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Duty, Honor, Counrty
Duty, Honor, Counrty
Duty, Honor, Counrty
Ebook653 pages8 hours

Duty, Honor, Counrty

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Heather Robinson is the new Captain of the UAP Space Marshal Division Three team that had been led by Nicole Jones for three years. General Thrope, the commander of all Division Three teams promised her two weeks to get to know her team and for them to get to know her, but this is a Division Three team, and things change.

Potentate Boglietti from the UAP planet Vesta is visiting Chlorophyceae, part of the Planets and Moons of Vulcan, the PMV. There he is killed and General Thrope knows that only Heather Robinson and her team can solve this politically sensitive case, so after just four days, she sends them to the PMV.

Heather must discovered who killed Boglietti and why. Is it the beautiful and sexy wife, who is from Chlorophyceae? Could it be someone from the Potentate UAP Space Marshal Protection Team so he could be with the wife, or worst case scenario, could it be the Government of the PMV. To complicate matters, everyone in the PMV is white and they hate the UAP because almost everyone is black or brown, included Boglietti. The Government of the PMV considers Heather and her team apes, and lets them know it.

Heather must discover who killed the Potentate, why he was killed, and if possible without starting a war between the UAP and the PMV. If that isn’t enough, she must do it with a team that does not know her and loved their old captain. In the end, the answer and the motive is beyond anything they had ever considered.

PublisherRich Olsen
Release dateOct 29, 2020
Duty, Honor, Counrty

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    Duty, Honor, Counrty - Rich Olsen


    Captain Heather Robinson was dreading this day for the past week and now it was finally here. Almost two weeks ago, she had been given command of a Division Three Space Marshal Detective Team. It was the team that used to be commanded by Captain Nicole Jones until she decided to marry Samael Moloch two weeks ago.

    Nicole was possibly the most beautiful and desirable woman in the entire human universe, certainly more beautiful and desirable than Heather. Heather was not unattractive, but no one could hold a candle to Nicole. Samael Moloch was the richest man in the UAP, having 100 trillion credits (₢100 trillion). The wealthiest man married the most beautiful and sexiest woman in the UAP, the United Affiliation of Planets.

    The rumors were that Nicole loved her partner, Gabe Boucher, but he didn’t have ₢100 trillion. All he could offer her was love. Her parting words to Boucher were love cannot give her ₢100 trillion, but ₢100 trillion can buy her love. With those words a broken and dejected Gabe Boucher watched as the newlyweds left on their honeymoon, to see the different planets in the universe. Gabe, broken hearted and not understanding why any woman could do that to a man she claimed she loved went back to New York to the Headquarters of the Space Marshals with Nicole’s resignation letter for their boss, Colonel Nathan Guthrie.

    What Heather knew that only two other people knew was it was all a lie, because Heather Robinson, a woman only a year older than Nicole Jones was the reincarnated soul of Nicole Jones. The only other two people that knew that were Samael Moloch who was really Satan, and Lieutenant General Claire Thrope, the woman in charge of Division Three of the Space Marshals. General Thrope knew the secret because General Thrope was really the God Fate.

    To everyone else, even General Thrope, only two weeks had passed since Nicole married Moloch, but to Heather/Nicole it had been one hundred thirty-two years and two weeks!

    It began over 5700 years ago when Heather’s soul inhabited the body of a young girl living south of Egypt along the Nile River. Soldiers from Egypt invaded her country and the Egyptians won. Heather was captured and was to be taken back to the ruler of Egypt. This was before the first of the Pharaohs ruled there. Because she was so beautiful and sexy, she was destined to be the ruler’s wife, but before she could, the soldiers decided to have some fun. They raped and tortured her, killing her in the process. It was the last time the soul of Heather Robinson chose to incarnate as a woman until she became Nicole Jones.

    In Heather’s next life he was the High Priest to the first Pharaoh and convinced the Pharaoh that if young virgins were killed they would be available for the Pharaoh in the afterlife. What Heather didn’t know was the Pharaoh liked his High Priest so much, he wanted him in the afterlife as well and killed the body Heather inhabited.

