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Amos and Amelie Need to Stay Home
Amos and Amelie Need to Stay Home
Amos and Amelie Need to Stay Home
Ebook61 pages44 minutes

Amos and Amelie Need to Stay Home

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A dangerous virus is making many people sick. Because of this, nothing is as it was. Most of the businesses are closed. In those that are still open, there isn’t enough of everything available to buy. Schools, preschools and playgrounds are also closing, and so Amelie and Amos need to spend almost all day at home. Even though it is a difficult time for many, there are wonderful experiences as well. And one thing is certain: Eventually, things will be looking up again!

Release dateNov 4, 2020
Amos and Amelie Need to Stay Home

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    Amos and Amelie Need to Stay Home - Eva Markert

    Amos and Amelie Need to Stay Home

    Eva Markert


    Translated by Eric Wood 

    Amos and Amelie Need to Stay Home

    Written By Eva Markert

    Copyright © 2020 Eva Markert

    All rights reserved

    Distributed by Babelcube, Inc.

    Translated by Eric Wood

    Cover Design © 2020 TomJay /, Illustration: ©

    Babelcube Books and Babelcube are trademarks of Babelcube Inc.

    Nasty Little Spheres

    It is Sunday. Amelie can’t explain it, but she has had the feeling ever since waking up that something is not right.

    Mum and Dad like to sleep a little longer on the weekend. Amelie and her little sister Maya try to play as quietly as they can in their beds during that time. They haven’t been noisy today, either, but their parents woke up early in spite of that. They look as if they are troubled by something.

    At breakfast Dad isn’t nearly as cheerful as usual and Mum has a worried expression on her face.

    What’s wrong? Amelie asks.

    You may not be able to go to nursery school for a little while.

    Why not? What about Amos?

    Amos is her cousin.

    Him too, Mum confirms. All of the children need to stay home. The schools are closed also.

    But there aren’t any holidays now, Amelie wonders.

    There is a serious reason for it, Dad explains. There is a disease spreading. Not only here, but all over the world.

    Amelie doesn’t think it’s so bad if she and Amos can stay home from nursery school for a while. Then Amos and I can play together at home a lot, she says.

    Unfortunately, no, Dad explains. The disease is highly contagious, and so to avoid having lots of people get sick and having everyone get sick at once, children need to stay home and mustn’t meet with others.

    Is it only children who get sick? Amelie anxiously asks.

    No. Anyone can catch it.

    Amelie feels a little queasy. Does it kill people? she whispers, her lower lip quivering a little.

    Don’t worry, sweetie. The disease is most dangerous for people who are no longer healthy and for old people.

    Amelie is relieved for a moment. Her parents, and Amos’s parents too, are still rather young. Amos, Maya and she most definitely. And everyone is healthy.

    But then she thinks of Mrs Hutton. She lives across the street and is rather old. She isn’t altogether healthy, either. She is always having all sorts of aches and pains: her shoulders, hands, fingers, arms, legs, feet and toes. That must be terrible. She explained to Amelie that she has rheumatism. But at least she has good medications to combat that. Amelie likes Mrs Hutton and doesn’t want anything to happen to her.

    What happens when someone catches the disease? she wants to know.

    It is like having a flu. Most people get a fever, dry cough and sore throat.

    Amelie is horrified. I had no idea people can die of a cough and sore throat!

    Not when someone has a cold, for example. But when the cough is caused by the coronavirus, then it can be really bad.

    What is a cornoravirus?

    Corona, Mum corrects her.

    And what is conrona? Amelie is unable to remember the word.

    You have to picture a virus as a tiny little sphere that gets inside the body, where it multiplies and multiplies until the person gets sick.

    How does the little sphere get inside the body?

    When, say, someone sneezes or coughs and tiny droplets of spittle fly through the air.

    But people can take medicine when they get sick.

    "Unfortunately, there is no medicine for the coronavirus yet. It will be a while until something is

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