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A Christmas Oath: Novelette
A Christmas Oath: Novelette
A Christmas Oath: Novelette
Ebook57 pages44 minutes

A Christmas Oath: Novelette

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Christmas should be a time of peace on earth and goodwill toward men, but it isn't for Beth Dutton. When Francis Oldman breaks their engagement, giving her no reason why she sues him for breach of promise of marriage. The jury finds in her favor, and she is awarded five hundred pounds for damages suffered – the price of her broken heart.


Three months later, while still sulking over her lost love, the annual invitation to the Darley's Christmas Eve party arrives. Beth decides that a new dress and a bit of Christmas spirit might cheer her up. What she hoped would be a pleasant evening turns into one disaster after another, especially when Francis Oldman walks through the door. 


Nevertheless, Christmas wouldn't be complete without gifts. In the end, Beth receives the gift of clarity, and Francis discovers that sacrifice can bring miracles.

Release dateNov 5, 2020
A Christmas Oath: Novelette

Vicki Hopkins

Vicki started her writing career somewhat late in life, but can attest to the fact that it is never too late to follow your dreams. Her debut novel was released in 2009, and six books later and another on the way, she doesn't think she will stop any time soon. She is an award-winning and best selling author in historical sagas/historical romance.​With Russian blood on her father's side and English on her mother's, she blames her ancestors for the lethal combination in her genes that influence her stories. Tragedy and drama might be found between her pages, but she eventually gives her readers a happy ending.She lives in the beautiful, but rainy, Pacific Northwest with a pesky cat who refuses to let her sleep in. Her hobbies include researching her English ancestry, traveling to England when she can afford it, and plotting her next book.

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    A Christmas Oath - Vicki Hopkins

    A Christmas Oath



    Vicki Hopkins

    Copyright © 2020 Vicki Hopkins

    Published by Red Brick Media

    All Rights Reserved.

    This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means without prior written permission of the author, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

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    Work of Fiction

    This is a work of fiction. Places and incidents either are product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Novelette - Approximately 12,600 Words


    I dedicate this book to my third great grandparents, who married on September 8, 1823, at Manchester Collegiate Church, Lancashire, England. May the memory of their names live on in this novelette.

    Elizabeth (Beth) Dutton

    Born January 1804 in Warrington, Lancashire, England


    Francis Oldman

    Born July 1802 in Cheshire, Northwich, England

    Chapter 1

    An Invitation

    Beth Dutton stared out the window, unaware that her mother was marching toward her room with determination in her step. It had been another dreary winter’s day, and she had no ambition to do anything but sulk. She heard a knock and answered with as much vitality as a sick mouse.


    Her mother flung open the door and crossed the threshold, waving a note in her hand. Beth suspected that the summons to the annual Christmas party at Darley Hall had arrived. They sent invitations to close friends, family, and other acquaintances. Her late father had forged a friendship over the years, and they were always invited. Her mother looked forward to the annual affair, giggling with the holiday spirit as she approached Beth.

    The invitation has arrived from Darley Hall, she announced with a broad smile.

    Beth recoiled and scrunched her shoulders together, reacting as if drenched in a bucket of cold water. Recalling her previous attendance, resurrected painful memories.

    The thought of attempting to enjoy any holiday, let alone Christmas, is the furthest thing from my mind, she expressed, void of excitement.

    Undoubtedly, her mother would start an argument over the matter in the next few seconds. The notion of consorting with other people and making pleasant conversation bordered on the ridiculous. Did she really think she would attend this year after all that had happened? Her hands clenched in defiance.

    It will do you good to get out, Beth. You cannot mope around forever. Her mother flashed a worried glance but at least stopped fanning her with the invitation.

    Beth struggled with a fleeting temptation to cross her arms and pout like a ten-year-old. Instead, she decided not to give in to an immature display.

    I am sorry, Mother, but I have no desire whatsoever to be sociable. The actual thought of it exhausts me. Her lips puckered, regardless of her effort to suppress the brooding expression. If you wish to go, do so, but I shan’t attend.

    Oh, dearest, her Mother cajoled. She stepped forward and placed her arm around Beth’s shoulders,

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