    That was when Heather learned she could hide from God and Fate, not having to pay for her bad karma and could incarnate the fetus of his/her choice. In all his subsequent lives, he was a sadist that tortured women and girls to death because he hated women and loved men, being gay. However, he could have sex with some young women so others would not know his secret.

    All went well until his last incarnation, the one as Nicole. Before he became Nicole, he realized that God and Fate knew what he was doing, so, having the ability to read DNA, he chose the fetus of a female that would grow up to be smart, but average. His plan was to be a dominatrix and continue to torture women. It was a good plan, but Fate and God interceded once Heather’s soul was in the fetus. They changed the DNA to make Nicole the most beautiful, desirable, and sexiest woman in the UAP and wiped her memory of her past lives. The reason was simple, she needed to repay 5500 years of bad karma and learn the lessons she never allowed herself to learn.

    God’s plan was for Nicole to be a 3D holographic star, someone that would have interstellar fame and notoriety, but Nicole became a Space Marshal. As the lieutenant in charge of the Division Three team, she discovered she had visions of the killer and set herself up as bait for the sadistic killer, always being rescued in the nick of time. Then came her last case, the one on Eros.

    Nicole was now a captain, the first detective captain. Five women tourists had been killed, tortured to death and Nicole’s team was sent there to investigate the murders. In the process, she discovered it was Satanists killing the women. Nicole also had more and more visions, some of them from the past. Finally they made the arrest and her and the entire team had two weeks paid vacation. Nicole and Gabe decided to spend a week on Eros.

    A couple days into the vacation, Moloch told Nicole that her and Gabe needed to come to the church where the women had been tortured and killed. When they arrived and Nicole saw all the torture implements that supposedly had been collected by her Forensics people as evidence were there as well as the body of the eighth victim, Nicole remembered who she was and that Moloch was Satan.

    Satan told her she had to repay her bad karma; she could not put it off any longer. When asked how long it would be, he told her it would be a hundred years, and if she had not tried to hide, things would have been different……and less painful for her mortal body.

    Gabe was there because he too had to repay bad karma. In his past life, that he could not remember, he was a beautiful woman that seduced men, took their money and then left them, breaking their hearts in the process. It was not Nicole/Heather that told him that love could never get her ₢100 trillion, but ₢100 trillion could buy her love, it was a memory that Satan planted in Gabe’s head, along with the letter that Nicole supposedly wrote…… and the marriage.

    During the hundred years that Satan subjected Nicole’s body to horrible pain, they talked. He told Nicole she had the ability to incarnate into any fetus, not just one in the future after her death. So when Nicole’s karma had been repaid and her mortal body was allowed to die in 2425 she choose to incarnate into a female fetus in the body of Zara Robinson, her soon to be new mother in the year 2291, a year before Nicole would be born.

    Nicole chose that body because she had decided she would be a Space Marshal again, and with luck she could be in command of her old Division Three team, the one she had commanded when she was Nicole Jones. That way, there was a good chance she could get together with Gabe, who Nicole had loved.

    Moloch had said there was no such thing as soulmate since your soulmate might be reborn on a different planet fifty years after you were born, but Nicole/Heather could control her incarnations, so she decided to try after all, General Thrope, the person that ultimately assigned Division Three team leaders was Fate, and Fate might just allow it. In the end it had worked out. She was now Captain Heather Robinson, a detective captain in charge of Nicole/her old team, but they had no idea, not even Gabe or Colonel Guthrie, and in just a few hours, she was going to meet that team for the first time as Heather Robinson.

    Heather was not Nicole. Nicole was beautiful, with exceptionally large breasts, sexy, and desirable. Heather was quite pretty, with large breasts, but most woman had large breasts thanks to science. Nicole loved to wear six-inch heels and black leather boots. Heather liked stilettos, but only when she was wearing a dress, and sometimes not even then. She liked tennis shoes, jeans and blouses that buttoned and showed a little cleavage.

