with Hector, Sam’s English Bulldog.

    Keller. Marley practically growled his name. If she were a witch with a wand, she’d turn him into a toad.

    Nice to see you too, Decker. Sam smirked wrinkling his mouth squishing his freckles.

    As nice as a root canal maybe. Marley shot back. Hope Alabama wasn’t big enough for two Private Investigators. That much they agreed on.

    Still small time? Sam tried pushing Marley’s buttons.

    Are you still my favorite person? Marley touched her chin and stared up at the blue, cloudless sky.

    Awe, that’s so sweet. Sam mocked.

    The answer to both is no. No, I am not small time and no, you are not my favorite person. I just had cotton candy and you turn my stomach. If you’ll excuse me, Harley and I are going to enjoy the fair. Marley stepped around Sam with Harley in tow.

    Awe, yes. It must be nice to be a kid and have playtime. Some of us have actual cases to solve. Sam gloated. Marley spun on the toe of her shoe and squared her shoulders. Harley perched by her feet, keeping her brown eyes on Hector.

    Don’t kid yourself, Keller. For all you know, I’m investigating.

    Yeah? What are you investigating, Decker? The sugary goodness of cotton candy? Sam reached out and plucked the remanence of pink cotton candy from Marley’s cheek.

    She batted his hand away, then scowled and stomped off with Harley hot on her heels. She’d show him. Today was the day she put Sam Keller and his fake investigation to shame.

    Chapter Two

    Marley put her ticket into Chuck Polson’s hand then waited for him to lift the metal arm on the swinging chair.

    Either you have a boyfriend or stalker issues. Chuck chuckled.

    What are you talking about? Marley watched Chuck tug on her green seatbelt then Harley’s.

    Sam Keller and Hector, his brute of an English Bulldog. Chuck remarked as he pushed the metal bar into place and tugged it several times ensuring it was secure. Marley looked past the teenage boy that dated her older sister, Lacey, off and on.

    Stalking me, Decker? Sam called from the front of the line where he and Hector stood waiting for their seat.

    Me stalking you? Psh, which one of us is already seated, hmm? Some detective you are. Marley scoffed and was rewarded with several chuckles from onlookers. Sam’s cheeks flushed a shade of scarlet.

    Leave the lady alone, Keller. Let’s go. Chuck swung his large hand out to the next seat as he raised Marley and Harley up one.

    Me? Did you see her earlier? Sam asked indignantly.

    No, but that’s my girl’s sister and I’m telling you to back off. Sam swallowed hard as he slid into his seat. His long legs dangled above Marley’s head. Sam was so close; Marley could smell the new leather on the soles of his black and white Cross Trainers.

    Hey man,

    Don’t hey man me, Keller. I know your brother. Now, sit down, strap in and shut up. Everyone else wants to enjoy the ride before it gets too crowded. Chuck pointed a warning finger at Sam.

    Thanks, Chuck! Marley waved.

    You know I gotcha. Chuck winked at her then scowled at Sam. Chuck rested his hand on the metal bar and tugged, locking gazes with Sam.

    Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to, Keller.

    I’m not up to nuthin. Sam tipped his dimpled chin up definitely.

    Uh huh. I remember being ten. I also remember seeing Marley’s sister Lacey for the first time. Even then, I thought she was beautiful. Only, I was a punk just like you. Sam scoffed and rolled his eyes.

    Please. I’ve got eyes on Wendy Hadley, not Marley Decker. She’s an annoying little brat who is too nosy for her own good.

    Uh huh. I’m going to remember you said this. In a few years, when you’re chasing after Marley wondering why she won’t give you the time of day, I’m going to remind you of this moment.

    Before Sam could say anything, Chuck patted the metal bar and raised his seat up and loaded the next passengers.

    Marley withdrew a baggie from her jeans pocket and took several goldfish crackers out. She held her tiny palm in front of Harley.

    Your pig better not drool on me, Decker.

    Whatever, Sam. Harley doesn’t drool. She’s a lady just like me. Sam smirked then rolled his eyes.

    If you say so, Decker.

    When have you ever cared about anything I say? Marley demanded.

    Hey, come on you two. The rest of us want to enjoy the ride. Marley and Sam looked up at Chris Shepherd and Hope’s former Miss Teen, Julie Smart.

    Sorry. Marley waved.

    Whatever, Shepherd. Does Billy know you’ve got his sister Julie on the Ferris wheel? What about your girlfriend, Tasha? Sam called. Marley was intrigued by his questions. They were good questions at that.

    It was no secret Billy Smart and Chris Shepherd were not friends. It likely had something to do with Chris stealing Tasha away from Billy when they were Freshman in high school. Now, Chris was on a Ferris wheel with Billy’s twin sister, Julie.

    Mind your own, Keller. Julie and I aren’t your business. Besides, if you were smart, you would have jumped onto the seat with Marley. Marley rolled her eyes. She wondered why Sam’s cheeks were flushed red. Was he mad again?

    You want a piece of me? Sam demanded.

    Pipe down Keller or I’ll embarrass you in front of both our girlfriends. Chris warned.

    Chris, stop. Julie coaxed in a sweet voice.

    Kid needs to own up to how he feels about,

    Like you and I aren’t his business, he isn’t ours. Enough. Let’s just enjoy the ride. Marley watched Julie kiss Chris’s cheek. He looped his arm around her shoulders and pulled Lacey closer, if that was possible.

    I’ll get him when he least expects it. Chris muttered. Marley had, had enough.

    I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Marley turned in her seat and perched on her knees with ease.

    Marley! Sit your butt down now! Julie shrieked, drawing gasps from the onlookers below, her sister Lacey and Chuck included.

    Marley! Marley! Lacey screeched.

    Marley, sit down. Chris pointed at her.

    You don’t want to be messing with Sam. Especially not if he’s got Hector with him.

    What? Why? Sit down before you fall, Marley. We’re almost to the top. Chris leaned over the bar.

    Because Hector is protective of Sam, that’s why. Just like my English Bulldog, Sadee. Marley tipped her chin up.

    Fine, fine. Alright. Chris put his hands up.

    Say you’ll leave Sam alone. Marley pointed just as the ride jolted and pitched her backwards. Marley shrieked and Harley screamed a high-pitched pig scream.

    Marley! Lacey and Julie yelled. Marley barely heard the squeaking of rocking chairs over the panicked screams around her.

    Sam! Chuck and Chris shouted with several others. What had he done now, Marley wondered? Then she felt a warm palm pressing against her back. Long fingers wadded in her pink shirt as an arm snaked around her waist.

    In one swift move that barely moved her chair, Sam spun her around and planted her butt firmly on the metal seat.

    Get your hands off me, Keller! Marley shoved his shoulder, nearly knocking him off-balance. She wrapped her leg around his and grabbed the front of his shirt.

    Sit here. Sam growled inches from her face.

    Whatever. Marley shoved it backwards and rolled her eyes.

    Marley! I’m going to tell your mother about this! Julie shouted at her once Sam was safely strapped back into his seat.

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