    Everyone called Nicole by her first name, that was okay with Heather, but she was less formal with her fellow marshals. Heather took the traditional path in the Space Marshals when someone was on the fast track to general, while Nicole just wanted to lead a Division Three team and not be a general. Nicole was unusual in that her skin tone was cream, almost white, with auburn hair and green eyes. Heather was like most people, milk chocolate colored skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. Finally, Heather had no desire to be bait for sadistic killers like Nicole did.

    Heather sighed. It was time for her team to meet their new captain.

    Chapter Two

    It was Monday in New York City, Earth, two weeks, two Earth weeks after the finished case on Eros and everyone was back. Since they didn’t have a case…… and a new team leader, they were all in the team’s meeting room at eight, everyone but their new boss.

    Most Division Three off planet teams do not spend a lot of time in New York City. Everyone on the team has a place to live there. If you are at least a sergeant, you probably have an apartment, others stay at a hotel, like the Space Tower where the UAP have an account, so they get a discount. The problem is you might only be at your place a couple weeks, maybe a month in an Earth year. As a result, most Space Marshals, especially Division Three Marshals were single, it just wasn’t fair to get involved only to leave for three or four months or longer while on a case. For most Division Three teams, the team was the family.

    When they had no case, they were supposed to be at the meeting room at eight for the start of the shift, but that rarely happened. When Nicole was the leader, she would get to her office, she was the only one to have an office, at eight, but the others usually didn’t come in. There was no reason to if they had no case. They might come in for something else, new equipment, for example, but other than that, nothing. Now Nicole was gone and they had a new captain, so they were here at eight because they didn’t know what to expect.’

    Heather looked at the time on her Communicator. It was reading New York City, Earth time, since that was where she was. It said it was five minutes after eight, 08:05 hundred hours. She sighed one more time and opened the door from her office to the meeting room and walked in.

    They were all in their seats, looking at her. They were studying her. Everyone was black, most of them light skinned black, milk chocolate with brown hair and brown eyes, just like Heather. Males and females had spent so many years in interracial relationships and marriage that there was not a lot of difference in appearance, some color of black skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. The biggest difference was how kinky their hair was. Generally, the kinkier the hair, the shorter it was. Heather’s was shoulder length and somewhere between straight and kinky. To her everyone was familiar, to them, she was the new guy. Good morning, I’m Captain Heather Robinson, I’m the new team leader, she began

    I know that Captain Jones’s marriage and resignation came as a shock to most of you, and I have no desire to be a replacement for Captain Jones. I’m not totally sure how she did things…… That was a lie of course, but they had no need to know that, it would just confuse them. …… I have my way of doing things. While I know this was Captain Jones’s team and I’m the new guy, I’m the team leader and we will do things my way and I will be in charge. If you have a problem with that, I will sign your transfer request. Division Three team positions are easy to fill. Hopefully, I won’t have to fill all the slots. I believe any slot on this team will be easy to fill because of this team’s reputation. I never met Captain Jones, but I heard of her. She was a good captain, but the success of this team was as much your doing as hers. If I am able to fill her shoes…… but not necessarily her stilettos…… That actually got a laugh. …… this will continue to be the best Division Three team, because of your abilities, not mine. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea, I have no desire to see any of you transfer out, but I know most of you were with Captain Jones from the beginning of this team. None of us likes change and I represent change.

    Heather paused and took a deep breath. "I am going to change little because why mess with success. Detective Boucher will be my partner, just like he was Captain Jones’ partner. I’ve already discussed this with him and he has no problem with that.

    My next change is with Sergeant Milkhailov. I am a captain, I want a lieutenant for my second in command. I’ve talked with Colonel Guthrie and General Thrope and they agree, my SWAT team leader should be a lieutenant. Therefore, Sergeant, if you want to stay on, you will be Lieutenant Milkhailov, and yes it comes with all the perks and increase in pay that goes with the lieutenant’s bars. This is not me bribing you or buying your loyalty. I read your file and what Captain Jones had to say and I’d rather have you for my SWAT lieutenant than someone that is not familiar with this team.

    Thank you, Captain, I’d like to stay, and I’ll be a lieutenant.

    Good, congratulations Lieutenant Milkhailov. At that point everyone was clapping and shouting congratulations.

    "I know that Captain Jones let everyone be on a first name basis with her. I don’t really have a problem with that as long as we use titles when we are in the eyes of the public and you follow my orders. If you think calling me Heather means you don’t have to obey my orders because it’s just Heather saying that, we will have a problem.

    "Now let me tell you about myself. I’m thirty-four and have been in the Space Marshalls since I graduated from college. I was a marshal for four years until I took the test for sergeant and passed. Then I was assigned to a Division Two capture team for a year and a Division Three team for a year until I passed the lieutenant’s test and led a Division Three team for three years. At that point I took the captain’s test and was assigned to Balder as the captain in charge of one of the posts there. I did that for three years and was thinking about taking the test for major when they promoted Lieutenant Jones to captain. When I saw they were having detective captains, I made it known I’d like to lead a Division Three team as a captain. When this team opened up, General Thrope asked me if I wanted to lead the team. I said yes, and here I am. I’d say you’re stuck with me, but I think I have had a rather good career in the Space Marshals. Some would say I am on the fast track, but I liked the Division Three teams, so I’m not planning on taking the test for major anytime soon. I want to lead this team for several years.

    "I realize that we all come and go in the Space Marshals, and we get promoted and leave. Corporal Dobre may choose to take the sergeant’s test and when he passes, he will probably leave us. Tech Marshal Stoyanov may decide to become a sergeant and leave us. The same goes with everyone else. Hell Doctor Khan may discover he can make more money as someone’s Coroner, or maybe he’ll decide it’s time to stop living in hotels and actually find a woman, man, or both to share his life with. Those are the realities of life, and not just life in the Space Marshals. So I’ll put off taking the test for major as long as you want me to be your captain.

    "General Thrope told me we will not have a case for a few weeks or more so I can get to know you and you can get to know me. I know you don’t always come in when this team has no case, and I don’t have a problem with that as long as we can get in touch with you when I need you here. I will be having a one on one chat with everyone. Detective Boucher and I already have had one. After this meeting I’ll start with Lieutenant Milkhailov. This afternoon, I’ll talk with Sergeant Zhou. Tomorrow I’ll meet with Sergeant Kalpar and then Doctor Khan. After that I’ll meet with Corporal Dobre and then the rest of you. I want everyone to go to the range and fire your pawals and qualify on both pulse array and laser, everyone and make sure you qualify. If you aren’t at the range, or meeting with me, you don’t need to come in until after I finish all the one on one chats. After that, we’ll just meet, talk, and do some drills. That’s all I have, when I’m not in a meeting, if my door is open, feel free to stop in and talk. That’s all I have. Lieutenant Milkhailov if I could see you in my office for our chat.

    Chapter Three

    Heather talked with Gabrielle Milkhailov and Hannah Zhou. She asked them what they liked about the way Captain Jones had done things and what they didn’t like. Then Heather told them what she wanted. It wasn’t much different. Her main change was she would let Gabrielle run SWAT within her operational rules, which were the same as Captain Jones, but Gabrielle would assign what SWAT officers would go with detectives and Gabrielle would create the SWAT teams. It was the same with Hannah. Heather talked with the two women for a couple hours each and that was all she did that day. Around noon, General Thrope lasermailed her and told her to come to her office at four. That was her day, she was nervous for some reason, but it wasn’t a problem.

    At four, Heather was in General Thrope’s office. Yes, ma’am? she said. Thrope had turned her glass door opaque so no one could see in and she had privacy in place as well so no one could hear.

    Have a seat, Heather, Thrope said.

    Heather did and Thrope came around the front of the desk and half sat, half stood. Claire Thrope was in her sixties, having spent her entire life in the Space Marshals. She had been in every division of the Marshals. She was rather pretty, with milk chocolate colored skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. There was no sign that she was in her sixties, in fact she looked more like a woman in her forties. Thrope was wearing bright yellow pants, yellow shoes with a slight heel, and a pastel blue blouse. On a coat tree was a bright yellow blazer that matched her pants. I’d like to take you to dinner, Heather, and discuss your first day with your team.

    It went fine, General, she said.

    "Heather, you can call me Claire when we are alone, or one of the other names you know me by.

    Alright……Fate, Heather said. Why do we need to discuss this day?

    I think that would be obvious. I made reservations for us at Broadway Fine Foods for seven. We’ll have a private room, and no, it isn’t what you are thinking, I want to talk about today and not have our conversation overheard. Have you ever been to Broadway Fine Foods?

    Heather let out a long breath and said, I never have, Nicole was there once on a date.

    Good, then you know it isn’t casual dining. I might be able to get way with my bright yellow pants and blazer, since bright colors are the fashion, but you can’t wear jeans. I’ll be wearing a dress and heels, and no, it won’t be a leather dress, Thrope said. This will be my treat of course. Are you finished for the day?

    I really have nothing else since we don’t have a case, Heather said.

    Good, I’ll see you at seven, I’m leaving now as well. General Thrope stood fully upright and along with Heather they walked out of her office.

    Chapter Four

    As Nicole, her last case was on Eros. It was officially called the Fantasy Planet, but unofficially it was called the Pleasure Planet. A quarter of the land mass was clothing optional or no clothing allowed. Those areas were all one large sex club. No one under eighteen was allowed on Eros because of the open nudity and sex acts everywhere in public. Even the areas that were clothing required, which was most of the planet, had hyperloop transport to different clothing optional areas. It was also the tourist capital of the UAP, more so than Earth, the capital of the UAP and home of humanity. Many tourists would go to Eros because they had a non-sexual fantasy, being a chef, driving a race car, playing one of the characters in Robin Hood or some other historical event. Usually those tourists would also check out the clothing optional areas and landmasses on Eros. Many times the different fantasy sites would schedule their events so there would be time to visit a clothing optional area, no more than a half hour away by hyperloop.

    Earth and New York City were different. Almost all of the planet was clothing required. There were some clothing optional areas, most were nude beaches, but there were some walled off areas that were clothing optional, or clothing optional businesses or hotels. New York City had a few, Vegas had also, including clothing optional casinos. Unlike Eros, there were no clothing optional countries or large clothing optional areas. It wasn’t that Earth was so conservative, or religious it was just that Earth was the home of humanity and had been clothing required forever that it was just accepted. Also, as the capital of the UAP, people in government didn’t want to have the distraction of someone sitting across from them or next to them naked. Even if you were the most beautiful, sexy, and desirable person in the UAP, like Nicole Jones was, it was just too distracting when you were trying to make laws, govern and deal with an affiliation in excess of 100 billion people.

    Heather had been on Earth for two weeks and had gotten a two-bedroom apartment on the sixtieth floor in a hundred and fifty story UAP high rise apartment building. With her rank as a captain, she could have afforded a three-bedroom apartment on a higher floor, but she didn’t need three bedrooms. She didn’t need two bedrooms, but the extra room was nice to have. She had finally gotten everything moved in. The UAP paid for the move since the Space Marshals had asked Heather if she wanted the position of Division Three team leader. If she had requested the spot, she would have had to pay. Everything was done by UAP employees, so even if she had to pay, it wouldn’t have been that expensive.

    The apartment building was all UAP employees. Most of them were people that were not on Earth a lot but needed a place to stay when they were. The apartments were nice but nothing fancy. They were about a quarter to a third of the price of what someone would pay for an equivalent apartment in New York City. The apartments were what had once been called rent controlled, in New York. They were slightly more than the cost of maintaining the apartments. The UAP was not gouging their employees so someone could make extra money. There were 722 apartments in the building, the top three floors were the penthouse, and that was not cheap. Floors one through five were the amenities, meeting rooms, laundry, as well as shops and restaurants. The parking was underground, five stories, but there was not enough parking for all the apartments. Since most of the tenants were off planet more than they were in their apartments they didn’t have a vehicle. On the sixth underground floor was a subway that went to all the UAP buildings and other UAP apartment high rises.

    The question facing Heather was what to wear. The last time she was at Broadway Fine Foods, it was a date that assumed sex afterward. The reason was, Nicole would state she was in town and available for a date and then there would be a bidding war for the right to take her on that date, so sex was assumed. Also as Nicole, she went to dinner with Claire Thrope on Eros and that also ended in sex, but at that date, Claire was dressed as a dominatrix and calling herself Alyssa, the Mistress of your Fate. For this dinner, Claire stated she wasn’t wearing leather, so Heather didn’t know what to expect.

    She finally decided on a dress that showed some inside boob, and a short skirt, but not too short. She could wear a garter belt with it and not have the garters show, but she opted for five-inch stilettos with no nylons or garter belt. She felt it was dressy, restrained but sexy at the same time. It was a nice practical dress that covered all options.

    Broadway Fine Foods first opened its doors for business in 2150, one hundred seventy-five years ago. It was the oldest restaurant in New York City other than some fast eatery chains, what had once been called fast food chains. It had only closed for short periods to remodel, something they did about every twenty to twenty-five years. It was expensive, but the owners kept it up to date and people kept coming.

    They also updated the menu. Whatever the popular food trend was, it was on the menu. The only things still on the menu from a hundred and seventy-five years ago were Manhattan Clam Chowder and Reuben Sandwiches. Ribeye steaks were back on the menu after being gone for a while because red meat was out. (But people still bought Reubens when red meat was out.) Menu items, decorations, floor designs came and went and then came back again only to again go out of style. Through it’s one hundred seventy-five years of life, it was owned by the same family. The business was passed down from parents to children. Today, it was just as popular as it was a hundred seventy-five years ago, but it was also an expensive restaurant where a lot of UAP officials and off-worlders came to eat.

    In their last remodel, they put in private rooms. Most were just a semicircular booth with an extra chair enclosed by walls and a door, a privacy door that could be opaque from the outside but let the people inside the booth see what was going on outside the room. It cost extra for a private room, and it was usually people that wanted to have sex during their meal or meet in private. If you stayed and lingered after the meal, you paid extra for the room, unless you continued to buy food or drink.

    Heather arrived about five minutes to seven and gave her name to the hostess who was dressed in a low cut bright yellow dress with big peacock blue sunflowers with a bright red center and bright yellow eight-inch platform stiletto heels. Heather had no idea how she could walk in them. Do you have a reservation? she asked.

    I’m meeting Claire Thrope.

    Yes, General Thrope is here and waiting in the bar. Her table should be ready in about five minutes. I’m sure you have time for a drink if you want to head that way.

    Thank you, Heather said and headed toward the bar. She figured the reservations were never ready when you arrived so you would always have time for drink first.

    Claire was sitting at the bar, on a stool with her legs crossed drinking an amber liquid without any ice. She was dressed in a black dress that while being sexy, was in good taste. She had on matching black six-inch stilettos. Heather, glad you could make it, Claire stood and kissed her lightly on the lips, nothing passionate, just a friendly kiss. Order a drink so they will seat us. Heather ordered a Perfect Vodka Martini, stirred, straight up with an olive and twist. Almost as soon as the drink was delivered, the hostess came over and said their room was ready.

    They took their drinks and followed her. The room was small, the semicircular booth and a chair. They sat and were given menus. Heather opened hers and shook her head. I’m glad I’m not a cheap date, she said.

    Claire shrugged, I can afford it and this lets us talk in private.

    Just talk? she asked.

    That’s all I had in mind unless you had something else.

    I remember the last time we went to dinner, Heather said.

    We’ve never been to dinner, Heather, but we will discuss that, after we order.

    They looked over the menu and ordered. After the waitress left, Claire set the outside door to opaque but inside to transparent so they could see out, especially see the waitress coming. Okay, we’ve ordered, Heather said.

    How was today? Claire asked.

    Fine, no problem.

    That’s not what I meant. Let me ask you this, what is happening to Nicole Jones right now?

    Heather sighed. That is something I try not to think about.

    Good, because you need to block it from your mind. As I’m sure you figured out, I told Satan how long you had to suffer. I didn’t tell Him what to do, but just that you had to pay for karma you never paid for. The real problem, Heather, is Nicole may live longer than you.

    May? Heather asked.

    What do you want me to say, that you will not live to be a hundred and thirty-two years old or that you will be over a hundred and thirty-two when your body dies? You can’t know your fate.

    I didn’t have to hide from you, because you knew I was hiding, tricking God. I could have paid for my bad karma as I went, but you let me hide.

    Yes, I did, and now you know that. If anything, you probably suffered less than you would have over the course of 5500 years.

    Would I, Fate? If you would not have allow me to hide, then maybe I would have learned my lessons and paid for my karma and suffered less, Heather said.

    And then who would have tortured all those women over time? Claire asked her. There were reasons I allowed you to hide and I didn’t make you repay your karma, someone had to do those things to those women and girls.


    Claire/Fate sighed. "I am immortal, I have always been, I am Fate, I determine what will and what will not happen. At one time, the people of Earth thought they were the only intelligent beings in the universe. Most religions today do not believe in my existence, at least not as a God. They think that we live one life and then we go to Heaven or Hell. They also think that God knows before we are even born if we will go to Heaven or Hell. If we go to Hell, God knows why, but they believe they have free will.

    Let’s take you when you were Jack the Ripper. People would have said that God knew you would become Jack the Ripper and kill those prostitutes. God knew that but allowed you to be born anyway. He allowed you to kill all those women because you had free will and might not have made the decisions you made and become Jack the Ripper. They think that since you have free will you had a choice, but if God is all knowing, He/She/It……

    He/She/It?!?! Heather said, confused.

    I am not a female, Satan is not male and God is not male. We are male and female and both. I could have entered the fetus of a boy, but I decided I wanted to be a woman……it fit my needs as Fate. If we have sex it is not because I’m a lesbian, or bi, it is because I am neither male or female and yet I am both.

    Okay, I don’t understand, but okay.

    "So people would say you had a choice to be Jack the Ripper, but if God is all knowing, then He…… It’s just easier to use one pronoun and God would be seen more as a Male than a Female, then He knew you’d become Jack the Ripper and go to Hell. Therefore, how could you have free will?

    So yes, I allowed you to hide from me because I knew you would do that. I knew you would do that because I taught you to do that and I allowed you to do that until you incarnated into Nicole’s body, but…… and here is the thing, but you do have free will and you didn’t have to hide.

    But you had decided my fate was to hide and not repay my karma for 5500 years, Heather said.

    Which came first, Heather, the chicken or the egg?

    I don’t understand.

    It’s a simple question, if the egg came first, who laid that egg. If the chicken came first, where did the chicken come from if not an egg? You could say the chicken came first because it evolved from a different animal, a dinosaur, but dinosaurs came from eggs. So if the chicken came first it still evolved inside an egg. If the egg came first, it evolved into a chicken egg inside a different animal, therefore that animal came first. It appears to be a simple question, but it is not and has no real answer.

    Heather smiled and said, the egg came first, it is only logical. If the egg came first, that means evolution occurred at conception. If the chicken came first, the animal……say a duckpig, evolved into a chicken after conception, and some force had to cause that. Therefore, something would have caused duckpigs to evolve into chickens, because it did not happen at conception, which is the normal route for evolution.

    Very sound logic, Claire stated. "I say this because did you try and hide from me for 5500 years and I allowed it because I knew you did it? Was your hiding from me for 5500 years your fate because it is what you did or did you do it because I decided it was your Fate?

    "I am Fate, I am a God, for me, time does not exist therefore this is an eternal present. The past, present, and future all exist at the same time. What that means is for me, you have just been killed by the Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt, as well as when you were Jack the Ripper and your death as Nicole in an eternal present. So did I know you hid from Me and avoided paying for your karma because time is an eternal present for Me, or did you hide and avoid karma because I am Fate and decided that was to be your fate.

    "You are now experiencing that to a smaller degree. You, Heather, are sitting here with me, having a drink, and waiting for our food, while Nicole is light years away suffering horribly and your soul is in both bodies. A year ago, the soul that is inhabiting Heather’s body had paid for her bad karma, but a year ago that same soul was inhabiting Nicole’s body and had not yet paid for her bad karma. A year ago, you had no desire to be bait because you do not need to pay for your bad karma, but a year ago as Nicole, you were having visions and setting yourself up as bait because subconsciously you knew you needed to repay your bad karma. That is what I experience on a much larger cosmic scale.

    I’m not telling you this, Heather, because I want you to feel sorry for me, this is all I have ever known. It is my price for being a God. I am all-knowing and one reason is because for me, time is an eternal present, so I know what will happen in the future because the future is now. The other question is do I know what your future is because I have decided what your future is, and if so is it because for me your future is my present, just like your past is my present?

    Heather shook her head. I don’t know, Fate, all I know is, I’m a mortal and I don’t understand, but I think you know the answer and you are going to tell me.

    That I can’t answer, Heather, if I know the answer I can’t tell you because if you know your fate, your future, you may change it. If you change your future, you change everyone’s future. What if as Jack the Ripper you decided not to kill those women? That would have changed the immediate future and that would have a ripple effect over time.

    I understand, but could there be dimensions where both exist?

    That is possible, but even if there is, it could still change this future because you would be creating another dimension, and in that dimension, your future and everyone’s future will have changed.

    Heather let out a long breath. Okay, so why are we at dinner?

    Because as we speak, Nicole’s body is suffering horribly and your soul resides in that body right now, as well in your body. Your soul is aware of the pain to Nicole’s body and causes you pain. You must not allow yourself to dwell on what is happening to the other body your soul resides in. At this point in time, you have learned that you can reincarnate into a body from the past. If you choose to do that again, you must learn not to dwell on what is happening to another body your soul is dwelling in. I am not saying you will do it again, but if you choose to, you must only concern yourself with the body you are aware of. Nicole is not aware of this body, you are aware of both. It is possible there is another body or bodies that your soul resides in as we speak. Those bodies must concern themselves with only that body, one will be aware of each body your soul inhabits, but if you inhabit other bodies, your next body will not be aware of future bodies, and neither will your soul. When you were Nicole, your soul did not know about this body. Again, I am not saying you will inhabit other bodies simultaneously."

    But at some point I might, I get it, Heather said. Well, it isn’t easy. At this time, Nicole is in horrible pain, and I’m not. I know what everyone on the team can do, but they do not know that. It’s……difficult.

    Yes, how are things going with you and Gabe?

    Fine, don’t you know?

    Of course I know, but maybe I want to hear it from you?

    Heather sighed and said, We’ve had two dates, we haven’t had sex, he’s afraid because Satan……you did a real number on him.

    Heather, he did a real number on a lot of men in his past life. As you well know, he had to pay for his bad karma. If he did a number, as you call it on ten men and Nicole is the only one that did a number on him, it seems to me he got off lucky.

    It’s all about karma, isn’t it?

    No, but that is a big part of it. If you wish to become one with God, you cannot have any bad karma or produce bad karma. It does get easier as you advance. Think of it like getting a Ph D in math. 2 + 2 is extremely easy for a Ph D student, but it isn’t easy for a first grader. As you advance, you do less and less bad karma because you have learned those lessons. A lot of this plane is about karma. Also, Heather, we both know you incarnated into the body of Heather Robinson because you love Gabe and wanted another chance without the baggage that Nicole brought into the relationship.

    And if it was Nicole he loved? Do we love the body, or the soul?

    "We lust after the body, but we love the soul. So if he only lusted after Nicole, you have a problem, but if he only lusted after Nicole’s body, then what would happen as Nicole got older and was no longer the most beautiful, sexy, and desirable woman in the UAP?

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